Chapter 4o9 The Independent Brigade Actively Asking for Battle

The commanders and fighters of the Fourth Division felt tremendous pressure just after contacting the 2 Division of the Kuomintang, and the enemies who rushed up were obviously different from before.

Deputy Commander Chen and Commander Zhao, who came to the Fourth Division to assist in commanding the battle, both felt that something was wrong. Deputy Commander Chen pointed to the forward position and said to Commander Zhao: "Old Zhao, something is wrong. It's not the same style, not only fierce, but also more daring than previous enemies, you should find a way to keep the situation in check, and don't fight foolishly."

Commander Zhao: "It's easy to handle. Our division captured a few prisoners from the 57th Army in the middle of the night. Although there were not many of them, there were still a few officers. I'll ask the soldiers to bring the prisoners up immediately, and wait for the enemy to attack again." It's time for the captives to identify and identify what kind of goods are so difficult to deal with."

The attack of the 2o3 Division started again, and the Kuomintang officers and soldiers lying motionless halfway got up from the pile of dead people and went into battle again.

Under the cover of artillery fire and tanks, the 2 Division moved forward bit by bit, despite the PLA soldiers attacking, they stubbornly refused to retreat.

Several prisoners were taken to the forward position by Master Zhao. These guys only poked their heads out for a while and then shrank back, and then said to Master Zhao: "Sir, don't look at it, the one who came up is our 57th Army's ace 2o3 division."

Teacher Zhao: "You can recognize it at a glance? It's not nonsense."

Prisoner: "Sir, it is indeed the 2o3 Division. Look carefully, the ones rushing to the front are all officers. In our army, very few troops dare to do this. Letting the 2 Division participate in the attack shows that our Commander Xu wants to fight with your army." Desperate."

The two attacks failed to achieve results, which annoyed the bearded commander of the 2o3 division. The commander shouted wildly, "Can't break through the communist army's position with such powerful firepower as our **? Brothers, follow me."

The guy who attacked for the third time personally led the team to charge up. Anyway, it is not a soft persimmon who dares to lead the troops to charge in person. The youth army is indeed very tenacious.

The Fourth Division was about to run out of ammunition again. Deputy Commander Chen and the army did not have too many ammunition to ask for support, and there were not many left after repelling two charges.

Seeing the apparently sparse gunfire, the officers of the 2o3 Division cheered up, and the commander who led the team shouted: "Brothers, the communist army is about to run out of ammunition, and rushed up in one go. The commander said, The first ten people to rush up will be promoted to the third pole."

Encouraged by the officer leading the team, the attacking soldiers were obviously good at jigsawing, howling and charging upwards. The soldiers of the fourth division in the fortifications fought desperately, trying to suppress the enemy with firepower, but no matter how they hit, the Kuomintang who rushed up There were no shortage of soldiers, and there were figures charging with carbines everywhere, and the Kuomintang soldiers who were gradually attacking were getting closer and closer to the position.

The troops of the first field are incomparable with other field armies. Most of the soldiers of the fourth division are equipped with 200 or 100 rifles. Light and heavy machine guns were still rare at that time. At the end of the day, the enemy rushed closer and closer, from 100 meters to 50 meters, from [-] meters to [-] meters, and in several sections, the enemy had already fought bayonets.

The situation is getting more and more serious. The main infantry weapon equipped by the soldiers of the 2o3 Division of the Kuomintang is the American carbine. This is a semi-automatic weapon that is a bit like the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle. With one bullet, there is no need to manually load it at all. It is too disadvantageous to use an old-fashioned single rifle in melee combat with this weapon. Many soldiers were knocked down by a single shot before they rushed to the opponent with their rifles in their hands.

The casualties of the fourth division are getting bigger and bigger. The division reserve team has already been pulled up, but the positions are still in danger. Deputy Commander Chen also pulled up the guard company he brought over to fight. The guard company has a total of 150 young men. They were all submachine guns, and the soldiers of this company rushed up and finally blocked several openings.

The first few divisions of the Second Army fought the enemy upside down, especially the Fourth Division, which fought the enemy continuously for more than half a night, and is still in fierce battle.

The Fourth Division is the former Old Fourth Brigade, and the Old Second Regiment is the main force of the Fourth Division. There is no independent brigade without the Old Fourth Brigade and the Old Second Regiment. Watching the excitement from behind, how can everyone sit still?

There was no meeting in the brigade, but all these veterans came to the brigade headquarters to inquire about the news. Some of these veterans were as silent as Wang Huhu, and some were walking around the brigade continuously like Li Jiangguo and Wei Gang. come and go.

He Cui 1a with a crisp voice was yelling to political commissar Wang Chengde: "Political commissar, our fourth division has fought hard enough. Our supply battalion is at the end of our brigade. The fourth division and the military health team are stationed not too far from our battalion. There are so many sacrificed and wounded warriors brought down, I can’t even count them.”

Sun Quanhou, who has always been quiet, also took He Cui 1a's words and said: "What Cui 1a said is true, anyway, it's okay to just sit around, I went over to have a look, and most of the casualties were our four soldiers." Division, the Fifth Division and the Sixth Division have relatively fewer wounded."

Sun Quanhou, an old soldier, felt very uncomfortable. He said that he had nothing to do, and he was emotional because he just stayed clean all day, but his way of expression was not as direct as He Cui 1a, because some sacrificed soldiers came from the old 2 regiment like him. The veterans all knew each other, and there were not many old people in the second regiment, so it would be really unbearable to consume it like this.

"Could there be fewer casualties? Our fourth division is at the forefront of the army. It is fighting a head-to-head defensive battle. We can only advance but not retreat. The equipment is not as good as that of the enemy, and it lacks anti-tank weapons. It is strange that there are not many casualties. It's gone." It was the second battalion commander Ma Quanyou who spoke.

There was a lot of yelling, and finally everyone looked at Li Yong, the brigade commander who had been silent all this time, including the political commissar Wang Chengde. Everyone was staring at Li Yong. At this time, it was up to the brigade commander to make up his mind.

Li Yong's head was spinning all the time. The battle has been fought to such an extent that the Second Army has encountered a hard problem. The original plan formulated by the army may not be realized. Want to eliminate the 57th Army?Disaster.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Li Yong had no choice but to say: "Don't worry, I have already asked Zhang Jinsong to go out to monitor the situation, and he will probably be back soon. We will analyze it in detail when Jinsong comes back."

The atmosphere in the brigade was a bit dull. Some were standing, some were sitting, and some were squatting, but no one spoke.

About half an hour later, a figure rushed in, who is it?It was Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion commander sent by the brigade commander, who came.

Everyone coaxed Zhang Jinsong into a circle. After this guy came in, he picked up a cup and drank a few sips of water, then found a stool and sat down to breathe heavily: "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, I sent a few reconnaissance teams, and I tried to find a way to grab my tongue a few times, and the situation is about the same."

Li Yong: "How is the situation?"

Zhang Jinsong: "It's not good. The fifth and sixth divisions are not making much progress. Our fourth division is still at the forefront. The casualties are not small, and the ammunition is almost exhausted."

Political commissar Wang Chengde also squeezed over: "Be more specific."

Zhang Jinsong: "Our fourth division has been fighting the enemy on the ground since midnight yesterday, repelling eight charges in a row. Later, the enemy became anxious and transferred their ace 2o3 division. This 2o3 division is very bad. To deal with it, not only are the weapons and equipment good, but all of them are die-hard members of the Kuomintang. They fought like crazy. Many sections of the defensive positions of our fourth division were rushed up. In the end, we still relied on bayonets to stab the enemy down. Yes, I heard from the wounded that the division reserve team went up, the logistics personnel were also used, and even the guard company of the military headquarters brought by our deputy commander Chen went into battle."

Li Yong: "Casualties, how about the casualties of our Fourth Division?"

This is Li Yong's question. This is the question that everyone is most concerned about. People in the Independent Brigade are used to calling "Our Fourth Division" when they talk about the Fourth Division, because the Fourth Division is the natal unit of the Independent Brigade. From the perspective of some people, the loss of the Fourth Division is no different from their own losses.

Zhang Jinsong lowered his head and said in a low voice: "The casualties were heavy, almost half of them. Our old 2nd regiment also suffered terribly. The guard of the regiment headquarters, Xiao Lizi, also died and was carried down."

As soon as Zhang Jinsong finished speaking, the veterans of the Independent Brigade stood up. They all looked at Li Yong and Wang Chengde. The old soldier turned around and had only one sentence: "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, we can't stay behind any longer, we can't stay any longer."

These people in the brigade didn't speak, even Li Jiangguo, a soldier who likes to joke, didn't speak, but the meaning in his eyes was the same as what Wang Huo said.

Li Yong looked at Wang Chengde: "Old Wang, the two of us went to the military headquarters to ask for instructions, and you each went back to control the troops. Lao Fang (Chief of Staff Fang Xin) stayed at home."

The Independent Brigade is regarded as a unit directly under the Second Army. It has been following the military headquarters during the march, and its position is much closer to the military headquarters than the other divisions. Li Yong and Wang Chengde brought Li Yinming and several guards along with them. Run out of the trench.

At the Second Army Command, Li Yong and Wang Chengde walked in after calling the report. Commander Guo and Political Commissar Wang were discussing something nervously. Commander Guo greeted them when they came in, "It's Dayong and Lao Wang, what's the matter? Can't sit still? The two of you came at the right time, help us with the staff and how to fight this battle."

The actual age of these division-level commanders of the People’s Liberation Army is not very old, but they are used to calling them Lao Wang Lao Li, but Li Yong is too young. Commander Guo really has no way to call Li Yong Lao Li or something, so he has to call him Dayong like Deputy Commander Chen.

It will be off for a few more days, there is no way, please forgive me, the old man bowed to his friends. f

[...Chapter 4o9 The independent brigade who took the initiative to ask for a fight...] a! !

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