The beacon of youth

Chapter 288 Artillery vs. Artillery in the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 288 Artillery vs. Artillery in the Battle of Xifu

The Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang continued to attack for more than two days in the Majiashan area not far from Baoji. Under the tenacious blocking of the Second Column of the Northwest Field Army, it consumed a large amount of soldiers and ammunition and did not make any real progress. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

At the request of the impatient commander Pei Changhui, Hu Zongnan, who was far away in Xi'an, agreed to send all the air power he could command to support him, and encouraged him in a telegram:

"The communist army is best at mobile guerrilla warfare. What are we most afraid of in positional warfare? It is victory if we can seize the main force of the communist army. Opportunities are rare. Don't be afraid of attrition or casualties. You must carry out a resolute attack. It doesn’t matter if you wipe out the Fifth Corps, I’ll make up for you as much as the casualties, as long as you can disable the main force of the Communist Army in the Northwest.”

Encouraged by Hu Zongnan, the Fifth Corps once again launched an attack on an unprecedented scale. The artillery used intensively turned half of the sky red. The shells fell like rain on the positions of the People's Liberation Army. Bunkers, firing points, and everything else, including rocks and trees, were flattened by artillery fire.

The soldiers hiding in the anti-blasting holes are like sitting on a sieve that keeps shaking, their buttocks are almost off the ground. This level of shelling makes the veterans a little strange. What does the Kuomintang mean?Want to shoot all the shells at once?But it's time?

Some soldiers looked out from the entrance of the cave, and then turned their heads and murmured to everyone: "Well, my hard work was in vain, and I was sweating profusely. The Kuomintang cannons blew up all our trenches, and the enemy came up again and we You can only lie on the flat ground and start firing."

Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others who were hiding in Wei Gang's battalion command post all covered their heads with single military uniforms to prevent the dirt from the roof of the cave from pouring into their necks and eyes.

Wei Gang, who wanted to smoke, was shaking the lighter in his hand, and the flames could not light the cigarette under the constant vibration of the ground: "Commander, the KMT's cannons fired too fiercely, and we were blown up like this in the back, The comrades on the front line don’t know why they feel uncomfortable.”

Wang Chengde: "Why are you panicking? You are not just a soldier. So what if the enemy's artillery fire is strong? Why don't you let us survive every time? Tell the soldiers to protect their weapons and prepare for battle."

Wei Gang chuckled: "Political commissar, don't you understand us people? We all got out of the dead, is there anyone who is afraid of death? Do you think I look panicked? Didn't I want to smoke and ignite the fire? ."

Li Yong, who was holding the phone, didn't see what Wei Gang and Wang Chengde were arguing about, and asked on the phone how the preparations for the artillery camp were going.Gao Xiang's serious voice came from the microphone: "Regimental Commander, the enemy's artillery launch positions have been calculated, and our entire battalion is ready for battle."

Li Yong: "Start, hit hard, move your position after two quick shots, don't let the enemy pinpoint your position."

"After the two rapid fires, move the position. Don't let the enemy figure out our position. I understand." Gao Xiang, who put down the microphone, yelled fiercely at a walkie-talkie beside him: "According to the calibration data, the whole battalion rapid fire , fire."

For the first time, the People's Liberation Army's position, which had been suppressed by the Kuomintang for more than six days, fired counterattack artillery fire, and more than forty howitzers were fired together according to the pre-calibrated shooting elements.

There was a huge roar from the dark muzzle, and more than 500 shells were shot out with a "boom". It was still the customary six rapid fires, and two rapid fires smashed more than [-] shells on a pre-reconnaissance projectile. The Kuomintang artillery positions.

The explosion of hundreds of shells brought a huge disaster to the firing Kuomintang artillery position. Soldiers who were not psychologically prepared at all were bombed in disorder, and the artillery was blown up and down.

I never thought that the People's Liberation Army could use artillery to fight back, so these soldiers were simply too careless. They piled all the ammunition in the reserve not too far from the artillery, which caused the ammunition in the reserve to explode. The battlefield was full of flames, and the soldiers who ran slower were either killed by shells or lifted into the air by the shock wave and then fell to their deaths.

In ten minutes, Gao Xiang's artillery battalion destroyed the artillery position in only ten minutes. The neatly arranged cannons turned into ruins. The officers who were not killed ran in terror, hoarse. Shouting: "***, hurry up and report to the commander, our positions and artillery are all gone, and the communist army also has artillery, go and report, the communist army also has artillery."

After receiving the report, Pei Chang cursed angrily on the phone: "Trash, idiot, even if the communist army has artillery, can it still have as many artillery positions as us? Hurry up and find the artillery positions of the communist army, and wipe them out with a single salvo. Hurry up, Their artillery is no match for us."

Gao Xiang, who had shot two rapid fires, followed Li Yong's order to quickly shift the firing position. The car towing the artillery was already ready, and the engines were all idling.

In a few minutes, all the cannons that were still firing here before disappeared, disappearing into the gullies and forks of the Loess Plateau.

To say that the Kuomintang's artillery is really not free, Gao Xiang and the others have not moved for a long time, and pieces of artillery shells fell on the position, but of course all the bombs were blown into the air.

The artillery battalion, which was transferred to another firing position, made a brief preparation, then fired two rapid fires, and then moved its position again.

The artillery battalion, which fought several times in a row, finally saw the effect of its hard work. The Kuomintang's attack on our army's forward positions was obviously much less.

Several artillery positions were destroyed by the artillery of the People's Liberation Army, and some were separated to engage in artillery battles with the Communist Army. The pressure of the Kuomintang's artillery on the forward positions was suddenly much lighter.

The soldiers in the second column also noticed the change, and felt the swarms of shells flying forward from their own position behind them. The morale of the soldiers who had been held in the anti-gun hole for a long time was greatly shaken.

The soldiers were discussing in the anti-battery cave: So our PLA also has artillery, which can also fight against the enemy. It must have been useless for the chief to keep it, and now it is used to engage in artillery battles with the enemy, and they fought well.

Commander Wang, who was directing the operations on the Majiashan position, called the command post of the independent regiment, and Fang Xin, the chief of staff who stayed behind, connected the call to the machine gun battalion.

Commander Wang praised loudly: "Good job, the artillery has performed well, our pressure has been reduced a lot, and the enemy's artillery shells are not so dense, but we must pay attention to the enemy's planes, we must preserve the vitality, do not Recklessly."

At the headquarters of the Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang, an officer reported: "Commander, the artillery of the communist army is very cunning. We have never been able to determine their position. Just now, the artillery fire of the communist army has shifted again."

Pei Changhui: "The communist army is cunning and impermanent, and is used to guerrilla tactics. I didn't expect them to use it on the artillery. It's really difficult to deal with. Come here, give me a call from the air force, and let them use their strength on the communist army. On the artillery, search and destroy it with all your strength, and smash the artillery of the communist army with bombs."

Li Yong's voice suddenly sounded from the walkie-talkie beside Gao Xiang, commander of the Artillery Battalion of the Independent Regiment: "Gao Xiang, stop as soon as you see it, take cover as soon as possible, and be careful of air defense."

Gao Xiang, who agreed, took the car and towed the artillery around the ravine, and finally returned to the anti-explosion hole just dug.

Gao Xiang felt that no matter how concealed it was, it would be better to put the car and artillery in the cave, drive the car into the cave, and then block the entrance of the cave with something, and the job would be over.

Just as Li Yong, the leader of the verification team, was worried, news of the discovery of a large number of planes came from the observation post of our army on the top of the mountain not long after the dozens of artillery pieces of the artillery battalion were dragged into the cave.

Gao Xiang wiped the sweat from his head with his hat: "***, I really let the head of the team make sure that the plane came as soon as it was said."

There were more than [-] propeller fighter-bombers taking off from Xi'an Airport. After refueling and reloading, they formed several diamond-shaped formations in the sky and rushed towards Baoji.

The leader of the team was a Kuomintang air force colonel. This guy was still muttering in the cockpit of the plane: "Isn't it the artillery position of the Tuba Road? As for asking us to dispatch so many planes? How many times more than the Communist Army The strength of the team cannot solve the problem, and we have to wipe the ass by our air force. It is said that Pei Changhui is the elite of the eighth phase of Baoding, I don’t think it is very good.”

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and the task has to be completed. The air force colonel still understands this, otherwise Hu Zongnan will not be able to spare him when he goes back.

At that time, the aircraft and pilots of the Air Force were very precious (it seems to be the same now), and they had a high status in the Kuomintang government and army. Air Force officers with the same rank were treated much better than the Army. Don’t look at this The officer leading the team is only a colonel, but in Hu Zongnan's eyes, a major general is no match for him.

For various reasons, the air force officers of the Kuomintang were all bullish and looked down on other military branches. That's why the air force colonel dared to complain to a corps commander.

The fleet flying in formation in the sky gradually approached the area where the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were fighting. The officer leading the team ordered to the front formation: "A large group, lower the altitude and pay attention to searching for ground targets."

The eight fighter jets descended through the clouds from a height of about 5000 meters, and the altitude gradually decreased, 4000 meters, 3000 meters, and 2000 meters.

When a large group of fighter jets descended to an altitude of 2000 meters, the leader of the group ordered again: "A large group, keep the altitude, pay attention to searching for ground targets and anti-aircraft firepower."

The eight fighter pilots who received the order didn't take it seriously. They just searched for the target, but what kind of anti-aircraft firepower should they pay attention to? What kind of anti-aircraft firepower can the Communist Army have?It's just some machine guns and rifles. It's a joke to fight against our air force with such weapons.

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