The beacon of youth

Chapter 419 The Helpless Tank Regiment

Chapter 419 The Helpless Tank Regiment

Hu Zongnan, the Northwest King of the Kuomintang, has fled, the garrison commander Yang Deliang has fled, all major institutions and garrison troops have fled, and the remaining miscellaneous self-defense corps don't want to be a substitute for the dead, and they don't want to resist, so the result can only be one. After the surrender, the reconnaissance battalion of the avant-garde troops of the independent brigade took the city without firing a single shot.

In order to show their loyalty to the People's Liberation Army entering the city, this so-called self-defense corps also organized some people to greet them outside the city with small flags. Standing on the car, he raised his chest up high. (In history, the Xi’an People’s Self-Defense Corps did welcome the People’s Liberation Army into the city without firing a single shot, but it was the Sixth Army of the wild)

Brigadier Li Da didn't look at the welcoming crowd of the self-defense corps at all, but kept giving orders with his walkie-talkie: "Order the battalions to enter the city quickly, occupy all the commanding heights, passes, and clips immediately, and contact Ning Erzi, Lead the troops to surround the chariot regiment—quick, quick, quick."

The faces of the welcoming crowd standing at the entrance of the city MN were a little uncomfortable. The officers of the People's Liberation Army simply didn't look at them directly. People also shoot automatic guns, so I still have to appease them, so I got out of the car and greeted several leaders of the self-defense corps.

Entering the city, really entering the city, this is not an ordinary city, it is the central city of the northwest region with great influence, not to mention the soldiers, even the brigade commander Li Yong, who has been a man for two generations, has a saying Unclear mood, in a trance.

Brigadier Li Da remembers very clearly that Xi'an was liberated by the Sixth Army of the Second Corps of the First Field, and it was the unit of Commander Luo Yuan (the 49th Regiment of the Sixteenth Division of the Sixth Army of the First Field, entered the city from Ximn) in May of [-]. On the morning of the [-]th, what day is it now?It was the afternoon of May [-], [-], and the first PLA unit to arrive in Xi'an also became the Independent Brigade of the Second Army of the PLA.

This shows that history has been changed by myself to some extent, because this independent brigade that has not been recorded in military history turned out to be born, and the People's Liberation Army liberated the ancient capital of Xi'an one day in advance, not a whole day in advance, um, to be precise It's more than ten hours, but it's amazing to be able to advance more than ten hours, and it's also very fulfilling. Hehehehe, Li Yong giggled again.

Li Yong's expression was not noticed by others. That boy Li Yinming jumped out of the car and went to command the troops. Only the careful Li Jia could see that Li Yong's mood was a little bit wrong, and he was silly when he laughed. Yes, the expression is still very exciting: "Brigade Commander, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Li Yong knew that his inadvertently expressed emotions were discovered by Li Jia, a careful girl, and quickly waved his hands: "It's okay, it's okay, it's very comfortable, but I'm a little too happy."

Although everyone is entering Xi'an for the first time, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, they see everything new, but at this time, no one is interested in seeing any street scenes. The Kuomintang's elite chariot regiment was surrounded.

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of Ning Erzi's reconnaissance platoon, the independent brigade marched in and surrounded the garrison of the Second Chariot Regiment from all directions. All kinds of anti-tank weapons were set up. The artillery battalion's small-caliber direct-pointing artillery, mountain artillery, field artillery, anti-war artillery, [-] infantry artillery, and what kind of explosive kits, blasting tubes, etc., anyway, all the guys that the independent brigade can get out, for It is to prevent the enemy from resisting when they jump over the wall in a hurry.

At this time, Li Yong, the brigade commander, finally relaxed a little bit. The main combat weapon of the armored force is the tank. It is also a regiment-level force, and its personnel are much smaller than that of the infantry regiment. It is estimated that the number of this regiment will not exceed 2000. Well, in the city surrounded by more than 9000 independent brigades with an absolutely superior force, I don't believe that your chariot regiment can still run out of the palm of the Tathagata Buddha.

Ning Erzi, who was with Li Yong, brought the commanders of several independent brigades to a position where they could effectively monitor the chariot regiment, and then reported: "Brigade commander and political commissar, thanks to your timely arrival, if you come later After a while, the chariot regiment might run away, look, the tanks and cars have already moved."

Li Yong observed carefully with the binoculars in the direction of Ning Erzi's finger, didn't he? From time to time, there was smoke coming out from behind the rear of the tank parked in the yard. He really wanted to run, but it would be too late now.

A messenger ran into the regiment headquarters of the Second Chariot Regiment in a hurry, and this guy stuttered a little when he spoke anxiously: "Regiment, regiment commander, something is wrong, the People's Liberation Army has entered the city, entered the city, We are surrounded."

The orderer's words made the head of the regiment Jiang Tiexiong tremble in fright, and the head of the regiment Jiang grabbed the orderer's neck angrily and shouted: "Are you trying to scare me to death on purpose, kid? What the hell is the communist army entering the city? Can the army enter the city without firing a single shot?"

The messenger with a mournful face replied: "Commander, I'm not talking nonsense. The People's Liberation Army has really entered the city. The Self-Defense Corps surrendered without firing a single shot. Not only did they not shoot, but they even took people to meet the generals of the People's Liberation Army at the gate of the city." Army, now our regiment is surrounded by the People's Liberation Army."

Before the voice of the messenger fell to the ground, two more officers ran in: "Commander, it's broken. We are surrounded by large troops of the People's Liberation Army entering the city. What should we do?"

Jiang Tiexiong sat down on the chair and muttered: "How could it be? How could it be? The Communist Army is not a flying m-otui, nor is it a god. It can be reached within [-] kilometers and half an hour? This is unreasonable. , unreasonable."

An officer said: "Regimental Commander, don't care about the rationale or not, you should quickly make up your mind, or we can throw away all the luggage, and I think the combat troops alone can stand out, so what if the communist army comes? Can it still stop our tank troops from breaking through?"

Sitting on the chair, Jiang Tiexiong murmured, "Break out? How to break out? What else can I do if I'm stuck in my den?"

"Leader, what can we do if we are stuck at home? I don't believe that we can stop these mud-legged Tuibalu. Captain, as long as you give the order, I will lead the troops and we will be able to rush out."

Jiang Tiexiong looked at the officer who spoke in a sharp tone: "Two brothers, it's not me, Jiang, who discouraged your enthusiasm. You all know that the strength of our regiment is not as good as before, and the combat effectiveness is not even half of what it was before. It’s all over once you get entangled by the anti-tank firepower of the communist infantry.”

"Regimental Commander, it can't be such a coincidence. The Communist Army's method of dealing with tanks is very primitive. It is nothing more than bombing yo bags and grenades. I put the four m4s of our regiment in the front and rushed out in one go. As long as they can break out of the city Our world is over."

Just as Jiang Tiexiong and several officers were discussing how to break out of the siege, a clear voice came from the special iron horn of the Eighth Route Army: "Listen, Jiang Jun officers and soldiers, you have been surrounded by our People's Liberation Army, put down your weapons and raise your hands immediately!" There is still a way to survive in surrender, otherwise they will all be wiped out, and I will give you an hour to think about it, and if you still persist by then, let the artillery of our People's Liberation Army come and talk to you."

"Captain, what should I do?"

Jiang Tiexiong: "Why panic, the communist army is a psychological tactic, tell the brothers to hold on."

It's easy to say, hold on, how to hold on?Isn't it a bit nonsense for the People's Liberation Army to hit the gate of the house and still make people stabilize.

A proclamation from the People's Liberation Army made the once mighty chariots turn around like ants on a hot pot, and the officers and soldiers panicked and didn't know what to do.

A few minutes later, according to the command of the regiment leader Jiang Tiexiong, military officers at all levels gathered for a meeting to discuss what to do. Various opinions were mixed, some wanted to break through, some wanted to surrender, and some wanted to escape in disguise. There are all kinds of ideas.

In the end, it was Jiang Tiexiong who made up his mind and delayed with the communist army for a period of time, n-ng understood how powerful the encircled People's Liberation Army was, and then decided whether to break through or surrender.

But how can n-ng understand the strength of the People's Liberation Army?People won't tell you the whole situation honestly?Later, the head of the regiment, Jiang Tiexiong, came up with a way to negotiate with the People's Liberation Army and take the opportunity to clear up the situation of the surrounding troops.

Half an hour later, the chariot regiment sent a soldier to shout at the position of the independent brigade: "Listen to the People's Liberation Army on the opposite side. The leader of our chariot regiment wants to negotiate with your army. I don't know what your army wants?"

Li Yong, who was sitting in the headquarters, sneered secretly. It seems that Jiang Tiexiong is still unwilling to give up. He is trying to moles our situation: "Notify the security forces, since they want to negotiate, let the Kuomintang tank regiment send representatives over, and our PLA guarantees them personal safety."

When the People's Liberation Army saw the trick, the officers and soldiers of the chariot regiment hesitated again. The People's Liberation Army offered to send a representative, but who could be the representative?

The head of the regiment, Jiang Tiexiong, looked at the officers and said: "I proposed the plan, and I am the head of the regiment. Of course, I am the right representative. Brothers don't have to stop it. It's just a matter of life and death. The People's Liberation Army Even if the prisoners are not killed, the personal safety of me, the negotiating representative, is guaranteed."

Jiang Tiexiong took off his colonel's uniform, changed into a major's uniform, and walked out of the tank regiment's fortifications with a few middle and lower rank officers without weapons.

This Jiang Tiexiong dared to stand up at a critical moment, and he was indeed a man. When Li Yinming and several soldiers from the guard company brought them to the brigade headquarters of the independent brigade, a young officer greeted him. While Jiang Tiexiong was looking carefully, the officer who greeted him introduced himself: "Hello, I am Li Yong, the brigade commander of the Independent Brigade of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army."

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