The beacon of youth

Chapter 405 The Scared Northwest King

Chapter 4o5 The Scared Northwest King

After Taiyuan was liberated, the North China troops of the People's Liberation Army were about to enter Shaanxi to fight. Hu Zongnan, who felt that Xi'an had no way to hold on, decided to focus on preserving his strength and withdraw at the right time.

Before leaving, the Northwest King collected taxes wantonly in the surrounding areas that he could still control. As a result, the rich people in Xi'an fled one after another. The roads are also crowded with all kinds of vehicles.

During this period, Hu Zongnan ordered the young students in all schools in Xi'an to be organized to follow the army. This guy believed that if the Communist Party wanted to make a comeback and fight against the Communists for a long time, it would have to rely on educated scholars and an army It can't do without Hua, and an army without Hua can't last long. From this point of view, Hu Zongnan is not a fool who is inferior to everything. He also has advantages. Of course, he can't compare with Boss Peng in terms of fighting.

Under the auspices of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, all schools above high school in Xi'an stopped taking classes, and young students were organized into the student corps of the Xi'an Appeasement Office to join the KMT.

The students in Xi'an are not fools either. The Kuomintang government is already on the verge of collapse, and Chairman Chiang in Nanjing is doomed. Who else is willing to follow Hu Zongnan at this time?But if you don’t go, you can’t do it. Hu Zongnan issued a death order, and anyone who doesn’t go will be shot. This time, the entire ancient city of Xi’an collapsed like the sky.

Hu Zongnan finally decided to evacuate Xi'an. He believed that as soon as the large forces of the North China Communist Army arrived, there would be no way to hold on to Xi'an. If the capital city of Nanjing was not defended, there was no way to defend Xi'an. Like the People's Liberation Army at the beginning, it can attack in great strides, but it can also retreat in strides. Others can give up Yan'an, why can't they give up Xi'an.

Hu Zongnan had been planning to retreat since April [-]th, and the final evacuation time was set for May [-]th. As a result, after hearing that a large force of the North China Liberation Army was rushing towards northern Shaanxi, he left a few days earlier.

After the order was issued, the Kuomintang Central Army troops at all levels, which had been operating in Xi'an for more than ten years, retreated in disgrace.

As soon as Hu Zongnan and other main generals and officials left, Xi'an fell into the hands of the guard commander Yang Deliang. He was promoted to be the commander of Xi'an's security.

Garrison commander? He is quite a person. His official title seems to be quite large, but in fact he does not have much real power. Hu Zongnan, a great god, is in charge, so although Yang Deliang is a security commander, he can't afford to offend anyone in all aspects. Sometimes he has to listen to yelling back and forth like an angry daughter-in-law when doing things.

As soon as Hu Zongnan left, Yang Deliang completely turned around and was liberated. This guy thought about it. Don't look at me, I'm going to withdraw, but before he left, he also enjoyed the treatment of the emperor for a few days. Hehehe, just like Chief Hu treatment.

With this idea, Yang Deliang was even more lawless in Xi'an. In the years of war and chaos, coupled with the unstable situation, the public security in Xi'an was definitely not good. Fifty strong soldiers were picked out to serve as pickets for maintaining law and order. He often personally led these pickets to show off his might on the streets. Whenever he saw anyone fighting and arguing, he would be tied up for disturbing the city's law and order. Those who were hit with sticks and whips would be directly shot. After he made such a fuss, the whole city of Xi'an was even more restless, and the common people were looking forward to letting the Kuomintang army go away.

In fact, the People's Liberation Army troops coming from North China were not the Eighteenth and Tenth regiments of the North China Field Army, which had just finished the Taiyuan Campaign and were still resting. The soldiers were captured by the Kuomintang after the Battle of Pingjin in the Four Fields. They were educated and then headed to northern Shaanxi.

The Central Military Commission knew that it would be very difficult to replenish the Yiye, so it sent a telegram to Siye, o1 to send out seven regiments of new liberation soldiers to supplement the Yiye's troops. Hu Zongnan's intelligence system mistook the new liberation soldiers of the seven regiments for the People's Liberation Army Huaye's large army was gone. To put it bluntly, Hu Zongnan was scared away by the new liberation soldiers of these seven regiments.

The information that the Kuomintang troops and major institutions had hastily withdrawn from Xi'an and Xianyang was immediately learned by the Yiye headquarters. They decided that no matter what it was, the Kuomintang could not be allowed to do it smoothly, and they had to find a way to make trouble for them.

Mr. Peng, who led the North China Field Army to fight the Taiyuan Campaign, rushed back to the first field immediately, ordering troops at all levels to attack quickly, and the Kuomintang troops should not be allowed to withdraw casually. The chairman said, no matter what the reason is, our field army will If you want to catch up, even if you want to catch them, you have to grab a few from these Kuomintang troops.

At the same time, the independent brigade of the Second Army, which had been prepared in advance, also got the news. On this day, Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, hurriedly pushed away the big guy at the brigade command post and shouted: "Brigade commander!" , political commissar, there is a situation, there is an important situation."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked him to sit down and drink some water first, and if there was a situation, Zhang Jinsong took a few breaths and said: "The news I just got is that the Kuomintang troops in Xi'an and Xianyang started to withdraw for some reason. It was in a hurry, all kinds of supplies, supplies, and ammunition were thrown everywhere. The specific reason is unknown, but it doesn't look like acting. It is not easy to mobilize large troops. Even if you want to act for us, you won't be so bi real."

The news brought by Zhang Jinsong made the political commissar Wang Chengde's eyes light up. The old eighth road turned to look at the brigade commander Li Yong: "Dayong, the situation is not right. You should carefully analyze what is going on. Such a big move will not There was some unexpected reason."

Li Yong said in his heart, if there is anything to analyze, do we still need to analyze it?I know the reason, but there is still no way to tell Wang Chengde this, so I have to explain to Zhang Jinsong: "Let the reconnaissance troops continue to lurk in these two cities, and do not act without orders. The most important thing is to save yourself. Say it again."

Li Yong only knows what happened in general, but he doesn't know the specific details. In other words, although there is no change in the big historical context, it doesn't mean that there are no changes in small places. Specific things must be analyzed in detail. It is not a good way if it cannot achieve a great climate.

While the brigade commander and political commissar of the Independent Brigade were analyzing the situation, the order from the Nose came down: "Order the Independent Brigade to cancel the previous tasks and return to the Second Army immediately."

After receiving the order, Wang Chengde and Li Yong kept yelling: "Dayong, it's not easy, it's not easy, it seems that there must be a big move."

Relying on its strong transportation capacity, the Independent Brigade maneuvered to the vicinity of the Second Army's headquarters within a day. Li Yong and Wang Chengde rushed to report to the army headquarters. The original Second Column and the current Second Army have changed a lot. After Commander Zhen became the commander of the corps, Brigadier Guo Pengguo of the fifth brigade was promoted to commander of the second army, and brigade commander Chen of the fourth brigade was also appointed deputy commander. They were all old acquaintances of the second column, and they didn't feel unfamiliar. After entering, Li Yong and Wang Chengde saluted several army commanders.

Commander Guo took Li Yong's hand down and shouted: "Dayong, don't you brat do this with me, tell me quickly, after staying with the chiefs of the wild division for so long, do you have any instructions from the chiefs? "

Li Yong: "There are no instructions, that is, let us go back to the construction immediately, and the specific tasks will be issued and executed by the military department."

Commander Guo: "That's good. We have been looking forward to your brigade and your return. Without your independent brigade, the combat effectiveness of our Second Army will drop a lot. Now that you are here, don't leave. Today is full of people. , our Second Army will hold a pre-war mobilization meeting in advance.”

Li Yong looked around carefully, heh, good guy, basically everyone in the old 2nd column is here, not only the original Brigadier Commander Chen, but also the current Deputy Commander Chen, even the old 2nd Regiment's former Commander Zhao, the current The teachers of the four divisions have all arrived.

Seeing their elders, Li Yong and Wang Chengde hurried over to say hello. The founder of the old team of the Independent Brigade, former head Zhao of the old 2nd regiment, and now Master Zhao of the fourth division gave each of Li Yong and Wang Chengde a fist: "You did a good job, you didn't embarrass our old 2nd regiment, and you didn't embarrass me, Lao Zhao. It's a good job."

Mr. Zhao is used to it. He always likes to take Li Yong and Wang Chengde as his subordinates. Li Yong and Wang Chengde have no dislike for this habit. Mr. Zhao of the old 2nd brigade and Mr. Chen of the old [-]th brigade are himself and Wang Chengde. As a person, it is normal to like to treat people like yourself as subordinates.

Commander Zhao came to a meeting like this and the other commanders of several divisions quit. These commanders shouted, look at Lao Zhao, he manages two divisions by himself. Return cattle.

Master Zhao yelled at these people: "Why, you are so hot-eyed, are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, you will also send out an independent brigade to let me have a look."

Commander Guo hurriedly asked everyone to stop making trouble, and then said to everyone: "The orders of the Yesi and the Corps are very simple. The superiors ordered our army to move quickly and attack Xianyang. Xianyang City."

Thank you friends "Yan Bing" and "The Taste of Life" for your encouragement, the old bus will be careful, and thank you "Scarecrow 977', you have guessed a little bit of the hidden plot of the old bus. f

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