Chapter Prison Mountain Assault Regiment

After resting for more than a month, the commanders of the Second Column of the Northwest Field Army once again went to the column headquarters for a meeting. Commander Wang Zhen conveyed the spirit of the central government's instructions to the commanders above the regiment at the meeting held by the column. Those who came to the meeting Discuss immediately.

It seemed that the reactions of the commanders were all within his expectations, and Commander Wang pressed down with both hands: "Comrades, the ideas of our Party Central Committee and the Communist Party are not shouted out, but we need to realize them step by step." , Those of us with guns want to do everything we can to turn the ideas of the Party Central Committee and the Communist Party into reality. It is a good thing to want to fight a war. I can tell you with certainty that we are going to fight again.”

When Commander Wang said this, the venue was quiet, and the people who had been discussing just now fell silent, as if a needle could be heard falling into the ground: "Comrades, remember Hu Zongnan's speech in March last year?" How rampant is it? Do you remember how they attacked our Yan’an? Do you still remember that the Kuomintang threatened to take three months to solve us?"

Hearing what Commander Wang said, a commander stood up suddenly: "Commander, we will remember even after we die, what is Yan'an? It is the place where our Party Central Committee and the Communist Party live, and they occupied it for a year. More, we remember even in our dreams.”

Commander Wang raised his voice: "Comrades, not only you remember, every cadre and soldier of our field army, every member of the Communist Party remembers, and I, Wang Zhen, remember as well as you. A year ago we only had more than 2 people. Hu Zongnan has more than 20 attacking troops on the front line. There is a huge gap between our strength and the enemy. The decision of the Party Central Committee to abandon Yan'an is correct. We will not compete with the enemy for a city or a place. And lose, what we want is to destroy the enemy's vital forces. Yan'an is like a big burden. They don't want to let it go easily after they carry it. More than a year has passed. What is the result? Our field army has made great progress. Weapons and ammunition have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before, and the enemy's strength has been greatly weakened by us. Although their total strength in the Northwest is still more than ours, the initiative on the battlefield has completely fallen into our hands. To put it bluntly, we can fight wherever we want in the Northwest, so the Field Army Headquarters has made a decision—the time has come for our Northwest Field Army to recover Yan'an."

After Commander Wang finished his last sentence, the meeting room suddenly became lively, and some people wiped their tears with their hands excitedly. Like a mountain in their hearts.

These people take it for granted that there are so many troops in the country, but it must be their Northwest Field Army to take back Yan'an, because the Northwest Field Army is the guard army of the Party Central Committee and the Communist Party, and Yan'an cannot be taken back. I can't hold my head up, and I'm not reconciled to death.

Not to mention Li Yong and Wang Chengde, the two new recruits in everyone's eyes, even Brigadier Chen, a commander from the old Red Army, couldn't hold back anymore, and Brigadier Chen, who had always been calm, stood up: "Commander Comrades, ladies and gentlemen, our fourth brigade is ready. Please ask the column party committee to entrust the most difficult task to our brigade. I hereby promise to the column party committee that as long as there is one person in our fourth brigade, we will complete the task and destroy the enemy. , into Yan'an City."

Li Yong had many meetings with the commanders of the second column, and this was the first time he saw Brigadier Chen, the old Red Army, so excited.

Brigadier Chen's words seemed like a stone was still in the frying pan, and a commander shouted loudly: "Okay, old Chen, what do you mean your brigade is ready? It's not too late. Grab the task, your fourth brigade is powerful, and we are not idiots, our brigade will fight for the sharp knife task, and then we will compare with your fourth brigade."

Then the commander said that several brigade commanders stood up and asked Commander Wang for tasks, and the meeting place was in chaos.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde looked at each other. Although they also wanted to fight for some tasks, they didn't dare to say anything. Why?Just because the qualifications of the two are too low, they are as speechless as children in front of these old Red Army soldiers.

According to the actual capabilities of the independent regiment, Li Yong and Wang Chengde can compete with these commanders. The independent regiment with more than 7000 members is not much less than a main brigade, and its weapons and equipment and actual combat effectiveness are even more than that of a brigade. No, this is one of the reasons why Commander Wang has a lot of face in front of Captain Bie Zong.

The reason is also very simple, the other columns have three main brigades, only the second column has an extra independent regiment, and this independent regiment is very powerful, so Commander Wang of the second column has four main brigades in his hands. It is the main column with the most personnel and the most powerful combat effectiveness in the Northwest Field Army.

This can be regarded as one of the consequences of Li Yong's crossing over, allowing the second column to have one more independent regiment than in previous history.

Looking at the chaotic venue, Commander Wang waved his hands: "Everyone be quiet, don't grab the mission, there are some battles for you to fight, let the chief of staff tell you about the situation in Yan'an."

A leader opened a wall chart on the wall, pointed to the geographic location on the map and began to talk: "According to the information we have, there are currently three regular divisions of the Kuomintang defenders in Yan'an. The No.4 division has the largest number of personnel, the best weapons and equipment, and the strongest combat effectiveness. The division commander He Ding is a classmate of Hu Zongnan. In order to meet the needs of Yan'an, a large number of fortifications made of steel and concrete were built near Yan'an. Various firepower points were intertwined. In addition, there was a large amount of food and ammunition in the city and the dangerous terrain. The enemy made up his mind to defend to the death. Therefore, Yan'an is a It is a tough nut to crack, and this battle is not easy to fight."

Commander Wang added: "Our field army has more than 9 people, and the total strength is two to three times that of the enemy. If it is a field battle in a plain area, we will take advantage of it, but it does not seem that there are many people fighting fortified battles. That's right, plus we have to spare some troops to contain the enemies in other areas, so our field army can only have about 9 troops. This is the result of the cooperation of a large number of local militias, otherwise we would not be able to gather 4 troops If we use [-] people to attack a city defended by [-] people, we will not have any advantage in personnel, and the mentality of underestimating the enemy is not good."

Li Yong knows that Commander Wang is telling the truth, the enemy is not a fool, and if he wants to regain Yan'an, he must gather all his forces. It is very difficult to use 9 people to deal with a strong fortified stronghold guarded by 4 people. It is nothing new to be unable to attack and lose a battle. If it is not done well, it will be like the first battle of Yulin. Not only did it fail to capture a big city, but it also suffered heavy casualties. From this point of view, attacking Yan'an will be a very dangerous one. Game, regaining Yan'an will bring huge benefits politically, if it fails to recover, the good situation brought about by the bloody struggle just now will be ruined, and the troops will also suffer heavy losses.

Seeing the commanders at all levels gradually calming down, Commander Wang continued: "Our second column is the largest force in the field army, so at the meeting held by the field army, the political commissar and I grabbed the most difficult direction of attack. Our column attacked from south to north, and the entire south of Yan'an was covered by our column. Everyone think about how to fight this battle."

The meeting has been going on for two or three hours, and there are constant discussions. The commanders who came to the meeting are all old people who have fought for more than ten or twenty years. Regardless of their age, they are all ghosts and ghosts , the battle was very methodical, and the issues were considered very thoughtfully. In the end, everyone reached a consensus that it would be very difficult to attack from the south, because there are not only a large number of field fortifications in the south, but also a very dangerous hilltop position-Laoshan.

The altitude of this Mount Lao is not too high, but it is the commanding height of the entire south of Yan'an. Therefore, if you want to attack from the south, you must take this commanding height. Otherwise, the troops will not only have no way to attack the city, but will also be severely damaged by the firepower on the top of the mountain. .

Of course, the Kuomintang defenders in Yan'an also knew the importance of the prison mountain position, and used a reinforced regiment to defend it. This reinforced regiment had more than 3000 people.

Therefore, if the second column wants to attack from the south of Yan'an City, it must eliminate the Kuomintang's prison mountain position. The key to the problem is how many people and troops can be used to solve the position that the Kuomintang ordered to defend. If there are fewer people, it will not work, and if there are too many people, it will be involved. The thickness of troops in the main attack direction.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde, who hadn't spoken much all this time, looked at each other, and Li Yong asked quietly, "Old Wang, how are you? Do you have any ideas?"

Wang Chengde: "I have an idea. It is better for our regiment to take back the task of attacking Laoshan, which is better than letting us always be a reserve team. But speaking psychologically, I am not sure, because I am afraid that our regiment will not be able to take it down at that time." Dragging down the progress of the entire battle, if the battle is fought to that extent, the two of us will become sinners in history. '

Li Yong nodded, knowing that this was Wang Chengde's psychological words: "Old Wang, have you forgotten what our regiment has been doing these days? Think about it carefully."

When Li Yong reminded him, Wang Chengde suddenly remembered, yes, these days the regiment has been doing all kinds of field battle exercises, and it has been going on for more than ten days. If the independent regiment is not sure, then other troops are even less sure.

Wang Chengde, who was mentally brightened, patted Li Yong on the shoulder: "Dayong, what do I think you are really good at pinching? You know that our regiment is going to grab the main mission of the mountain?"

I'm sorry to everyone, the update is about to stop again, the old bus has to prepare for the exam recently, I really don't have energy, and it will gradually get better in the future.

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