The beacon of youth

Chapter 261: Infantry vs. Tanks in the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 261: Infantry vs. Tanks in the Battle of Xifu

To the east of Baoji, near Qishan County, the four-column position of the Northwest Field Army was filled with gunpowder smoke, shrapnel flying across, and shells of various calibers rained down. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

In an indeterminate command post, a young soldier of about sixteen or seventeen years old was throwing soybeans into a large bowl to calculate the density of shells. At first, it was fine, as soon as a shell exploded, one was thrown in. Later, the sound of the explosion became louder, and the little soldier was suddenly at a loss.

A commander came over and looked at the little soldier's big bowl: "Okay, don't waste your time. The Kuomintang has plenty of money, so it doesn't matter how many shells it shoots. Those with low density are useless to us. How many shells do you have?" We all have to fight."

The little soldier put away the big bowl in front of him, put the soybeans in the bowl into his military uniform pocket, and muttered: "Whenever we have so many cannons, it will be great, and let the Kuomintang taste the pain of our shells." taste."

The commander beside him smiled and said, "Don't worry, the time is not far away. Although our current equipment is worse than that of the enemy, it is much better than a year ago. One day, the weapons in the hands of the enemy will be ours." of."

On the front line, the soldiers squatted in the anti-gun holes on the slope of the trench, with the brims of their hats lowered, their collars turned up, and their ears blocked with their hands.

But even this didn't work. A soldier said to a veteran a little annoyed: "Squad leader, the KMT's cannonball is not over yet. My clothes are full of dirt, even on my belly. I'm about to Filled up."

The squad leader was sitting with a backpack, with a submachine gun lying across his lap, leaning against the wall of the blasthole, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, and a half-smoked cigarette in his hand. The shells exploding all over the sky outside seemed to He had no effect, exhaled the puff of smoke from his lungs, and answered him without even raising his head:

"What's the matter? Feel uncomfortable? It's nothing. It's better to save face than to be killed by shells. Many of the artillery fire attacked by the Kuomintang are large-caliber howitzers. A small hidden unit like our squad can resist a single shot. , if you and I come here twice in a row, don’t go back.”

Soldier: "Squad leader, how do you know there are large-caliber grenades in the shells? You didn't go out, and you knew it before you even opened your eyes? Are you bluffing me?"

Squad leader: "You are still unconvinced when you say you are a recruit. Can you go outside to see this matter? If you go out at this time, you will lose three heads. As for whether there are large-caliber grenades, listen to the explosion. You will know the sound, sit still and keep your spirits up, the infantry will start to charge as soon as the enemy's shelling passes."

The voice of the old squad leader didn't last long, and as if to verify his words, the artillery fire of the Kuomintang's attack gradually extended backward.

The squad leader looked at his own soldiers in the hidden department, threw the cigarette butts in his hand, and shouted: "All of them are there—to fight." After speaking, the first one walked out of the hidden department.

The new soldier who was questioning just now was the one who ran out with him, the squad leader looked at him, and said in a sharp accent: "Follow me, lower your posture, and be careful not to let the muzzle of the gun get blocked with dirt. "

The two of them lowered their heads along the trench, ran out for tens of meters, came to the forefront position, and took advantage of the situation to lie on the trench.

Although it was broad daylight, the gray smoke formed by the KMT's artillery fire covered the sun, and the sight was very bad, and I couldn't see anything at a distance. At this moment, I heard a burst of gala, gala , Galala voice.

"Squad leader, listen, what's the noise?" The squad leader stopped the soldier's questioning with his hands, and listened carefully to the strange sound coming from a distance.

Gradually, a gust of north wind blew over, and the smoke from the shells dissipated a little, and the soldiers' sight became clearer. They saw a dozen strange-shaped things coming from a distance. It looked like a tortoise poking its neck, and behind the iron tortoise were groups of infantry from the Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang in yellow uniforms.

One of the dozen or so iron tortoises drove straight towards the squad's defensive position, and the new soldier asked curiously, "Squad leader, what is this?"

The squad leader didn't have time to answer the soldier's question, so he yelled: "Deputy squad leader, the two of us lead a combat team, and from both sides, let him break this bastard."

After hearing the deputy squad leader's promise, the old soldier untied the grenades on his body, tied the three bundles together with cloth strips, and made a hook with the iron wire in the satchel to tie the bundle of grenades.

While doing all this, the squad leader explained to the new fighters: "Haven't you heard that the enemy has tanks? This is, wait a while and get closer. The deputy squad leader and I will go up and blow it up. Pay attention to my movements, the enemy A tank with a machine gun on it, and putting it on the front is tantamount to courting death.”

(There is a dual-purpose machine gun on the top of the turret of the tank, but not every type of tank has this configuration. In contrast, Soviet tanks have more configurations like this. The biggest threat to infantry is the built-in gun of the tank. Parallel machine guns, but parallel machine guns also have their own defects, the machine gun can only shoot with the turret rotation, and other places are its shooting dead ends)

The "Gala, Gala, Gala" tanks are getting closer and closer, and they pause from time to time (old-fashioned tanks, without two-way stabilizers, can't shoot while driving), rushing towards the position from the long muzzle A shot from the direction.

The squad leader scolded while watching: "***, I let you be arrogant, and I will beat you up in a while."

When the tank was less than 100 meters away from the position guarded by the soldiers of this squad, the old soldier handed over the submachine gun in his hand to the new soldier: "Hit the infantry behind the tank and cover us." The squad leader shouted: "Action."

A combat group of two soldiers, each carrying a bundle of cluster grenades, jumped out of the position and then circled towards the tank from both sides.

While the soldiers of this squad were attacking the tanks, several blasting teams were strung together from the defensive positions of the four columns at the same time. The intention was obvious, and there was no way to hold the positions without blowing up the tanks.

This shows that the equipment of the People's Liberation Army is flawed. If the infantry at the forefront is equipped with anti-tank equipment such as the [-] No Rear Gun and the [-] Bazooka, relying on the combat effectiveness of the old Eighth Route Army soldiers, there will be no suspense in fighting these tanks.

But it is different now. The Northwest Field Army is the worst-equipped unit in the People's Liberation Army. Let alone anti-tank equipment, even the most primitive explosives are very precious, let alone [-] fire and [-] nothing.

At this time, the only way to blow up these tanks is to rely on the soldiers' tenacious fighting will and fearless dedication.

While the demolition team rushed up, the Kuomintang infantry behind the tank also saw this scene. They yelled and shot at the demolition team rushing to blow up the tank.

Those who rushed to blow up the tanks were all experienced veterans of the four columns. Most of them were squad leaders and deputy squad leaders in various combat squads. They were the most basic combat backbone and the old bones of the people's army. not big.

Blowing up tanks and tanks is easier said than done. Facing the rumbling steel monster, the average person will not be soft if he can hold on without peeing his pants, not to mention blowing up, not to mention rushing up to fight it with his life.

The soldiers on the ground fired desperately at the Kuomintang infantry group behind the tank with the weapons in their hands, suppressing them with all their strength, and preventing them from causing trouble to their comrades in arms.

The demolition team, on the other hand, used the terrain and features to jump and quickly approach the tank group. The machine guns in the tanks also fired at this time, and the turret rotated, firing "click, click, click" around.

The soldiers who rushed to blow up the tank were hit by the machine gun in the tank and fell down from time to time. The rest of the soldiers approached quickly without blinking.

Finally, two soldiers from a combat team stuck up, hung the bundles of grenades on the tank's tracks, and quickly rolled down.

There are also many tricks in fighting tanks. Throwing ordinary grenades on the outer armor has no effect, but the track of the lower running part of the tank is not as strong as the upper armor. After a few seconds, there is an explosion, and this tank was hit The chain of the tank on the ground broke suddenly with a "crash", and the tank hummed a few times and couldn't move anymore.

At the same time as the explosion, grenade explosions sounded from the battlefield one after another. The Kuomintang attack tank group was blown up one by one, and the tank soldiers who climbed out of the tank were also killed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the few remaining tanks turned their heads on the spot, a puff of black smoke came out from behind their buttocks, and ran away howling.

As soon as the tank ran, the infantry following the tank was suddenly exposed to the light firepower of the PLA soldiers, and retreated after leaving a lot of corpses.

The old squad leader jumped into the trench from the outside and sat on the ground panting heavily. The new soldier hurriedly handed over the water bottle: "Squad leader, you did a great job. This bastard looks scary. , I didn’t expect to be blown up by our grenade.”

The squad leader drank a few sips of water, calmed his breath, and said to the surrounding soldiers: "No matter what it is, no matter what weapon it is, it has shortcomings. As long as you find it right, you can deal with it, just like fighting tanks. We measured it when we were fighting the little devil. Don’t look at how imposing it is when it rushes up, but its tracks, belly, and the ventilation fan of the engine behind it are its key points. If you spot it properly, you can kill it. .”

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