The beacon of youth

Chapter 247: Longhai Road in the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 247: Longhai Road in the Battle of Xifu

Commander Wang of the second column on the march laughed so hard that his beard trembled when he received the telegram from the Independence Regiment: "My soldiers are all good. How are you guys? They took down two counties in two days. What is a forward? That’s called the vanguard.”

After thinking for a while, Commander Wang said: "Notify the four columns of your neighbors and let them advance faster. Qishan Mountain has been captured by our army. Try to reach Qishan Mountain tomorrow night and camp in the city. There are tens of thousands of horses in the two columns. , it is not a good thing to live in the open air all the time."

Several leaders of the fourth column who received the notification looked at each other, and one leader said: "This Wang Huzi, with this independent regiment, he will go to heaven. It seems that this tone is really big, and we need to join forces." Go forward, we will camp at Qishan Mountain tomorrow."

Another said: "Of course Wang Huzi should be happy. Up to now, his three main brigades haven't fired a single shot. It's the independent regiment who plays the vanguard that solves the problem. Who is unhappy when they have the cards in their hands? Four of us Did the column also borrow all their money?"

Commander Wang, with his hat tilted to one side, excitedly said to a confidential officer, "Report to the Independent Group."

After the confidential officer took out his notebook and pen and prepared to record, Commander Wang shouted loudly: Order, Li Yong and Wang Chengde of the Independent Regiment, after the battle in Qishan, turn around and head south, march forward in a hurry, and cut off Baoji's strategic traffic Line Longhai Railway.

King of the Second Column of the Northwest Field Army

After cleaning the battlefield, settled the wounded, and replenished the ammunition and supplies, the independent regiment had lunch at Qishan Mountain, then left quickly, turned around and headed south, attacking the Longhai Road at a mechanized marching speed.

More than 200 large trucks, more than 40 artillery pieces, and 3000 to [-] jeeps, together with the mules and horses carried by the supply camp, the whole regiment of more than [-] people, like a torrent of steel, waded through billowing smoke and dust all the way to the south.

After giving the order to the independent regiment, Commander Wang suddenly remembered another thing. He was too happy to give the order, and he didn't ask how the independent regiment suffered.

Another telegram was sent out, and Li Yong, who received the telegram, asked Li Jia to call back to the commander: Our department, the two county towns of Lianke, have less than [-] casualties, the personnel are neat, the ammunition is sufficient, and the combat effectiveness has not declined. Thank you, commander and commander. their thoughts.

Li Jia, who was on the march, sent out the telegram in the jeep, and Commander Wang held up the telegram and said to the commander beside him: "Look, two counties were captured day and night, two security regiments were wiped out, and the casualties of our own It's less than a hundred, and you always say I'm biased, but now you know why I'm biased? This is the main force of our People's Liberation Army, and it's invincible.”

Not to mention Commander Wang, the Independence Regiment themselves felt that it was time. The two battles were very good. Even Li Yong felt a little bit like when he was in the old army of later generations. Is this called an army? The mobility and firepower are An important manifestation of the combat effectiveness of an army.

The independent regiment is still led by Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion, and the furthest out of the reconnaissance battalion is of course Ning Erzi's first reconnaissance platoon. distance.

The reason why Li Yongyong did this is also because the troops have fast-moving vehicles and are equipped with a large number of convenient communication tools. Once the forward troops encounter problems, the support forces behind them can arrive within a few minutes. Otherwise, it is very difficult to march like this. dangerous.

The captured walkie-talkies have been equipped to every platoon-level unit. According to Li Yong's vision, every standard infantry squad of the independent regiment should be equipped with a walkie-talkie, but unfortunately there is no condition to do so.

The cadres and soldiers often persuaded Li Yong, saying that it would be good for other troops to be equipped with walkie-talkies at the battalion level. It is unimaginable that every platoon like ours can have a walkie-talkie. It's just a little bit more, the brothers are jealous when they see us now, and we can't bear the responsibility of provoking them to make mistakes.

The first row of the reconnaissance battalion at the front has one more character in this march, who is it?It was the official Shimin of the Kuomintang Captain Army who was captured by Ning Erzi before the battle of Qishan.

Now Erzi Ning is sitting in the same jeep with him and has been driving forward. This guy is sitting in a trance in the car. He secretly pinched his thigh hard with his hands and grinned in pain. Only then did he believe that all this was true. Really, I was a captain officer of the Kuomintang the day before, but now I am an Eighth Route Army. This change is too big.

Ning Erzi reported him to the head of the regiment Li Yong after he was brought back. Although this prisoner may belong to the local security regiment of the Kuomintang, he went to a military academy and studied artillery. Such a person is not in our PLA. It's rare in the Kuomintang, so it's a pity to let it go.

Because of this matter, Li Yong talked with this prisoner in a panic, told him about the current form of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and told him that the current Kuomintang only has the upper hand in the Northwest battlefield, but in other battlefields. But retreating steadily, what can be done in such an army?

Finally, I told him that you are a cultured person, and our PLA needs talents like you. If you work with the Chinese People's Liberation Army, you will also be a hero when we conquer the world.

After Li Yong talked to him, Erzi Ning also talked to him once, and told him the origins of himself and the regiment leader Li Yong.

This guy couldn't believe it when he heard about the origins of Li Yong and Ning Erzi. These two people came from the Kuomintang army?Is this too much?

Later, after some thinking, I finally decided to follow the People’s Liberation Army. I was willing to sacrifice more than 100 catties. I didn’t make a good appearance in the Kuomintang’s army, so I worked hard in the army of the Communist Party. Maybe I will stand out Opportunity.

The captive Fang Shimin's thinking is still at the stage of wanting to get ahead, and it is far from the old Balu's thinking state, but this can only be educated slowly in the future.

Li Yong handed over the prisoner to Gao Xiang's artillery battalion, and told him that although this guy is a prisoner, he is a student of artillery, and education can make a big difference.

Not to mention the Independence Regiment, no one in the Northwest Field Army despises captives, because 80.00% of the soldiers and grassroots cadres in the army are from captives. As the army continues to expand, this proportion will increase.

Gao Xiang arranged him in the battalion headquarters to serve as an artillery instructor for the soldiers, which is considered to be a good use of his strengths. This moved Fang Shimin, who was captured, because the People's Liberation Army is reasonable, and everything you do convinces you.

Because this captured Fang Shimin had been stationed in Qishan for a long time and was familiar with the geography of the area, before leaving, the second son Ning asked him to lead the troops.

Fang Shimin, who was in deep thought, was interrupted by Erzi Ning's shout: "Old Fang, what are you thinking? What's the matter? Regret being an Eighth Route Army?"

"Platoon leader, it's nothing, I have no regrets, since I have become the Eighth Route Army, we will follow it sincerely, and will not do such things as retreating."

Ning Erzi: "Old Fang, don't always call the platoon leader or the platoon leader. I am younger than you. You can call me brother or second son from now on. It's still the same sentence. It's fate that we two brothers met, and you don't have to." What a mental burden, it’s not ashamed to be arrested, our regiment leader is arrested by a battalion commander, isn’t it the same as the regiment commander now, as long as we work hard in our PLA, everyone is the same.”

Little by little time passed, and it was getting dark again. The soldiers of the independent regiment didn't know where to eat their dinner. Since the regiment leader and political commissar did not give orders, the troops continued to move forward.

The second son Ning touched Fang Shimin beside him: "Old Fang, where is the front?"

"We're almost on the railway line, and not too far ahead is a station on the Longhai Railway."

"What station?" Fang Shimin: "Jiangzhang Station."

Jiangzhang Town is a thousand-year-old town in the Guanzhong area. It is under the jurisdiction of Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province. It is located along the Longhai Railway. The Famen Temple (fingerbone relic) of the Tathagata Buddha relic, to the south is Tangyukou, a summer resort, and Taibai Mountain Forest Park.

Jiangzhang Town is one of the three famous towns in Baoji City (Gong Town of Baoji County, Qi Town of Meixian County, and Jiangzhang Town of Fufeng).Jiangzhang also got its name from this.

Ma Rong, a native of Fufeng, Shaanxi, Confucian scholar, famous Confucian scholar, writer of the Eastern Han Dynasty, grandson of Ma Yuan, a famous general of the Eastern Han Dynasty, has more than [-] students, and more than [-] people have been promoted to the house, among them Zheng Xuan and Lu Zhi are One of the best.

Lu Zhi was as famous as Mr. Shui Jing, a great strategist, thinker, and strategist at that time, and Mr. Shui Jing was Zhuge Liang's teacher and elder.

Mr. Ma Rong was diligent and studious all his life. Because he often sat in the crimson tent and gave lectures to apprentices, later generations used this allusion as the honorific title of teacher or lecture.

It is said that once, a certain student violated the system, and Mr. Ma Rong beat the grass and straw, blood stained the straw, and threw it on the ground. Grass", so the allusion of "Jiangzhang Passing Salary" is still widely circulated today.

The Jiangzhang Railway Station was first built in 1936. The station building is not big. It consists of a pointed house built of blue bricks. Ning Erzi led his scouting platoon until it stopped at a place only about 100 meters away from the station.

It was completely dark at this time, and under the clear moonlight, the platoon leader Ning Erzi observed carefully with the telescope in his hand, and saw two shining steel rails extending to an invisible distance under the moonlight, relying on the basic skills of scouts, Ning Erzi judged that the density of trains to and from this railway station was very high.

Why did you make such a judgment?The reason is also very simple, if there are not frequent trains passing by, the steel rails will not shine. Of course, the rust will not shine, which is why Ning Erzi judged that there are often trains passing by this station, so it is not easy to be a good scout, and you have to judge the truth of the matter from the subtleties.

When Erzi Ning was lying on the ground and observing attentively, he felt the ground under his belly tremble suddenly, and then a whistle sounded from a distance, and a train came from a distance with a "wheeze, wheeze", ( The movement of the steam locomotive is wheezing. I don’t know when the steam locomotives on the Longhai Line were eliminated. The steam locomotives on the Beijing-Harbin Main Line were completely eliminated in 92.)

The three headlights on the locomotive shone brightly and brightly for a long distance, especially the light on the top, which was shining blue, so bright that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

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