The beacon of youth

Chapter 302 The Embarrassed Pei Changhui

Chapter 302 The Embarrassed Pei Changhui

Several officers forced Pei Changhui to run for several kilometers. Later, the officer, who usually lacks exercise, sat on the ground and said nothing, and said that if he continued to run, he would be exhausted even if he was not killed by the Communist army. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

These few people had no choice but to rest with him. In the end, a clever staff officer came up with an idea. Since we can’t run away, let’s not run away. This black-and-white communist army may not be able to find it. It's easy to deal with, the small army of the communist army won't stay here forever.

Pei Changhui repeatedly said that this method is good, but the target of sitting on the ground is too obvious, so he has to find a place to hide it. Fortunately, there are a few pits that are not too deep nearby, and these people made some messy grass to cover them Then he got in, and it was up to God whether he could be caught by the communist army.

Still borrowing the light of the dark, and the fact that the independent regiment could not stay in this place for too long, the soldiers who searched hastily did not find a not too big pit not too far away from them, and they wanted to The few people who were arrested are here.

Waiting and waiting with trepidation, I have never been so afraid after being a soldier for so long, listening to the footsteps of PLA soldiers outside without even daring to breathe, it can be regarded as writing a chapter on the life of Commander Pei It was a legendary experience.

It was only when it was almost dawn that they saw troops wearing military uniforms passing through the gaps in the grass. Several people crawled out of the pit like people who were about to drown in the water and picked up straws to save their lives. .

The few people who crawled out crookedly were immediately arrested by passing Kuomintang soldiers. These staff officers forgot that they were still wearing the clothes of the lowest-ranking soldiers, and when they saw their troops, they became arrogant again: "Bastard, don't you have eyes? Don't you know who we are? Call me your chief."

This is a unit that has just been defeated from the front line, and the officers and soldiers are very angry. Seeing these guys in soldier clothes dare to yell at themselves, they are extremely annoyed.

A man who looked like a squad leader came over and knocked down the staff officer who had just shouted to the ground with the butt of the submachine gun in his hand: "I don't like you, the Eighth Route Army bullied us, you rotten garlic!" Also come to bully us, I think you are all spies of the Communist army, believe it or not, I will destroy you all?"

In other words, Pei Changhui, the commander, has a lot of insight and knowledge. He knows that no one believes them at this time. Even if he says he is the commander, it doesn’t matter. Explained: "Brothers, don't be angry, we are not spies, we are from the headquarters of the Corps. In the middle of the night, we were attacked by a unit of the Communist Army, so we have been hiding until now. Think about it, if we belonged to the Communist Army Will the spies come out when they see the brethren? Where is your officer? We want to see him."

The squad leader with a submachine gun looked Pei Changhui up and down, and guessed something when he saw that this young man was wearing an ill-fitting soldier's clothes.

Hmph, it must be some kind of official, who is in the headquarters, scared to change into our soldier's clothes when he sees the Eighth Route Army coming, really shameless, but you can't say clearly: "Okay, I Take you guys to meet our company commander, and tell him if you have anything to say."

Pei Changhui and these few staff officers were extremely depressed. What does a company commander usually mean to them?It's nothing, but now the company commander seems to be a big official. If you want to see him, you have to be introduced by the squad leader. Hey, I really answered that sentence, which is called "a tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by a dog".

After a while, several people were brought to a captain officer with a belt in his hand. The officer looked at them back and forth. This guy's eyes were much stronger than the soldiers'. He knew that although he didn't understand the judgment, he could not offend him. Maybe these people are really some officers in the Corps headquarters: "Well, I'll send you to the regiment's seat, and you guys will explain to our regiment leader."

After tossing and going back and forth for several times, Pei Changhui and his subordinates at least saw a colonel head who resisted two bars and three stars. The head of the regiment carefully looked at the few people standing in front of him, and finally understood, my God, isn't this the Commander?How did you get caught by my soldiers?

The head of the regiment who didn't dare to neglect hurriedly settled these great gods, and reported to his division commander that the commander is here with us.

After drinking some water and eating something, he regained his energy. Pei Changhui didn't pursue the disrespect of the soldiers at the grassroots level. He still had the awareness of this, and he just asked the regimental commander about the situation on the battlefield.

The regiment leader told him that the communist army's offensive was extremely ferocious, and that the second line of defense that the brothers had worked so hard to organize had been broken through by the communist army, and their regiment had just come down from the front.

The impatient Pei Changhui was sweating all over, and ordered the regiment commander to prepare a jeep for him immediately and take them to the division headquarters.

What Pei Changhui meant was to rush to the headquarters of this division as soon as possible, and use the high-power radio station of this division to re-establish the command system.

This regiment commander didn't become an official for nothing, he was quite good at being a man, he sent a company of soldiers, and he personally escorted them to the division headquarters. Isn't it time for the commander to show his loyalty when he is in trouble?

The division headquarters of the division that had just withdrawn from the front line was not too far away. The jeep drove quickly under the reminder of Pei Changhui, and it didn't take long to arrive at the field. Pei Changhui, who didn't even bother to change his clothes, went directly Walked to the communication command center.

Looking at the commander-in-chief in soldier clothes, the division commander murmured in his heart: No wonder the entire corps lost its command last night. It turns out that the commander was chased like this by the communist army, hey.

After the commander's introduction, Pei Changhui quickly learned the real situation on the battlefield. The entire defense line was broken one by one by the PLA's multi-point attack. Due to the failure of the command system, the troops were facing the danger of collapse.

Pei Changhui, who was sweating profusely, turned his head quickly. It seemed that this battle was about to be lost again. Let alone capture Peng Dehuai alive, even the commander of the corps was almost captured by the Communist army. What should I do?what to do?

The division commander who was following him looked at the sweaty commander and knew what Pei Chang was thinking: "Commander, hurry up and withdraw, the communist army's attack speed is very fast, if you don't withdraw, it may be too late."

Pei Changhui is a very shrewd commander in battle. He knows what it means to fight to such an extent. He will definitely withdraw, but how to withdraw is a matter of learning.

There are two methods in his mind. One is to let the troops take turns to cover and retreat alternately. The advantage of this method is that no one complains when the order goes down, and the dangers faced by all troops are the same, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the troops withdraw The speed is slow, and it is difficult to get rid of the communist soldiers who are used to running on mountain roads.

The second method is to spare a unit, use this unit to block the communist army, and then quickly retreat other units. The task is difficult.

This Pei Changhui is worthy of being a talented student of Baoding Military Academy. He is indeed a very strategic commander. He is very aware of the difference between his own troops and the People's Liberation Army. It's hard to say, and it is estimated that no one would be willing to do this.

After much thought, Pei Changhui finally became ruthless. He had to use extraordinary measures in extraordinary times. He could not escape the communist army's pursuit if he continued to follow the steps as before. After that, even if the loss is not small, the basic organizational system of the army is still there, and it can still be said by Hu Zongnan and Chairman Jiang.

Having made up his mind, Pei Changhui designated a division-level unit closest to the People's Liberation Army, and asked them to stand still and cover the retreat of the main force of the Corps.

Pei Changhui knew that no one was willing to carry out such a task. He told the commander of this division on the radio that he had to carry out the execution, or he had to carry out the execution, otherwise he would be sent to a court-martial. Big sticks are not enough, carrots are needed.

He told the commander again on the radio, don't be afraid of casualties, it doesn't matter if you run out of troops, you can replenish as many casualties as possible, as long as the battle is over, you should still be the division commander.

Pei Changhui still understood the hearts of his subordinates very well, and he also caught the itch. At that time, especially in the various factions of the Kuomintang, they all spoke by their strength, and they had status only when they had an army in their hands.

This has created a kind of inertial thinking that puts the preservation of strength as the top priority. Therefore, no one wants to really work hard until the critical moment. They are afraid that if the troops are wiped out, they will be finished once the troops are gone.

The commander of a division of the Kuomintang who received the order was also helpless. It would be impossible not to execute the order. If he executed it, his army would be no different from meat buns. In the end, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet to make up his mind, fight hard, and at least listen to the commander. Whether to supplement or not depends on the character of the commander after the war.

The Kuomintang troops of a division quickly organized defenses on the spot, and organized several small-scale counterattacks during the interval of the battle. Speaking of it, Pei Changhui's tactics are still effective.

In the headquarters of the Second Column of the Northwest Field Army, various orders were issued continuously, and the progress of the troops was reported every once in a while, so the position of the headquarters was constantly moving forward.

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