The beacon of youth

Chapter 319 Battle of the Mountains 3

Chapter 9

The assault troops of the Independence Regiment attacked continuously for several hours, and finally occupied a big bunker halfway up the mountain that had not yet been blown down. It would be much more convenient to have this relatively complete position, and the soldiers could rely on this abandoned big bunker Start a second friends whole~reason~provide

The ammunition brought up from the mountain was piled up here, and later even the battalion-level command post set up in the back was moved here.

This old soldier who resisted the bazooka has made great achievements. The power of an example is infinite. The soldiers followed the example and approached the attack according to the old soldier's method.

The firepower that can be easily solved is solved with explosives, and the ones that are labor-intensive or have heavy casualties are directly shot with rocket launchers from tens of meters away. Although the number of rockets is not large, I think it is very effective. No need to send explosives, and the attack speed is significantly accelerated. , Casualties also dropped.

As a result, the defenders on the mountain couldn't bear it anymore. They thought that with the fortifications all over the mountains and plains, they could deal with the PLA for a long time. As long as they can persist for a week, everything will be fine. Even if there is no time for support in Yan'an City, Chief Hu's troops should arrive .

Unexpectedly, just a few hours later, the solid fortified position was shaken, and the attacking communist army did not know which army from the Eighth Route. The firepower was unbelievable. Baoji was destroyed, and a large number of weapons and ammunition were snatched back, but they were not so strong, so what should we do?

On the top of Mount Lao there is a big core bunker. The outer wall of reinforced concrete can be more than one meter thick, and it can accommodate hundreds of people inside. Not only the regiment headquarters of the Laoshan garrison is here, but also a A company of heavily armed guards also lives there.

A staff officer hurried over to report: "Squad, the communist army's offensive is very fierce, and the firepower is also very fierce. The brothers have suffered too many casualties, and they are almost unable to withstand it."

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me, where is the communist army?" the regiment leader asked through gritted teeth.

"Tuan Zuo, we are already halfway up the mountain, you should think of a way."

"***, from where did the Communist Army come out with such a powerful unit? Listening to the movement, there are dozens of anti-aircraft machine guns just covering the attack, and that's not counting the mortars bombing everywhere. , Our ** troops don’t have such equipment, how could the Communist Army have it? It’s really evil.”

The head of the Kuomintang regiment guarding Laoshan is a military officer with a professional background, and he doesn't know everything for nothing (most of the Kuomintang officers are graduated from military academies. The victory of the war is made up of many factors, and it is useless to have a high level.) From the firing sound of the weapons of the independent regiment's offensive troops, the approximate number of anti-aircraft machine guns can be heard, and he should be a guy with two skills.

The chief of staff came over and said in a low voice, "Tuan Zuo, have you forgotten about Baoji? There are everything in Baoji's warehouse. It's not surprising that the communist army's weapons are powerful."

The head of the Kuomintang: "Damn Xu Bao, damn Pei Changhui, and Ma Jiajun even more. A battle with superior forces was defeated by them. They wronged the party and the country, and the party and the country."

Chief of Staff: "Regiment, getting angry is not the way to go. Do you think we are asking for some support from the city of Yan'an? Even if it is enough to send us two more companies, the worst thing is to provide us with some artillery Firepower?"

"Support? My chief of staff, look at the city of Yan'an. It's all a mess. Who cares about us? We are a regular regiment, not a miscellaneous security team. They have strengthened us with more than 1000 people. This is a reinforced regiment of more than 3000 people, and there are fortifications in dangerous terrain. After fighting for a few hours, they asked the commander for reinforcements? It is estimated that there will be no reinforcements, and they will have to be scolded."

"The artillery fire is even more impossible. Look at the attack from the communist army to the present, has our artillery fire worked? Even if we were not blown up by the communist army's artillery fire, we were scared out of our wits. We count on them and our brothers to fight against each other." I can't even put on my pants."

Chief of Staff: "Then what should we do? The Communist Army is getting closer, and we can't just sit and wait for death?"

"Don't be so discouraged. The communist army has just arrived halfway up the mountain, and it will take some time before the attack reaches the top of the mountain. We take this opportunity to gather all the forces that can be mobilized in the regiment headquarters to form a reserve team. You or I will directly lead the Communist army to fight back at the critical moment, and if we hold on for a while, the plane from Xi'an will arrive at dawn, and then we will take advantage of the air force to regain the lost positions."

The head of the Kuomintang is indeed a good player. Up to now, he has not been intimidated by the fierce attack of the People's Liberation Army. Instead, he has used the time to organize a temporary combat force, preparing to launch a sudden counterattack when our army pushes to the top of the mountain. action.

I have to say that the enemy's move is very vicious. Because of the continuous fighting, our army's attacking troops must be very tired when they approach the top of the mountain, and their physical strength and defensive psychology will also decline. Dangerous, it is very likely to be counterattacked by the enemy without preparation.

Once the troops are counterattacked, the consequences will be very serious. Not only will the efforts and costs paid be useless, but it will also drag down the offensive actions of large troops and affect the entire campaign.

By the way, Li Yuming and the soldiers of the two platoons who went around the back mountain have been lying in the grass and did not move. When our army's artillery fire started to attack, Li Yuming still did not issue a battle order. what do you mean.

It wasn't until after the first pack of explosives went off, when the Kuomintang troops on the mountain started shooting, that Li Yuming led the soldiers to the bottom of the mountain quietly, and began to climb with the help of various climbing tools prepared in advance.

This is the result of Li Yuming's carefulness. Wars are not children's play games. People will die. There are only more than 80 soldiers in the two platoons. If you want to achieve the greatest combat effect, you must use surprise attacks. Otherwise, even if it's exhausted, it won't play a big role.

The first pack of explosives was started by the Fifth Battalion. When the three attacking battalions launched a strong attack together, the entire Laoshan area was enveloped by a huge bang. The sound of coming seemed insignificant.

Li Yuming, the company commander, was the first to start climbing, and quickly climbed up with a bundle of long ropes under the watchful eyes of the soldiers at the foot of the mountain.

There is an old saying that says that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. It is true. There are more people in the independent regiment, and there are more capable people, but if you want to talk about the method of climbing mountains, you have to talk about the company commander of the guard company. Li Yuming understood.

We have also explained before that this guy liked this when he was at home, and he practiced it as a skill after he arrived in the army. Later, even the people in the reconnaissance battalion often invited him to demonstrate. This is also the task Li Yuming strives for. The reason why Zhang Jinsong didn't confront him much at that time was that Zhang Jinsong also understood that no one in the reconnaissance battalion was a match for Li Yuming in terms of mountain climbing skills, so it would be more confident to entrust this task to the guard company.

10 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed, I don't know how long I waited, and finally a rope was thrown down from the top of the mountain.

With the rope, it was much easier. These boys climbed up the rope one by one with weapons and explosives. The company commander usually took everyone's training content and saw that it was useful. It didn't take long for more than 80 people. climbed up.

But when we got to the top of the mountain, everyone was a little dumbfounded. The top of the black mountain was occupied by a mess of fortifications and bunkers. Even the southeast, north, and south were a little unclear. I came up. This time is good. The dog bit the hedgehog. Where did I drop my mouth.

The soldiers lying on the top of the mountain looked at their company commander Li Yuming one by one. The soldiers took it for granted that the company commander must have a way, and he would figure out what to do.

It’s not enough for a commander in the war years to have no real skills. At critical times, he has to find a way. In fact, Li Yuming, like everyone else, doesn’t know what to do?But if I didn’t understand, I thought, I must come up with a way, it’s definitely not enough to just fight like this, I have to find a way to give the enemy a hard time, what kind of action can I use to hurt the enemy?

After staying by Li Yong's side for a long time, Li Yuming's head became alive. Li Yuming, who was lying on the ground, kept spinning his mind. How does the regiment leader usually command?What did he do when he encountered difficulties?

Li Yuming, who kept thinking of ways, felt that his mind suddenly brightened up. That's right, you need to hit a snake with seven inches, and it will work only when you hit the vital point. The most vital point of the Kuomintang guarding Laoshan must be their command organization. Wouldn't it be enough to destroy the enemy's regiment headquarters? Didn't the regiment commander lead everyone to hand over the KMT's regiment headquarters during the Battle of Xifu?This time, let's learn from the regiment leader, and also use such a guy for the enemy.

Thinking of this, Li Yuming ordered in a low voice to the soldiers around him: "Pass down, order the troops to search and advance, the target, the enemy's regiment command post."

Li Yuming's orders were passed down one by one by the soldiers, and each platoon came out from the front with two combat teams to search and move forward.

The soldiers carefully crawled forward bit by bit on the ground. A soldier beside Li Yuming couldn't help asking: "Company commander, how long do we have to climb? How do we know where the enemy's command post is? The further I go I'm getting more and more confused, now you ask me to go back and I can't find a place."

Li Yuming knocked on the soldier's head: "Look at your promise, if the enemy doesn't tell you, don't we think about it ourselves?"Did you just eat what the leader usually said?Isn't it easy to find the enemy's command post? The one with the largest place, the most people, and the most officials must be the one. '

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