The beacon of youth

Chapter 30 The Polite Brigadier Liu

It is best for infantry to use direct-pointing weapons that they carry with them, such as bazookas and recoilless guns. With such weapons, the veteran bunker fighters who deal with the enemy can solve the problem with one reload. Without these two weapons, The wild mountain artillery produced by the United States and other allied countries in World War II and the [-] infantry artillery of the little devil are also good choices, but these types of weapons are not even available to special agents.

The lack of weapons to deal with solid targets and armored targets is currently one of the weaknesses of the secret service company. Li Yong has no solution for the time being. The weapons of the troops can only be captured. The captured weapons can only be obtained by others, of course not to him In later generations, it is so convenient to go to the warehouse to get equipment.

The soldiers of the brother troops, who had been suppressed by the machine gun fire in the bunker for a long time, rushed forward amidst shouts. Li Yong saw the brothers rush forward, and ordered to Gao Xiang beside him: "I'm done helping, dismantle the cannons!" We are ready to withdraw."

At this moment, the commander with the pistol on his back ran over and shouted loudly: "Comrade, don't rush away. We haven't expressed our thanks yet. We've come to see you."

While talking, a few long-looking people came from a distance, and the commander next to him looked at Li Yong and Wang Chengde and introduced: "This is our brigade commander, what do you two call it?"

Li Yong and Wang Chengde hurriedly stood at attention and saluted: "Second Column, Fourth Brigade, Second Regiment Special Agent Company, Company Commander Li Yong, Instructor Wang Chengde."

The commander on the opposite side looked at Li Yong and Wang Chengde: "The Second Regiment of the Fourth Brigade? Who is your regiment leader?" Li Yong stood at attention and replied, "The report chief and our regiment leader are called Zhao Jin."

I saw the commander think for a while: "Old Chen, the brigade leader of your fourth brigade, is very familiar with me, and Zhao Jin of the second brigade is also a bit selfish. When will your special agent company emerge from your regiment? There are four small branches in one company. Steel cannons, and four heavy machine guns? I know a little about your regiment’s family background, but there are only a few heavy machine guns in total, and they are all in your company? So, gather your company and let me have a look.”

Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked Li Yuming to blow the whistle to assemble, and after a few minutes the troops were assembled, and the commander came over with a lot of staff commanders to watch carefully.

At present, our Northwest Field Army is not equipped with troops wearing steel helmets. This time these people have seen it. Hundreds of them are all American-style M1 combat helmets and automatic weapons. They have Tom-style submachine guns on their chests and Czech-style light machine guns on their shoulders. , the Maxim heavy machine gun and small cannon on the ground, the gray military uniform without patches, the somewhat strange backpack and grass green vest, the suede high-top combat boots, and the melon-style grenades hanging on both sides of the neck, what do you think? How strange.

From the end of the 80.00th century to the beginning of the [-]th century, the helmets equipped by Western soldiers were mainly to cope with the harsh combat environment. Later, bloody wars completely changed people's understanding of helmets. When grenades and various shells roared to , Many soldiers were killed or injured by the shrapnel flying around. In the war of [-], [-]% of the casualties on both sides were caused by the shrapnel after the explosion.

In China from the 40s to the 1943s, due to low industrial production capacity, almost all weapons and equipment had to be imported, and steel helmets were no exception. After 1, the new army with the strongest combat effectiveness in the Kuomintang army began to be equipped with American-made m[-] steel helmet.

At that time, the Kuomintang army was equipped with the 19431944-1956 type. The helmet body was slightly higher than the 1 type that appeared later. In the later period of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang army was also equipped with a Chinese official helmet. The so-called Chinese official helmet is actually an American-made m[-] helmet, which is more adaptable after improvement. Chinese haircuts.

In the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, all the helmets of our army were captured, so the various helmet types are very chaotic. There are Japanese, American, British and German helmets. During the founding ceremony, the troops who were paraded by our army wore the The official steel helmet seized from the Kuomintang troops is the Chinese version of the US military m1 helmet.

Misled by some media and some war movies, many people believe that the main function of body armor and helmets is to prevent direct bullets.In fact, on the real battlefield, the various fragments produced by the explosion of ammunition are the biggest threat to soldiers.

Casualties caused by fragments in World War II accounted for 70.00% of the total casualties70.00, casualties caused by fragments in the Gulf War accounted for 90.00% of the total casualties[-], and the proportion of fragmented injuries in the Korean War was as high as [-]%[-], while direct bullet injuries accounted for only [-]% Seven point four, if will resist the direct shot of rifle bullet in the effective range, any known steel helmet is all powerless.

Judging from World War I and several subsequent large-scale wars, the limbs of soldiers are most likely to be injured, followed by the head, and the probability of chest and abdomen injuries is the least.However, the fatality rate of head injuries is very high, coupled with the low level of medical treatment at that time, as long as a soldier is injured within the skull, it is basically enough. Therefore, the steel helmet is the most important protective equipment for a soldier. This is why Li Yong emphasized that soldiers must wear it. The reason for the helmet.

Compared with the secret service company, the brother troops wearing toe-leaking cloth shoes next to them, patched military uniforms everywhere, and carrying messy rifles are just like beggars.

There is no intention to belittle the brotherly troops here. The Northwest Field Army was very difficult back then. It was so hard that other field army commanders could not believe it. It is true that the soldiers could not eat or dress well.

After looking at the team of the secret service company, the staff gasped and no one said a word. The staff officers of the brigade headquarters are all sensible people, and no one will give it in vain.Only the chief coughed twice and said, "This is Li Yong, how many people are there in your company? How did you organize it?"

Li Yong replied loudly: "Reporter, our company has five infantry platoons, one reconnaissance platoon, one machine gun platoon, one mortar platoon, and one supply platoon, plus the cooking squad, health team, and police squad. A total of 430 seven people have just been formed and are catching up with the troops. Today is the first battle after the establishment of our company. After the report, please give instructions."

After listening to Li Yong's introduction, the captain coughed a few more times and said, "Dayong, you see that your company has just been formed. It is not easy to chase the main force. Our Northwest Field Army is currently operating in units of brigades. We are three The ninth brigade in the column, my surname is Liu, and I am the brigade commander of the ninth brigade, I can’t say where your fourth brigade is operating, but I have an idea, do you think it’s okay?”

Li Yong and Wang Chengde looked at each other, why is this guy so polite?There is no need to discuss with us two company-level cadres if there is anything! !

I only heard Brigadier Liu say again: "Anyway, you have to chase after the troops, or you should not go to the Fourth Brigade and work in our Ninth Brigade. I will give you a battalion. You will be considered as the spy battalion of our brigade headquarters. How about two people, one battalion commander and the other an instructor?"

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