After hearing Li Yong's method, everyone was thinking that the company commander really had something in his head. If he really did this, it would be enough for the enemy, and it is very likely that the enemy's cavalry regiment will be wiped out.

In the case of all passing, a few more points were added. One is to fully wave the grenade, and use cluster grenades to arrange minefields in front of the big trench.

The second is that each soldier carries an extra rifle, because the rifle has a long range and can cause as much damage as possible to the enemy at a long distance.

5000. Digging trenches must be done at night. In order to cause the suddenness of the battle, it must be dug in one night.Finally, Li Yong told the platoon leaders that the grenades consumed in the last battle could make up for each platoon, but only more than 7000 submachine gun bullets were seized, and [-] light machine gun bullets were seized. One-third of the consumption of the battle, there is no way there is only so much.

The next day, the special agent company carried out preparations and combat mobilization for the whole day, and all went out after dinner in the evening. This time, the whole company was dispatched, because there were not enough manpower and the logistics arrangement also assigned combat tasks.

Now the soldiers of the supply platoon and the platoon leader Sun Quanhou are very excited. They don't even think about how difficult this battle is, they simply think that with the company commander present, they will definitely win the battle, and the rest is the question of how much they can capture Yes, many soldiers in the secret service company think so.

After more than ten days of education and transformation, the recruit platoon also released weapons. Li Yong has no other choice. If time permits, he should train for a while, but the ratio between the enemy and the enemy is too big now, so it can only be forced. I hope these New liberation fighters, don't let yourself lose the chain.

Most of these soldiers were children from poor families. After ideological remolding, they agreed to stay and join the Eighth Route Army. They were still called the Eighth Route Army instead of the People’s Liberation Army.

Li Yong told the soldiers in the recruit platoon, it's not that our company doesn't trust everyone and doesn't give everyone good weapons. There are dozens of submachine guns and nine light machine guns in the baggage platoon, but they just have guns and no bullets, so they can't be used. I hope the new comrades understand that as long as they have good weapons in the future, they will go down as soon as possible. If this battle goes well, the weapons captured can be chosen by everyone. Li Yong said that the soldiers in the recruit platoon were very excited. Said to win more battles and more guns.

In addition, more than 100 people in the recruit platoon did not have military uniforms, and they were still wearing the clothes of the Kuomintang troops. What happened to this fight? Li Yong asked Lao Sun to give each of them a gray military cap from our army and a green vest designed by Li Yong. I only brought so much, and there is no way to solve the military uniform for the time being.

After a night of night marching, the troops arrived near the enemy's grain station at dawn. Li Yong let the troops hide, so that they could do nothing during the day. Everyone took a rest to recover their strength. I went to see the terrain with my instructor Wang Chengde.

After repeated comparisons, Li Yong and Wang Chengde selected a long and narrow open land about one kilometer away from the enemy's grain station. This is the only way for the enemy cavalry to pass through. To block all the enemy's cavalry, you have to dig them all out, which will be labor-intensive, but there is no other way.

A whole day passed quietly, Li Yong and the soldiers ate two meals of dry food, Hu Xiaolian brought a lot of things, but even Hu Xiaolian didn't eat these things, and Li Yong was full of pickles and water Yes, there was a piece of cooked horse meat later on, and the envy of the soldiers stopped talking.

Li Yong himself felt very good, it was nice to have a woman by his side, and it was cool to have someone miss him during the march and battle.

Only Li Jiangguo secretly asked: "I said the company commander, when did you hook up, why don't I know, I haven't heard any rumors, this secret work is very powerful."

Li Yong said boldly: "What is hooking up? It's the feeling between comrades. The word hooking up is wrong."

Li Jiangguo curled his lips: "The relationship between comrades? If you want to talk about it like that, why didn't she bring me some water and pickles? Did the company commander hook up with her when she was recuperating at home?"

Seeing Li Jiangguo and Li Yong biting their ears together, still mysterious, Hu Xiaolian came over and asked, "Platoon Leader Li, what are you talking about?" Li Jiangguo coughed a few times and said, "Ah, it's nothing, it's all Little things." After saying that, he walked away with a hippie smile on his face.

A whole day passed slowly while Li Yong and the soldiers waited anxiously. As soon as it was dark, Li Yong ordered the troops to start action immediately, reconnaissance and alert.

All of a sudden, hundreds of people dug in platoons. Li Yong and Wang Chengde dug ditches together with Li Yuming's police squad. Fortunately, many horses were captured. The soldiers put the excavated soil in big bags. Let the horses carry it away.

The whole night was not idle, and at around four o'clock in the morning, a big ditch more than three meters deep and more than eight meters wide was finally almost done. The soldiers, including Li Yong and Wang Chengde, were all tired and staggered, sweating all over their clothes. drenched.

Li Yong told everyone that they could not rest now, so they hurriedly dug two trenches at an interval of 50 meters behind the ditch. Hand grenades were planted in front of the ditch.

There are three grenades in a bundle, and the fire rings of the two bundles are connected together with a rope. The grenades are buried separately in the ground, and only the rope is left on the ground. Let the enemy's cavalry hoof the grenade ring.

A group of six, a total of 20 groups of 300 grenades, should be buried as soon as possible, at intervals of about 300 meters, and buried [-] meters forward from the ditch. The distance from the buried grenade to the dug ditch is More than [-] meters.

The distance from the trench to the first trench is 50 meters, and the distance from the first trench to the second trench is also 50 meters. Li Yong's idea is to open fire as long as the enemy enters the effective range of the rifle, and try to use the distance of more than 300 meters in front of the trench. Rifles and grenades kill the enemy's vital force more, wait for the enemy to rush nearby and then use automatic weapons to destroy the enemy.

The enemy's advantage is the speed of the horse. As long as the enemy's speed is gone, it is still possible to win this battle with the ferocious firepower of the spy company.

Wang Huo took the order to take his soldiers to bury the grenades, and Li Yong told Gao Xiang that the artillery platoon was 50 meters behind the second trench, and each artillery dug a firing position, and the four positions were in front of each other. The trenches must be linked together with traffic howls.

After the two trenches and the firing positions of the artillery platoon were dug, it was already daylight. Li Yong asked everyone to cover the big ditch with branches and grass, and then spread a thin layer of soil on it, so that it would not be visible as long as it was a little farther away. This ditch is gone.

Both the Red Army and the Eighth Route Army are most used to fighting at night, including the later Korean War. The reason for doing so is because our army’s firepower is not as good as that of the opponent. If our army’s firepower can suppress the opponent, it is better to fight during the day. , This is also conducive to the display of firepower.

The advantage of Li Yong's special agent company is that he has strong firepower, and he must use his strengths in battle, so the special agent company must choose to fight the enemy during the day when the visibility is good.

The specific arrangement for entering the position is: rows one, two, three and four are in the first trench.Machine gun platoon and reconnaissance platoon, five platoons guard the second trench, the second trench is dominated by machine gun platoons, each heavy machine gun is spaced 30 meters apart, each machine gun squad has a shooter and a deputy shooter, and the remaining five soldiers each have a rifle.

The fifth platoon and the reconnaissance platoon are company reserves, the artillery platoon is in the rear firing position, the logistics platoon and recruit platoon are led by instructor Wang Chengde to besiege the enemy's grain depots, and the health team and cooking squad are in charge of managing horses away from the battlefield.

After resting for more than an hour, when the soldiers' physical strength was almost recovered, the logistics platoon and the recruit platoon went out under the leadership of the instructor Wang Chengde. After about [-] minutes, the battle for the grain station began.

Li Yong asked the platoons to eat dry food and drink water to restore their strength. The enemy at the food station only has a company of more than 100 people. Under the siege of our army, it is time to call for help from the main force of the regiment. If the enemy's main force moves quickly, it can arrive in more than half an hour. Now the blocking position of the special agent company.

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