The beacon of youth

Chapter 395 Special Missions 5

The ** brigade waited for two days in a row on the pre-set position, not to mention anyone, not even a horse. The soldiers gradually became impatient, and Li Yuming, the company commander of the guard company, was also suspicious [from crazy f]

Li Yong: "It's not up to me to decide whether to hit it or not. Now let's see how Zhang Jinsong's acting is. If he plays well, he can do anything. If he doesn't, we'll just wait for nothing."

Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion commander that Li Yong talked about, was driving dozens of large carriages around the vicinity with his soldiers at this time. Of course, the carts were not loaded with any grain, and their pockets were full of mess. Grass and sand, with weapons under the bag

After wandering around for more than two days, I had to pick out areas where the enemy's cavalry might appear. Did I eat well, did I sleep well, and I was very nervous, not to mention that I was afraid that I would not be able to complete the task assigned by the chief. More than 9000 people in the brigade Looking at them, Zhang Jinsong, an old scout, knows that if they can't get it right, everyone's work will be for nothing.

"Second son, what's the situation with you? The second son Zhang Jinsong is talking about is of course his second son in a row of Changning."

For the convenience of command and communication, a walkie-talkie is hidden every few cars. The car of Zhang Jinsong and Ning Erzi in the front is about 100 meters away. Reported the situation to the battalion commander behind.

Dozens of large carriages were borrowed from fellow villagers’ homes. For the sake of confidentiality, they did not tell the fellow villagers what they were used for, but the fellow villagers in the base area have seen such things all the time. That's how it should be. If you tell the people everything, it's no longer called a war. Some villagers even volunteered to drive horse-drawn carriages for the troops.

But Zhang Jinsong did not dare to agree to this matter. The purpose of borrowing the carriage was to fight, to lure the cavalry of the Ma family army, not to pull supplies. The casualties of the fellow villagers could not be explained. Fortunately, most of the soldiers were farmers, and they were very good at driving horse-drawn carriages. OK, it doesn't matter

Simply confused, Zhang Jinsong and the soldiers set off in the morning... before dawn for many days. Dozens of large carriages were pulled around the mountain road for a long distance, and the soldiers sitting on the carts also Knowing the importance of their mission, they were so impatient that they stood in the car and shouted, we have food here, come and grab it

Today is the third day of the army's ambush. More than 9000 people in the whole brigade are lying on the ground and owe the howitzer battalion. With the range of the artillery, it is not necessary to lie on the forward position like the infantry. It is ice and snow, although there are fortifications It can keep out the severe cold, but it is forbidden to light a fire to cook, that is to say, everyone has eaten dry food for two days, and it will be uncomfortable if it doesn’t work today. Maybe Li Jiangguo and Wei Gang will scold him.

In fact, the officers and soldiers of the 258th Division of the Qingma Army had already arrived behind a big hill not too far from this mountain road. A distance of several tens of miles was nothing to the cavalry. Arriving at this place, the soldiers of the Ma Family Army who wanted to grab food were watching the movements of the reconnaissance battalion transport team motionlessly in the distance.

"One, two, three, Master, it looks like there are forty or fifty carts in this posture. This food must be old. If we can catch this one, we can eat it for at least ten or eight days. , do it"

"Not busy, wait and see" Ma Desheng, the division commander who wanted to attack the PLA logistics transport team, calmed down instead. It wasn't that this guy's temper suddenly changed, but that he didn't have much money in his hands, and there were still many. With 7000 troops, no matter how bad this battle is, there is no way to explain it

Seeing dozens of large carriages come around a mountain pass, and then go in along a mountain road, the soldiers on the carriages are all dazed, as if they are not awake

"Master, the communist army is only two to three hundred people even including the soldiers escorting the chariot. We have seventy-eight thousand people. The communist army is not enough for our horseshoes. What else can we consider? Come on"

Ma Desheng: "Hmph, I don't know that there are fewer communist soldiers, so you can confirm that the communist army is not in ambush? How do you go back and explain to the commander if you lose your money?"

Ma Desheng frightened Brigadier Gao Jinchun and his ten-year brigade. Knowing that there were not many people in the People's Liberation Army on the other side, he was so scared that he was afraid of being fooled.

Just when Ma Desheng was hesitating, the subordinate who often gave him advice said again: "Brother, how about we do this, first send out a regiment to try it out, if there is no communist army in ambush, kill it, if there is a communist army Let's withdraw the large troops."

This is indeed a relatively safe method, and Ma Desheng was overjoyed: "Okay, let's do it like this, brothers, the grain of the Communist Army is right in front of your eyes, you can rush up to eat and drink, and you will be rewarded with two ocean dollars for one head. Vanguard regiment, attack"

A regiment of cavalry rushed forward with a yelp. When this regiment set off from Qinghai, it was full of more than 2000 soldiers. After fighting with the Tenth Brigade, it suffered a big loss, but there were still more than 1000 soldiers. It should be enough to use an avant-garde regiment of more than 1000 people to deal with only two or three hundred soldiers who are holding food

The morale of the troops is the most important thing in a war. Although Ma Desheng doesn't know any tactics, he understands this very well. The Communist Army has two to three hundred soldiers, which is only five or six if calculated based on two oceans per head. Baixian Dayang, it is very appropriate to use this little money to boost morale

The charging soldiers also saw that it was cheap. The Communist Army only had such a small number of people. There were more than 1000 brothers in one regiment, and there were not enough heads. Whoever went up first would be the one who killed

Many of these cavalry were habitual bandits in the Qinghai area. After being incorporated by Ma Bufang, they were regarded as regular soldiers, but the bandit spirit on their bodies persisted, and they wanted to take advantage of any bargains. Their sabers were shining, and they rushed up screaming

Ma Desheng watched motionlessly with binoculars in the back, just to see what the grain transportation team of the Communist Army could do

At this time, the sky was already bright, and another morning had passed. When Zhang Jinsong and his soldiers were in a hurry, they heard a muffled sound like thunder from a distance. Zhang Jinsong, who had dealt with the cavalry, heard it Got it, yes, it's cavalry, and it's the cavalry of the brigade: "Second son, retreat quickly"

Zhang Jinsong hurriedly shouted to Ning Erzi, who was at the front of the team, and one of his soldiers, and ran back quickly. It is very dangerous to be a bait. If one fails to catch the fish, he will throw away the bait. Currently in such a state, when the cavalry of the Ma family army did not come, I always hoped that the enemy would appear quickly. Once it did appear, it would be very dangerous. The carriage could not outrun the horse anyway.

Dozens of large carriages were running back like crazy, and the soldiers driving the carriages cracked their whips. Now it was time to lead the enemy cavalry to the position where the troops set up an ambush before they caught up. , so that they complete the task

Ning Erzi and his platoon of soldiers were at the front when they set off, and they stayed at the back when they retreated. This is the most difficult job and the most dangerous job, but Ning Erzi and his soldiers have nothing to do with it. Panic, the most remarkable thing is sacrificing honor, what can I do, I have to complete the task even if I die

People are spirited, once they are not afraid of death, the burst of energy is immeasurable, Ning Erzi leaned on the carriage and looked back hard, and after a few minutes, he really saw something wrong

Ning Erzi picked up the walkie-talkie on the car and shouted: "Battle Commander, the situation is not right. It seems that there are only more than 1000 Majiajun cavalry following up, and the large troops are still behind."

After listening to the report of the second son of Ning, Zhang Jinsong also had a big head for a while. The task of the scout battalion was to attract all the cavalry from a division of the enemy, but they only came up with one regiment. It seems that these guys still have not dispelled their suspicions.

what to do?Just run like this?Ran all the way to the position of the ** brigade?It will be very safe to run like this, and the brigade commander and political commissar will not say anything, but the ** brigade can only wipe out the more than 1000 cavalry who chased after it, and the rest of the 258th Division of the Majiajun will flee after hearing the news. It's hard to catch these people

Zhang Jinsong, who was spinning in his head, gritted his teeth and made up his mind. Since the task assigned by the brigade commander must be completed, otherwise he is still called a soldier of the People's Liberation Army. Thinking of this, Zhang Jinsong shouted to the left and right: "Everyone is there, slow down, Get ready to fight, and counterattack the enemies who are chasing you.”

In a hurry, Zhang Jinsong thought of a way. He wanted to use his two or 300 men to fight back the Majiajun cavalry who were chasing him. This is indeed a good way. As long as these more than 1000 people are killed, the Majiajun cavalry will feel that they are not enough. And increase the manpower so that the fish can be caught

However, doing so is also very dangerous. There are more than 1000 enemies chasing up, and only two or three hundred people from the reconnaissance battalion followed the battalion commander. Can these two or three hundred people beat back the chasing enemies?Of course it's good to fight back, but once the enemy fails to fight back, Zhang Jinsong and his soldiers have to give a full account

The soldiers did not think so much, the battalion commander carried out the order, no matter how many enemies he caught up with, just do it

The soldiers lowered the speed of the carriage, put the bags containing sand at the back of the carriage, forming a shooting shelter on the carriage, raised the submachine guns in their hands, and slammed down on the figure who was chasing closer and closer. trigger

The fighters of the ** brigade are famous for their good equipment. These scouts are all two guys with one long and one short. Now the main firepower for dealing with the enemies behind them is two to three hundred Tommy submachine guns

The submachine guns of that era were not modern automatic rifles. They had ferocious firepower, but their accuracy was much worse. It was difficult to master at a longer distance. For example, this American Tommy submachine gun is famous for its powerful firepower within 50 meters. After 50 meters, it is difficult to aim and shoot. This is also the main reason why Li Yong equips more Czech light machine guns in the infantry squad and uses two [-]-type rifle shooters in each squad.

The old bus has to stop for a few days every once in a while, there is really no way, but the old bus will insist on writing, no matter how difficult it is to write military texts, he will definitely persist. Finally, I don’t ask for rewards, just subscribe

Chapter 395 Special Mission Five

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