The beacon of youth

Chapter 295 Reconnaissance Hero Ning 2 Sons

Chapter 295

Zhang Jinsong, who was eating sullenly, was kicked by Li Yong and hurriedly looked around. There were quite a few people from the four columns staring at him.

It's not a good thing to be watched while eating, and it's easy to choke. Zhang Jinsong almost swallowed a mouthful of dry food. He stretched his neck hard to be fine. He hummed and answered Li Yong's questions, using his eyes After looking around for a while, he also kicked with his foot, and shouted like Li Yong, the head of the regiment: "Second son, what's the matter with you, how did you become a scout? Even the comrades of the brother army didn't eat. Don’t you know? Quickly take out the dry food and share it with everyone.”

All the soldiers around burst out laughing, even the people watching the excitement of the fourth column laughed, only Erzi Ning's woebegone smile didn't show up: "Huh, after being trained by the regiment commander, you can blame us, come on down!" Let me stay away from you this time, so as not to take it out on me all the time."

But after all, things still have to be done, and Erzi Ning asked his soldiers to pass on the order to ensure that the members of the Si Zong regiment can also eat dry food.

Zhang Jinsong saw Erzi Ning muttering a little dissatisfied, and then secretly kicked his ass: "Second son, what are you talking about, didn't you see that when the regiment leader kicked me, comrades from the brother army were watching? If I don't kick back, I will lose face."

Ning Erzi: "Hmph, will you gain face if you give me a few kicks? Will you gain face after going to the head of the group and kicking back?"

The words of the second son Ning choked Zhang Jinsong, the battalion commander, and hiccupped. I went to find the commander and kicked him back. Do I have the guts?

The regiment of the four verticals that came over had only more than 1000 people, and it didn't take much trouble for the independent regiment to scrape together a little dry food every two or three people.

Some of the well-fed soldiers quietly took out their cigarettes and lit them with shiny lighters, took a deep breath and then spit out the smoke rings.

The actions of the soldiers of the independent regiment once again shocked the people of the four columns. The stunned fighters of the four columns couldn't figure out where these old soldiers found these good things, and the leader of their regiment didn't see them. There must be something like a lighter, depending on what they mean, you can envy you for a long time if you just take out something in the hands of a soldier, this is too rich, besides, can you just smoke casually?Not afraid of exposing the target?

Strict discipline in the army is a good thing, but sometimes it needs to be flexible. For example, now, thousands of troops from the Independence Regiment are lying on their stomachs in the ravine, and the other side cannot see them. Even the planes at the airport can't take off, so what are you afraid of exposing the target at this time?So Li Yong did not stop the soldiers from smoking.

Zhang Jinsong, who was lying next to Li Yong, pointed to an open field in front of him: "Regimental Commander, do you see that? There are still many living people there, all of whom are defeated soldiers of the Kuomintang. They dare not get up in the middle."

Li Yong frowned and did not speak, while Zhang Jinsong continued with a smile: "Regimental Commander, I know what you are worried about. Aren't you afraid that the Kuomintang soldiers lying there when our regiment launched an attack will make trouble? Don't worry. , It’s okay, these Kuomintang soldiers lying there now hate their own people more than we hate us, the sixth column attacked several times, they all lay there obediently and motionless, and no one shot. "

Li Yong thought about it and felt that what Zhang Jinsong said made sense, who would have the heart to work hard after being punished to death by his own people?Otherwise, the old troops of the Eighth Route Army were powerful, and they fought well and skilfully. The charging troops rushed up with the defeated rebels. If the defending troops did not shoot, they would take advantage of the opportunity to come up. This is called the flexible use of tactics.

Amidst the discussions of the soldiers and the anxiety of the cadres, it was gradually getting dark. In the headquarters of the Northwest Field Army, a chief kept walking with Boss Peng and said: "Boss, the longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for us. Give the enemy time to repair the fortifications, as soon as it gets dark, it will be our world, you give the order, and I will lead the team, and we will definitely be able to rush up."

Boss Peng still said in his usual unhurried tone: "A few days ago we were defending against the enemy's attack. I asked everyone to try to delay the time. Now it is different. Now we are attacking and the enemy is defending. So I We require everyone to be resolute, brave, not afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, find the enemy's weaknesses, and tear apart their defenses. Every column must strive to open a breakthrough. As long as we can tear a hole, things will be easy , hurry back and prepare.”

Speaking of this, Boss Peng looked at his watch, pondered for a while, and then said: "Think of ways to minimize casualties. Don't rush regardless. The attack will start in two hours."

After muttering to Zhang Jinsong for a while, Li Yong turned around and asked Li Yuming to call over a row of Ning Erzi from the reconnaissance battalion. A few minutes later, Ning Erzi came running along the path.

Li Yong pointed to the open land in front of Heihuhu and said to Erzi Ning: "Second son, I have a task for you. Have you seen the open land in front of you?"

Seeing the second son Ning nodded, Li Yong continued: "Now there are dead and living people there, you take a few soldiers to touch it, catch a few alive ones back, be careful not to make any noise, and you can't shoot and fight." There are casualties, are you sure?"

"Leader, promise to complete the mission. I haven't done anything else for a while, and I actually captured the prisoners."

After listening to the words of the second son Ning, Li Yong was also quite moved. This captive soldier who was timid and fearful a year ago has become a reconnaissance hero of the People's Liberation Army, so that Li Yong and Zhang Jinsong would think of him to lead soldiers every time there is an important reconnaissance mission. Let's do it.

After accepting the task, Erzi Ning immediately returned to his platoon. The soldiers in the platoon saw him coming back and asked, "Platoon leader, why does our regiment leader want you? Is there another important task?"

Erzi Ning didn't answer the questions of the soldiers. He checked the weapons on his body and called the names of the soldiers. The soldiers whose names were called quickly stood in front of Erzi Ning.

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Erzi Ning said in a low tone: "The head of the regiment ordered us to catch a few survivors from the chaotic soldiers lying in front of us, and there must be no movement or casualties. confidence?"

It seems that these soldiers have performed missions with Ning Erzi for the first time, and they answered him in a very firm tone: "Finished the mission firmly."

"3 minutes to prepare, check the equipment, leave all the submachine guns, and set off."

A few minutes later, Erzi Ning led a few soldiers, each carrying only a shell gun, and went out from another ditch.

The people in the reconnaissance battalion are all double guys, but a few of them are performing the task of catching prisoners. It is a bit of a hindrance to carry a submachine gun, but a bursting shell gun is just right for use.

It was already dark, and not far from Mizoguchi, Erzi Ning and a few soldiers simply crawled forward on the ground. The two armies of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party faced each other in an area. The large-scale battle had not yet begun, but there were still sporadic battles. Gunshots continued, and if you walked with your back straight at this time, you might be hit by a stray bullet at any time.

Although it is said that since you are a soldier, you can't be afraid of death, especially like these scouts, who tuck their heads in their belts every time they go on a mission, but it is too unfair to be shot by stray bullets, so Ning Erzi The platoon leader crawled forward bit by bit with his soldiers lying on the ground.

Ning Erzi wore a watch on his wrist, but it was dark and he couldn't see anything. He estimated that it must have been half an hour, and Ning Erzi was touching something in his hand at the front, and then moved closer. Understood, this should be the body of a soldier who had not died long ago.

Gradually, there were more and more dead bodies, and a problem that had not been considered in advance appeared. The further you climbed, the closer you were to the center of the battlefield. It is not clear whether the person lying there is a dead person or a living person.

what to do?If one fails to expose the target, these fighters are likely to become the common target of both sides. Both sides may think that someone is sneak attacking and shoot, and there is nowhere to hide in the open position.

Otherwise, scouts have to pick their heads, Erzi Ning thought for a while and told the soldiers to touch it with his hands first, no matter if it is an arm or a thigh, as long as it is soft, it may be a living person, and the body of a dead person There is a difference between the muscles of a human being and a living person.

This method is easy to say, but it is not so easy to use. An ordinary person may be scared to death in this environment. How can he distinguish between the dead and the living? Fortunately, these people are always on the battlefield Rolling scouts, and scouts have to be brave, this environment has no effect on them.

Several people used this method to keep searching in the pile of dead bodies. Whether it was dead or alive, they first blocked their mouths with their hands, and then pinched their muscles hard. If you don't believe it, you won't find a few alive.

Not to mention, the idea of ​​Erzi Ning really worked. Some Kuomintang soldiers who were pretending to be dead were identified by this trick.

In fact, there are many dead people on this battlefield, but there are also many living people, but those who are alive are just pretending to be dead there.

Survival is to find a few, but the problem arises again, these undead soldiers will not move at all, if you love all kinds of places, I will not move, the second son Ning has no choice but to lie on the ears of these undead soldiers Talk about policy.

I don't know what method Ning Erzi used, anyway, as long as Ning Erzi crawled over and muttered a few words, these Kuomintang soldiers who pretended to be dead would follow back happily.

This move by Ning Erzi also stunned the scouts behind him. What did our platoon leader say to those prisoners?How about just a few words?


The second son didn't care what they thought, but ordered in a low voice: "Be careful, don't make any noise, go back." The old man cried and said to everyone: Hey, it's going to be broken for a few more days. The way, the old bus has to take care of life, thank you brothers for your support all the time.

The book friend "The Beginning of a New Life" is right in guessing that Lao Ba just wants to write a YY novel based on this period of history, which is really not history.


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