The beacon of youth

Chapter 275 The Battle of Xifu Part 1: An Overwhelming Massacre

Chapter 275 One-sided Massacre in the Battle of Xifu

The 82nd Division of the Qingma Army, which was withdrawn from the position, was chased by two troops of the Northwest Field Army. The division commander Ma Jiyuan couldn't bear it anymore. This proud young general ordered the troops to turn around and meet the pursuit of the PLA. Troops, fight to the death. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

We have explained before that in addition to the outer armor, sandbags are piled on the car of the machine gun battalion. Behind the cab is a Maxim heavy machine gun controlled by two soldiers.

The other eight fighters are submachine gunners, four behind each side of the large compartment, and ten combat soldiers (not counting the driver) are arranged in a car, with one Maxim and eight Tommy submachine guns.

This kind of firepower equipment was specially designed by Li Yong for the cavalry. He used heavy machine guns to fight the blockade, and submachine guns to deal with the soldiers who rushed under the car. He has been preparing for several months. Everything is ready. Now we will see how it performs today. .

The division commander Ma Jiyuan shouted at the top of his voice: "Brothers, go up, go up and chop the communist army with our sabers and trample them to death with our horseshoes."

The Ma’s army in Qinghai is backward in equipment and tactics, but their cohesion is very high. The middle and lower-level officers, including soldiers, are very obedient to orders, and they dare to go all out at critical times. This is incomparable to Hu Zongnan’s troops. Many officers in the Ma’s army look down on Hu Zongnan The Central Army, the biggest capital they can rely on is the cohesion of the army.

In the memoirs written by many old men in the Northwest Field Army, they mentioned the Majia Army in the Northwest, especially the Qingma Army. The consensus was that this army was more difficult to deal with than Hu Zongnan’s Central Army. The overall combat effectiveness is similar to that of the Japanese army, and the fighting will of the soldiers is higher than that of the little devils

(The combat effectiveness of the Japanese army is not all the same. For example, soldiers in some remote areas of Hokkaido are able to work hard and endure hardships, while soldiers from commercial areas such as Tokyo and Daban are much worse. An army in Daban survived during the War of Resistance Soldiers tried to avoid fighting and used military supplies to do business with the Eighth Route Army).

Under the order of Ma Jiyuan, the 82nd Division counterattacked frantically against the Independence Regiment. From a distance, the sabers swung by the soldiers were sharp and sharp.

The small mortars of the five artillery platoons of the Independent Regiment kept firing. The gunners almost didn't even have to look at them. They just stuffed their heads into the barrels and fired them. Anyway, no matter where they hit, they could always hit Soldiers from the 82nd Division rushed over.

One or several people and horses fell around the explosion point where each shell fell, and once they fell down, they couldn't get up again. The horses rushing from behind disturbed all the ground that could be stepped on in front of them. It was broken, but it couldn't stop the Majiajun cavalry who charged.

Ma's army turned around and charged very fast, and the soldiers knew very well that since they couldn't escape, they had to fight desperately with the Communist army, and there might be a way to survive.

The machine gun battalion that went up to the independent regiment also turned on its horsepower and rushed forward from the front. The distance between the two sides quickly approached. When the battalion commander Wei Gang estimated that the distance between the two sides was about 200 meters, he shouted through the walkie-talkie: "Machine gun Battalion preparation—preparation."

When the two forces were close to about 100 meters, Wei Gang shouted: "Fire."

The two troops charging head-to-head seemed to be collided by two vicious waves. The waves were first squeezed together, then floated high, and finally crashed and fell.

Dozens of heavy machine guns from the Machine Gun Battalion pressed light blue smoke from their muzzles, and the explosion-like firing sound enveloped the entire battlefield.

The car kept moving forward, and the sound of machine gun fire on the car became one piece. The density of the bullets made people feel that there was no hope of surviving when they rushed forward. At this time, the heavy machine gun shooter on the car played the machine gun The maximum rate of fire, there is no such thing as burst fire.

The bursts of shooting without letting go made the muzzle of the water-cooled Maxim heavy machine gun keep jumping upwards. The tripod is pressed up with sandbags, which can somewhat control the shaking of the gun body.

The deputy shooter next to the machine gun kept holding up the long chain of bullets, and the bullet casings that burst out hit the cab of the car with a clanging sound.

The cavalrymen and horses of the Ma Family Army rushing over seemed to hit an iron wall built with bullets. First they hit it recklessly, and then they hit their heads badly.

Charge after charge, but these cavalry who wanted to risk their lives couldn't find a place even desperately under the firepower of dozens of Maxims from the machine gun battalion.

Majiajun soldiers in khaki military uniforms rushed over like waves of ripe rice in autumn, and were cut down in pieces by the rapid-fire firepower from machine guns.

The machine gun battalion uses three vehicles as a basic battle group, and each battle group keeps a distance of about 20 meters, and uses the front triangle attack formation to break forward without stopping. Every time it advances a certain distance, it clears out the In a large open space, the people and horses that had been cleaned up were lying bloodied on the ground. They were still showing off their might just now, but now there was no sign of life.

Battalion Commander Wei Gang kept yelling in the walkie-talkie: "Kill, kill, and cut through their formation."

Within a radius of about 100 meters in front of the modified car of the Machine Gun Battalion, the ground was covered with corpses of people and horses, so that the cars of the Machine Gun Battalion had to change gears and shift to first or second gear. For the forward gear, otherwise the car will not be able to drive.

Occasionally, when some escaped fish rushed to the vicinity of the car, they were shot all over the eyes by the eight soldiers on the car with submachine guns, and some desperadoes rushed to the car on horseback and shot at the car body with sabers in their hands. The outer steel plate is chopped over, but what is the use?It just cut out a spark, and then the soldier in the car condescendingly blasted his head with a submachine gun.

Each soldier in the car prepared five magazines full of bullets before the battle, one on the gun, and four more on the body, but at this time it felt that the preparations were still lacking, and the magazines were obviously not enough. After firing it, pull it out and throw it on the ground, then pull out one and press it to continue shooting. Several magazines were fired in a row, and finally there was no time for the magazine to press the bullet.

The soldiers fired around with submachine guns and cursed: "F*ck, why is this Ma's army like a pig, they can't even be killed."

This is indeed the case, what good will the cavalry holding sabers fight against the armored cars, and they will die in piles near the cars, and the battalions of the independent regiments will follow closely behind the machine gun battalion. The battalion fought against the fish that escaped the net, and the battle became more and more fierce. The dead bodies of the soldiers of the 82nd Division who were killed by the machine gun battalion were piled up on top of each other, which was horrible.

The battle between Wei Gang and the others did not go as expected by Li Yong, the head of the group. It went very smoothly, but it made some people anxious.Someone asked, isn't it great that the battle of the machine gun battalion went smoothly? What is there to worry about?

But people are different, and they think differently. For example, He Cuihua, the acting battalion commander of the Fifth Battalion, is very anxious.

This girl was yelling anxiously from behind, commanding the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion to rush forward, and if they didn't rush forward, they would not be able to get anything. Can we still have our share in post-war meritorious service awards?After being the acting battalion commander for such a long time, it was hard to fight a big battle, why not seize the opportunity and rush forward.

She is not the only one who has this idea. The other battalion commanders are no less stupid than her. The repair company rushed over. The two boys had the same idea as He Cuihua, and they both wanted to seize the opportunity to make meritorious service.

This time He Cuihua became even more anxious, and the girl muttered: "Even these two boys rushed over, obviously they both saw that there was an advantage to take advantage of, and they both wanted to catch the toad and squeeze out the urine. manage?"

A soldier gave her an idea: "Battalion Commander, don't we still have ten anti-aircraft machine guns, drag that thing over, this guy is so fun to come up."

Not to mention, the idea of ​​this soldier is really good. The anti-aircraft machine gun is no better than other small objects, and it is not easy to carry. When the independent regiment rushed out, because they had to hurry up, not every battalion brought out these heavy weapons. But the fifth battalion is different. He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, is used to being in charge of the logistics. Everything she sees is a good thing. She is afraid that she will lose these precious machine guns. More than a dozen anti-aircraft machine guns from the Fifth Battalion were brought over by the soldiers.

He Cuihua was overjoyed, and patted the soldier who came up with the idea on the shoulder: "Good idea, let's do it, pay attention to all platoons, get all the heavy machine guns and the newly issued anti-aircraft machine guns to the front, bitch."

The order was issued, but some soldiers had doubts: "Battle Commander, didn't the Commander have an order to keep us from going beyond the Machine Gun Battalion, can we go forward?"

He Cuihua: "It's really stubborn. Whoever said that we want to surpass Wei Gang and the others, wouldn't it be enough to get in through the gap between their cars? This is not considered a violation of orders. Go quickly."

Under He Cuihua's order, the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion dragged their anti-aircraft machine guns and charged forward recklessly. Can't blame us.

The fierce battle continued for more than half an hour. Under the fierce firepower of the Independence Regiment, the 82nd Division, which was madly attacking, was littered with corpses. The blood flowed like a river. Human blood and horse blood were mixed together, and the tires of the cars were thickly stained. layer.

Ma Quanyi, the deputy division commander who supervised the battle at the back, couldn't stand it any longer. This guy ran to Ma Jiyuan and said, "Jiyuan, the battle can't go on like this. If the fight continues, our 82nd Division will really be wiped out. The firepower of the Communist Army It's too fierce, brothers can't rush up, retreat quickly."

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