The beacon of youth

Chapter 393 Special Missions 3

After waving his hand to calm everyone down, Li Yong walked to the map hanging on the wall: "Comrades, the entire Qingma Army has a net worth of between 20 and [-]. It is very powerful, and it is larger than the total number of our field army." , but they have their own lair to defend, and they also have conflicts with the rest of Gansu and Ningxia (Ma Hongkui and Ma Hongbin). The central army coordinated with each other and dispatched several cavalry divisions, and these cavalry divisions were not monolithic. In the eyes of the grassroots officers and soldiers of the Qingma Army, there was no need for them to travel all the way here to fight the People's Liberation Army. They are unwilling crazy to fight

But there are exceptions to everything. In the Majia Army in Qinghai, there are also teams that want to please Hu Zongnan. The most active one is the 258th Division, which has fought hard with our 258th Brigade. However, the mentality of wanting to be an official is much stronger than that of our third battalion commander. He just wants to rely on Hu Zongnan, a big tree."

The venue of the ** brigade was full of laughter again, and the third battalion commander Ma Changsheng muttered, "Hmph, so what if my name is similar to mine. I still think he is not qualified to be my grandson."

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion next to him, heard Ma Changsheng's muttering. Li Jiangguo's mouth was unforgiving, and he took Ma Changsheng's words and said, "I'm talking about old beef tendons. What's wrong with letting this Ma Desheng be your grandson? He is also a teacher at any rate, with more than 1 people under his command, you sit in your battalion headquarters and ask a few correspondents to tell him, hey, grandson, grandpa is here, hurry up and surrender, don't we save a lot of trouble?"

He Cuihua almost spit out a sip of water, lying on Hu Xiaolian's shoulder and laughing non-stop, her crisp voice was particularly pleasant

Political commissar Wang Chengde knocked on the table to tell everyone not to talk nonsense, and Li Yong continued: "The 258th Division and our fourth column and tenth brigade worked hard all afternoon yesterday. According to the head of the headquarters, the enemy's casualties were greater than those of the tenth brigade. The casualties of the 258th Division of the Qingma Army are close to 258. If there is no major discrepancy in the data, the casualties of the [-]th Division of the Qingma Army should be around [-]. After paying such a high price, the [-]th Division is also injured. If they are scared, it is unlikely that we will find the main force of our field army to fight positional warfare. Therefore, the heads of the headquarters analyzed that as long as the Ma family army does not return to Qinghai for a day, they will still make trouble for us, and the focus of the trouble will definitely be on On our logistics transportation line, what our brigade has to do is how to keep the field army’s logistics transportation safe.”

The Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu, who had been silent all this time, knocked on his pipe, raised his hand and said, "Brigade Commander, I have something to say."

Wang Huo is the oldest soldier in the entire army brigade. This steady old soldier usually doesn't like to talk much, but once he speaks, his weight is not light. Don't look at how much older the battalion commander Sun Quanhou is than Wang Huo. But he joined the army not as early as Wang Huohu, and even Wang Chengde, the political commissar of the brigade, was not as old as Wang Huohu

This is a veteran soldier who joined the army on March [-]th and fought countless vicious and tough battles. But it can be regarded as the third person. The first is the brigade commander Li Yong, the second is the political commissar Wang Chengde, and the third is the fifth battalion commander Wang Huo. Even the chief of staff Fang was once a soldier under Wang Huo, of course. , this is the ranking of the soldiers in their hearts, which can be regarded as prestige, and has nothing to do with the actual rank

Li Yong respected this old commander from the Eighth Route Army very much, and wanted to hear his opinion: "Say, tiger, pour out everything in your stomach."

Wang Huo cleared his throat, and said slowly: "Our brigade is different from before. Not only are there cars, cannons and tanks, but weapons and ammunition are also available. I remember Jiang Guo said before that as long as he can bring two hundred You dare to fight any battle with one shot of bullets. In the eyes of your first battalion commander, the current [-] rounds of bullets is nothing. We not only have enough bullets, but also have a lot of shells and grenades. As for the Ma’s army, it’s still the same, with little change. There is no difference from more than ten years ago. The main weapons are rifles and sabers. With their equipment, as long as they encounter our brigade, they will not be as good as them. There is no doubt about it, but there is a problem here. By the way, horses have four legs. Not only can they run fast, but they also require less road than our cars. What if the enemy runs wild all over the mountains and plains? We also look for them indiscriminately? That’s definitely not a good idea, so, I was thinking about how to encircle these cavalrymen from the Ma family army, and they would fight fiercely. It would be best not to let go of any of them, and wipe them all out, even smashing people and horses."

An old soldier is an old soldier. The experience honed from the dead on the battlefield is really powerful. Wang Huo showed the characteristics of both the enemy and us, and also grasped the core of the problem. This is what a commander should have. Know where to start

Wang Huo's voice was not loud, much lower than Ma Changsheng's yelling, but there was a chill in his words, a chill with a murderous intent

Political commissar Wang Chengde tilted his head and explained softly to Li Yong: "The tiger joined the army too early, and he has a certain understanding of the Red Army's West Route Army, so he doesn't have a good impression of the cavalry of the Majia army, otherwise the tiger would not talk like that. "

Li Yong nodded in agreement. According to statistics, the West Route Army of the Red Army with more than 2 people is 6000, which is about the same number as the Northwest Field Army when it was first established. , the entire army was wiped out in the Hexi Corridor. There were thousands of Red Army women's regiments killed by Ma's cavalry, and more than [-] Red Army soldiers were beheaded after being captured, including many senior Red Army commanders at the division level , as a veteran soldier who is familiar with this period of history, how can Wang Huo not harbor hatred for this Ma family army?

Li Yong: "Tiger got the point right. The crux of the problem is how to catch the cavalry of the Ma family army. My solution is that instead of looking everywhere, let the enemy attack on their own initiative, and use an army disguised as our field army's cavalry. The logistics food transport team, the Yin* enemy is coming to attack, as long as the cavalry of the Ma family army is on the bait, it will be easy. Since we are going to fight, we must fight at the place and time we have prepared. Do you have any disagreements and what you need to add?"

There is a sparse forest in a leeward depression, and now the surrounding area of ​​the forest is full of soldiers from the Kuomintang army from Qinghai. These soldiers are all dull-eyed and listless, lying on the ground to rest Yes, there are also those who sit and eat dry food, and some take out handfuls of black beans from their pockets to feed the horses around them. No matter how the battle is fought, the horses are the most important. horses have everything

There is a small flat land at the edge of the woods. Now this flat land is covered with a large piece of wool felt, which is the kind of felt woven by hand. It is thick, warm and moisture-proof. Five or six people, among them is a large pot of steaming hand-cooked mutton and several military kettles

A few horses were tied around this group of people, and there were soldiers standing guard a little farther away from the horses. Several soldiers standing guard looked at the mutton pot from time to time, and then quietly swallowed their saliva.

A guy with a beard and brown eyes bit down a large piece of mutton viciously, moved his cheeks a few times to swallow it, took a gulp of wine from the military jug, wiped his mouth and asked : "How about the casualties, brothers?"

The officer sitting with him replied sullenly: "Brother, the number is out. We still have less than 7000 people. The horses have suffered a lot. Five or six hundred brothers have already walked."

"****, more than 4000 of my brothers were killed in one battle. How did the Communist Army become so tough?"

The officer who replied earlier said: "Brother, it is no longer what it used to be. The current Communist Army is incomparable with the Red Army of more than ten years ago. The Red Army used to have food and clothing, and some people didn't even have guns. Even those who have guns have few bullets. Now the Communist Army is not only full of food and clothing, but also has enough ammunition. Many of the casualties were shot down by heavy machine guns and small artillery, but we are still the same as before, fighting Relying on sabers, there are very few heavy weapons, not to mention our division, even the eldest son of Ma Bufang, who is also his successor, the 82nd division of Ma Jiyuan only has one heavy artillery battalion. The top one is an ordinary infantry brigade of the communist army, with three infantry regiments, and the number is smaller than our division."

The bearded man who asked the question did not speak for a long time. Needless to say, this bearded officer is Ma Desheng, the division commander of the 258th Division of the Qingma Army. Although the guy has a fierce face and looks like a reckless man, he is not a division commander. Knowing nothing, this guy was silent for a while and then asked: "You guys tell me, what should we do in the future?"

Several officers who had dinner with Ma Desheng were all his confidantes, and they had no scruples in speaking. One officer said, "Brother, it is impossible to do what you did yesterday. The communist army is good at positional warfare. The army fought hard once or twice and our 258th Division was wiped out. How can we go back and explain to the old officer when the troops are wiped out? Needless to say, it is you, we are enough."

After being told by these officers, the veins on Ma Desheng's forehead were throbbing. He knew Ma Bufang's tricks very well, and his fate would be over if the troops were wiped out. Being dismissed is a trivial matter, and he might not even be able to keep his head.

Chapter 393 Special Mission Three

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