Under the cover of Gao Xiang's artillery fire and the high-speed machine guns of the Laoshan position, the commando attacked to the vicinity of the earthen city wall temporarily built by the Communist Party of China, and the artillery following behind them also reached a distance of only more than 100 meters from the city wall.Book Friends Whole_Li*provide~provide

In the voice of regimental leader Li Yong's command, the soldiers directly smashed the cannonballs against the earthen wall. The close-range shooting made the explosive power of the cannonballs particularly shocking. The low earthen city wall fell down with a bang.

Several battalions of the Independence Regiment were blasted open several big holes in succession. The slow-running Japanese soldiers all went up to the sky with the stone tiles, and the fast-running soldiers were frightened by the PLA's tactics. , These fleeing soldiers thought as they ran, the Communist Army fought so hard, and it was too unbearable to be able to push the cannon up and use it as a gun.

The direct artillery fire caused great losses to the enemy, but the most serious damage was not the casualties, but the blow to morale. The PLA's desperate style of play made these defensive officers and soldiers unable to work hard. These people felt that No matter how hard I try my best, I can't beat the PLA on the opposite side, so I might as well just run away, and if I run fast, I can still save my life.

The commando lying not far away took this opportunity to rush up with a yell, and rushed towards the collapsed earth city wall at the fastest speed. In a few minutes, the main force of the regiment behind will be able to keep up, and as soon as the main force of the regiment comes up, the fifth brigade will also rush up, and the battle will be basically won if the main force of the fifth brigade rushes up.

The soldiers of the commando are all equipped with pure submachine guns. Although the shooting range is relatively short, but now is the time when they can exert their power the most. There are not many people left in the blasted area, and the dead are running away. Run, those who haven't died and haven't run are also dizzy from the explosion, and the submachine gun is just in use at this time.

The sound of 'tat-tat-tat' shots rang out everywhere on the collapsed earth wall, and the explosions of grenades one after another, the soldiers kept nodding at the Japanese soldiers who were still stunned by the shock. The firepower point in the collapsed state is no matter whether there are living people inside or not, first put in a grenade and blow it up, and then a red flag prepared in advance is shot out, and this red flag is inserted on the breakthrough that was just occupied. It is extremely conspicuous on the battlefield that is about to light up.

Gao Xiang's howitzers blocked all the possible roads for the enemy to come for reinforcements. The enemy's earthen city wall was blown down, and the defending soldiers ran to death. It is the best moment to attack.

Li Yong, who had seen the timing, shouted to the correspondent in the headquarters: "Notify the squadron, blow the charge, and the whole regiment will attack."

A squad of soldiers stood on the ground and blew the charge horn in their hands vigorously. The shrill sound of the horn sounded on the battlefield. The soldiers of the five infantry battalions of the Independence Regiment jumped out of the position under the leadership of the commander, shouting and charging. go up.

Soldiers from the Fifth Battalion and other battalions followed He Cuihua and rushed upwards. At this time, there was no such thing as men and women on the battlefield, there were only dead and living people, and those who could go up were the living, and those who didn't go up and lay down. Halfway is the dead, it's that simple.

Charge, charge, charge up in the shortest possible time before the enemy reacts, Li Yong put down the binoculars in his hand, and said to Wang Chengde, the political commissar who was with him all the time directing the battle: "Old Wang, it's up to us It's time to go."

Political commissar Wang Chengde nodded: "Well, inform the reconnaissance battalion and rush up behind the attacking troops." After speaking, he and Li Yong each grabbed a submachine gun and ran out.

This is the old habit of Li Yong and Wang Chengde. When charging with troops, pistols are useless, but the American Tomato gun is just right for them.

The reconnaissance battalion followed the five infantry battalions of the Independence Regiment, and the second echelon team also rushed up. The attack of thousands of people made this area lively, and the border area was full of dancing figures. Under the protection of Li Yuming's two guard platoons, Li Yong and Wang Chengde mingled in the middle of the reconnaissance battalion and attacked with the soldiers.

Because of Gao Xiang's overwhelming artillery fire, the artillery in the city has never played a big role. The command posts of Li Yong and Wang Chengde are only a few hundred meters away from the forefront, which is already within the effective range of the rifles. An infantry battalion and their headquarters are closer. Although it is dangerous to do so, it also has a huge advantage, shortening the attack distance, and it is easy to rush up when there is an attack.

Like Li Yong, Brigadier Guo of the Fifth Brigade, who has been observing the situation on the battlefield, is a little confused at this moment. The soldiers of the independent regiment opened a breakthrough, and the red flags were raised. This is of course a great thing, but it is a great thing It was done by other troops after their own troops were frustrated in the attack, which made Brigadier Guo, a commander from the old Red Army, somewhat uncomfortable.

But it’s uncomfortable, it doesn’t mean that Brigadier Guo can’t see clearly the situation on the battlefield. Brigadier Guo shouted to the left and right: “What are you looking at, order the troops to rush in behind the independent regiment. Tuan, do you still want to lose the competition now?"

The Fifth Brigade fought outside the city for almost a night. Although they paid a certain price, they made no progress. In the end, they asked the independent group to come over and open the breakthrough. Come on, the fifth brigade is an old army brought out by the commander. It has fought countless big and small battles.But now it is really uncomfortable to lose to a recruit team that has not been formed for a long time.

At the command of Brigadier Guo, the soldiers who had been holding their breath all the time jumped out of the position and rushed upwards. Some soldiers didn't even bend their backs, and ran desperately with their weapons in their hands. The soldiers' ideas were also very simple, and the breakthrough was opened Yes, but the follow-up battle is not over yet, we must rush up quickly, it is best to be in front of the independent regiment, I don't believe that nowhere can compare with this group of recruits, compared with the fifth brigade, the independent regiment these people are indeed It's a recruit, so it's no wonder people have such thoughts.

At the headquarters of the second column, Commander Wang who received the news laughed loudly: "Good boy, good job, order the troops, don't love to fight after entering the city, attack the headquarters of the [-]th division, let the soldiers put the slogan Everyone shouted, shouting to capture He Wending alive."

Not too far from Yan'an, there is a small small valley. There are more than a dozen families on the side of the sun. They are all local farmers who mainly cultivate land and herd animals. It was a very common small mountain village in the Northwest at that time. , in one of the vacated caves lived the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Field Army and the deputy commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army, Boss Peng.

A commander hurried in: "Master, good news, the second column broke through from the south of the city."

Mr. Peng, who had been frowning and thinking about the problem, his eyes lit up: "Tell me more about the situation. What's going on? Didn't their second column encounter a hard nail in the south of the city? According to our information, He Wending put his subordinate Most of the reserve team in the village has been transferred to Wang Huzi and the others, how can Wang Huzi break through if he doesn't even have the upper hand?"

In fact, Boss Peng did not pin his hopes on the second column. The Northwest Field Army used several main columns to attack in several directions at the same time. The column dragged the enemy's reinforcements, and then used the rest of the columns to break through in other directions. This was Boss Peng's real idea. Unexpectedly, when the sky was about to dawn, there was no battle report from other troops, but The news came that the second column succeeded first.

The commander who ran in wiped the sweat off his face: "Boss, according to the briefing of the second column, the independent regiment played a big role."


When the commander said this, Boss Peng also asked very interestedly: "Heh, why is this independent regiment again? Tell me more about the situation, what's going on?"

"Sir, the first task of this independent regiment of the second column was to attack Laoshan. After the attack on Laoshan was successful, they were transferred back by their commander. After returning, they launched a second strong attack on the attacking area of ​​the fifth brigade. , just broke through the enemy's fortifications not long ago, this is the battle report."

Boss Peng, who received the telegram, read it carefully and then handed it to a leader next to him: "Wang Huzi is not easy. Now that we have broken through from the south of the city, let's change our tactics and notify the first, third, and fourth columns to increase the number of troops." Attack force, try to get in before the plane from Xi'an arrives, order the sixth column to follow behind the second column, and all rush in, I want to see what else He Wending can do."

Inside the city, at the No. 17 division headquarters, an officer stumbled in and ran in: "Division seat, the communist army has broken through our defense line in the south of the city, and has already attacked. Go, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

He Wending took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead, so he said calmly: "Why panic, how many communist troops have come in, wouldn't it be enough to send troops to beat them back?"

"Master, the communist army is rushing in with a large force. Our reserve team has already been exhausted, and even your guard battalion has been wiped out. What else can we do to block the communist army's breakthrough? Go, if you don't leave, we will all be prisoners .”

He Wending really panicked at this time, his hand holding the hat was trembling slightly: "***, the communist army is really abominable, why hasn't the plane from Xi'an arrived yet? Why haven't they come to bomb at dawn?"

Officer: "Master, it's too late to say anything now. Even if Chief Hu sends a plane over, it won't be able to solve the problem. Our people and the Communist army are fighting in the street, and the plane can't bomb it."

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