The beacon of youth

Chapter 266 The Reinforcements of the Wild Division in the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 266 The Reinforcements of the Wild Division in the Battle of Xifu

The Teaching Brigade of the Sixth Column repulsed the two attacks of the 82nd Division of the Qingma Army in a row. Although it inflicted a lot of damage on the enemy, its own casualties were not small, and the two battles were fought by soldiers in very dangerous situations. They used bayonets to fight the enemy down. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

The brigade commander Chen Haihan was very anxious. He knew very well that the enemy had not used all his troops. What if the enemy launched another large-scale attack?How to defeat the 82nd Division is very problematic.

No Secretary's orders must be resolutely carried out, and this cannot be discounted. For this reason, this commander, who is very capable of fighting, used his brains to figure out how to block the attack of the 82nd Division.

The attacking enemy cavalry is very fast and has a large attack range. The fast maneuvering speed allows the troops to easily concentrate their superior forces.

Several main regiments of the teaching brigade have already been used, because there are too many areas to defend, it is no longer possible for the teaching brigade to use one or two regiments to fight as in the past, and use one regiment as a reserve team. The whole brigade had no more troops left.

Brigadier Chen Haihan was not used to having any reserve team in his hand. Later, Brigadier Chen organized all the personnel in the brigade headquarters and logistics to form a temporary commando, which he himself commanded, preparing to fight in the most severe situation. Use it when.

This temporarily organized commando team was used by Brigadier Chen Haihan to plug the hole, and there was no way to do it. If the battle really went to this level, the teaching brigade would be about the same.

When the teaching brigade felt the shortage of troops, the phone in the brigade headquarters rang. Brigadier Chen picked up the phone and heard a deep voice from the microphone: "Is it Chen Haihan? I'm Peng Dehuai. How is the situation there?" ?”

Hearing the voice from the microphone, Brigadier Chen immediately reported loudly: "Report to Boss Peng, we repelled the enemy's two charges in a row, and our casualties were not small. The cavalry of the 82nd Division was very fierce. Although the two attacks were defeated We repelled, but were all rushed into the position by the enemy. In the end, bayonets and grenades were used to solve the problem. Our brigade lacked rapid-fire firepower, and it was a disadvantage to rely on the soldiers' rifles to fight against the cavalry. They were all mobilized and formed a temporary commando, led by me, ready to fight the enemy to the end."

After listening to Brigadier Chen Haihan's report, the voice in the microphone pondered for a while and said: "Chen Haihan, I know your strength is very tight, I will transfer the cavalry division of the headquarters and the independent regiment of the second column to you. You command, you have the final say on how to fight the battle, and you and I, Commander Luo, will not interfere with your command, but there is one thing, we must stick to our positions and never let the Ma family army break through our defense line."

Hearing that Mr. Peng was going to transfer the cavalry division from the headquarters and the independent regiment from the second column to him as reinforcements, Brigadier Chen Haihan, who was feeling the shortage of troops, was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

The cavalry division at the headquarters has not been established for a long time, and has not fought many decent battles. I have no idea what its combat effectiveness is. I just heard that during the last Yichuan battle, it competed with a Kuomintang brigade from Yan'an. Yes, I don't know anything else.

But the independent regiment of the second column knows it. Not only does it have more personnel than other regiment-level troops, but it also has excellent weapons and equipment, strong combat effectiveness, and a very capable commander. It has fought many tough battles in the past year. An ace unit under Commander Wang of the second column, I didn't expect Boss Peng to transfer this unit, which is a great thing.

Brigadier Chen Haihan took the microphone and shouted happily: "Thank you Mr. Peng and the chiefs for your concern. With these reinforcements and the support of our comrades, we will definitely be able to hold our ground."

Boss Peng in the microphone still said in his unhurried tone: "Don't be too happy, remember, I can only transfer these forces to you. The offensive of Pei Changhui in front is very powerful, and the fourth column has suffered a lot of casualties. You have to make full use of the forces you have in your hands to continue dealing with the 82nd Division. Also, don’t thank me. The independent regiment of the second column was offered by Wang Huzi to support you. If you want to thank me, just Thanks to Wang Huzi, he also told me that their regiment has a lot of cars, which can move very fast, which is just used to deal with Ma Bufang’s cavalry. I also want to tell you that their little regiment leader started a war Come to have a set of methods, if you have a situation, discuss it with him.”

Brigadier Chen Haihan said happily on the phone: "You know Boss Peng, the famous independent regiment of the second column, we must cooperate to beat down the enemy's rampant force."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde, who received the orders from the wild secretary and the column, led the whole regiment out of the city quickly, and rushed to the position of the teaching brigade at the speed of a forced march.

Li Yong is very clear about the current situation of the teaching brigade. If the reinforcements are not timely, the enemy may break through their positions.

The position controlled by the teaching brigade can be about ten kilometers away from the main city of Baoji. The roads have not been repaired all year round, and it is very difficult for cars to pass. Just when the artillery and cars of the independent regiment were struggling to move forward, I saw a gray military uniform The cavalry unit quickly pierced past from the side.

Judging from the number and weapons of the cavalry, it is definitely not a communication and reconnaissance unit. The communication and reconnaissance unit does not have such a large scale, and the wild division only has one cavalry unit that can fight independently. The troops must be cavalry divisions directly under the headquarters.

The soldiers on horseback greeted the soldiers of the Independence Regiment very enthusiastically. From the soldiers' mouths, everyone immediately understood that this troop had the same mission as the Independence Regiment, and it was also to support the teaching brigade of the Sixth Column.

Since the tasks were the same, the two troops marched side by side. The cavalry division gave up the only road that was not too wide to the independent regiment, and let the horses walk in the field.

Under the road conditions at that time, cars may not be much faster than war horses, and they can drive at a speed similar to that of war horses. The cavalry's requirements for roads are much smaller than those of the independent regiment with a large number of cars and artillery. Therefore, the two troops marched together. The speed is pretty consistent.

Several horses snorted and ran to the side of the jeep that Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others were riding in. Someone introduced to Li Yong that this was Commander X of the Cavalry Division. Commanders salute.

Although they are not in the same unit, they are division-level cadres, and they have to salute when they meet (Before February 49, due to the small number of personnel in the Northwest Field Army, all combat units below the column were brigades, and this cavalry division was also considered Alternative).

The commander looked Li Yong up and down a few times, and returned a salute and said, "It's Captain Li of the Independence Regiment. I've heard of the name a long time ago, but I haven't seen it before. I didn't expect him to be so young."

Li Yong quickly replied: "Thank you for the compliment, chief. I am Li Yong, the leader of the independent regiment of the second column. If you have any orders, please give instructions to the chief."

Li Yong said that with some elements of politeness. When we first met, he is not your direct leader. He can give you any instructions, but you should be polite. How can you say that he is also an old man?

The commander also waved his hands and said, "You're welcome, Commander Li, what's the leader? Although my unit is called a cavalry division, it is incomparable with the 82nd Division of the Kuomintang. There are only three cavalry regiments. This regiment does not even have 1000 people. Now including our division headquarters and logistics personnel, there are only 3000 people just now, which is not necessarily more than your independent regiment. I have heard of your regiment at the headquarters. Not only can you Food can be occupied, and there are a lot of people.”

Hearing what the division commander said, Li Yong was also a little embarrassed. Knowing that this unit is directly under the Nosi, and they always march with the headquarters, it is not unusual for him to know this.

The military situation was urgent, so Li Yong got into the jeep and continued to exchange information with the commander of the cavalry division. Only after chatting did the two know that although it was the first time for the two troops to march together, and it was also the first time they met, they cooperated in combat. Not the first time.

In the last battle of Yichuan, the Independence Regiment guarded the Chakou position, and behind the Independence Regiment, it was this cavalry division that blocked the reinforcements from Yan'an for them. This time it was the second time they fought together.

Li Yong hurriedly expressed his thanks on behalf of the whole regiment. The division commander said with a smile: "Commander Li, it's an outsider to say thank you. Are you complaining about fighting at the fork? We are nothing. We just fought with the Kuomintang brigade. ,it's not a big deal."

The two troops were the only two mobile forces in the field army. They marched very fast, and they were very anxious. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the position guarded by the teaching brigade.

Brigadier Chen Haihan was very happy to see the reinforcements he was looking forward to, and the three troops with different organizational systems immediately held a pre-war preparation meeting together.

At the meeting, Brigadier Chen briefly explained the situation to Li Yong and the commander of the cavalry division.

Chen Haihan was born in Shanghang County, Fujian Province in 1914. He joined the League in 12 and the Party in 30.During the Land Revolutionary War, he served as the company commander and political instructor of the [-]nd Regiment of the No.[-] Fourth Division of the No.[-] Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the squadron leader of the Propaganda Team of the Division's Political Department, the political commissar of the Artillery Battalion of the Military Commission, and the tenth division of the Fourth Division of the Red Army. Battalion commander and political instructor of the Second Regiment, director of the Political Department of the Tenth Regiment, and political commissar of the Tenth Regiment of the Fourth Division of the First Red Army.participated in the Long March.

During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the captain and deputy captain of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, the political commissar of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region Special Task Force, the political commissar of the first regiment, the chief of staff of the Fifth Military Division, and the deputy of the Second Brigade of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Jinsui Joint Defense Army. Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff.

During the War of Liberation, he served as the chief of staff of the teaching brigade of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Shanxi-Sui joint defense army, the commander of the teaching brigade of the sixth column of the Northwest Field Army, the deputy chief of staff of the column, the chief of staff of the column, and the chief of staff of the sixth army of the First Field Army.

Brigadier Chen Haihan participated in almost all major battles of the Northwest Field Army. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as Chief of Staff of the Air Force of the Northwest Military Region, Director of the Advanced Department of Military Academy, Principal of Guilin Infantry School, Deputy Chief of Staff, Deputy Commander, and Advisor of the Guangzhou Military Region .

In [-], he was awarded the rank of major general.He is a member of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Business Association.

Brigadier Chen Haihan, who was facing Li Yong to introduce the situation, was a battle-tested commander. If he said that the situation was serious, it was basically worse than the real situation.

To reiterate, what Laoba wrote is not history, readers and friends must not make a mistake.

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