The beacon of youth

Chapter 388 Bloody Battle against the Green Horse Army

The 258th Division of the Qingma Army took advantage of its fast speed to catch up with the marching Northwest Field Army from behind, and the battle began immediately. The [-]th Infantry Brigade of the People's Liberation Army, which was in charge of the rear, was led by Brigadier Gao Jinchun to evacuate safely in order to cover the main force. A fierce battle for position was launched with the enemy.Please remember our URL) (Crazy' reading novel hand typed)

After several rounds of contests, the soldiers found that the cavalry unit of the Majia Army that was catching up was difficult to deal with. Although the firepower was not as good as that of the Central Army, and the weapons were not as good as the Central Army, but the ruthlessness that dared to fight was much stronger than that of Hu Zongnan's troops. After a large number of horses were killed, instead of retreating, they turned into infantry on the spot, holding the saber in their hands and shouting to charge upwards.

The Ma Bufang military group that came from Qinghai is a very distinctive unit. If you want to get ahead in this Ma family army, you must first meet a few conditions. First, you must be a Hui Muslim. Second, you must be a fellow from Ma Bufang's Linxia area. Relatives, the last one is that it is best to have a surname of Ma or Han.

After meeting these conditions, officers are basically his brothers, cousins, and nephews. In Ma Bufang's family, there are many young people in the age of fifteen or sixteen who are named company commanders and battalion commanders. After the age of 20, they are basically officers above the regiment.

Han people, ordinary Hui people, and local ethnic minorities serve in his army, no matter how much credit they have, it is considered good to be a company commander, and if you go up to the top, you will end up as a regimental commander, so this one is very stupid. A very stubborn army, Ma Bufang's orders are no different from imperial edicts in this army.

To put it bluntly, this is a family-style local warlord armed force. Although it is fighting under the banner of the Kuomintang, if there is no order from Ma Bufang, Hu Zongnan, the supreme commander of the Northwest battlefield, will not be able to command, but it is undeniable. The cohesion of the troops is much stronger than that of Hu Zongnan's Central Army, and few of them surrendered their guns until the end.

Ma's army's style of play put enormous pressure on the tenth brigade, because of the speed advantage of the cavalry, by the time the soldiers of the tenth brigade knocked down the horses, the soldiers of the green horse army had already rushed to a place not too far from the position. Some horses rushed to only a few tens of meters away from the front of the position.

The soldiers of the Ma Family Army who rolled off the horse were killed by a burst of gunshots before they could stand up, but when more and more enemies rushed to the front, the soldiers of the Tenth Brigade seemed a little overwhelmed.

War horses kept rushing over, soldiers kept rolling off the horses, and were beaten to death one after another by the soldiers, but these soldiers of the Ma family army seemed to be crazy, staring at the blood-red eyes, twisting their faces, and trampling on people. The corpses and horse corpses continued to rush upwards.

Gradually, the number of Majiajun soldiers rushing over continued to increase. While dealing with the cavalry in the distance, the soldiers had to be distracted to take care of the infantry who rushed forward. In the case of insufficient firepower, the Majiajun's attack arrows were getting closer and closer to the front.

Ma Desheng, who was supervising the battle at the back, was overjoyed. This guy scratched his neck and shouted: "Brothers, push harder and charge up. The first one to charge up is promoted to the third pole. Come here and use all the troops. The horses will also rush forward."

Ma Desheng was going to put all his eggs in one basket. He wanted to use Taishan's overwhelming offensive to destroy the will of the PLA's defenders to resist. After several charges failed to achieve results, he put all the four regiments under his command on it.

When fighting defensive battles, the best way to deal with cavalry charging madly is to use intensive firepower to wipe them out on the way to charge. No matter how strong an army is, it has weaknesses, especially cavalry. Regardless of these How rampant the cavalry is, they can't shoot when they are in the middle of the charge. Even if they are good at the horse, they can straighten their backs and shoot a few shots, but they can't see the head. Combat in the age of weapons.

The characteristics of cavalry are fast speed and strong mobility. When riding on a horse and cutting with a knife, you can use the power of the horse's impact. Therefore, it is very disadvantageous and stupid to use infantry and cavalry to fight melee in plain areas.

Although the cavalry of the Ma family army is very fierce, they can only display their combat effectiveness when fighting close combat in the plains. The first task of the infantry against the cavalry is to slow down its maneuvering speed and force them to dismount and fight.

The best way to force the cavalry to dismount to fight is to dig a large number of trenches and set up obstacles, and then use powerful firepower to wipe out the dismounted soldiers.

The Fourth Vertical and Tenth Brigade of the Northwest Field Army engaged the enemy in a hasty situation, and had no time to dig trenches and set up obstacles. After several major battles with Hu Zongnan, the People's Liberation Army's troops have greatly developed, and their weapons and equipment have also improved. The amount of ammunition carried by each person exceeded one hundred rounds. However, because the family background of the Northwest Field Army was too weak, most of the soldiers used [-]-type rifles captured from the Japanese army, and their rapid-fire firepower was insufficient.

As a result, although the soldiers tried their best to use firepower to kill the enemy halfway, they were gradually approached by the madly charging enemies due to the rate of fire of their weapons.

Brigadier Gao Jinchun commanded the battle on the front line. Beginning with the Red Army, the commanders of the People's Liberation Army must go forward in every battle. This is the tradition of our army. This veteran commander can see from the actions of the 258th Division that the enemy wants to fight. Desperately, I also transferred the 30th regiment of the reserve team in my hand.

The soldiers shot at the madly charging enemies with all the weapons in their hands. The barrels of the Czech light machine guns made by Hanyang on March [-] and July [-] were all red, but they couldn't stop the cavalry from charging.

The Czech light machine gun is an excellent infantry squad weapon, but the disadvantage of this weapon is that the magazine capacity is only [-] rounds, and the barrel must be replaced every [-] rounds (red, do not change No way), this is still an old shooter, and those with little experience probably need to change the barrel after firing six or seven magazines, otherwise the bullets will really lose face.

Brigadier Gao put away his binoculars a long time ago, and was lying in the trench like the soldiers, holding a rifle in his hand, walking around with wide eyes, and kept saying, "***, if a few more Just support Maxim and mortars."

The Maxim heavy machine guns of the [-]th Brigade couldn't stop firing at the same point. The cavalrymen of the Majia Army who died within the fire range of the heavy machine guns were as yellow as bundles of rice and piled up layer after layer, but just like Brigadier Commander Gao said, This kind of water-cooled infantry has too little heavy firepower.

Seeing that Ma Jiajun rushed to less than 50 meters away from the front, 50 meters is a few steps for a war horse, Brigadier Gao shouted: "Grenade."

The cover of the grenade was lifted long ago, and the fire ring was pulled out long ago. Before Brigadier Commander Gao’s voice hit the ground, rows of grenades were thrown over like heavy rain. The falling shrapnel turned the area tens of meters away from the front of the position into a slaughterhouse, with dead people and horses everywhere. The soldiers of the Tenth Brigade threw three consecutive rounds, and thousands of grenades blasted the horses to run wild. bounce.

Brigadier Gao, who saw the timing, shouted: "Comrades, put on the bayonet and pick the enemy off. After speaking, he took the rifle with the bayonet on, and was the first to jump out of the trench."

The commanders of the People's Liberation Army are admirable. The commanders of the first level of the brigade still fight the enemy with bayonets. There is no such thing as life and death. The brigade commander has rushed out. What do the soldiers have to say? He rushed upwards and fought the enemy hand-to-hand with his bayonet.

The Qingma army is indeed not simple. They suffered heavy casualties and did not retreat. The horses were killed but they did not retreat. They turned into infantry and charged up with their sabers.

Only a few tens of meters away, the red-eyed two sides quickly met, and the shiny saber and sharp bayonet collided violently.

Immediately, flesh and blood flew across the front of the position, slashing with sabers, stabbing with bayonets, and the sound of killing was loud. Both armies used all their strength to stir up bloody battles together.

Ma Desheng's 258th Division is not a reorganized division and does not have a brigade system. The division consists of four cavalry regiments with a total number of about 1 people. The People's Liberation Army's four columns and ten brigades have three infantry regiments with a total strength of more than [-].

Ma's Army's 258th Division has a slight advantage, but not an absolute advantage. In addition, the few charges just now lost a lot of manpower, and the personnel of the two armies fighting together at this time are generally not much different.

In this way, the battle will be very fierce. If one of the two armies has an absolute advantage, the other will retreat or flee. The reason is very simple. No one wants to fight a hopeless battle.

But the current situation is that the strength of the two armies is similar, and neither can eat the other. It's like two strong men wrestling with their arms.

What to do, only depends on the willpower of the two armies, and the willpower of the armies is what competes when the strength is similar.

The fierce battle lasted from the afternoon to the evening. The entire battlefield was covered with dead bodies from both sides. Blood flowed from the bodies and was immediately frozen by the icy ground. This was the first time that the Tenth Brigade had encountered such a tough Kuomintang army.

But what kind of force is the Tenth Brigade?The Four Columns of Heroes is an old Red Army unit composed of the 26th and 27th Army of the Northern Shaanxi Red Army. It was formed by General Liu Zhidan. Their weapons may not be good, their equipment may not be good, and their stomachs may not be good. There is nothing oily, but their courage to fight all enemies is unparalleled. Just like Brigadier Gao said, want to fight the People's Liberation Army?Then you have found an opponent.

When the battle reached a stalemate, the soldiers' anger was completely aroused. The reason is very simple. No one and the troops dare to compare their courage in front of the People's Liberation Army. Little devils can't do it, the Kuomintang can't do it. no.

Chapter 388 Bloody Battle against the Green Horse Army (text)

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