The beacon of youth

Chapter 372: Annihilating the 160th Brigade in the Battle of Libei

There is no pop-up window, and tens of thousands of book fans are online at the same time. On the position held by the [-]th Battalion of the Independent Brigade, not only the heavy machine guns stopped firing, even the Czech light machine guns used by the infantry squad stopped firing, and the submachine guns had nothing to do. At this time, the main combat weapon on the battlefield is a very common [-]-type rifle.

The unique fighting style of the Fourth Battalion attracted a lot of spectators, most of them were soldiers from the teaching brigade who were watching the formation. Everyone wanted to see what the soldiers of the independent brigade were doing, and why they had such good automatic weapons No, not an old-fashioned rifle.

The soldiers of the Fourth Battalion did not intend to set up any scene on purpose. They just felt that there was no need for the few soldiers of the 160th Brigade of the Kuomintang who rushed out to waste bullets with bursts of rapid-fire firepower, and at this distance, the rifle just played a role. , Just using these people to practice guns can be regarded as their contribution to the revolution before they die.

Around the battalion commander Ning Jinshan lay a few soldiers. These soldiers had only one task, which was to load bullets into the magazines of several [-]-gun magazines for their battalion commander.

Only five bullets can be pressed into the magazine of the [-] gun, and there is no semi-automatic device, so Ning Jinshan brought a few soldiers to load bullets for himself, and he, the battalion commander, also put down the task of commander and asked the trainer to keep watch. Commanding the battle in the battalion headquarters, he ran to the front trenches and became an ordinary shooter, or a sharpshooter. There was no such thing as a sniper at that time.

Ning Jinshan dared to do this because he saw that the Kuomintang infantry who charged indiscriminately could not break through the defense line guarded by their battalion, so he came to the forefront and became an ordinary soldier, and he also had a good time with the soldiers, otherwise he would This battalion commander is irresponsible for doing this. The main responsibility of the commander is to command the troops to fight. Going to the front line by himself is showing off his own blood and courage, which is not worth advocating.

Ning Jinshan’s shooting method makes people see what it means to walk by feeling. Although the fully manual 200 gun is slow to reload, there is a loss and a gain. From the perspective of probability, the fewer accessories, the lower the failure rate. The lack of a gas guide device makes it much more accurate than a burst weapon. The rifle in Ning Jinshan's hand has no concept of aiming, and he didn't see him aiming with his eyes. He just pointed the gun at his body with a bright fire The Kuomintang soldiers, at a distance of about [-] meters, "crack" one shot and one person will fall down, and the bullet is not in vain.

It was completely dark, and it was impossible to aim with the eyes. Ning Jinshan shot steadily at a rate of fire of three or four seconds. So much so that several fighters who fought for him were a bit overwhelmed.

This kind of shooter shoots with feeling, and the gun is fired with the feeling, and the sound of the gun is knocked down. This feeling has an innate component, and it is also the result of feeding a large number of bullets the day after tomorrow.

Not too far away from him, there were a few soldiers teaching the brigade to watch the battle. They opened their mouths wide in surprise, and one soldier whispered to his companions: "See? It's not because of his strength, he really has real skills. The Independent Brigade does not only rely on fierce firepower to fight wars, but this gun is almost as powerful as a heavy machine gun."

In fact, the soldiers of the teaching brigade watching the battle were right or wrong. The other battalions of the independent brigade could not compete with the fourth battalion in marksmanship. There were not many sharpshooters like Ning Jinshan, and the fighting methods of the fourth battalion were not universal. .

Gao Xiang's artillery is still firing continuously. The fierce artillery fire has turned the entire battlefield into a death trap. The light infantry without protection is no different from being massacred when they encounter a large area of ​​artillery fire coverage. A dozen or so lives had to be taken away, and around each crater were dead bodies lying all over the ground, dead bodies all over the ground, and the missing arms and legs were shocking.

The charging soldiers no longer had the courage they used to have, and even their brigade commander Huang Zhiyu's confidence was shaken. Where did the Communist Army come from, and the Eighth Route Army that started to defend the position is definitely not the same unit, and its combat effectiveness is not the same. Heavyweight, with unbelievable firepower, if you continue to do this, you may not have any effect if you wipe out your 160 brigade. What should we do, withdraw? ? ?

But now it is impossible to withdraw. Although Huang Zhiyu is an official fan, he is also a very experienced officer. An officer in the war years can't do it without a little ability. This kid knows very well that the two armies have fought so far. It's not easy to withdraw at this level, once you show your butt to Balu, it's really time for death.

When Huang Zhiyu was hesitating whether to retreat or continue to attack, Li Yong felt that the opportunity had come 10 minutes later. The 160th Brigade suffered heavy casualties under the fierce artillery fire, and their spirit was lost. The soldiers and officers could not see the hope of victory. With the idea of ​​retreating, there is a saying in the art of war, again and again, and three times, and now is the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Li Yong, who made up his mind, looked at political commissar Wang Chengde with his eyes. Wang Chengde understood what Li Yong meant. Li Yong was asking for his opinion. The two had been together for a long time, and they had formed a tacit understanding. You don't need to speak to understand the meaning of the other party. Wang Chengde, the old eighth road, has no worse grasp of the situation on the battlefield than Li Yong, and may be better than Li Yong: "Dayong, just do it when you make up your mind, it's nothing special, you The judgment is correct, it is a good opportunity.”

Li Yong, who was supported by the political commissar, turned his head and looked at the brigade commander Chen Haihan: "Old Chen, we can't always be passive and beaten. It is not the style of our independent brigade to wait for the enemy to attack. I want to take our brigade to attack. Give the 65th Division of the Kuomintang some color, and your brigade is still defending the position, what do you think?"

The independent brigade's precise artillery strikes made the commander of the old Red Army very excited, but the steady brigade commander Chen Haihan still reminded: "Dayong, I understand your mood, but be careful, we are facing the 65th brigade of the 160th division. , The 65th Division is a reorganized division with three brigades, have you considered the possibility that your brigade will be surrounded by three enemy brigades once it goes out?"

Li Yong smiled contemptuously: "Old Chen, I was really worried about this at the beginning, but now this worry is gone. Our brigade will not only defeat the enemy, but also wipe out the enemy's 160 troops." Brigade, destroy the main force of the 65th Division of the Kuomintang."

Li Yong's tone was a little scary. Not only did he want to attack from the front, but he also wanted to wipe out the 160th brigade that was attacking. Can it be done?This is not easy. How can I say that they are also a brigade-level force. The common tactics of the PLA is to concentrate superior forces to fight annihilation battles. However, the independent brigade not only has no superiority in strength, but compared to the entire 65th Division, it is also smaller than the opposite Kuomintang troops. A lot, in this condition to fight a war of annihilation?Is it possible to wipe out a brigade?

Brigadier Chen Haihan can only make suggestions. Both of them are brigade-level commanders. When the superiors do not have clear command responsibilities, they cannot stop the actions of the independent brigade. However, in this case, Li Yong And the independent brigade has more room to display.

It has been a while since I came to the position to carry out reinforcement missions. The teaching brigade of Brigadier Chen Haihan did not receive the support of the independent brigade in terms of ammunition. The weapons in the hands of some soldiers of the teaching brigade are still empty.

Seeing that Li Yong had made up his mind, Brigadier Chen Haihan had no choice but to say: "Okay, the ammunition of our teaching brigade has not been replenished, so we will stand behind and stand behind. I wish you success soon, and we will see you later."

Li Yong, who picked up the microphone of the walkie-talkie, shouted: "Every battalion has them. Inform the troops at all levels below to adjust the channel to a shared channel. Hurry up."

Communication tools such as walkie-talkie and radio are the equipment that the independent brigade must grab in every battle or after the battle. This is something that all soldiers in the brigade know, and the entire brigade has been equipped to fight at the platoon level Units, that is to say, each infantry platoon has a walkie-talkie commanded by the platoon leader, and can communicate directly with the battalion or brigade at critical times.

Dozens of walkie-talkies using a common channel is too messy, and once everyone shouts, they may not be able to hear anything clearly. Therefore, each battalion of the independent brigade uses its own channel, and the battalion headquarters shares it with the brigade headquarters. A walkie-talkie to contact, but today's situation is a bit special, the brigade commander asked each combat platoon to be tuned to a shared channel with the brigade headquarters, what does this mean?

Whether you understand it or not, the order from the superior must of course be carried out quickly. After a few minutes, all the walkie-talkies in the Independent Brigade have used a common channel, and Li Yong's voice came clearly from every walkie-talkie: "Everyone listen! Now, I am your brigade commander Li Yong, I am your brigade commander Li Yong."

Li Yong's voice made the soldiers a little strange. The brigade commander had never shouted like this before, and any orders were issued through the battalion headquarters. This was the first time he shouted like this.

The voice on the walkie-talkie continued: "Comrades, our independent brigade has been invincible and invincible since it was formed into an army. No one dares to be arrogant in front of us. It is the same this time. Passive beating is not our style. , what our brigade has to do is to take the initiative and crush the enemy with our courage. No matter what the enemy is, we must trample it under our feet, trample them under our feet like ants, please do well, comrades! Prepare for battle, in 5 minutes our whole brigade will attack and destroy the enemy's 160th brigade, march forward, warriors."

Such a large-scale call can easily be intercepted by the KMT's walkie-talkie, but what can be intercepted, everything is useless in the face of absolute strength.

The soldiers of the Independent Brigade were full of enthusiasm. The brigade commander said it very well, no matter who it is, as long as it meets us, it means that his death is coming.

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