The beacon of youth

Chapter 403 Firefighter Boss Peng

Chapter 403 Firefighter Boss Peng

The series of victories of the field army made the cadres and soldiers of the independent brigade restless. It was too uncomfortable for them to watch others eat and drink spicy food. I can't accept it.

In the end, Wang Chengde, the political commissar, couldn't sit still anymore, and said to Li Yong in a negotiating tone: "Dayong, this matter has to be considered. How about the two of us go to find the commander together and see if we can replace the brigade?" For some other tasks, Ma’s army is as poor as we were back then, but they can run faster than rabbits, and it’s really useless to fight them.”

Wang Chengde's tone made Li Yong laugh out loud. I didn't expect you, the political commissar, Wang, to always think about grabbing things. The previous seriousness was actually just pretending. It's really the old eight-way style.

Wang Chengde replied without blushing at all: "What should we do if we don't rob? There is no other way. When we were fighting the little devils, Generalissimo Jiang didn't give us supplies, and every soldier didn't even have ammunition on him. How can the Eighth Route Army fight?" We can’t survive once without robbing, who told us to be poor.”

Li Yong waved his hands to calm everyone down: "Comrades are very anxious, and want to seize the time to fight more battles and capture more. I can understand my mood. To be honest, I really want to. Please rest assured that there are still more battles to be fought. , the enemy is still very strong on the northwest battlefield, and it is still very difficult to wipe out all the enemies in a short period of time. In addition, our brigade is also credited to the brotherly troops for fighting well. Without the entanglement between our brigade and the enemy cavalry, other troops would also It is impossible to wipe out the enemy so smoothly. Let’s talk about the [-]st Army. Without our brigade holding back the enemy’s cavalry, would Lao Chen and the others be able to project and detour their troops so smoothly? So, we can’t be in a hurry. If we want to liberate the Great Northwest , we still have to sweat profusely. Although we have not fought a good battle for more than two months in the brigade, this is all temporary. There is an old saying that "a good meal is not afraid of being late".

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, stood up, and the clever old soldier said: "Brigade Commander, we understand all the truths you said, and we also know that the mission of our brigade is very important, but I just saw others making a lot of money. The benefit feels uncomfortable, envious and jealous, we haven't even had a sip of soup in the past two months, if we continue to toss like this, I'm afraid that my own halazi will lose face."

Li Jiangguo's speech made everyone roar with laughter. This guy is an optimist, he can't forget to make jokes at any time, and he is a good player to liven up the atmosphere.

Everyone was laughing, only the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huo frowned, and Wang Huo thought, why is Jiang Guo still like a child? In this way, the number of people in the first battalion is almost catching up with a regiment of the old army. A battalion commander of this size should be a super commander in the PLA. Commander Lao Hu is not a good joke. I am a veteran, and I should help more in i.

These are all thoughts in Wang Huo's heart, and he didn't say it out. Wang Huo just asked Li Yong in a low voice when everyone was laughing: "Brigade Commander, what do you mean by saying that a good meal is not afraid of being late? Our brigade has other tasks." ?"

Wang Huhu's question made Li Yong nod secretly. He really deserves to be the oldest soldier in the independent brigade. He really has a way. The so-called family has an old man like a treasure. Although he doesn't like to talk a lot, he has goods in his stomach. Li Yong didn't answer Wang Huhu's question directly, but just shouted: "Zhang Jinsong."

The reconnaissance battalion commander Zhang Jinsong, who was laughing and laughing with everyone, stood up suddenly. The brigade commander must not be joking when he called him so seriously, he must have a combat mission: "Here."

"Order your battalion to start reconnaissance activities on Xianyang and Xi'an immediately. How to arrange tasks and how to carry out activities is up to your reconnaissance battalion to do it yourself, but you must collect the situation of these two cities in the shortest possible time. Big loss, understand?"

Zhang Jinsong was taken aback by the brigade commander's order to conduct reconnaissance on Xianyang and Xi'an?What do you mean?But as a scout, the reaction is fast, whether he understands it or not, the chief must execute the order: "Immediately start the reconnaissance of Xianyang and Xi'an, and collect the information in the shortest time. It's a loss, I understand."

The venue of the Independent Brigade fell silent immediately. The people who came to the meeting were not fools. Although the brigade commander didn't say what he was going to do, what else could he do if he asked the reconnaissance battalion to find out what happened in Xianyang and Xi'an?There must be a big move, but even if there is a big move, it won't be so big?

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, asked with a shy face: "Brigadier, I'm stupid, why don't you explain to us first, or I won't be able to sleep at night."

Li Yong: "What do you mean? It must be interesting. As for what to do, military secrets, you will know later, the meeting is over."

These people who came to the meeting walked out muttering, muttering as they walked, what do you mean by our brigade commander?When it comes to the critical moment, let the meeting be adjourned, and let Zhang Jinsong and the others go to investigate the situation in Xianyang and Xi'an. Could it be that our brigade commander is going to attack these two cities?This is all a big strategic move, and we will do it alone?Can it work?

The other said, I don't know if it works or not, but when did our brigade commander do the business of accompanying Ben, hurry up and prepare, and we will know when the time comes.

After the soldiers had left, political commissar Wang Chengde dragged Li Yong and shouted, "Dayong, why are you keeping a secret from me? Tell me, what does it mean for Zhang Jinsong and the others to go to Xianyang and Xi'an?"

Wang Chengde's question made Li Yong scratch his head, not because he didn't want to tell him, but because he couldn't explain it clearly, what should I say?Said that he already knew that the field army would make a big move recently?Want to attack these two cities?Isn't this a bit nonsense, but if you don't say it, I'm sorry for the old comrades who were born and died with me. Don't underestimate this matter, it's really troublesome.

In the end, Li Yong had no choice but to say: "Old Wang, it's not that I want to hide anything from you, but I'm not sure. Letting Zhang Jinsong and the others go is a pre-arranged arrangement. It will save us from being caught when the time comes. It's not a bad thing to learn more about the situation. I analyzed some clues from the enemy's situation bulletin. The other large field forces are getting more and more aggressive. The Kuomintang will not be able to siege for a few days. Sooner or later, Xi'an and Xianyang will be ours, so I let Zhang Jinsong and the others do some early stage work first. Preparation."

Li Yong's explanation made Wang Chengde dubious. The enemy situation report that Li Yong said can only be seen by the commander of a field brigade or above. This guy Dayong thinks so much, but this kind of thing happened to Dayong again. Anyway, it's not a bad thing, so let him do it.

A few days after the meeting of the Independent Brigade, another event that had a great impact on Yiye happened. Shanxi's Kuomintang Yanxi Shanbu launched a large-scale military operation, and the target of the attack was directed at Taiyuan, the provincial capital.

Shanxi is Yan Xishan's lair, and he has managed it for 38 years. During these 38 years, the emperor of Shanxi was the warlord Yan Xishan. No other forces wanted to come in, and they couldn't get in, including the central government of the Kuomintang. military.

This old warlord pursued mediocrity all his life. He was bright and bright. He followed the central road. The Central Army, the Eighth Route Army, the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army, and the Japanese, as long as they could not mess with him, they would not mess with anyone. Hello, everyone. Well, we only fought when we were in a hurry, and the first priority was to preserve our strength, and we don't blame this Yan Laoxi. If there were no soldiers in hand, not to mention the Japanese, the central army of the Kuomintang would have swallowed him long ago.

After the Battle of Xinkou, Taiyuan was occupied by the Japanese army. It was not until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War that it returned to the hands of the old warlord who was the commander-in-chief of the second war zone. Therefore, Yan Xishan cared a lot about Taiyuan and spent a lot of time and energy on renovation. For the city defense fortifications, while expanding the troops, a large number of Japanese prisoners of war were also used to supplement the troops.

According to some historical records, after the Anti-Japanese War, there were more than [-] Japanese in Yan Xishan's army, not only the most basic combat troops, but also various professional technical arms. Judging from the programming of the troops, they were all enough for a field battle The size of the brigade has grown, and it is not a small force. I really don't know what the mentality of the officers and soldiers of the Jinsui Army and their former opponents were when they dealt with the People's Liberation Army.

The North China Field Army has launched a large-scale attack on Taiyuan, Shanxi since the beginning of the fourth year, planning to wipe out the defending enemies in Taiyuan in one fell swoop, and then liberate the entire territory of Shanxi.

Yan Xishan was really impatient this time. He knew very well in his heart that he was still the king of Shanxi once Taiyuan was gone, so he took out all his money and belongings, and relied on the solid city defense fortifications to fight against the People's Liberation Army, and he stood firm.

The fierce battle lasted for more than two months, with heavy casualties on both sides. Although the North China Field Army paid a certain price and made some progress in the battle, it still failed to capture Taiyuan. Tired and sick.

In view of the urgency of the war in North China, the Central Committee urgently transferred Peng Dehuai, commander of the Northwest Field Army, to temporarily replace Xu Shuai to command the North China Field Army in the Taiyuan Campaign.

Before leaving, the chairman explained to Boss Peng that as long as the battle of Taiyuan is won, not only Shanxi, but also a game of chess in the northwest can be survived, you can take part of the troops in North China to support the Northwest battle, and completely solve the problem. Our army has always been weak in the northwest battlefield. Otherwise, Taiyuan will become a burden for us and will involve a large part of the energy of our rear troops. f

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