The beacon of youth

Chapter 339 Fighting the 36th Division Again 4

Chapter 339 Fighting 36th Division Four Again

While the captains of the second column waited anxiously, the sound of artillery fire came from the direction of the independent brigade, and the battle broke out fiercely.Vertex Fiction hand-made novel[''] free text update!

The reorganized 36th Division of the Kuomintang is a newly formed unit. The designations of the 4000rd Brigade and the 30th Brigade are old, but the personnel are all new. Each brigade has only more than 30 people. The training time is not long. Heavy weapons The number of soldiers is not as large as that of the People's Liberation Army, which really corresponds to the sentence, "[-] years in Hedong, [-] years in Hexi."

More than a year ago, the Northwest Field Army had to concentrate the strength of the entire field army. It took great effort and paid a huge price to eliminate the 36th Division. But when it encounters the newly formed 36th Division a year later, let alone the entire field army , Even the second column is fully capable of eating it. Facing the 36th division again, the second column of the People's Liberation Army, which has four main brigades and an unprecedented 4000 personnel, has already taken an overwhelming advantage.

Facing the ferocious attacks of the fifth brigade and the sixth brigade, the 28rd brigade and the 28th brigade of the Kuomintang, which were at a disadvantage in terms of strength and firepower, were struggling to hold on. Their only hope was that the large Kuomintang corps behind them could quickly catch up. , to an anti-encirclement of the PLA in front of him, but for his division headquarters and the [-]th brigade, he can only resign himself to fate. I am a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and there is still the ability to help the [-]th brigade and division headquarters.

In Hutishan, the position of the New 36th Brigade, the main force of the 28th Division of the Kuomintang, was filled with gunfire and smoke, shrapnel flying, and large-caliber howitzer shells flew over in groups, followed by violent explosions and a sea of ​​flames all over the place, shrapnel , Incendiary bombs, various types of shells overwhelming the sky, personnel, fortifications, weapons and equipment were constantly blasted into the sky together with stone tiles, and then fell into fragments all over the ground.

Explosion after explosion, the artillery attacks of the People's Liberation Army are endless, 5 minutes have passed, 10 minutes have passed, the artillery fire still has no sign of stopping, the entire position is shrouded in flames, and the Kuomintang officers and soldiers hiding in the fortifications are all shocked. I was a little puzzled, the artillery shells of the communist army seemed to be very precious, and they were gone after a few hits, but now the artillery fire of the communist army is completely different from before, what the **** is going on.

Under the temple on the top of the mountain where the headquarters of the 36th Division was headquartered, it was temporarily dug into an anti-battery hole. Not to mention, this anti-battery hole really worked, and nothing happened until now.

Zhong Song, the commander of the 36th Division, and the brigade commander of the New 28th Brigade were both in this artillery hole. The division commander Zhong Song seemed to be stunned by the sudden firepower, and he no longer had the habit of a senior Kuomintang officer on his face. There was an expression of arrogance and conceit, a beautiful general's uniform was covered with dust, and the white gloves that were often worn did not know where they were left.

An officer stumbled in and ran in: "Master, something is wrong. Our army was attacked by the communist army across the board, not only the 28th brigade, but also the [-]rd brigade and the [-]th brigade behind us. The firepower of the communist army was fierce, and the offensive was also very fierce, not like a feint."

Zhong Song trembled: "What do you mean by the Communist Army? Want to eat my 36th Division again? Come here and report to the Corps Headquarters, let them get closer to our 36th Division as soon as possible." The last sentence It was Zhong Song who called out.

No wonder Zhong Song was afraid. Although he really wanted to prove himself, he was still beaten by the People's Liberation Army. Once he faced a large-scale attack, he immediately lost his temper.

The officer who ran in reported again: "Master, the communist army's artillery fire is very fierce. The shells are like raining. Brothers really can't stop it."

Zhong Song: "Who told you to f*ck it hard? Don't we know how to penetrate the artillery holes when the communist army fights? When the communist army's artillery fire is ready, we will come out to fight, and we will use the method that the communist army has used before."

Zhong Song had dealt with the People's Liberation Army for a long time, and he also learned some methods of the People's Liberation Army, such as drilling holes when dealing with artillery fire.

On the artillery positions of the Independent Brigade, the red flag directing the firing of the artillery was waved by the soldiers. The voice of the battalion commander Gao Xiang continued to come from the walkie-talkies installed in each artillery platoon. According to the plan of the brigade commander Li Yong, The firepower preparations of the artillery battalion lasted for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the artillery fire stopped, and the PLA's bugle sounded before the attack on the independent brigade's attacking position.

Under the yelling of the officer, the soldiers of the 28th Brigade of the Kuomintang who were not killed got out of the anti-gun holes one after another, climbed into the trenches and prepared to fight.

The bugle of the People's Liberation Army sounded, but there were no troops on the ground to charge. Li Yong, who was holding a binoculars, saw the Kuomintang soldiers who jumped out to fight Hei Yaya and smiled. It's a good opportunity, really a good opportunity, Li Yong Pick up the microphone of the walkie-talkie: "Gao Xiang, did you see it?"

Gao Xiang's voice came from the other side of the microphone: "Brigade Commander, you can see clearly that all the guys who survived the bombing jumped out."

Li Yong: "It's easy to jump out, and I'll see you next." Gao Xiang: "Don't worry, Brigadier, you will wait at the headquarters to watch the excitement."

The soldiers of the 28th Brigade of the Kuomintang who jumped out to meet Heihuhu didn't see the PLA attacking troops, but what they waited for were shells smashing overhead.

Gao Xiang kept shouting in his headquarters: "The whole battalion has them, the height remains the same, the pitch remains the same, quick shots, five quick shots, six quick shots, eight quick shots."

Shells came one after another, endlessly, and the whole Huti Mountain was once again enveloped by artillery fire. The Kuomintang officers and soldiers who had just jumped out to fight were stunned by the sudden bombardment. A few shells fell, and the personnel were blown to the ground one by one, and the dead bodies with missing arms and tui lay horizontally and vertically.

Some of them ran back quickly and cleverly, and when they ran into the cave, they cursed in fear: "Oh, thanks to me, hurry up, this little life is almost over."

In Zhong Song's command post, an officer ran in again to report: "Master, the communist army is too cunning. They didn't attack after the artillery fire stopped. After the brothers got out of the anti-bullet hole, they fired again."

Zhong Song: "I heard it all, don't talk nonsense, how about our casualties?" The officer replied a little cowardly: "Report to the commander, the casualties have not been counted yet, but it is estimated that they will not be small."

Zhong Song waved his hand impatiently, and the officer who ran in ran out again.The People's Liberation Army's artillery attack lasted for another 10 minutes. After the artillery fire stopped, the bugle sounded again.

The soldiers of the Kuomintang came out again out of fear and intimidation. Did the Communist Army really come up this time?But when these soldiers lay down in the trenches that had been bombed into a mess, they still didn't see the expected figures of PLA soldiers.

Some nimble-minded soldiers immediately knew what was going on, regardless of the official's order or not, they turned around and ran back. Just when the soldiers of the 28th Brigade were a little confused, the artillery bombardment of the People's Liberation Army began again.

It was still a large-scale bombardment, and it was still shooting continuously. This time, the artillery attack lasted for 10 minutes as before. more casualties.

The artillery bombardment of the People's Liberation Army lasted three times in a row, and each time lasted for 10 minutes. After the third artillery bombardment, there were waves of charges from the People's Liberation Army's position.

But this time, the soldiers who came back by luck have learned how to go, and whoever they like will go. Anyway, I won’t go. The officers looked at each other and didn’t know what to do. It was a bombardment, there were not many people in the first place, and it would be nothing if it was bombed again. If you don't go out, what if the Communist army really comes up?

On the position of the Independent Brigade of the People's Liberation Army, Ning Jinshan, commander of the fourth battalion, and Wang Huhu, commander of the fifth battalion, stood together. I’m used to shouting like that), we’re on a great journey, this artillery fire is much stronger than before.”

This was the first battle Wang Huo came back to command after he was wounded. Of course, he, a veteran, could clearly feel the difference in the firepower of the troops.

Ning Jinshan, who has a calm personality, smiled casually: "Tiger, you don't know, that kid Gao Xiang is shaking so much now, what is that? When we attacked Yan'an a few days ago, the artillery fire of the entire column was all fired by He commanded more than 120 artillery pieces, and the entire four artillery battalions were commanded by this guy."

Wang Huhu: "That's right, this kid Gao Xiang is promising, he is not the stunned young man who wanted to charge as soon as he heard the gunshot."

Ning Jinshan: "Isn't it? After Gao Xiang came back, his neck almost went up to the sky. He also specially asked the old beef tendon Ma Changsheng to compare who has more credit. I heard that Ma Changsheng didn't eat well for several days."

"Hahahaha," Wang Huo laughed loudly. Although he didn't see the scene at that time, he could guess the same based on the characters of these people. It's really interesting to think of Ma Changsheng who refused to admit defeat at some point.

"Jinshan, can you see if this works? Our two battalions don't wait for the artillery fire to pass before going up. We should send a small group of troops to mop up now. Let them control where they can go, so as not to hurt people. , When our artillery fire really stops, they will be the first to attack, as long as they can go up, it will be easy, even if it is good for our two battalions to buy 5 minutes."

Wang Huo's plan made Ning Jinshan nod his head, thinking in his heart that the brigade commander and the political commissar were really right to let Huo be the temporary commander, and their ability to adapt was better than his own.

This is the battlefield response ability of veterans. The superiors did not give any plan. They should mobilize troops at any time according to the situation of the battlefield to make the most correct decision, and then achieve the greatest effect.

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