The beacon of youth

Chapter 279 The Battle of Xifu: Standing in Arms 2 Columns

Chapter 279 The Second Column of the Battle of Xifu

The Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang Pei Changhui resorted to all means and attacked for three days and three nights. At a huge price, they finally occupied the empty positions in the Qishan area. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Outside Qishan City, Pei Changhui, the commander of the Fifth Corps, was sitting in his command post with his eyes closed thinking about something.

After three days and three nights of continuous attack, the communist army's position still remained motionless. The artillery shells had already cut down a layer of the position, and even the mice that could dig holes should have been killed. Why can this communist army persist?

According to intelligence reconnaissance, the fourth column of the Communist Army is guarding the position. These four columns are not the most powerful troops in the Northwest Communist Army. What if they are replaced by the most capable first, second, and third columns?What method should be used to deal with it?

Assuming things were reversed, what if the defenders were **?Which of your troops can do this?Can it last for three days under the opponent's superior force and artillery fire?

Pei Chang would think about it and think about the past. He kept thinking about how big his head was, and he didn't think of any troops under his command that could compare with the People's Liberation Army who stood firm.

In the end, the old fox came to a conclusion that he didn't want to draw. The Communist Army is the most terrifying and incomprehensible army in the world. Their fighting will and spirit cannot be explained by ordinary people's thinking.

How to fight the battle in the future, I have used all the methods I can use, what should I do next, and how to report to Hu Zongnan and the Chairman if I can't break through the Communist Army's defense line.

This point made Pei Changhui guess right. The People's Liberation Army in the early days of its establishment had no weapons, no ammunition, no food, nothing, only a strong and unyielding will to fight. surrender.

Just as Pei Changhui was sitting in his command post, thinking wildly, someone finally shouted a report outside the door.

After several days of unsuccessful attacks, the commander was very angry, so he forbade others to disturb him when he was thinking about the problem.

The officer who came in touched his heels and said in a joyful tone: "Commander, our forward troops have broken through the Communist Army's defense line and occupied their position."

Pei Changhui, who squinted his eyes, stood up suddenly: "What did you say? Say it again."

The officer happily repeated: "Commander, our forward troops have broken through the People's Liberation Army's defense line and occupied the Communist Army's position."

Pei Changhui slapped the table fiercely: "Okay, tell the brothers on the front line to stand firm and prevent the Communist army from counterattacking."

The officer was hesitant to speak when he saw the overjoyed commander. Pei Changhui was such a clever old fox, and he could tell from the officer's expression that he hadn't finished talking: "What's the matter, is there anything else? Tell me quickly. "

Officer: "Commander, we have occupied the position, but according to the brothers, by the time they went up, the communist army on the position had already fled, and they probably gave up on purpose."

Pei Changhui glanced at him: "You, you are still too young. Giving up intentionally is giving up. It is true that the Communist Army lost its position. The result we want, whether the Communist Army gave up intentionally is not a question we need to consider. Yes, send a report to Commander Hu, saying that our Fifth Corps has broken through the defense of the Communist Army after hard work, and is now advancing towards the city of Baoji."

Before Pei Changhui's words fell to the ground, someone outside the door shouted a report, and then another officer came in. The officer didn't say a word, but just took out a telegram from his purse and handed it to the Commander.

Pei Changhui, who still had a smile on his face, took the telegram without any hassle, but the face of the Commander, who was still very happy just now, turned cloudy, and then he became more and more angry, and finally tore the telegram into pieces in a fit of anger: "Come here! , Call all the commanders of the divisions and brigades, I want to hold a meeting. After speaking, the commander-in-chief walked out."

As soon as the angry Pei Changhui walked out, the officer who came in earlier asked the one who came later: "What's the matter, didn't the troops in front just break through the Communist army's position? Why is the commander angry again?"

The officer who came in later sighed: "It is true that we broke through the Communist Army's position, but the 82nd Division of the Majia Army from Qinghai was defeated. It is said that it suffered heavy casualties and has already retreated."

"Isn't the 82nd Division the most capable army in Qinghai? Why did it lose the battle so quickly? The main force of the communist army is with us. Why are they still defeated? Didn't they deliberately let the communist army come over?" , and then let us gnaw hard bones?"

The officer who came in later said: "The 82nd Division is the base unit of the great warlord Ma Bufang. It should have a certain combat effectiveness. We don't know why it was defeated, but they dare not do such a thing as deliberately letting the Communist army over. Yes, that's fine, let's stop guessing, your rank and mine are too low, these are not matters that our brothers should be concerned about."

There was a lot of voices in the grass-green military tent. Officers above the division and brigade of the Fifth Corps of the Northwest Military Group of the Kuomintang were gathering together. The commander who presided over the meeting, Pei Changhui, said in a rare stern tone: "Everyone, there are some things that I think you will agree with." You should have heard that Ma’s Army’s 82nd Division lost the battle and ran away, and Commander Hu’s plan to encircle the Northwest Communist Army with the Generalissimo is almost doomed.”

As soon as the words were finished, the people who came to the meeting scolded, shouted, and sighed. Anyway, they had all kinds of expressions, and they all accused the local warlords in Qinghai of being unreliable in fighting wars. Military operations sometimes delay major events.

Pei Changhui put his hand on the chaotic meeting place: "Don't be too panicky, everyone, we still have to deal with the communist army if they run away. Even without the 82nd division, our strength is stronger than the communist army. Everyone has seen the battle for a few days. Our artillery is incomparable to the communist army. The communist army with mud legs has not yet learned how to practice cannons. We also have armored troops. In addition to this, we not only have a strong ground force but also an air force. Commander Hu has already called and all the planes in Xi’an will take off to help us in the battle. I hope you will take good care of your troops and fight to the death with the communist army. , the opportunity to make contributions to the party and the country is in front of us, and I repeat, our goal of destroying the Northwest Communist Army and capturing Peng Dehuai alive remains unchanged.”

Outside Baoji City, the second column of the Northwest Field Army is located in the position of the Northwest Field Army. The trenches are densely covered with trenches, large and small bunkers and artillery holes are like cobwebs. Some soldiers run back and forth, some wipe guns and bullets, and some Those who practice writing with small books, and those who hold big guns and sit in the anti-blasting holes to rest.

The Majiashan position, about five kilometers outside the city, is the center of the entire defense system of the second column and the commanding height of the entire battlefield. The column headquarters is located here.

When the headquarters was established, someone suggested that this place is too conspicuous, and once it is fought, it will definitely be the focus of the enemy's artillery fire, so it is not appropriate to set up the headquarters here.

But Commander Wang didn't know why he lost his temper. He said: "Where is there an absolutely safe place on the battlefield? Can people not be killed in battle? If you want to go home safely and pick up your children, it's no big deal if Wang Zhen dies." , the headquarters is located in Majiashan.”

Everyone said that he was going crazy indiscriminately, which is a fallacy. It should be criticized. How can the commander continue to fight if he dies first?

Commander Wang doesn't care about that, you can criticize whoever you like, I just don't listen to it anyway, and then took the big guards around to check the deployment of the troops.

Everyone had no choice but to dig and dig the headquarters of Majiashan under the command of the engineers, and then strengthened and then reinforced. Finally, someone found a thick steel plate in the warehouse in the city, and used a car to get the steel plate. At the top of the headquarters, everyone was relieved.

There is also a core support point not too far in front of the Majiashan position. The so-called core support point is just a mountain bag with a height of more than 200 meters. This mountain bag is about two kilometers away from the column headquarters of Majiashan. A road leading to Baoji City was blocked.

All the trees and stones in front of the hill that obstructed the shooting range have been removed, and a deep anti-tank trench has been dug at the bottom of the hill.

The troops deployed for defense on this hill are the old 2nd Regiment of the 2nd Column and [-]th Brigade, which is also the main combat regiment of the whole column. Because of the importance of this position, Commander Wang and Brigadier Chen once again thought of the heroic old [-]nd Regiment .

(Brigade Commander Chen of the Second Column and Fourth Brigade is not the same person as Brigadier Chen Haihan of the Teaching Brigade of the Sixth Column. He is the old head of our protagonist Li Yong. Brigadier Chen also has his original form. As for who the original form of the character is, it is not yet known. Said, in the future everyone will know, but friends who know the military history of the Northwest Field Army should be able to guess)

The soldiers of the Second Regiment who had finished digging the fortifications were resting, and some of them even took out the cans that had just been handed out and cut them open with bayonets, and then used the knives to dig them out bit by bit to eat.

All canned braised beef. The soldiers of the second regiment have opened foreign meat this time, right? Just open Baoji. The field army, who was struggling to eat half a month ago, did not expect that even the canned food is now available.

The guys in charge of logistics in the regiment also said, you just focus on fighting. After the war is over, you will have everything. Don’t you just want to eat canned beef?There are plenty of them in the warehouses in the city, although there is enough to eat, I am afraid that they will support you.

So this time, no matter what unit the troops are in, they have prepared a large amount of canned food, so that the soldiers will not be hungry until the most intense fighting.

When the battle is fierce, it is very likely that the meals for the cooking team will not be delivered. At this time, various canned foods suitable for storage become the best meals.

Just as the soldiers of the second regiment were happily eating canned food, they heard a scream with a whistle coming from the distant sky.If it feels okay, I will recommend it, and the old man stammered and said: Thank you, ah, thank you.

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