The beacon of youth

Chapter 263 The Arrogant 82nd Division of the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 263 The Arrogant 82nd Division of the Battle of Xifu

At the pre-war preparation meeting of the Second Column, Li Yong, the head of the independent regiment, believed that although the Peichanghui Corps in the Northwest Theater of the Kuomintang is coming very fiercely, as long as we are prepared, we can still withstand its offensive. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

What is more dangerous is the defensive position of the six columns. If the six columns in charge of defense do not understand the characteristics of the enemy's cavalry, they are likely to suffer a lot.

Therefore, Li Yong made a request to Commander Wang Zhen, wanting to support the teaching brigade of the Sixth Column, and use the advantage of the independent regiment's fast maneuvering speed to deal with Ma Bufang's cavalry. for the initiative.

Commander Wang appreciates Li Yong's request very much. At critical times, it is impossible to divide the second column and the sixth column. An excellent commander must have a sense of the overall situation. This is the difference between the troops of the People's Liberation Army and the Kuomintang. So grabbing, this is just a superficial phenomenon, when you have difficulties, as long as you can help, you must help.

Last time in Southeast Mountain, in order to assist the second column in defending the position, Commander He of the first column sent his column guard company up. There was no such thing in the Kuomintang troops in the entire liberation war:

"Just do as you said. I will immediately bring your request to the head of the headquarters. You and Wang Chengde will go back to the regiment and wait for news."

Before the end of the meeting, Commander Wang asked the commanders at all levels to prepare the fortifications in their respective defensive areas. As long as the field division did not make a decision to break through the encirclement, they must prepare according to the defense.

Not to mention the preparations of the first and second columns and the two brigades of the sixth column in Baoji City, just look at the position of the teaching brigade of the sixth column of the Northwest Field Army. Open it, unscrew the caps of the grenades one by one and place them beside you.

The expressions on the faces of the soldiers were serious and tense, and the sound of horseshoes trampling the ground from a distance was like rolling muffled thunder. There were not many people in the brigade who had experience in fighting cavalry, so everyone felt somewhat uneasy and nervous. Uneasy, no one knows what method to use to deal with it.

Gradually the voice became louder, and after a few minutes, Hei Yaya's cavalry unit appeared in the soldiers' sight.

The cavalry of the brigade screamed and rushed towards the position held by the sixth column. The soldiers in the trench took a breath of air, and one soldier couldn't help but said: "My dear, such a big formation ? So many people and horses rushing forward together, can we withstand it?"

Another said: "Look at your bear, why is there such a big formation, what can a big formation do? What can we do if there are too many horses and people? Our bullets can kill them as well as hand grenades. Hold on, don't panic If you panic, you won’t be able to shoot accurately, understand?” The person who said this was obviously an old soldier.

The cavalry rushed over from the hillside like water, but they didn't rush over all the way, and stopped when they were about 800 meters away from the defensive position of the six columns.

Beside a relatively hidden hillside, there are more than a dozen people who look like officers gathered together, and not too far away from them is a group of guards. A young officer on a horse holds up his binoculars and looks forward. Observe carefully.

This officer is not very old, he looks like he is in his 30s, but unexpectedly there are two gold stars on the military rank on his shoulders, two gold stars are a lieutenant general, at this age he can become a lieutenant general in the KMT It is also extremely rare in the army.

Needless to say, this officer is none other than the son of Ma Bufang, a great warlord in Qinghai, the commander of the No. 80 Second Division reorganized by the Kuomintang, and the young general Ma Jiyuan.

Ma Jiyuan is the one he favors the most among all Ma Bufang's children. Although he is a son of a warlord family, he doesn't look like a dude in his body. His every move has the demeanor of his father Ma Bufang, and his conduct is remarkable. There is also a way to lead troops to fight.

Ma Bufang likes his son's performance very much. When he was at home, he would often tell his other children that he should learn how to be a man and do things. Regardless of the fact that the Qinghai area was ruled by Lao Tzu, the next generation will not be able to keep it (it is difficult to start a business) It is even more difficult to keep a business, and Ma Bufang is very prescient in this regard).

When Ma Jiyuan was still young, Ma Bufang often took him with him when he went out on errands. Ma Jiyuan also met many old people of his father’s generation. These old people who followed Ma Bufang were also very optimistic about Ma Jiyuan’s performance, thinking that this young man would grow up in the future. device.

It is precisely because of his good performance in all aspects that Ma Bufang confidently handed over his old army, the reorganized 82nd Division, to his eldest son. Therefore, Ma Jiyuan's reputation is getting higher and higher in Qinghai's military and political circles, and he is known as the most outstanding young general in the Northwest Revolution.

Ma Jiyuan, who had been watching with a telescope for a while, jumped off his horse, kicked a stone he was stepping on with his leather boots, and said to several officers around him: "It seems that the communist army has been prepared for a long time. The trenches, fortifications, etc. Also, the machine gun bunkers are densely packed, which is not easy to manage.”

An officer replied: "Master, the current Communist army is different from before. Ten years ago we didn't have to take much effort to deal with it. Ten years later, we will have to be more careful."

Ma Jiyuan nodded: "Yeah, the speed at which the Communist Army pulls up troops is terrifying. It has grown to this extent in ten years. What can we do in the long run?"

Ma Jiyuan is a young man, and the officers around him are not too old. When we are together, they don't have so many scruples like the older generation, and there is no taboo in addressing them. They dare to say anything to him directly. This is Ma Bufang. Waiting for what the older generation of warlords could not do.

A young military officer looked at Ma Jiyuan and said to him eagerly: "Master, our 82nd Division is an old army when the old chief (Ma Bufang) started his career, not a crap like Hu Zongnan. What do you think of the firepower of the army?"

Young people are different from the older generation. There may not be any old people who actively ask for an attack in the face of the People's Liberation Army's defensive positions, but young people dare to ask for an attack.

Ma Jiyuan: "That's the only way to go. You should lead a regiment to charge first. Pay attention, spread out the scattered troops and don't crowd them too closely. If you can't do it, come back. Don't try your best indiscriminately."

After the young officer agreed, he mounted his horse and ran out. After a few minutes of preparation, a regiment of more than 2000 cavalry roared towards the position of the six columns.

The cavalry is very particular about fighting. When marching, you can't go too fast. The physical strength of the horse is the most important thing. When sprinting, you must rush up in the shortest time, leaving no chance for the opponent to breathe.

This requires that the horse should not be too close to the opponent when sprinting. First, the speed cannot be increased, and second, it is not allowed to be within the range of the rifle.

But the cavalry can't sprint too far. The reason is very simple. If the distance is too far, the physical strength of the soldiers and horses will have declined by the time they charge close. How can they fight?

And 700 meters is the best distance for the horse to charge, and the speed of the horse has reached the maximum when the 100 meters are rushed over.

The cavalrymen of the 82nd Division on horseback lay their bodies on the neck of the horse, lightly step on the stirrups with both feet, and leave the buttocks a little bit away from the saddle. He lowered his posture and rushed towards the position of the teaching brigade with a shining saber.

Watching the cavalry units gradually approaching, the soldiers of the teaching brigade in the trenches are anxiously waiting for the commander's order. The teaching brigade is placed on the front line with the strength of a regiment. I have never fought against such a large cavalry.

The infantry commander took it for granted that he still dealt with it in the old way. Both the Eighth Route Army and the People's Liberation Army have an old tradition. When fighting, try to put the enemy as close as possible so that you can maximize your firepower and give the enemy Maximum damage.

The cavalry of the 82nd Division of the Kuomintang is getting closer and closer. From 600 meters to 500 meters, and then to 300 meters, the teaching brigade has never fired a single shot on the defensive position. Let it go, let it go a little more."

When it was close to 200 meters, the commander still did not give the order to fire.All of a sudden, the brigade commander Chen Haihan, who was watching with a telescope behind him, was very anxious.

Brigadier Chen wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hands, picked up the phone and asked what the frontline troops were doing.Why aren't you firing?The head of the regiment replied, put the enemy closer, there is still 200 meters away, and it is very far away. Our Eighth Route Army only fires when we put it within 50 meters in battle.

The commander's words made the sweat flow from Brigadier Chen's anxious head. Brigadier Chen took off his hat, used it as a towel and wiped it vigorously, and shouted into the microphone: "You are confused, now we are fighting!" They are cavalry, not infantry, and if you place a saber 50 meters away, your head will be cut off. How can you fight if you lose your head? Hurry up and fire.”

The head of the regiment who was scolded immediately ordered the troops to fire, and immediately taught all kinds of firepower on the brigade's position to start firing. Light and heavy machine guns and rifles fired together, and a small amount of mortars also began to bombard the running cavalry.

Heavy machine guns fired in bursts, light machine guns fired in bursts, platoon guns fired from rifles, and mortar shells constantly exploding, the cavalrymen and horses of the 82nd Division who were charging were constantly shot down, "thump, thump, "The voices continued one after another.

But the 82nd Division is indeed not simple. Although it is a local warlord's army, it is very capable of fighting and has a strong combat effectiveness. Although soldiers and horses were killed one after another, the determination to attack has not been shaken at all, and no one has been knocked down. Keep going.

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