The beacon of youth

Chapter 370 The Howitzer Regiment of the Battle of Libei

Li Yong, the brigade commander, has been thinking about how to get rid of the Kuomintang artillery positions with the smallest loss. As long as he can get rid of this serious problem, it will be much easier to complete the task in the future. (.)

Fortunately, the teaching brigade gave the enemy the illusion that the People's Liberation Army had no artillery fire, which left Li Yong room to play. After the Kuomintang 65th Division's artillery fire was extended for 10 minutes, Li Yong finally made up his mind and let the artillery battalion commander Gao Xiang prepared for 5 minutes, and the shelling began 5 minutes later.

The Artillery Command Post of the Independent Brigade is just tens of meters away from the brigade headquarters. This is what Battalion Commander Gao Xiang meant. There was no delay, the brigade commander only gave him 5 minutes, and if he couldn't withdraw after 5 minutes, he might be killed by his own shells.

Each group of the reconnaissance team sent by Gao Xiang was equipped with a wireless walkie-talkie, a total of more than a dozen walkie-talkies. It is a bit too extravagant to equip a walkie-talkie.

The Artillery Battalion is the trump card of the Independent Brigade with heavy firepower, and it is the brigade commander Li Yong's key caretaker. They are given preferential treatment when distributing supplies. In this way, Gao Xiang also wiped out all his wealth to fully equip the soldiers. It will be much more convenient to contact this guy. Although the secrecy is not very good, you can still use code words to call.

There are not many soldiers in the People's Liberation Army who are afraid of death and afraid of death, but it would be too unjust to be killed by their own shells. The soldiers of the reconnaissance team, whose bodies were covered with branches and grass, were ordered to go down little by little. Climbing, only 5 minutes, if you can't climb down by then, you may be killed by your own artillery fire.

But it’s not enough to be in a hurry. The speed is too fast and the target will be exposed. The Kuomintang’s artillery units are surrounded by combat troops to guard them. Once they are discovered, it is difficult to withdraw. It is a trivial matter to sacrifice yourself, which delays the brigade commander and superiors. The chief's plan is a big deal, so he had to climb up a certain distance first, then stand up and quickly descend.

Fortunately, it was getting dark in the sky, and it was time for the troops to eat dinner. These artillerymen who were six or seven kilometers away from the front line were much less vigilant than the front-line troops, and some even lit a few piles of bonfires to make food. Well, the soldiers figured it out a long time ago. This place is very far away from the Eighth Route, and there are security forces standing guard on the outskirts. The Communist Army has no artillery, so there is nothing to worry about.

A few minutes later, most of the soldiers withdrew smoothly. These sent soldiers had another task, to observe the effect of the shelling outside the range of the shelling fire, and then report to the battalion command post as soon as possible.

It took 5 minutes, that is, a little longer than urinating, and the shelling of the independent brigade at the rear began before the soldiers who were rolling and crawling could even get their breath out.

First, a few test shots, and after adjusting the angle and direction, it will be a large-scale bombing. Li Yong's order to Gao Xiang is to be fast, accurate, and ruthless. Paralyzing the artillery of the Kuomintang did not even give them a chance to move their positions.

The Artillery Battalion of the Independent Brigade has grown to nearly 105 pieces of artillery. It is the largest artillery unit in the first-level combat unit of the Northwest Field Army. Except for some 105 infantry artillery and wild mountain artillery, the main force is fifty The left and right [-] howitzers are all American products (American [-] howitzers are the standard equipment of the Kuomintang army. Most of the artillery seized by the PLA during the Liberation War were of this type, as well as some Japanese, German and Soviet equipment). The Kuomintang's artillery was destroyed, and Li Yong's hopes were pinned on these dozens of howitzers.

The Kuomintang artillerymen who were eating with a big bowl heard countless bright spots with long tails drawn from the distant sky, followed by piercing screams, which were the sound of friction between a high-speed flying object and the air.

The Kuomintang soldiers who were eating were stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what was going on. They were all artillerymen, and there was nothing they didn't understand.

A few Kuomintang officers shouted with their necks stretched: "The enemy's attack is an artillery attack by the Communist Army. Quickly move the artillery, quickly move the artillery." But people's speed is limited. , how to transfer?These big guys are all pulled by cars. How far can they be pushed by human power?It may have to be blown up by a shell before it is pushed out a few steps.

The soldiers of the Kuomintang knew this truth very well. These soldiers ran away with their feet wide open, running wherever there was no artillery, and they were still cursing: "Transfer your head, artillery, shit, you want me to die? Die yourself, I want to live a few more years."

The artillery shells exploded on the ground in an instant. The first order of the artillery battalion commander Gao Xiang was to fire rapidly for the whole battalion. Eight rounds were fired rapidly. In about 1 minute, hundreds of shells hit the ground. Hundreds of explosive shells smashed the entire artillery position. The bomb was turned upside down, and this was not the end. Gao Xiang was also cruel, and he didn't care about the size of the consumption. Under the command of the artillery observation post, he ordered the artillery battalion to fire five or eight rounds in rapid succession.

More than 50 howitzers, each with more than 40 rounds, add up to more than 2000 shells. This number was unimaginable before, but now the independent brigade can afford it. Although the battalion commander Gao Xiang is also a little distressed, but the most important thing is to complete the task assigned by the brigade commander.

The Kuomintang's heavy artillery formation was in chaos. Cannons, cars, dead bodies, and tents were all blown to pieces, with bullet craters one after another.

The soldiers who were observing the effect of the shelling not far away happily reported to the battalion commander Gao Xiang via walkie-talkie: "Battle commander, what you did was so beautiful, everything was blown up by him, including people and cannons, there is nothing left. "

Battalion Commander Gao Xiang's order was very strange: "Stay there, and don't come back without my order. Report the situation in time."

The soldiers wondered, since we have wiped out all the enemy's artillery positions, why should we guard, but the battalion commander's order must be carried out, and we must guard.

Gao Xiang, who ran out of the artillery command post, strode toward the brigade headquarters with strides. After stepping in a few steps, he shouted loudly: "Brigade Commander, the enemy's artillery positions have all been eliminated. Our battalion has fired more than 2000 rounds, which is enough for them." Have a drink."

Brigadier Chen Haihan, who commanded the battle with Li Yong, asked happily: "Battle Commander Gao, you fought well, that's great, how many enemy artillery have you destroyed?"

"There is nothing left for the artillery of the 65th Division and the 160th Brigade, and they are all disabled by us."

After answering Brigadier Chen Haihan's question, Gao Xiang tentatively asked Li Yong: "Brigade Commander, are we going to deal with the enemy's infantry this time? We still haven't used our energy yet."

There is nothing too surprising about Gao Xiang and the others being able to knock out the Kuomintang artillerymen Li Yong. It is not a big deal to use the intention to fight the unintentional, and to use the preparation to fight the unprepared. This is what artillery confrontation is like. If the opponent discovered his position first, and his own side was not prepared, there would be no result other than being wiped out. It is the fault of these Kuomintang officers for being too careless.

In a few minutes, it took more than 2000 shells to kill the artillery of the Kuomintang. It seems very simple, but it is not the case. In these ten minutes, a lot of hard work as a commander has been condensed, the most important of which is It is a deception tactic to create the illusion that there is no artillery, and use the illusion of no artillery to confuse the enemy. For the success of this tactic, the soldiers on the front line paid their blood and lives.

The success of this deception tactic has a lot to do with the teaching brigade, but they did it unintentionally, they fulfilled Li Yong's deception tactic unintentionally, while the independent brigade did it intentionally. Li Yong said to Gao Xiang lightly: "I'm sure ?"

"Brigade Commander, there are more than a dozen observation teams and dozens of people. It's impossible to misread them all. Why don't you call them directly."

The communication tool of the walkie-talkie is a shared channel, but the battalion and the brigade cannot be placed on the same channel, otherwise it will be too messy, and the artillery battalion is its own network.

Li Yong: "No need, prepare in 5 minutes, and cover the enemy's infantry with firepower in 5 minutes. The specific target is up to you."

Seeing Gao Xiang rushing out excitedly, Li Yong said to brigade commander Chen Haihan: "Old Chen, your brigade is also responsible for our artillery being able to kill the enemy's heavy artillery position."

Brigadier Chen Haihan has fought in the battlefield for nearly 20 years, and he understands what Li Yong means, he laughed: "Dayong, don't put gold on my face, I don't want to deceive the Kuomintang troops , Our brigade really doesn’t have one, and we can’t fight other people’s artillery.”

Brigadier Chen Haihan, who was in a good mood, said to Li Yong again: "Dayong, you have a very good artillery battalion commander, and this kid is doing very well."

Li Yong replied with a bit of pride: "It's really good. This guy has commanded the artillery of our entire column. It's a good material."

Listening to the conversation between Li Yong and Brigadier Chen Haihan, political commissar Wang Chengde was a little amused. Dayong spoke in an old-fashioned way, as if he had a lot of seniority. In fact, this guy was just in his early twenties, and he was even older than the Gao Xiang he praised. How many years younger.

The Kuomintang reorganized the Fifth Division Division Headquarters, and the phone rang non-stop. An officer listened to a few words on the phone, and then reported to the division commander Li Zhen with some hesitation: "Report to the division commander, it is the Howitzer Regiment. They were attacked just now. When it came to the artillery attack of the communist army, the losses were heavy."

The division commander Li Zhen, who was sitting in a chair drinking water, shivered violently, and asked in disbelief, "What did you say?"

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