The beacon of youth

Chapter 341 Fighting the 36th Division Again 6

Chapter 341 Fighting 36th Division Six Again

The independent brigade went three times in a row, a total of more than an hour of firepower preparations, and the infantry finally made an impact. The five infantry battalions began to attack from all sides of Huti Mountain. (, the fastest text update wonderful novels!)

The independent brigade was able to attack from the sides and back of Huti Mountain because the 36rd and 28th brigades of the [-]th Division were restrained. Otherwise, the [-]rd brigade and [-]th brigade relying on the main position The brigade will form crossfire with the [-]th brigade on the mountain. Although Li Yong's independent brigade has a large number of people, it is impossible to attack him from both sides and the rear. This is the main reason why the division commander Zhong Song arranged it like this , the defensive position that the front triangle relies on each other, it is not easy for the People's Liberation Army to gnaw it away.

Zhong Song, the commander of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang, is indeed a very experienced commander. Setting up a defensive position in this way caused some trouble for the Northwest Field Army who wanted to eat it.

Fortunately, the second column is not as good as before. Commander Wang, who holds four main brigades in his hands, is very confident. After the battle, Commander Wang strictly ordered the other two main brigades (fifth and sixth brigades) of the second column to protect their independence. The flanks of the brigade are safe, and the enemy cannot shoot even one bullet at the soldiers of the 28th Brigade who are concentrating on attacking Huti Mountain. Whoever has problems with the troops will be dealt with. This is not just a joke, there is no joke on the battlefield.

How can the Kuomintang troops at the foot of the mountain not be able to help the main position of Huti Mountain?There is only one answer, which is to put enough pressure on the two enemy brigades placed down the mountain, so that they can't help even if they want to. Therefore, after the battle started, the attacks of the fifth and sixth brigades were extremely fierce, with one attack after another, 36 It is not easy for the two brigades under Shishan to withstand the attack of the People's Liberation Army. How can they have the heart to help others?I can't help even if I want to.

Let’s just say that on the frontal position of Huti Mountain, behind the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion and Fourth Battalion who launched the attack, bullets from the large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns of the Machine Gun Battalion blew over like a gust of wind, and the spinning warheads "chirp, chirp, chirp" into the ground. In the ground where the Kuomintang soldiers were lying on their stomachs, of course some bullets passed through the soldiers' bodies and then penetrated into the soil.

Blood, broken corpses, and the howls of soldiers who were wounded and still alive filled the entire position. Shooting, shooting, crazy shooting, we must suppress the enemy's firepower. It is best not to lift their heads. It will be easy for our commandos to rush in, and no one in close combat can be an opponent of the People's Liberation Army.

Most of the firepower of Gao Xiang's howitzer battalion was used on the positions that the fourth and fifth battalions were about to assault. After more than an hour of artillery bombardment, nearly ten thousand shells all fell on the area defended by the Kuomintang's new 28th brigade. It was blown to pieces, not to mention the trees and soil. The entire defensive position was covered with soil. What is soil?If you step down to the soil, you can break your ankles. This is the soil, and it is simply impossible to dig fortifications on such ground.

This kind of firepower preparation is not to mention these junior officers and soldiers. Even the division commander Zhong Song and a group of senior officers who have fought for many years have never seen it before. It has only been nearly a year and a half since Hu Zongnan attacked Yan'an. To this extent, thinking about it really scares these Kuomintang officers.

Now Wei Gang's machine gun battalion has been swept away again, looking at the dead bodies one after another around him, the Kuomintang soldiers lying on the ground are shaking like chaff, isn't it, this is too scary, eight roads What gun?It can be hit so hard, and it will kill you if you touch it.

It is not surprising for these soldiers to guess this way. Of course, the weapons of the Independent Brigade are all captured, but there is no unit in the Kuomintang army equipped with so many anti-aircraft machine guns at one time. It is normal for these soldiers to have doubts in their hearts. The ability to suppress the Kuomintang army is a leap forward, and it can be regarded as a turning point in the balance of power between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

Breakthrough, attack, blasting, continuous blasting, bombing kits and cluster grenades, if you can't do it, use the baby bazooka, the dull sound of bombing and grenade explosions continues one after another.

Each combat battalion of the Independent Brigade has its own heavy machine gun platoon and mortar platoon, which allows the frontline commanders to call for their own fire cover at any time.

After many supplements and trainings, the most commonly used walkie-talkie in the army has been equipped to the platoon first-level unit, that is to say, the platoon leader and deputy platoon leader can call the firepower from the rear.

According to the vision of the brigade commander Li Yong, communication equipment such as walkie-talkies should be equipped with every infantry combat squad. Each squad of the independent brigade is full of 20 people. When you are struggling, you can call for fire support from the rear.

But the idea is always an idea. Each squad has a walkie-talkie. The requirement for the number is too great. Although the independent brigade is based on looting, it can't reach this level. Robbing the enemy's communication equipment in battle is one of the independent brigade. It is important work, but no matter how hard the soldiers try, it still cannot meet the needs.

This has something to do with the fact that the Kuomintang troops don’t have many such equipment. If you want to snatch it, you have to have it! In addition, other troops of the field army are also more and more aware of the benefits of this kind of equipment, so it is even more difficult to snatch it. (All the weapons and equipment of the People's Liberation Army were snatched. To put it bluntly, they were seized. This kind of army is the only one in the world)

Assault, continuously assaulting the positions on the mountain, and blocking the bunkers or firepower points that have not been blown up, using Maxim to block each of the several gun holes in the front of a bunker. The firing made pits around the shooting holes of the bunker, and the shooters inside were killed one by one. The water-cooled Maxim heavy machine gun has good continuity (although it is a bit heavier, it does not need to replace the barrel frequently), and it can Provide uninterrupted fire cover for the soldiers, take advantage of the gap in the firepower interruption in the stronghold, the blasting team rushes up, pulls the explosives and then rolls down.

The battle is getting more and more fierce. The new 28th Brigade is the main brigade of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang. The personnel and officers are selected from several brigades, and they have a certain combat effectiveness. In addition, there is a team directly under the 36th Division on the mountain. It was a period of resistance with the People's Liberation Army.

However, the PLA Independent Brigade, which has just formed an army, has demonstrated amazing combat effectiveness. The individual combat quality and firepower organization of the soldiers are very good, and they are fiercely attacking upwards. The slogan shouted by the soldiers is: You are more ruthless than you Still ruthless, you are harder and I am harder than you.

If you dare to work hard, these Kuomintang troops are far behind the People's Liberation Army. Gradually, the 28th Brigade on Huti Mountain couldn't resist it.

Originally, most of the personnel were killed or injured in the artillery bombardment, and the independent brigade's attack was carried out from all sides at the same time, which posed a great problem for the troops defending on the mountain. It was not enough, Zhong Song had no choice but to send out all his personal guards including the guard company, but even so, there was no way to stop the attack of the People's Liberation Army.

The blue veins on the head of the division commander Zhong Song in the basement were bulging, and he could no longer care about the confidentiality requirements while holding the radio microphone, and asked for help in plain language to the main force of the large corps behind: "Hurry up and hug me, hurry up!" Come to me, we have already covered the Communist Army in the Hutishan area, as long as the main force of the corps follows up, we can severely damage the Northwest Communist Army, at least we can also wipe out the second column of the communist bandit Wang Zhen."

It really made Zhong Song right. If the main force of the Kuomintang corps followed at this time, it would be able to change the situation of the battle and the situation on the battlefield. cause heavy losses.

But things were not as easy as Zhong Song imagined. Under the command of Boss Peng, the Northwest Field Army changed its relentless retreat and suddenly launched a powerful counterattack against the main force of the Kuomintang's large corps.

The Department of He Bingyan of the first column, the Department of Xu Guangda of the third column, the Department of Zhang Dazhi of the fourth column, and the Department of Luo Yuan of the sixth column, several columns harassed, blocked, and destroyed the Kuomintang troops from different locations and positions. Boss Peng gave them the order to fight back against the impact, at least to fight for a day and a half for the second column.

On Huti Mountain, the main attack direction of the second column, the soldiers of the Independent Brigade gritted their teeth, and under the cover of their own uninterrupted firepower, they desperately attacked upwards, not only in the front of the main attack direction, but also in several auxiliary attack areas. come up.

Under the pressure of the officers, the 28th Brigade, which had been fighting hard for a while, was suddenly defeated. Facing the swarming PLA soldiers, the soldiers no longer had the courage to resist.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain, and the Luan soldiers have no combat effectiveness when they retreat. The soldiers of the Independent Brigade took the opportunity to rush up, and Wang Huo shouted excitedly in the walkie-talkie: "Brigade Commander, the enemy is defeated, we have already Breaking through their last line of defense on the top of the hill, we're about to charge up."

In the headquarters of the Independent Brigade at the foot of the mountain, the brigade commander Li Yong and the political commissar Wang Chengde raised their hands and patted each other. The big stone in their hearts was finally let go. There should be no suspense in the next battle, it's just time It's just long and short: "Pay attention to maintaining the attack rhythm, don't increase unnecessary casualties at the last moment, and surround Zhong Song's headquarters, so that this old boy can't run away again." The voice of the brigade commander Li Yong The transmission from the walkie-talkie next to Wang Huo was very clear.

"Don't worry, this old boy Zhong Song can't run away. Where else can he go if he is surrounded by iron barrels?"

In the artillery hole under the temple on the top of the mountain, the division commander Zhong Song was panting heavily, and his mind was still spinning: "Is this the end of our **? Is this the end of my 36th division?" ?How to do how to do?"

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