Chapter 35o

Due to the limitation of local conditions (population and food), the Northwest Field Army has always been small in size. Compared with the Kuomintang troops, it has always been in a disadvantaged position, and the gap is huge.Read novels on mobile phones, update synchronously\!{'}

In order to increase the strength of the Northwest Field Army and improve the composition of the army, the central government recruited a large number of farmers in North China during the rest of the field army after the war. After a long journey, they added to the army.

The new soldiers made the commanders of the troops very happy, especially those brigade commanders who directly led the troops to fight. They laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths all day long, and they hummed songs when they walked.

They are all turned farmers from the North China region, they are all young and strong men, and some are party members and militiamen with combat experience. What can we say about such soldiers? To get one more soldier like this, the leaders of each combat unit have thought of many ways, and some even seek out the old leader for a relationship. They all want to get as many as possible, even one more is good.

Later, Boss Peng found out about these things. Boss Peng angrily told the commanders at all levels that it was useless to fight, and there was a unified arrangement for how to use and distribute these junior soldiers.

North China is an old liberated area, and the local people and the local government are very conscious. In order to strongly support the Northwest, these new recruits to the Northwest are all selected from the crowd. In the words of the local people, they are just like Picking a son-in-law is like picking a son-in-law, not only good in mind but also in good health, all of them are good-looking, and they are real soldiers from the old liberated areas.

After the new North China soldiers arrived in the Northwest Field Army, they brought a breath of fresh air to the army. The most talked about was how they would fight the local tyrants to divide the land and how to carry out land reform when they were at home.

How much land was allocated to each family, the big house with blue bricks and blue tiles and a threshold, and the large animals used for farming (cows, horses, mules, and donkeys, which are called large animals in the north), There is no end to the chatterbox, and such topics make the liberated soldiers very excited.

Most of the fighters are of peasant origin, including those liberation fighters captured by the Kuomintang army. They have a natural love for the land and know how important a few acres of good land is to an ordinary family. People will stop starving, and if they raise some small livestock such as ducks, geese and sheep, life will be very promising. Such a thing is undreamed of in dreams. Unexpectedly, the dream has become a reality in the mouths of North China soldiers. Everyone He said that after the Kuomintang was overthrown, he would go home to carry out land reform, and let the people in his hometown have land to grow, a house to live in, and food to eat.

In this way, the awareness of the soldiers has been greatly improved. The troops of the People's Liberation Army let the soldiers understand that being a soldier is not just for eating and drinking, but also has clear ideals and goals.

With the land, houses, and animals they depend on for survival, the peasants have something to rely on. The peasants are the most sincere. Whoever treats them well will of course treat them well. The local people join the army enthusiastically, and the number of troops expands as quickly as a snowball. .

Taking advantage of the fresh air of soldiers from North China coming to the army, the Northwest Field Army seized the opportunity to carry out various propaganda activities, organized various cultural and artistic propaganda teams to go deep among the troops and soldiers, and performed the plays "Liu Hulan" and "Liu Sihu" ( A well-known combat hero in the Northwest Field Army) and so on.

The entire army of the Northwest Field Army was mobilized and carried out. The purpose was to unify the thinking of the whole army, raise the awareness of cadres and soldiers, especially the thinking of the soldiers of the New Liberation Army, boost morale, and tie people of various components in the army together to complement each other. A combined force, using this combined force to confront the Kuomintang, which is still in a dominant position.

Although the Kuomintang has more personnel and better weapons and equipment than the Northwest Field Army, it is not aggressive. Facing the People's Liberation Army, which is at a disadvantage in all aspects, it only wants to maintain the status quo. It is good to maintain the current situation.

In order to maintain the confrontation with the People's Liberation Army, Hu Zongnan concentrated eleven divisions east of the Luohe River and north of the Weihe River to form a defense system centered on Pucheng and Dali, and concentrated most of his troops on the communication line. Above all, a defensive zone with a frontage of more than 100 kilometers and a depth of more than 30 kilometers was formed. Hu Zongnan called this method a key mobile defense.

When he first occupied Yan'an in March last year, Hu Zongnan was full of thoughts about how to fight the main force of the Northwest Communist Army, how to catch the Communist Army Peng Dehuai, who was as slippery as a sticky fish, and how to quickly solve the Northwest issue. The sky sweeps out a key mobile defense like a net. In war, one must control the initiative on the battlefield. Such tactics are far from grasping the initiative.

The Kuomintang regular army of more than 20 people, facing the Northwest Field Army of more than [-] people, has to engage in some key mobile defenses. I don’t know what the Northwest King of the Kuomintang, Hu Zongnan, thinks. Chairman Jiang originally placed high hopes on this student. Yes, I want him to solve the Northwest issue as soon as possible, so that the troops can be transferred to other battlefields. Now it seems that there is no way.

Since September, the Central Military Commission in Xibopo has sent a telegram to the Northwest Field Army. The telegram roughly means that the People's Liberation Army is developing very well in various war zones. In September, there will be major wars across the country. The field army cooperates.

This is Chairman Mao's command art, which is obviously different from that of the Kuomintang. It does not specifically say what the field army should do, but just tells you the intention of the central government. .

The Kuomintang and Communist armies fought on the northwest battlefield for a year and a half, from March 30 when they attacked Yan'an to September 2. The southern part of Hu Zong fell from the initial key offensive to the current so-called key mobile defense, with more than [-] people The heavily armed military group was led by the nose by the Northwest Field Army of more than [-] people who lacked food and clothing, had no guns and bullets, and lost all the way. There are many, and the fighting power is getting stronger and stronger. Most of the soldiers in the People's Liberation Army are captured from the Kuomintang troops. They are bears in the Kuomintang troops, but they are heroes in the People's Liberation Army. Who can explain why? It's Mrs. Hu Zongnan Trash?Or is our Boss Peng too powerful?

The telegram from the central government made it very clear that there will be a nationwide war in September. This is equivalent to telling the commanders of the Northwest Field Army that the PLA will change from strategic defense to strategic offensive throughout the country. The KMT and the Communist Party are at a stalemate The situation in the state will soon have a big change.

The telegram made Mr. Peng, Political Commissar Xi, and field army commanders who were commanding the troops to rest, unable to sit still. From the telegrams from the central government, it can be seen that in the Northeast, in North China, in East China, in Shanxi, and in the vast Central Plains, How big a deal is it that the People's Liberation Army will change from its long-standing forbearance and concessions to an active attack on the Kuomintang?It's an exciting strategic event.

Although the central government knows that the Northwest Field Army is different from other field armies, and the strength of the enemy is too different, so it has not given any hard missions, but the fact that the central government does not give missions does not mean that we have no missions. How can we cooperate with brothers in other theaters?Spread out the troops like Hu Zongnan, and confront the opponent with big eyes and small eyes?Although it saves worry and effort to do so, it is not a good way, nor is it the style of the Communists.

On this day, a small courtyard surrounded by mountains was buzzing with people, and hearty laughter and loud greetings came from the small courtyard from time to time.

There were quite a few small jeeps and sturdy horses parked outside the courtyard. Soldiers in twos and threes were chatting together in groups of three or five. Few of the warriors who spoke had long weapons like rifles, and most of them had It is a famous shell gun that is slung across its shoulders.

In the Northwest region, the shell gun is a very enviable weapon. Not only is the gun good, but even the bullets are very precious. If you buy it for Hua money, you can buy it for one dollar and two. This is the price when you used to be a bodyguard for a landlord Of course, the troops of the People's Liberation Army will not buy any bullets. Naturally, the weapons and ammunition are all captured, or snatched, from the Kuomintang troops.

The chattering soldiers gave people a shrewd and capable feeling. From the weapons, equipment and words of these soldiers, it can be seen that they are the guards of some senior commanders, and they are a group of young men selected from the army.

After several wars, the army has made great progress, and the number of vehicles and jeeps has gradually increased. The soldiers who used to feel very fresh when they saw cars have also broadened their horizons. A considerable number of people have also learned to repair and drive. Now The car is no longer an unattainable rarity.

However, the focus of these guards and soldiers is still on a few brand-new jeeps, and one soldier said in a tone of envy and envy: "Commander Li, you are still traveling independently, look at this car, there is not even a little paint off, And these wheels are all new products from Gaga, not to mention our brigade commander, even our commander's car may not be as good as your car."

Another said: "Isn't it? We all came here in the same car with the brigade commander and the political commissar. When you arrive, not only the brigade commander and the political commissar have one car, but even the guards drive two cars. Your brigade commander will drive the same car." Are you so willing to let you fool around?"

Company commander Li Yuming sat in the co-pilot position of an open jeep, wearing a pair of suede combat boots and standing on the driver's platform. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and wrapped them around the car The soldiers of the brother troops next to each other took one.

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