The beacon of youth

Chapter 299 Heart-digging Operation of the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 299 Heart-digging Operation of the Battle of Xifu

After more than half a night of marching, the independent regiment finally touched the vicinity of the headquarters of the Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang. Looking at a large courtyard, the soldiers were all excitedly rubbing their hands. Everything is ready. How enjoyable it would be to come here, and he would definitely be beaten to tears. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Needless to say the soldiers, even the commanders at the battalion level came forward one by one to ask for a fight. There is nothing to study, just go up and do it while it is dark. Who is the Eighth Route Army afraid of fighting at night?Sure to catch some big heads.

He Cuihua, the commander of the Fifth Battalion, found Li Yong again. According to her, the other troops, large and small, were fighting for nothing. The division fought hard once, and their fifth battalion will also be a sharp knife battalion this time, as long as the regiment party committee lets them go, they will be able to complete the task.

But war is not a drill, war is death, and there will be more deaths if the command is improper. After Li Yong sent He Cuihua, Ma Changsheng and other battalion commanders back, he discussed with Wang Chengde and a commander of the fourth column what method to use to maximize Minimize casualties.

In the end, Li Yong put forward a suggestion that the independent regiment attack from the front first to attract the firepower of the defensive troops as much as possible, and then a regiment from the four columns will attack from the rear, so as to create a false impression for the defending enemy. The attack is a feint, and the real main attack direction is in the rear. When the defensive forces and firepower are really mobilized to other directions, the independent regiment will launch a decisive attack on the enemy from the front.

As soon as the plan was announced, everyone nodded in agreement, including the head of the fourth column, who also thought it was a good idea and worth a try.

Before he came up with the solution, Li Yong was worried that the people in the fourth column would not agree, so they followed them all the way, and after a long time of arguing, they were asked to make a feint attack. Take it away, who wants to do such a thing?

However, Li Yong still underestimated others. It is right to take credit, but it depends on when. The people in the fourth column are very aware of the gap in combat effectiveness between themselves and the independent regiment. Of course, the independent regiment will launch the final attack. It is better to come and do it, and the overall situation should be put first in war. This is a matter of consciousness.

The headquarters of the Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang is currently located in a large courtyard with several courtyards. The houses and courtyard walls are made of blue bricks and gray tiles, and there are gates with iron-clad nails. It can be seen that the owner must be a wealthy family.

But now the walls of these courtyards have been dug out into shooting holes like gaps in the city wall, and some defensive facilities have been built scattered outside the large courtyard, such as sandbags, trenches, and underground bunkers.

The best way to deal with such a target is to dig tunnels and blast them if you don't have the firearms to attack them. But now there is no time to dig any tunnels, and it will be even more difficult to fight when the sun shines.

After simple preparations, the independent regiment started from the front. Li Yong used a small amount of troops to contain the left and right sides. The main force was concentrated at the front, and a regiment of the four columns quietly went around to the back of the large courtyard.

Li Yong called Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, and He Cuihua, the commander of the fifth battalion: "Aren't you two always calling for missions? Today, the regiment will hand over the mission to your two battalions, and we will attack the enemy's headquarters in 10 minutes. Resolute attack."

He Cuihua and Ma Changsheng glanced at each other: "Both stood up and answered together, please rest assured, chief, and resolutely complete the task."

Li Yong: "Don't rush to answer, I haven't finished my words yet, the mission must be completed, and the attack must be resolute, but there is a prerequisite, heavy machine guns and mortars cannot be used for the time being, especially the anti-aircraft machine guns in the regiment. Think about it, when you can use it and then listen to the order, can you still complete the task?"

Ma Changsheng and He Cuihua are a little confused, what does this mean, what weapons can be used and what weapons can't be used in war?And what can't be used is the most powerful weapon of the army. What does the commander want to do?

Unable to figure it out, Ma Changsheng gritted his teeth, and stepped forward to answer: "Reporting commander, don't use it if you don't need it, let alone mortars and heavy machine guns when we beat the little devils, there were not many light machine guns, right?" Have you come here too, and resolutely complete the task."

He Cuihua, a smart girl, suddenly blinked her big eyes and thought, what kind of tricks is this guy Dayong trying to play?However, there is no such thing as love on the battlefield, no matter what kind of relationship you have with the regiment leader, you must follow the order: "Okay, don't use it, let's go back and prepare more explosives, and use explosives to solve the problem. "

According to Li Yong's order, the two battalions of the main attacking force did not use heavy machine guns and mortars, but only used Czech and submachine guns, a small number of rifles and grenades to organize the attack.

The battle suddenly broke out in the depths of the Kuomintang Corps. The defending force was a reinforced regiment. Elite, not only fully staffed but also well-equipped, Pei Changhui also gave this unit a lot of care, regardless of the rank of the unit, but the middle and lower level officers are all appointed by Pei Changhui himself, so this unit is very important. Pei Changhui, the commander-in-chief, was very loyal, and he was a hard nut to crack.

Li Yong didn't tell He Cuihua and Ma Changsheng that the initial attack was a feint attack, everything was clear and sometimes it was not good, but he just ordered the troops to advance bit by bit, don't attack blindly, and make full use of the power of explosives to deal with the enemy There are various defensive facilities, and one more can be blown up.

The purpose of the independent regiment doing this is to pave the way for the next attack. The feint should be the same as the real one, so that people can see it at a glance. What is it called a feint?

The soldiers used short-range light firepower as cover, trying to block the shooting holes on the bunker, and the blasting team rushed up with the explosive package under the cover of firepower from behind.

The main defensive facilities around the headquarters of the Kuomintang Corps are a kind of bunkers that are only two feet above the ground. Because the height is very low, the projectile surface is very small. It is difficult to block the shooting space with only light machine guns and submachine guns. The battle has just begun. Several blasting teams all died.

Li Yong was in a simple command post not far away, and the soldiers' attack actions were clearly seen, and the sacrifice of several blasting teams made his heart twitch.

The sacrificed soldiers can be said to be caused by his regiment leader alone. The independent regiment has dozens of heavy machine guns and mortars, as well as an anti-aircraft machine gun battalion. His regiment leader keeps so many weapons and refuses to use them. Ordering soldiers to organize an attack with light weapons in their hands will definitely cost a lot. Every time a firepower point is blown up, it takes several blasting teams to solve the problem.

The soldiers didn’t understand why weapons were not allowed to be used, but the troops of the People’s Liberation Army have this advantage. No one complained about why the regiment leader did this. The regiment leader must have the intention of not allowing them to be used. To complete it, even with your teeth, you must gnaw down the enemy in front of you.

Seeing the continuous casualties of the troops, Li Yong was still determined to let the troops continue to attack. At this moment, Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, ran in: "Regimental Commander, let us go up. Small, I dare not say that it can solve the problem at once, but it will definitely make their casualties much smaller."

Political commissar Wang Chengde also anxiously said to the side: "Dayong, should we let them go up? We are at a disadvantage for doing so hard. The submachine gun is not accurate after 50 meters. It is too ineffective to block the enemy's firepower. The number of Czechs is not enough. , Sanba Dagai's rate of fire is too slow, Wei Gang and the others will definitely work."

Li Yong looked at the two of them and said with a wry smile: "You think I'm not in a hurry? I'm more anxious than you, but there's nothing I can do about it. I have to hold on for a while."

Wei Gang yelled: "Why? Captain, if you have any thoughts, you should not be able to reveal them now. Can you just let my head understand it for a while?"

Li Yong: "According to our prior reconnaissance, the enemy's defensive force is a reinforced regiment. This regiment has no fewer personnel and weapons than ours. The soldiers are very loyal and have strong combat effectiveness. If we want to deal with the enemy, we will pay less casualties." No, the question is how many casualties can we bear? How long will it take to resolve the battle? We don’t accept the casualties are too large, and if the time is too long, if the enemy’s reinforcements arrive, we won’t be able to get anything, and our own survival will become a problem. question.

Our regiment has more than 3000 people, and the enemy's regiment also has more than 3000 people. When the strength of the troops is similar, the defending side will definitely have a certain advantage. "

Seeing that both Wei Gang and Wang Chengde had listened, Li Yong went on to say: "Our advantage is that we have a regiment followed by a four-column, with slightly more troops than the enemy. In addition, the enemy is aware that we are in the dark, and we are active. The power is in our hands, relying on the combat effectiveness of our regiment, we are still sure of winning the battle.

Half an hour later, the people in the four columns launched an attack, making the enemy feel that this is our main direction of attack, and then we will give it a guy with all our strength, and try our best to solve the battle. "

The headquarters of the Fifth Corps of the Kuomintang was full of panic, and the phone kept ringing continuously, ***, where did the Communist Army come from?Wouldn't it have fallen from the sky?Called to the headquarters so soon?

Commander Pei Changhui showed his different side at this time. Standing in front of the map, this guy calmly said, "What are you panicking about? Calm down, and have a bit of a sexist demeanor. The Communist Army is just a small army. It just so happens." It’s just to attack us, listen, it’s just some submachine guns and three-step cover, plus some Czech models, with this kind of equipment can destroy my headquarters? Hmph.”

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