Chapter 323

Brigadier Guo of the [-]th Brigade admired Gao Xiang, the artillery commander, and praised him in front of Li Yong and Wang Chengde, and said that he was much better than the artillery battalion commander of his own brigade.Vertex Fiction hand-made novel[''] free text update!

Gao Xiang commanded the four artillery battalions of the entire column. While clearing the way for the attacking troops, he also had to suppress the enemy's artillery group in the city. The old Red Army's compliment was really not easy. The kid didn't dare to show his complacency on his face, but said loudly: "Thank you for your compliment, this is what I should do."

The next meeting will focus on Li Yong. Although he is in the headquarters of the [-]th Brigade, Brigadier Guo, the old man, has no airs at all. It is better for the head of the delegation to preside over the meeting.

Facing the battle, Li Yong did not delay. Instead, he summoned all the cadres above the battalion level of the Independent Regiment to the headquarters of the Fifth Brigade, which can be regarded as the joint headquarters of the Fifth Brigade and the Independent Regiment. He opened an independent regiment in the headquarters pre-war meeting.

In this way, the security personnel in the 20th brigade headquarters have seen the demeanor of the independent regiment. Why?Because there is He Cuiua, the acting battalion commander in the independent regiment. I know that there are female soldiers in the independent regiment, but I never thought that this female soldier can be the battalion commander of the combat battalion. Can this girl who looks only about [-] years old be able to do it?

Under the surprised eyes of the soldiers, He Cui walked over. This girl has seen many big scenes, and she doesn't care about such eyes anymore. What's so interesting, what's wrong with the girl?I can also lead you gang of elders to fight, no worse than others.

The people who came to the meeting were all wearing the standard uniforms of the independent regiment, steel helmets, leather shoes, and binoculars, including He Cuihua, who also had the same equipment. This kind of clothing is nothing in the independent regiment, and the soldiers are also like this, but they are less than the commanders. It's just a telescope, and everyone is used to seeing it, but this time I came to the fifth brigade and felt the surprised eyes of the soldiers.

At that time, soldiers of the People's Liberation Army generally wore walking shoes and tied tui. It was really strange to see these guys, especially in the Northwest Field Army, which is famous for its poverty.

(From the period of the Red Army until the later Korean War, our army did not have a large number of steel helmets, except for a few and individual troops. This was also caused by the country’s insufficient industrial production capacity and logistical supplies. There is no other way except to seize solve).

The guards and soldiers of the fifth brigade murmured in low voices: "Look, the independent regiment is amazing. No matter how big the cadre is, the officer has a telescope, and everyone looks like a boss."

Another said: "Don't just look at the binoculars, look at the bottom of your feet, there is no one wearing walking shoes. These guys are much taller than us."

Although Brigadier Guo and some leaders of the [-]th Brigade didn't say anything, they were also very curious about the content of the pre-war meeting of the independent regiment. They all wanted to see how this young regiment commander, who had been rumored so much, came to command fighting.

At this time, it was almost four o'clock in the morning, and it was dawning early in summer, and it would be dawn in an hour. The political commissar Wang Chengde asked worriedly: "Dayong, it's almost dawn, is it a little owed for us to attack at this time?" Considering it, I think it would be better for us to wait till dark in the evening."

Brigadier Guo and others have been thinking about Wang Chengde's problem. If the enemy's defensive position cannot be captured before dawn, it will cause a lot of trouble for the attacking troops, and the enemy's planes in Xi'an will come out to bomb wildly. One of the reasons why troops attacked at night at that time.

"No, if we wait until dark before attacking, the efforts of the Fifth Brigade for one night will be in vain, and the blood of the soldiers will also be shed in vain. The enemy will use this time to repair all the damaged fortifications, and we have to re-explode , so that the gain outweighs the loss.”

The Northwest Field Army made this mistake during the first battle of Yulin. They attacked at night and retreated to air defense during the day, but the battle progress made overnight was useless. At that time, our army thought too much about the Kuomintang air force. It's powerful, but that's actually not the case. Even bombing against a plane will cause fewer casualties than re-attacking.

Seeing that Li Yong insisted on attacking early in the morning, Wang Chengde didn't say anything else. As long as he didn't make mistakes in principle in military command, Wang Chengde respected Li Yong's thinking. This is also a criterion that a political commissar should master. The level cadres don't care even more, they think that if the leader says it's okay, then it must be okay, as long as they follow the leader, they will be right.

Pointing to the map on the wall, Li Yong arranged:

The first regiment did not leave behind, and the five infantry battalions went into the attack together. There was no such thing as a sharp knife battalion. It was still like our attack on Mount Lao. Whoever attacked first would be the sharp knife battalion.

After the second battle started, Gao Xiang moved all the artillery suitable for direct attack, such as mountain artillery, field artillery, and anti-aircraft artillery that you could master, to the front. You should follow closely behind the attacking troops and tell your artillery soldiers They can't be pulled down even one step, and they will be directly destroyed when they encounter the enemy's firepower.

The observation post of the 1rd Artillery Corps should be close to observe, get more detailed data, and use the main artillery equipment, that is, 5 howitzers to prepare firepower for the attack area. Don't begrudge the shells, the faster the shooting, the better. Although the supplies in Yan'an City are not as good as Baoji A lot but enough for us to consume for a while, as long as you type in, you will have everything.

The fourth ordered Wei Gang's machine gun battalion to use anti-aircraft machine guns on the Laoshan position to suppress the defenders in Yan'an with condescending firepower.

The infantry commando of the fifth attack should rush up immediately behind the artillery fire, and the distance should be controlled at 150 meters. Be careful to master the distance and not leave the enemy with breathing time.

When Li Yong said this, several leaders of the fifth brigade looked at each other with expressions of surprise and disbelief. The commando was only 150 meters away from the artillery fire?Couldn't this one blow up my own people?Is it okay to do this?

Li Yongyong did this because the artillerymen of the Independent Regiment were well-trained and their artillery fire was very accurate. In the entire Northwest Field Army, it was only about artillery, and the Independent Regiment said that no one dared to admit that it was the number one.

The battle deployment is almost done, but it still hasn't mentioned what the reconnaissance battalion will do. The battalion commander Zhang Jinsong is a little anxious: "Commander, what is our battalion doing? We can't just let us watch such a big battle. Work hard, don't drag us down in this fight against Yan'an."

Li Yong didn't care about what others thought, and finally said: "Go back and tell the soldiers that the Party Central Committee, the Communist Party, and our commander are all waiting for the news of our victory. The political commissar and I will follow you with a reconnaissance battalion, and we will attack you at any time." The defeated troops will provide support, hurry back and take control of the troops, and the attack will begin in 10 minutes."

The 10-minute preparation time was given in consideration of Gao Xiang's artillery unit. Li Yong ordered Gao Xiang to bring all the small-caliber direct-pointing artillery he could command to the forefront, so that a period of preparation time had to be given. No matter how small the artillery is, it is still a cannon. , to maneuver slower than infantry.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and no one in the headquarters disturbed Li Yong quietly. When the hands of the clock pointed to the morning...forty o'clock, Li Yong asked the soldiers around him to use the walkie-talkie to ask Gao Xiang how his preparations were going.

Gao Xiang's clear voice came from the microphone: "Reporting to the head, we are all ready, and we are waiting for your order."

Wang Chengde, who was standing opposite, nodded, and Li Yong, who was holding a microphone, shouted: "Gao Xiang, the artillery fire is ready to start, hit them hard, and smash them to pieces."

The second column's artillery preparations started again, but this time Gao Xiang was willing to go all out, commanding the column's artillery to bombard the attacking area back and forth. Of course, the focus was on the middle position where the independent regiment was about to attack. The shells fired at other positions were just For the Kuomintang defenders in Miuo City.

The ground was shaken by the artillery fire, the rocks collapsed and flew, hit the front, hit the wire, hit the firepower point, hit the enemy's follow-up second echelon, and suppress the artillery group set up by the Kuomintang in the city.

Gao Xiang commanded the artillery of the entire column to shoot desperately. At the beginning, he could shoot a few shells in the city to compete with the artillery of the People's Liberation Army. The soldiers laughed and shouted while shooting: "Grandma, what's the difference between daring to fight with our PLA and courting death? Hit them to death with shells and see who dares to make any movement."

In Yan'an City, the headquarters of the No.17 Division was reorganized, which was also the headquarters of the Yan'an garrison. The division commander He Wending kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel.

Regardless of the fact that it is summer, the temperature in houses like cave dwellings is not high. One of the guards brought out a small electric fan and connected a wire from the vegetable oil motor in the communication room to blow the air to the officer.

But even this was useless, He Wending was sweating all the time, and an officer ran in to report: "Report to the division, the communist army has started attacking again."

He Wending glared at the officer: "He's the one who used you to report that the communist army's artillery fire kept blowing up. I'm not deaf. I can tell that the communist army is attacking. Why don't our artillery fire? Are they all dead? Go and see, why didn't the artillery fire?"

The officer lowered his head and murmured: "Reporting to the division seat, "I have been there long ago. Our artillery suffered heavy losses. Most of the equipment was destroyed. The remaining part of the artillery is still there, but the soldiers have almost run away. Now No one dared to fight with the communist army.”

He Wending shouted hoarsely: "Why don't you dare to fight against the communist army? This group of trash, idiots, can't the soldiers of the communist army even be killed by shells?"

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