The beacon of youth

Chapter 305 The Chapter Family of the West Mansion Battle

Chapter 305: Going Home in the Battle of Xifu

The independent regiment back near Baoji was busy preparing all kinds of supplies and equipment. The regiment leader Li Yong kept urging the soldiers to speed up, and all those who could be loaded were loaded first, and everything that was useful was taken away.

This made political commissar Wang Chengde and others very puzzled why Li Yong gave such an order. According to Commander Wang, the troops are about to enter a rest period, so why are they so nervous at this time.

Li Yong told him with a smile that it is true to rest and recuperate, but it also depends on where it is. Baoji has always been a Kuomintang-controlled area. As for being afraid of seeing the army, adults and children hide cats and cats when they see the army. There is no family relationship like that between soldiers and civilians in the old liberated areas. Such an area is not suitable for rest and training of large troops, so we still have to prepare quickly to save When the superior gave the order, he was in a hurry.

Li Yong's explanation also made Wang Chengde and others understand the reason. The situation is really like this. What do troops rely on to fight? Some say it depends on firepower, some think it depends on size and numbers, and some say it depends on correct battle command and The tenacity of the soldiers is all right, but the most important thing is to rely on the support of the people. This is the most important thing, and it is precisely this point that the Kuomintang army ignores.

When Hu Zongnan first attacked Yan'an (March 2), the Northwest Field Army, which had just been formed for a short time, gave him a big blow. Qinghuabian near Yan'an ate a brigade of the Kuomintang. In order to fight this battle, More than 2 field troops lay in ambush in the Qinghuabian area for more than three days (there were only [-] field troops at that time).

In more than three days, more than 2 troops are not a small number. The field army has been seen by many people, but until the end of the battle, the Kuomintang reconnaissance troops at all levels did not find any abnormalities (including aerial reconnaissance). If it weren't for the old liberated area commanders like Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, they might not even dare to think about it.

As soon as the Kuomintang troops entered the Shensi-Kansu-Ningxia Border Region, they became blind and deaf, and none of the common people provided them with any useful information. Could such an army not be defeated?

Boss Peng has said more than once that without the full support of the people in the border areas and without the folks in the Liberated Areas, the PLA would not have been able to achieve so many victories. In the eyes of the boss, who is like a god of war, the people are the key to determining the outcome of a war.

I don’t know that more than ten years later, Boss Peng opposed the Great Leap Forward, opposed the so-called high-yield (when local officials reported to their superiors, they claimed that the yield per mu was over [-] jin), released satellites, opposed how bold and productive people were, and opposed the great refinement of the whole people. Does steel have a certain relationship with the current understanding?

As Li Yong expected, the troops received the news of the departure the next day, and the prepared independent regiment filed out in a battalion without haste. Cars, artillery, mules, and personnel followed the second army. The large troops of the column set off from the Majiashan area where they were originally guarded.

Li Yong's decision made the soldiers admire again. Looking at the fraternal troops who were shouting indiscriminately, Li Jiangguo, sitting in his jeep with a big mouth, was still muttering to the correspondent next to him: "What? , Fighting with the regiment leader is so comfortable, he can think about everything, and he can even think about it before the troops return to the old liberated area, what do you think our regiment leader will do if he is an enemy?"

The correspondent also replied with a smile: "Isn't that all your credit? No matter how powerful our regiment leader is, you are the one who caught him back. It stands to reason that your credit is not small."

"Don't talk nonsense, what does this matter have to do with me? But think about it, my old Li is indeed very foresighted. If you don't take action, let's grab a regiment leader and come back. It seems that my old Li is too. A very capable person.”

Li Jiangguo's soliloquy almost made the people in the car burst into laughter, and the correspondent coughed and said, "Battlefield Commander, don't feel so good about yourself, I'm flattering you, you didn't even hear that? Our regiment leader never admitted that he was captured by you. Our regiment leader said that he ran out of the Kuomintang army and followed you when he met you on the way. The regiment leader’s participation in our People’s Liberation Army has nothing to do with you.”

Li Jiangguo still insisted and said: "You guys know what a fart. It has nothing to do with me. Even if I brought it back, the credit is not small. If I hadn't led the way, the head of the group would probably go to The other troops have gone, can we still have an independent regiment like today?"

Although the few people in the car didn't quite believe in Li Jiangguo's genius, they also thought that this guy had some credit, and there was hard work without credit.

The army marched out to cover the sky, and the yellow dust brought up by vehicles, mules, horses, and crowds suddenly floated high and high. The captives set off from the Baoji area and went straight to the old liberated areas.

After defeating the 82nd Division of Ma's Army and the Fifth Corps of Pei Changhui, the Northwest Field Army had no opponents in Baoji for the time being. This allowed Boss Peng to calmly command the troops to bring all the KMT's war supplies in Baoji City. Take as much as you want, don't leave a single needle, and empty out the warehouse.

Cars, horse-drawn carriages, and trolleys, as long as they are transportable together, there is only one principle, and these materials should not be wasted. The troops of the People's Liberation Army know the difficulties of having no food, no bullets, and no clothes to wear. As the so-called poor families The children have long been in charge of the family, and the soldiers are reluctant to leave anything behind.

The red-eyed independent regiment had a lot more cars than other troops. The head of the regiment, Li Yong, asked all the soldiers to get out of the cars and walk, and vacated the cars to pull food and ammunition.

The Independence Regiment seized a large number of cars and jeeps in this battle. The long convoy could not be seen at a glance. Not counting jeeps, there were more than [-] large trucks alone. This was already a terrifying number at that time. Now, the cadres and soldiers of the fraternal troops sticking out their tongues while watching the cars one after another, and some even said strange things: "Look, the waste of copper and iron in our hands will become in the hands of the independent regiment." Baby, how can these people tinker with cars? It's really hard to figure out."

I can’t say how powerful the Independent Regiment is. It’s really because there are too few people in the fraternal troops who can drive cars. There are so few commanders who don’t know much about cars. They think these things are useless and they can only take the road. Stop drinking gasoline, a car without gasoline is not as good as a donkey cart, and when I saw the independence group slamming, I generously gave them to them.

It's not that the commanders of the brothers' troops are not smart enough, but it has something to do with the fact that they have always been fighting guerrilla warfare in the valley. It is purely a burden, not only useless but also a burden. Except for Li Yong, an alternative who has traveled through time, who can think of what will happen a few years later, so basically all the cars thrown away by the Kuomintang Pei Changhui Corps in this battle were brought back by the independent regiment .

Li Yong is very happy. He was troubled by the lack of cars, so someone came to his door. Commander Li is very clear about the road the army will take in the future. The field army is gradually growing, and it is impossible to always fight guerrillas in the mountains. , in the future, we will fight big cities, fight bigger battles, liberate more areas, liberate the entire Northwest of the motherland, and go to far, far away Xinjiang. Cars will not be available for a long time in the future. One of the missing transports.

Almost two months have passed since the Battle of Yichuan, and the wounded in Yulin are probably recovering. The prisoners who have been trained in the rear, and the new ones captured in this battle, the entire independent regiment will have The maximum expansion since the establishment of the army puts higher demands on the original transportation force. Fortunately, the independent regiment captured a large number of cars and weapons in this battle, so Li Yong felt a little more relaxed. .

Marching during the day and camping at night, the entire field army was filled with a joyous atmosphere. Some soldiers sang songs, some talked allegro, and some bragged about the mountains. Anyway, the troops were in high spirits.

The soldiers are all young, and the senior commanders are only in their thirties. It is the time when they are full of youth. In the past, the soldiers did not like to talk when they were marching, because there was no food in their stomachs. Yes, the stomach is not only full, but also has a lot of oil and water. Boss Peng ordered a large amount of canned food to be distributed to the troops. The soldiers said excitedly that it was better than the usual New Year's food.

From the Red Army and the Eighth Route Army to the current People's Liberation Army, what the soldiers are most afraid of is that there is no food and ammunition. As long as they have food and ammunition, they are not afraid of anything. No matter the great suffering or the enemy, they can only be farts and be heroes. The soldiers stepped under their feet.

After several days of continuous marching, the Northwest Field Army's brigade finally returned to their old liberated area, the Malan area in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

The Northwest Field Army, which returned to the old liberated area, immediately caused a sensation. Adults, children, women, and the elderly all mobilized to welcome their soldiers and their relatives home.

Jujubes, eggs, pancakes, and all kinds of edible food stuffed the soldiers' pockets full. The people in the border area knew the difficulties of their troops, and they were afraid of starving the soldiers, because there were theirs here. Brother, son and husband.

The soldiers kept telling the people that we have no shortage of food now, and we have captured Baoji City, enough for our troops to eat for a long time.

Li Yong was completely moved. What is clear water for soldiers and civilians?Is there any difficulty that cannot be overcome?Long live the invincible Chinese People's Liberation Army.


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