The beacon of youth

Chapter 291 Counterattack of the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 291 Counterattack of the Battle of Xifu

The twenty or so fighter jets that took off from Xi'an to carry out the bombing mission not only failed to complete the mission, but were also beaten down by the ground firepower of the People's Liberation Army. The guy who called it trash was killed. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Several subordinates hurriedly stopped to persuade: "Commander, the plane is dead, but the people are alive. People are more delicate than planes. If the plane is lost, you can ask the chairman to make up for it. If people die, there is nowhere to look for them. A skilled It is not easy to train pilots who can participate in combat, it is better to let these people commit crimes and perform meritorious service, the effect will be greater."

After thinking about it, Hu Zongnan thought it was indeed the case. Although these guys were frightened by the firepower of the People's Liberation Army, the whole of Xi'an was just a few babies who could fly planes. If they were killed, they would never be found again. arrive.

Since there is no way to deal with it, we have no choice but to comfort them. Under Hu Zongnan's instruction, the bureaucrats at all levels in charge of handling the matter comforted the remaining dozen or so pilots, telling them to rest first, and then go to battle after resting. .

Pei Changhui, the commander of the [-]th Corps of the Kuomintang, who commanded the battle on the front line, was also overwhelmed by the performance of his own air force. These guys are usually arrogant, and they always seem to be superior. Cruel, I know how cunning the Communist Army is.

But no matter how angry he was, the attack had to go on as usual. The entire Fifth Corps also tried their best at this time, and once again launched an attack on the second column position in the Majiashan area, and the fierce battle broke out again.

The Artillery Battalion of the Independence Regiment became bolder without the scruples in the sky, using various concealed firing positions to fight guerrilla warfare with the Kuomintang artillery.

Li Yong's task for Gao Xiang was, don't care how many enemy infantry rushed up, the infantry was supported by the old troops in front, as long as their battalion could hold the Kuomintang's artillery, it would be a victory.

Therefore, the two armies in the Majiashan area fought unprecedented artillery battles. Both sides tried their best to find their own artillery positions, and both wanted to eliminate each other in the first time. Tearing the air, there were bursts of whistling sounds.

Although the Kuomintang has much more artillery than the Second Column, its tactics are more rigid than those of the People's Liberation Army, which is used to fighting guerrillas. Obviously a big relief.

At the request of Pei Changhui, Hu Zongnan also went all out, and the remaining planes at Xi'an Airport took off again to participate in the air strike against the PLA. The remaining team leader was led by the remaining team leader. The promotion depends on performance, but The planes that came this time had learned the lessons learned from the past. They flew high in the sky, flew back high, and left after laying the two eggs hanging on the wings.

This kind of behavior of the air force made the commanders at all levels on the front line of the Kuomintang mad. Yoyo's bomb fell from the sky not only failed to hit the People's Liberation Army, but almost hit his own troops.

The swearing officers all responded to their chiefs, forget it, don't let the plane participate in any battles, they are all the darlings of the sky, and they are very precious, letting them come here is not to help but to cause trouble. I threw it on the heads of my troops several times.

Pei Changhui, who received the feedback, had no good solution. The Air Force's war is a technical task, and how to perform it is other people's business, and I, the commander, can't control it.

Without the threat of planes, the artillery power of the Kuomintang has been greatly reduced. They used infantry to fight against infantry. At this time, the soldiers of the second column did not pay attention to the attacking Kuomintang soldiers at all. What these veterans of the Eighth Route Army like to do most is to compare their courage with their enemies. When the weapons and equipment are equal or not much different, the PLA can ignore any opponents.

The crazy attack continued for more than a day. There is no doubt that the frontline soldiers of the Kuomintang paid a huge price. With no progress in the battle, some frontline commanders of the Kuomintang began to retreat. Commanders at the division and brigade level Xiang Pei Changhui responded that such a battle should not be fought, as it is very difficult to eliminate the communist army given the current situation.

The commander-in-chief Pei Changhui couldn't stop thinking about it. The entire Fifth Corps had slightly more personnel than the communist army in Baoji, and it didn't have an absolute advantage. It is very large, and there is no power to fight again in a short time, and the ground-to-air firepower that I rely on has been disrupted by the Communist Army. The strengths and advantages of ** are lost a little bit. The strength has not been fatally hit, and it has become impossible to destroy the Northwest Communist Army and capture Peng Dehuai alive according to the plan before the launch of the campaign.

From the beginning of the offensive to the present, the Kuomintang troops have been attacking non-stop for almost eight days. During these eight days, the Northwest Field Army first used the four-column to fight tenaciously in the Qishan area for four days, and then used the two-column to attack Ma The Jiashan area has been hard-topped for nearly four days, and the Kuomintang's offensive troops have exhausted their vigor. Although the second and fourth columns suffered heavy casualties, the PLA is the defensive side, and the consumption of troops is much smaller than that of the Kuomintang side. The 82nd Division of the Majia Army After running away, the Northwest Field Army, which has no worries about the future, can use all its strength to deal with the Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang.

In Baoji City, the temporary headquarters of the Northwest Field Army. The atmosphere in the headquarters is dignified and relaxed. Commanders and leaders at all levels are busy with their own affairs. Only Boss Peng and several deputy commanders and deputy political commissars are discussing What.

One of the chiefs said: "One after another, then decline, and three times, the Kuomintang has been attacking for eight days in a row. I think it is almost the same. Is it time for us to take action?"

Another chief said: "Boss, according to the reaction of the second column, the enemy's offensive intensity is much weaker today, the artillery is restrained by the second column, and the planes dare not fight at low altitudes. Who are we afraid of just relying on infantry to fight?" ?”

Boss Peng, who was silent, also gave a rare smile: "Haha, I heard that it was Wang Huzi's independent regiment who did it. According to the situation reported from the front line, they also fought guerrilla warfare with the enemy, and then Another thing happened to the planes in the sky, so that the planes from Xi'an just dropped a few bombs at high altitude and ran away."

Xi's political commissar, who laughed mimi, also interjected: "Boss, do you want them to summarize their experience and form a written material, so that good experience and methods should be promoted in the entire army?"

Boss Peng: "Political commissar, don't you and I know about Wang Huzi? Although he doesn't look good, grandma doesn't love uncle or grandma, but he knows it very well. I reckon he has done these things a long time ago. Yes, we'll wait to get the ready-made ones."

Boss Peng, who had a chat with everyone, returned to the map, and another ten minutes passed. Boss Peng, who was staring at the map with good eyes, slammed the red and blue pencils on the table: "Okay, it's time to make up your mind. It's time, come, call the leaders of each column to the field army headquarters for a meeting immediately."

The War of Liberation lasted until May and June of [-]. With the full support of Chiang Kai-shek, the transportation captain, the weapons and equipment of the PLA troops have been greatly improved. Even the poorest Northwest Field Army is much richer than before. At this time, the commanders at the first level of the column basically did not ride horses, and they all came to the meeting triumphantly in captured American jeeps.

Coupled with the absence of the threat of air planes, in less than half an hour, the commanders and political commissars of each column were all down. After the head of the field department gave a brief introduction to the situation, these commanders and political commissars couldn't help but raise various questions. suggestion.

The violent commander He Bingyan of the first column stood up and pointed to the map and said: "The fourth column fought well in Qishan, and the second column also fought very well in Majiashan. , Only our first column sleeps every day. This has been sleeping for more than ten days in a row. If we are not allowed to do anything, our bullets and bayonets will be rusted. Boss Peng, send us some tasks quickly. "

Commander He's words elicited a burst of laughter, but Boss Peng was unmoved. He looked at Commander Wang Zhen who had just come down from the front line: "Hu Zi, you came down from the front and fought against the enemy for several days." Yes, I have the right to speak, and I will introduce the situation to you. '

Commander Wang got up and went to the large military map hanging on the wall, and carefully introduced the combat situation of the troops in the past few days to the leaders of the meeting. Finally, Commander Wang said: "The Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang is a regular army. The ability of positional warfare is good, but the crazy attack for seven or eight days has had a great impact on their physical strength and morale, and the level of attack now is much lighter than it was at the beginning."

The field army meeting lasted for more than an hour, and finally Boss Peng issued several orders:

[-]. With Luo Yuanfa's six-column as the left wing, move to the left side of the first-line troops in Majiashan.

Second, use the first column of He Bingyan's troops as the right wing, and move to the right side of the first-line troops in Majiashan.

[-]. Take the fourth column with relatively large casualties as the team directly under the field division, follow up behind the second column, and prepare to launch a concentric attack on the enemy. In the decisive battle, didn't Hu Zongnan always want to find our main force for a decisive battle after taking Yan'an? This time we will put our strength to a real decisive battle with them.

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