The beacon of youth

Chapter 251 The Shocking Little Commander of the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 251 The Shocking Leader of the Battle of Xifu

Li Yong, who was called by Commander Wang, had no choice but to stand up, and then raised his hands to salute the commanders at all levels who came to the meeting: "Hi, everyone, my name is Li Yong, and I am the head of the Second Column Independent Regiment."

There is a reason for Li Yong to salute everyone and call him chief. Compared with these people present, he and Wang Chengde dare not reveal their qualifications. It is great to be able to sit with them in a meeting, and they should be called chief.

After Li Yong finished introducing himself, the people from the fourth column who came to the meeting were all surprised. They all knew that the second column had a very good independent regiment, which was a hard card in Commander Wang's hand, but he didn't know who the leader was. It's too clear, but it is estimated that such a powerful army will definitely use a great commander, who may be an old subordinate of Commander Wang.

During the meeting, Li Yong and Wang Chengde were sitting behind Brigadier Chen and Commander Zhao, and the Sizong people didn't notice.

At this time, Li Yong stood up, and everyone's eyes were on him. Didn't you expect that the head of the famous independent group of the Second Column is such a young man. It looks like he is just in his early twenties. Such a young man Can the head of the regiment lead the troops to fight so many battles?And it won beautifully, is it possible?

Seeing the distrustful eyes of the commanders at all levels of the fourth column, Commander Wang laughed loudly, and said proudly, "What's wrong? I was shocked by our little regiment leader? Tell you, he is our second column The leader of the independent regiment, even Boss Peng and several heads of the headquarters, is acquainted with it, so let him analyze the battlefield situation for everyone."

After the initial surprise, the commanders of the four columns calmed down. These people were all picked from the crowd, and none of them was a fool. They don't know who Li Yong is, but can they not know who Wang Zhen is?It is impossible for such a famous general to talk nonsense. It seems that this little regiment leader must have real skills.

Standing up, Li Yong's head was still spinning, saying that it is possible, but it is not easy to grasp to what extent, and finally he was cruel. The key to the Battle of Xifu is to command at all levels of the four columns Members, that is, these people from the four columns who came to the meeting.

There are various reasons why the battle of Xifu in history was not fought well. The victory of a battle is composed of various factors. Conversely, the failure of a battle is also composed of various unfavorable factors. However, the breakthrough of the enemy's support corps by the defensive position of the four columns is one of the most important incentives.

In the panic, instead of organizing more effective defensive measures, the fourth column retreated privately to the nearby mountains. While retreating, they forgot to report the situation to the headquarters of the field army, and waited until the field division received the news Now, the Kuomintang support corps is less than ten kilometers away from Boss Peng's headquarters.

Because of their combat mistakes, the field army was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of enemy reinforcements. Not only failed to take away the supplies in Baoji City, but also suffered heavy losses. The troops suffered heavy casualties. Sacrifice several.

The Kuomintang's vanguard troops had attacked only a few hundred meters away from Boss Peng at the latest. Within the effective range of the rifles, Boss Peng and the heads of the Yesi broke out while the enemy shouted slogans to capture Peng Dehuai alive.

Thinking of this period of history, Li Yong, who made up his mind, felt that he should use this opportunity to remind the Four Columns well. In the same sentence, he only needs to try his best to have a clear conscience. As for how history develops, it can only be seen by God. mean.

Li Yong, who stood up, slowly expressed his views different from those of the commanders at all levels in the meeting: All leaders, everyone is very confident in attacking Baoji, and believes that there is no suspense in this battle. Our four main columns will fight him one by one. The brigade and division headquarters are a matter of grasping.

This is true, the [-]th and [-]th Brigade of the Kuomintang in Baoji is not our opponent, and it is only a matter of time before we take Baoji, but we still have to think about what to do after we take Baoji?Baoji's geographical location is different from other places. It can threaten Qinghai, Gansu and Ningxia to the west, and directly threatens Xianyang and Xi'an to the east. Therefore, Baoji's geographical location is very important. To what extent, it is estimated that Hu Zongnan and their Jiang The chairman will mobilize troops to rescue.

Since the enemy will mobilize troops to rescue, we have to consider how many people the enemy will send and what troops they will send.

When Li Yong said this, the room was completely silent again. The cadres of the second column were very used to continuing to listen, and the people of the fourth column also entered the state.

The troops that the Kuomintang can quickly mobilize in this area are first the Fifth Corps of Pei Changhui. Everyone is familiar with this Fifth Corps. It has six divisions with more than 7 people. Our campaign in Luochuan is due to the hesitation of this Corps. Frustrated.

But now the situation has changed. The enemy's slow movement in Luochuan is because our army's siege and reinforcement tactics frightened it. It does not represent the enemy's real marching speed. The regular army of the Kuomintang is equipped with a large number of cars. The terrain in the area is gentle and suitable for transportation by car. If the enemy is really determined to send reinforcements, the speed of the march will be very fast, so fast that it may surprise us.

Pei Changhui, the old fox from the eighth period of Baoding, is not free. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he will bite us hard. When we attacked Luochuan, the strength of the enemy had not been exposed, and we didn't know much about this part of the enemy. , so this Fifth Corps must not be taken lightly.

In addition to Pei Changhui's Fifth Corps, the enemy may also send reinforcements from Qinghai and Ningxia's Kuomintang local troops. Some comrades will say that the enemies in Qinghai and Ningxia have deep grievances with the Kuomintang Central Army, and they have been fighting each other for many years. On alert, can they come to support the 76th Division in Baoji?

Things have to be looked at from two perspectives. There is a conflict between the Kuomintang central army and the local army, but the conflict has not reached the point of irreconcilability. Taking a step back, no matter how deep the conflict between them is, it is still under the management of the same government. In fact, they are all government troops in name, and they are consistent in the general position of the Communist Party. Hu Zongnan may not be able to command them, but Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing can command them.

If the Nanjing government of the Kuomintang comes forward, the enemies in Qinghai and Ningxia are likely to attack us, so that our field army will be attacked on three sides.

First, we have to deal with the 76th Division in Baoji.Second, we must deal with Pei Changhui's Fifth Corps.Third, we must also consider dealing with the Majia army from the Northwest that may come.

Ma's Army is most likely to come to support the reorganized No.80 Second Division they deployed in the Longdong area. This 82nd Division has more than 2 people from the Third Brigade and Ninth Regiment. Although the number is not much different from other KMT troops, it also has its own The second division of No.80 is composed of cavalry, and the division commander is Ma Jiyuan, the eldest son of Ma Bufang, the great warlord of Qinghai.

The Ma’s army in Qinghai is a unit of the whole world. Most of the middle and senior commanders are related to Ma Bufang. There is no problem with loyalty, but their command ability is very average and their tactics are very backward.

The difference between cavalry and infantry is their impact and maneuvering speed. Most of our field army is infantry. Infantry and cavalry are at a disadvantage when fighting in plain areas, and they are also very difficult to deal with. The enemy's three forces add up to more than [-] , and our field army did not arrive because of the three columns, and now there are less than [-] four columns, so we have a disadvantage in terms of strength in this battle.

Combining the above factors, I think the battle we are about to carry out is very risky and will face many difficulties.

Li Yong's call was like pouring a pot of cold water into the fire, and the steaming meeting room immediately fell silent.

To be honest, regardless of whether what Li Yong said was right or wrong, whether things would develop as he predicted, the commander of the fourth column was completely shocked, and no longer dared to look down on this young little regiment leader.

Commander Wang had been aware of such a scene for a long time, with a slightly smug look on his face, he didn't say a word, and he couldn't be too obvious that he liked his soldiers, or someone would say that he was a king with a beard and protected the calf.

After waiting for a while, a commander of the fourth column asked: "Commander Li, do you think the enemies from Qinghai and Ningxia will definitely come to reinforce Baoji?"

Of course Li Yong couldn't put his words to death: "I think the possibility is very high. As long as the Nanjing government of the Kuomintang comes forward, Ma Bufang will not refuse to give Chairman Jiang this face. He has the guts to offend Hu Zongnan, but he dare not offend Chiang Kai-shek. Besides, our occupation of Baoji is also a threat to them, and several factors add up and he is likely to send troops."

This commander nodded and didn't say anything else, and the other continued to ask: "Commander Li, when we attacked Luochuan, we used the tactic of encircling the point and attacking reinforcements. The Pei Changhui Corps was not fooled, and our battle plan failed. This time Will he dare to come? Doesn’t he think that we are still swarming for help?”

Li Yong: This question is very important. Some comrades think that our attack on Baoji will also give the enemy the illusion that they are going to encircle and send reinforcements. It's time to launch a resolute attack on Baoji and take down his material reserve base.

In fact, our real purpose is for the materials in Baoji City, and the field army is not just a siege this time.

But comrades, think about it. The enemy is human just like us. They are not fools. They also know the most basic situation of our field army. When we were in Luochuan, we had five columns of more than 8 people, and we were facing the enemy. A corps of more than 7 troops, our troops still have a slight advantage, so the enemy will have some concerns, but now the situation has changed, our troops surrounding Baoji are less than [-] in four columns, the combined strength of Pei Changhui and Ma Bufang It is already much higher than our army, what else are they afraid to come?The old bus's grades are ugly, let's see if there are any recommendations for tickets or something, ha.


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