The beacon of youth

Chapter 256: The Armored Train of the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 256: The Armored Train of the Battle of Xifu

The sudden intensification of artillery fire from the old 2nd Regiment of the 76th Brigade of the [-]nd Column of the People's Liberation Army blew up Jintai Temple, the commanding height of Baoji, into a mess, and most of the defense facilities were destroyed. The grenade hit directly, and most of the confidential and staff officers of the headquarters were also killed. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Seeing his bombed-out headquarters and the corpses in the border areas, Xu Bao's brain was about to have black lines. We are ****, when did the **** fall into this situation?Being oppressed and beaten by the communist army, is this still a crime?Is the world really going to change?

When Xu Bao was a little silly, an officer ran over from a distance. The guy saw it and recognized him. The officer who ran over was the captain of the armored train in Baoji City.

There is also an armored train unit in the city defense fortifications of Baoji City. A circular railway line was built in the core fortifications, and the armored trains have been moving back and forth on this railway line for many years.

The so-called armored train is somewhat similar to a special caravan on the railway, except that thick outer armor is added, and there are small-caliber rapid-fire guns and machine gun embrasures on the car. From a visual point of view, although the armored vehicle has many defects, it was a difficult position defense weapon at that time.

The captain of the armored train ran over and shouted: "Master, the situation is not good. Our positions have already been breached by the communist army in many places, and the brothers you sent to fight back are almost dead. The communist army is about to die. Killed, what should I do?"

Xu Bao, a gambler, lost his mind all of a sudden, fuck, he still wanted to keep Baoji, so that he could get a bigger credit, make the teacher's official more big, and let old Xu's ancestral grave smoke again , but judging from the current posture, the communist army's offensive is too fierce, and it is too difficult to defend Baoji. Let alone making meritorious service and becoming an official, even one's own life will be enough, what should I do?

Just when Master Xu Baoxu was undecided, the captain of the iron-clad train who ran over came up with an idea: "Master, can you transfer the command post to my armored car, which has armor?" Protection, bullets can’t go in, there are machine guns and small cannons in the car, and there are a few days’ supplies, as long as the car is driving, it can go on a rampage, and the Communist army will definitely have nothing to do with us.”

A staff officer nearby who was not killed like Xu Bao also suggested that it is really good to transfer the command post to the armored vehicle. Although Jintaiguan has a good line of sight and is also conducive to command, it is too obvious here, and it is probably already taken The People's Liberation Army has noticed that the artillery attack of the Communist Army just now was aimed at the headquarters.

As soon as Xu Bao heard this, he thought it was a good idea. Yes, he transferred the command post to the armored vehicle. Didn’t the communist army want to destroy my command post with artillery fire? Our armored vehicle is movable, and the communist army moved There is no way to locate the artillery. Let's see what these communist troops can do to me?

As soon as he said he would leave, Xu Bao ran down from Jintai Temple with the rest of the 76th Division's headquarters, and went straight to the armored vehicle. Now Xu Bao has lost the prestige of the usual division commander, and like the guards, he threw away two soldiers. One leg ran down desperately.

After everyone got into the car, the parked armored car started to move little by little, gradually driving faster and faster, wandering around along the circular railway line.

Once the armored vehicle was in motion, it was really impossible to locate him, and it was difficult for the attacking artillery fire to pinpoint his position. Xu Bao kept using wireless devices in the vehicle to direct the troops to fight bloody battles with the Eighth Route Army.

This guy has gone all out so far, there is no other way, since he doesn't want to be a prisoner, he can only stick to it and wait for help. Chief Hu will not abandon me, Xu Bao, and Baoji, which has so many supplies.

Under the cover of the strengthened artillery fire of the Gaoxiang Battalion, the assault team of the Second Regiment significantly accelerated their attack speed. The soldiers rushed up behind the artillery shells, and some peripheral fortifications were gradually broken through. Just as the soldiers of the commando team became more and more happy when they fought Suddenly, he was pushed back by a gust of fire like a storm.

Bullets shot over like a gust of wind, and the unprepared commandos were knocked down at that time, and those who were not injured lay on the ground or behind the cover.

Machine gun bullets whizzed past their heads, and the soldiers barely raised their heads to observe under the enemy's firepower. Everyone looked carefully and saw a fire dragon coming out of the smoke from the artillery fire. This fire dragon roared at the commandos. Longdi drove over and sprayed fire from all over the fire dragon's body.

As the iron armored vehicle drove over, bullets and shells rained down on the hiding places of the commando soldiers. The sudden appearance of the fire dragon pushed the commando back at once. Let alone the soldiers, most of them even I've never heard of it, but when I saw this fiery iron guy, I didn't know where to start.

When some soldiers saw their comrades being knocked down, they just picked up their guns and charged at the armored vehicle, but the bullet crashed back after hitting the vehicle, and couldn't hit anything.

Seeing that the bullet had no effect on this big guy, the soldiers were a little confused, what kind of guy is this?so smart?The dog bit the hedgehog, not knowing where to bite.

But the inability of others to deal with armored vehicles does not mean that Li Yong has no means. Li Yong's greatest advantage as a traverser is that he can predict the enemy ahead.

Li Yong's voice came from the walkie-talkie of Gao Xiang, the commander of the artillery battalion assigned to the Second Regiment: "Gao Xiang, tell our regiment commander to pay attention to the enemy's armored train, the firepower on the armored train is very powerful, don't attack from the front. "

The voice in Gao Xiang's walkie-talkie was also clearly heard by Commander Zhao who was standing aside. The somewhat anxious Commander Zhao took the microphone of the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Dayong, the armored vehicle is very powerful, can we get on it?" Go, the commando team has been pressed back, and the casualties are not small, is there any good way?"

Li Yong: "Commander, of course there is a solution. This armored vehicle is very powerful, but it also has weaknesses. This big guy can only run on the railway line, and it is nothing if it leaves the rails. You send some people to another Organize a feint attack from the side to attract the armored vehicle, and then blow up the rail here, as long as the rail is broken, it will not be able to run."

As soon as Li Yong finished speaking, Commander Zhao, who had figured it out, knocked his head. Yes, although this iron guy is powerful, it can only run on the railway line. Wouldn't it be enough to blow up the railway line?Why didn't I think of such a simple truth just now?

The Second Regiment immediately organized a troop to attack on the other side. It didn't take long for the shouts of killing and the explosion of grenades to be heard. The soldiers kept shouting, shooting and throwing grenades, but they did not organize an attack. .

Sure enough, the armored vehicle turned around and drove back quickly, and rushed all the way, the machine guns and small cannons on the vehicle couldn't help calling in the direction of the feint attacking troops.

Xu Baomei sitting in the armored car, this iron guy is really powerful, bullets hit his body like tickling, aren’t the soldiers of the Communist Army very brave, I want to see how I can deal with my armored car, your flesh and blood How can I beat my steel.

The ammunition in the car is sufficient, and there are several days of supplies. I will use this iron guy to fight against the Communist army for a few days. Let others know that I am not only good at gambling and playing with women, but also very capable in war. This, this, I am also the pillar of the party and the country.

When Xu Bao saw the defeat of the PLA's attack, his petty mind became active, and he thought of finding a way to defend Baoji and make contributions to Hu Zongnan:

"Hurry up, rush over to me, and wipe out all the Tuba Roads. Brothers, as long as we can hold Baoji City, your armored car troops will be considered a great achievement. Whether it is a soldier or an officer, each person will pay three hundred yuan, and the officer will be promoted three times." Extremely, the group has a one-month holiday, and you can eat, drink, prostitute, gamble and do whatever you want, I, Xu, will do what I say, and I will definitely honor my brothers."

The Kuomintang soldiers on the armored vehicle were also stimulated by Xu Bao's reward, and drove the vehicle very fast, rushing towards the direction of the Second Regiment's feint attacking troops, and the weapons on the vehicle kept firing outwards.

Seeing that the opportunity came, head Zhao hurriedly organized troops to hollow out the gravel used for paving the road under the rails, and put a few packs of five kilograms of explosives on it.

The soldiers who put the explosives rolled down quickly, and the pulled fuse was emitting green smoke. After ten or twenty seconds, several packs of explosives rang loudly, and an explosion blasted the rails into the air. It is more than ten meters high.

Seeing that the steel rails were blown up, Commander Zhao ordered the troops on this side to organize a feint attack to attract the armored vehicles back. Drive back along the railway line.

With experience, Commander Zhao organized the troops to retreat. Commander Zhao, who was born in the old Red Army, was very clever in fighting, so he didn't give up sending people to fight with the armored vehicle, and used the method that Dayong said to deal with it.

As soon as the armored vehicle drove back, the troops that had been ordered to feign an attack at first sent a few soldiers to charge up as before, and blasted the steel rail on the other side into the sky with a small bag of explosives.

As a result, the space for the armored train to move became smaller and smaller, and the explosives exploded continuously from the shooting blind spots on both sides. Gradually, the armored train, which could move everywhere, was forced by the soldiers of the second regiment to a section less than 300 meters away. on the road.

Xu Bao in the car panicked again at this time, he pointed at the nose of the captain of the armored car and shouted: "You f*cked me, what should I do now? I can't get out, I can't come back, you Why did you give me this idea, tell me, is your kid a passerby?"

Xu Bao's phone call almost made the armored car commander's nose crooked. I asked you to come on this armored car with good intentions, but in the end I even made a fuss about it. Is there anyone who can pass me like this?

Not to mention why the commander was angry, Xu Bao also felt a little weak at this time, and ordered the personnel in the car to burn the encrypted code of the radio station, and tore up the instruction manuals issued by Commander Hu and the chairman.

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