The beacon of youth

Chapter 374 The Invincible Battle of Libei

No pop-up window, tens of thousands of book fans are online at the same time. The attack of the independent brigade is rolling forward like a torrent of steel. Wherever the troops go, they will be destroyed and invincible. Armored cars with flame-spitting anti-aircraft machine guns.

In this battle, the independent brigade broke out with a strong combat power, and the front of the soldiers was unstoppable. Under the fierce firepower, the entire 160th brigade was defeated without holding back for 10 minutes. It was a large-scale rout.

Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, commanded the cars to disperse to both sides, extending the range of attack, trying to encircle the entire 160 brigade at once. You have to tremble all the time, and let the enemies who are fighting against the Independent Brigade lose the determination and will to resist.

The anti-aircraft machine gun is so powerful that it can't be used in a small range, which will affect the use of weapons. Therefore, Wei Gang commanded the troops to expand the attack range to both sides as much as possible, and use terrifying firepower to kill the rout. The 160th Brigade is all covered.

Wei Gang held back his anger, why?The reason is very simple. All five infantry battalions were assigned to the front line by the brigade commander. Several battalions shouted slogans to each other and competed for who could make great achievements. Compared with the ability to kill the enemy on the battlefield, the scene was so hot that the blood boiled. .

Needless to say, the artillery, the precise bombardment first destroyed the Kuomintang artillery units, and then began to deal with the enemy infantry. The troops opened the way, that kid Gao Xiang is amazing, the credit must not be able to escape, and it must be a great credit.

The independent brigade of nine battalions used six main battalions (five infantry battalions and one artillery battalion) for the first contact with the enemy, and the remaining three battalions were the reconnaissance battalion, the supply battalion, and its own machine gun battalion.

The reconnaissance battalion, as the name suggests, is for reconnaissance, and it is not an infantry combat battalion. It is understandable that they did not go up. Besides, the reconnaissance battalion has already made all the credits in the initial stage of the campaign. The interspersed route formulated by the superiors has their own Part of the credit, it is said that even Boss Peng and the chiefs at the headquarters knew about them and praised them for their good work, so the smile on Zhang Jinsong's face never stopped.

Not to mention the supply battalion, everyone knows that they are the troops of the whole brigade, and their main task is to do logistics. It doesn't matter if they are used or not, and no one compares with them. He wanted to fight, but he was a woman after all, so he was no better than him, but his machine gun battalion was the main force, the most important combat force in the brigade, why did he leave the machine gun battalion behind?After the battle is over, if you can't get any credit, what can you do?Don't let people laugh to death.

Thinking of this, Wei Gang became even more anxious. He sat in the car and used the walkie-talkie to command the troops to move forward quickly, push forward and push forward again. Seeing that the 160th Brigade's bear looks like it can't resist for a long time, the machine gun battalion must grasp what it says If you seize the opportunity, you have to make a big contribution. Only Li Yuming's eight tanks are charging ahead. Although the tanks are very powerful, the number is still too small. If you want to completely defeat the enemy, it depends on the performance of the machine gun battalion. Well, don't look at us The battalion entered the battle late, but this was an excellent opportunity.

In the entire machine gun battalion, not only the battalion commander Wei Gang thinks this way, there are no battalion commanders who have the same kind of soldiers, and most of the soldiers have this idea. Damn, you have to rush forward, otherwise you will have no chance Yes, wait a little longer and the day lily will be cold.

The machine gun battalion that everyone wants to make meritorious service is like a tiger that has just been released from its cage after being hungry for two days. , Go desperately with the enemy.

The soldiers had just entered the battle, and they were full of physical strength and energy. Dozens of large trucks bumped and rushed over the crater, and the anti-aircraft machine guns on the trucks fired like flames. The machine gun bullets hit the soil and hit the soldiers' bodies with puffs of blood, and the chased Kuomintang soldiers were flying blood and flesh, which was too horrible to look at.

Without morale, without the will to resist, the guns in the hands of soldiers who dare not even turn their heads back are not as good as a stick of fire, and a considerable part of them throw away their guns.

The bullets from the Machine Gun Battalion were overwhelming, and they rushed like crazy. The forward speed was so fast that the troops following behind couldn't catch up. The soldiers were running, chasing, cursing and complaining: " Are the Machine Gun Battalion guys trying to tire us out? We're running on two legs following the wheels of their cars. We've done this for miles, why don't we slow down?"

The other soldier also said out of breath: "You know what shit, don't you understand? These guys are trying to grab the credit. If we all follow up, whose credit is it?"

It wasn't all the soldiers talking strange things, the commanders of each battalion were also a little dissatisfied. The first battalion commander Li Jiangguo shouted as he ran: "I wonder if Zhang Jinsong is a little nervous, so I don't know how to slow down and wait for us. What if my legs are tired and broken? I have never finished with him, you see how I will deal with him after the war."

The trainer who ran with Li Jiangguo laughed loudly and persuaded him: "Old Li, you just need to understand, I guess Zhang Jinsong is really impatient, he is deliberately trying to put a little distance between us so that they can work together. Show more performance, otherwise they won't have anything to do when the meritorious service is judged later, and everyone will have to worry about this matter, and you might do something if you put it on your body."

Li Jiangguo thinks about it too, the Machine Gun Battalion just got an opportunity, and they didn't get any credit, so why should these boys be hindered?If it were him, he might be more extraordinary than Zhang Jinsong.

Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde could also see the performance of the Machine Gun Battalion clearly. They were running on two legs like the soldiers. Wang Chengde turned his head and shouted: "Dayong, Zhang Jinsong is charging too fast. It's not about letting them slow down a bit so that the troops behind can follow up."

In fact, Zhang Jinsong's small thoughts and Li Yong's thoughts are clear, as the brigade commander, he can't even understand the thoughts of his subordinates, so it's not for nothing! !Don't you just want to fight?Don't you just want to make meritorious service?Well, there's nothing wrong with being fast, the faster the better.

"It's okay, Lao Wang, don't worry, the enemies are all messed up. They can't organize any effective counterattacks at this time, and chasing them quickly can make them even more chaotic."

It was the first time for Li Yuming to sit in a tank and command a battle. He was excited, happy, and in a very good mood. This iron guy is really good. Bullets can't go in, and grenades can't do anything to it. Who can do anything to me in such a war.

At the beginning, I still felt very majestic. Look at how our PLA tanks fought, but after this battle, he almost killed him. The violently bumping tanks turned their intestines and stomachs out. Stomach churned and felt like vomiting.

The tank soldiers smiled and told him that this is a natural phenomenon, and it will be fine after a while. The company commander will practice driving tanks more in the future. The rare talents in the tank brigade are all treasure-level figures, and the future development of the army will depend on these fighters.

Suppressing the overwhelming discomfort in his stomach, Li Yuming commanded the troops to continue to break through, what is the discomfort?Soldiers in the People's Liberation Army are not even afraid of death. They are afraid of something uncomfortable. They vomit uncontrollably.

"Company commander, there is a situation." A soldier shouted loudly.Li Yuming lay on the periscope of the tank and looked out, right? There were several cars starting not too far away from them, including several trucks and a jeep, and there were people scrambling to climb onto the cars beside them. Look at that means trying to escape.

Seeing this Li Yuming was bursting with ecstasy, why?Because those who can sit in a jeep are not small people, and in the Kuomintang army, they must be officers above the regiment to be eligible to sit in it. Judging by the posture of shouting and hugging, it must be an official, not a small one.

Li Yuming guessed correctly, these cars were the vehicles of the 160th Brigade Headquarters, and the jeep was the car of the brigade commander Huang Zhiyu.

The common people have a well-known saying, "Listen to people's persuasion to eat enough." It's no good to be too stubborn. This Huang Zhiyu is a little too stubborn. The army has been defeated and doesn't want to leave. No matter how much his subordinates persuade him, he just doesn't want to withdraw. I wanted to fight the People's Liberation Army again, and didn't think about retreating until the tanks were about to rush to the door, but it was too late to retreat at this time.

The fast-moving tank shook for a few moments and stopped. Li Yuming called out calmly: "Target, jeep ahead, armor fragmentation shells, get ready."

Old-fashioned tanks do not have a two-way stabilizer. If they want to shoot accurately, they have to stop. A moving tank gun cannot aim and shoot. This is also an obvious difference between modern tanks and old-fashioned tanks.

With a sound of "bang", the second gunner (ammunitionist) replied: "Small armor is good." The first gunner (gunner) replied: "Aim well."

Stuart has a total of four members, namely the driver, the first gunner (gunner), the second gunner (ammunitionist) and the commander (commander). Li Yuming is now playing the role of a commander.

Although the performance of the tanks of later generations has been greatly improved, most of them have such a staffing configuration. Each tank has four people, and some individual ones may require an additional communicator (the Soviet T34 can use five people, and our army is on the Korean battlefield. It has been configured like this before, but it is only an isolated phenomenon).

After entering the 90s of the last century, the development of tanks has changed a little. The emergence of automatic loading machines allows tanks to theoretically save one more personnel (second gunner, that is, ammunition hand), the most typical of which is the Japanese Type [-] A tank with a crew of three.

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