The beacon of youth

Chapter 313 Gangu Station

Chapter 313 Gangu Station

Yan'an, KMT reorganized the No.17 division headquarters. Several large cave dwellings with bright and clean windows are connected together. The carved wooden lattice windows are inlaid with glass that was rarely seen in Yan'an at that time. .

The long and strong table is covered with a grass-green military blanket, and on the wall at one end are portraits of Mr. Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek in Chinese tunic suits.

On the other side is a large military map. The two sides of the table are full of senior officers of the Kuomintang troops stationed in Yan'an according to their positions. I don't know why. The atmosphere in the room is not high. The officers are discussing The sound continued.

No matter what He Wending thinks in his heart, and no matter what the corrupt general thinks about the current situation, the commander-in-chief is still very dignified. Sitting in the main seat, He Wending glanced at the generals who were discussing under him:

"Everyone, I called you to this meeting to come up with a way to deal with the Communist Army, not to let you spread negative remarks. You are all senior generals of the party and the country. You must have this thought and awareness, and you must find ways to share the worries of the party and the country. , to share the worries of the Chairman, and to share the worries of Chief Hu.”

An officer with the rank of three-star colonel holding two bars looked around and stood up and replied: "Commander, according to our information, the main force of the Northwest Communist Army who was resting in the Malan area suddenly disappeared a few days ago. There may be major actions in the near future, and we must be more careful."

The officer's answer made He Wending tremble all over: "You mean that the communist army will take another major action recently?"

Officer: "The humble officer believes that the communist army has rested for such a long time, and the aftermath of the attack on Baoji has been digested. It is time for others to do something."

He Wending: "Don't be alarmist. Are the Communist Army human beings or gods, and they are going to act so soon? Based on your analysis, what is their next move?"

Officer: "Commander, I believe that, based on various indications, the Communist Army's next target is likely to be Yan'an where we are defending."

As soon as the officer finished speaking, the originally quiet meeting room suddenly became chaotic. The officers whispered to each other, using the information they had in their hands to judge how credible the officer's words were.

The officer who stood up to speak was the intelligence director of the Yan'an garrison, and also the intelligence director of the reorganized No.17 division. He was a trusted subordinate of the division commander He Wending. All the Kuomintang intelligence personnel sent out were sent by him, so this guy is not a big official or a high-ranking person, but he still has some weight in speaking among these senior Kuomintang generals.

Frowning, He Wending waved his hands to stop the commotion in the room, and continued to ask the officer, "There are no jokes in the military, but is there any conclusive evidence?"

"Commander, although most of the spies we sent out have disappeared, there are still a few outstanding elites who have brought back the situation. To be more specific, the soldiers of the communist army returned back the planks and straw borrowed from the people’s homes to make beds, and stepped up to replenish all kinds of ammunition and food. Many soldiers of the army pack their backpacks abnormally, which makes people very suspicious. The communist army doesn’t sleep at night? Why do they pack their backpacks? From this point of view, I think that the communist army must have big actions. The time was still that night, and sure enough, on that night, the Communist army of the brigade disappeared from the Malan area, and its whereabouts are unknown."

Another officer who came to the meeting couldn't help but asked after hearing this: "Why is it so troublesome to do something? It's so wordy, why don't your people follow up? What about the elites of the Communist Army? If you don’t have wings, why don’t you follow up to find out, and let us make random analysis here.”

The director who reported the situation took a look at the dissatisfied officer: "Brigade Commander Zhang, if you don't understand the actual situation at that time, you don't know how dangerous the situation of our intelligence personnel is. Although there are many local people, they Some have lived in that area all their lives and are familiar with each other, and the redified people are very vigilant, outsiders are easy to be discovered, and it is difficult for our people to infiltrate. In addition, there are basically no locals in our army. You said that one or a few foreigners suddenly appearing in a poor mountain valley can not arouse suspicion? Let me tell you, Brigadier Zhang, just for this information, I have lost more than a dozen excellent spies, all of whom have been trained for many years An officer of the party-state who came out."

Brigadier Zhang, who had spoken earlier, continued a little impatiently: "Okay, okay, even if they are all elites of the party-state, your elites will just watch the large forces of the Communist Army disappear from under their noses. Didn't do anything about it?"

Although the intelligence director of this ** has a lower official position than the brigade commander, but because he is not a member of the army, and he is He Wending's confidant, he doesn't like to hang on to this brigade commander Zhang who speaks very directly. None of them looked at the brigade commander:

"Commander, the movement of the main force of the communist army is very fast and erratic, and it is also very cunning when marching. Many scouts were sent around the large army to eliminate the traces. My people dare not follow, nor dare to rely too much on it. Recently, the whereabouts of the communist army cannot be judged at the first time, and we have no way to track the Northwest communist army in its entirety."

When the director said this, another officer asked: "Since you can't judge the whereabouts of the communist army, on what basis do you prove that the next target of the communist army is likely to be Yan'an where we are defending?"

"Although we can't grasp the whereabouts of the Communist army, I still have a little selfishness. After our intelligence personnel withdraw, we order them to focus on observing the situation of various traffic arteries in the direction of Yan'an. Don't let go of any clues. Others We can't control the direction. As expected, all the signs that can be ascertained from the communist army show that their attack target is Yan'an, where we are now guarding. According to the itinerary of the communist army, if nothing unexpected , it is estimated that in two days we will be able to enter the city."

As soon as the director had finished speaking, the entire meeting room fell silent, and the officers at all levels who were still very good just now no longer had any arrogance.

It stands to reason that He Wending, who is the supreme officer at this time, should encourage his subordinates or something. Unexpectedly, the commander-in-chief did not make a sound for a long time after hearing the news. In the end, he just said something to some subordinates: "All ministries go back Strictly prepare, do not slack off, and adjourn the meeting."

The subordinates who walked out of the conference room reacted differently. Some murmured together in twos and threes: "I knew what I did when the situation became like this. If Liu Kan and Yan Ming were besieged by the communist army, we would go all out to support them." It is still uncertain what the battle will be like? Maybe the Northwest Communist Army will be wiped out in one fell swoop, and this is good, it is our turn to be besieged."

The other also whispered: "This Commander He is too timid. If the chief officer doesn't speak up, it's useless for us to think too much. Cough, you and my brothers are asking for blessings."

In the dark night, starry, the several Dachuan roads leading to Yan'an were crowded with soldiers of the Northwest Field Army. The weapons on the soldiers' bodies collided with each other, making clanking noises. The iron palms of the horses and the road The stones on the ground bumped against each other, and occasionally a small spark burst out.

Cars, mules, various large-scale equipment, and personnel made these narrow rivers very congested. From time to time, the voices of commanders at all levels were conveyed step by step.

In order to prevent being discovered by the enemy's air force, the Northwest Field Army chose to march at night. Fortunately, the troops were very familiar with the geography of this area. Although it was a night march, they didn't have any worries about getting lost. The large troops just kept moving forward. .

Most of the more than 7000 independent regiments rode horses, and most of them sat in cars. After the Battle of Xifu, the independent regiment, which had captured a large number of troops, was basically motorized.

Marching with the large army, the motorization of the independent regiment did not show any advantages. Walking with the infantry, the superiors did not give any task of running quickly, so the soldiers of the independent regiment had to mix a large number of cars in the middle of the large army , stop and go and move forward.

Li Yong sat in a jeep in the middle, leaning his head back on the back of the chair, swaying back and forth with the swing of the jeep, slowly, the rickety jeep made our leader Li almost fall asleep.

Li Yuming, the company commander of the guard beside him, was no longer in such a lazy mood. This soldier from the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region opened his eyes wide and carefully surveyed the surrounding environment. Although he was marching with the main force, there were scout troops all around. There shouldn't be any problem with safety, but Li Yuming didn't dare to slack off at all. He did everything he did with due diligence, and his loyalty to his work was evident in every drop of his blood.

Don't look at the head of the regiment who seems to be in a daze, it's because the captain is too tired. As the commander of the guard, he must not sleep. The head of the regiment has many things on his mind, and he is planning big things. At this time, he should sleep for a while. As a guard in the regiment, you must not let the regiment leader make any mistakes, otherwise you will be irresponsible for the cause of corruption.

The last sentence is often said by political commissar Wang Chengde. Li Yuming has listened to it a lot and understood it.

In the middle of the night, the troops passed a small town. There was a big stone at the entrance of the town. There were a few words "Gangu Post" engraved on the stone. It seemed to be the name of the village. The road the troops passed was from the middle of the town to the far side. extend at.

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