The beacon of youth

Chapter 407 Shopping for the 57th Army

Chapter 4o7 Shopping for the 57th Army

The 57th Army of the Kuomintang, which had withdrawn from Xianyang, collided with the second army of the People's Liberation Army, which was advancing rapidly, in the dark night, and the two troops wrestled like two giant war beasts. {}

One side wants to withdraw, the other side wants to stop. Both sides have only one army, and they look down on each other and are very unconvinced.

The 57th Army is not easy to deal with. The Huangpu students in the Kuomintang army are not all idiots. Many of them are very capable. They have a set of methods for commanding operations.

Yiye has been entangled with the Kuomintang army in the Northwest for nearly three years. The tactics used are just like what Xu Rucheng said. In every battle, superior forces must be concentrated to fight annihilation battles. Mobile warfare will drag the enemy down and make up for it with local advantages. The shortcoming of insufficient overall strength, this method is very effective, but it also created an impression on the Kuomintang army, that is, the People's Liberation Army's troops can only win with more troops, and it will not work alone.


This 2 Division is a die-hard army of the Kuomintang. The officers are extremely stubborn. They are famous among all Jiang Jun's descendants for their daring to fight. Coupled with their excellent weapons and equipment, their combat effectiveness is very strong. The 3th Army with the 2 Division of the Youth Army as its core The blocking troops of the People's Liberation Army did not panic, but rushed forward calmly.

The 57th Army's artillerymen and divisions were well-trained. After the battle started, they used heavy artillery to bombard the positions of the Fourth Division of the People's Liberation Army.

After half an hour of firepower preparation, a large number of infantry swarmed up under the cover of tanks. The regular army of the Kuomintang is still doing well in positional warfare.

The front of the Fourth Division's position was filled with gunpowder smoke, and more than half of the hastily built fortifications were blown up, and casualties occurred before they came into contact with the enemy's assault troops.

The weapons and equipment of the People's Liberation Army have greatly improved compared to before, but they are still not as powerful as the 57th Army of the direct line. Under the fierce artillery fire, they suffered a lot in the first face-to-face attack.

The head of the old 2nd regiment, the current Commander Zhao, was so angry that he ordered the troops to bring the enemy closer before attacking. This is a very experienced old commander. What if the artillery can't fight the enemy?Our People's Liberation Army will fight with you in close combat, so that the enemy's cannons will not be able to use their strength. Annihilating the enemy in close combat is the housekeeping tactic of our People's Liberation Army.

It's easy to say, and the order is easy, but the battle is really hard to fight. The 57th Army not only has a lot of artillery fire, but also rumbling tanks at the forefront of the infantry assault group. There is a problem here. If you want to let the enemy The cannons are not strong enough to fight close combat with the enemy, but the KMT army is equipped with a large number of tanks. What if the enemy is brought close and the tank troops rush over?

Not all the Kuomintang troops in the Northwest are equipped with heavy weapons such as tanks. Only the direct descendants of the Central Army have such qualifications. Using tanks to cover when the infantry rushes can not only cause more trouble for the opponent, but also improve the strength of one's own side. morale.

what to do?This depends on the guts and courage of the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. The troops at the forefront of the Fourth Division have been putting the enemy's tanks and infantry at a distance of tens of meters. This is also the distance at which infantry weapons can exert their power most. With the fire support of the enemy, countless anti-tank teams rushed out of the trenches.

The Fourth Division has some anti-tank weapons, such as rocket launchers and anti-tank guns, but the number is too small, and there is no way to take care of it on the wide defensive front. What should I do if I can't take care of it?At this time, it is up to our soldiers to fight the enemy with the spirit of fighting the bayonet.

It is not easy to fight the enemy's tanks with a bloody body. Needless to say, those who can rush out are all good, and they are the bravest fighters in their respective troops.

The blasting team that rushed up used cluster grenades, explosive kits, and blasting barrels. Anyway, they have all kinds of weapons.

Soldiers in a group of three jumped forward, using various terrains to find the blind spot of the tank's firepower, and looking for opportunities to blow up these bastard shells made of steel.

The war is cruel. There are still a large number of infantry groups behind the tank troops of the Kuomintang. Of course, these infantry soldiers of the 57th Army will not see their tanks being blown up by the PLA. Group hit.

The main task of the anti-tank team is to blow up tanks. In order to reduce the load, all the weapons on their bodies were taken off before rushing out. The only thing they had in their hands were bombs and grenades. There was no way to fight back, and from time to time someone was hit by bullets and fell down.

Those who rushed to blow up the tanks were the backbone of the army, and a considerable part of them were squad leaders and deputy squad leaders. Their casualties made the eyes of the soldiers lying in the trenches red. They fought desperately to suppress the enemy's infantry. Firepower, to provide support for the comrades who rushed out.

Tanks are difficult to deal with, and tanks accompanied by infantry are even more difficult to deal with. In order to provide support for the anti-tank team rushing to blow up the tanks, the soldiers in the fortifications are desperate to attack, so as to provide the tanks that charge forward. To meet the target, the weapons on the tank are not only artillery, but also anti-personnel machine guns.

The turret rotated, the side-by-side machine guns on the tank fired, and the dense bullets slammed into the trench where the soldiers were guarding, and the soldiers who were hit rolled down silently.

It stands to reason that there are fortifications to cover, and the defending side will greatly reduce the casualty rate, but the two troops came together hastily in the dark night, and the fortifications of the fourth division were all temporarily built, and were destroyed under the initial artillery fire. It's almost there, which puts the People's Liberation Army, which has inferior firepower, at a disadvantage. Coupled with the lack of anti-tank weapons, the casualties of the frontline troops have increased sharply.

The battle became more and more cruel. On the forward positions, the corpses of soldiers who were killed or injured by the enemy and us could be seen everywhere. The Fourth Division of the People's Liberation Army fought to the death and refused to retreat, fighting the enemy with courage and will, bayonets and grenades.

Commander Zhao spread out all three infantry regiments in his hands to fight the enemy, and programmed the division directly under the division as a reserve team, ready to be pulled up at critical times. The division command post was also moved only a few hundred meters away from the front.

This is the style of the old Red Army and the old Eighth Route Army. When it is fatal, you have to go up to the root of your teeth. Commander Zhao pointed behind him and shouted to the soldiers: "Comrades, our army headquarters is not far behind us, sir. They are all looking at us, can we let the enemy charge through? Can we let the enemy tanks overwhelm us?"

The People's Liberation Army Second Army Command, Commander Guo Peng, Political Commissar Wang Enmao, and Deputy Commander Chen were nervously watching the progress of the battle. Commander Guo put down the binoculars in his hand and said to several people: "It seems that we still underestimate the enemy. The forward momentum is very strong, our fortifications are temporary, and the pressure on the Fourth Division is too great, Lao Chen, what do you think?"

Commander Guo Peng's question had two meanings. One was to ask Deputy Commander Chen for advice, and the other was to ask whether the Fourth Division could still hold on, because Deputy Commander Chen was the leader of the Fourth Division and was more familiar with the combat effectiveness of the Fourth Division than others.

Deputy Army Commander Chen: "If you can't stand it, you have to. If you want to kill the 57th Army, you must block his attack line. I believe in Lao Zhao, and I also believe that the cadres and soldiers of the Fourth Division have this ability. The army commander and political commissar, I want to go to the Fourth Division and help Lao Zhao command the battle."

Although he said that he believed that the Fourth Division had this ability, Deputy Commander Chen was still in a hurry, because once the Fourth Division could not stop the opening, the Second Army would not only be unable to eliminate the 57th Army of the Kuomintang, but also be very dangerous, so he asked the commander and political commissar Request to the Fourth Division to help direct the battle.

Commander Guo and Political Commissar Wang glanced at each other, and it was indeed appropriate for Deputy Commander Chen to go to the Fourth Division, because he had been leading the Fourth Division all along, and Commander Zhao had just been promoted as a division for a short time, so letting Old Chen go would allow the commander It was more convenient, but the position of the Fourth Division was very dangerous. Several of them knew that the command post of the Fourth Division was only a few hundred meters away from the front, and it was too dangerous to be directly exposed to the enemy's firepower.

Deputy Army Commander Chen: "Don't think about it, I am a veteran and know how to protect myself. It is not so easy for the enemy's bullets to hit me. Besides, as a soldier, you can't be afraid of death. How can you fight if you are afraid of this and that? I'll go up."

Commander Guo Peng: "Okay, let Lao Chen go up, I will let the fifth and sixth divisions increase their attack on the enemy's flanks, relieve the pressure on the fourth division, and then bring you the guard company of the military headquarters. Pay attention, if you want to Come back to me without arms or ui."

In order to relieve the pressure on the Fourth Division, the Fifth and Sixth Divisions of the People's Liberation Army, which were detoured to both sides of the 57th Army, started in a hurry, attacking, attacking, and attacking with all means.

The position of the Fourth Division was scorched black. The soldiers fought with the enemy's artillery, tanks, and infantry. They used their tenacious fighting will to block the 57th Army in front of the position.

The arrival of Deputy Commander Chen greatly shocked the morale of the soldiers, and some veterans were used to shouting: "Hello, Brigadier, why is the Brigadier back?"

Deputy Commander Chen who came to the headquarters of the Fourth Division asked, "How is it?"

Master Zhao replied steadily: "In three hours, four group charges were repelled, enough for him to eat and drink."

Deputy Army Commander Chen: "It's almost dawn, the enemy's firepower will be fiercer, and the offensive will be fiercer. Be careful that the enemy will jump over the wall in a hurry."

During the speech, another large-scale attack by the enemy began, and the violent artillery fire knocked the soil on the roof of the concealed part away. Fa! !


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