The beacon of youth

Chapter 427 The Weak Teacher

Chapter 427 The Weak Teacher

The forward of the Eighteenth Corps is the 61st Army, and the forward of the 61st Army is the [-]st Division. Under the leadership of the division commander Wang Chenghan, the [-]st Division threw away the backpack and the extra clothes, except for weapons, ammunition and dry food. Throwing everything away, the troops were all lightly armed, marched quickly for a long distance, and rushed towards Xi'an.

The [-]st Division is a unit of the North China Field Army. It was assigned to Yiye not long after the Taiyuan Campaign ended. This is a unit built by Marshal Xu Xiangqian. This is also the difference between the troops of the People's Liberation Army and the Kuomintang army. On the contrary, Hu Zongnan and the two-horse coalition army are still suspicious of each other and arguing with each other when the Kuomintang government is about to collapse. How can such an army be invincible? It is the opponent of the People's Liberation Army.

After more than ten consecutive days of hard marching, the troops finally arrived at Fenglingdu Ferry on the North Bank of the Yellow River before June [-]th.

When they arrived at Fenglingdu, the soldiers could finally take a breather. The next step was to cross the Yellow River immediately, and then transport them directly to Xi'an by car.

In Xi'an, at the headquarters of Yiye, Boss Peng saw Wang Chenghan, the commander of the [-]st Division who rushed to the office. At this time, Wang Cheng was covered in mud and sweat, and there was a hole in the yellow rubber shoes on his feet. As a senior commander of the People's Liberation Army, especially the troops from North China, the equipment is much better than that of the Northwest Field Army, but the jeep of the division commander Wang Chenghan has long been given up to the injured and injured. The same came running with both feet.

Cadres at the division level use their feet to run like soldiers. Such a thing seems very common, but can the Kuomintang army do such a common thing?The answer is also very simple, they can't do it.

"Come on, follow me to see the soldiers." After speaking, Boss Peng took the lead and walked out.Several leaders of the Field Army followed Boss Peng and went out. The [-]st Division was not far from the headquarters of the Field Army, and the group arrived in a short time.

In fact, everyone can imagine what it looks like without looking at it. Even the teacher is covered in dirt and mud. How can the soldiers be better?

There are more than 1 people in the [-]st Division, and basically everyone has big blisters on their feet. The same is true for the teachers and political commissars. When they walk, they feel like they are stepping on cotton piles. When it breaks, there will be bloody feet and shoes, and then there will be piercing pain.

The political workers of the [-]st Division shouted as they marched: "What's the pain and what's the pain? Are the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army not even afraid of death or pain?"

More than 1 people, from division commanders and political commissars to every soldier, threw away everything they could throw away except guns and ammunition and limited dry food.

Boss Peng looked at the soldiers one by one, at their hands, at their faces, at their bloody feet, at their piercing eyes, at the guns they held tightly. He stood upright to accept the chief's observation.

"Comrades, I won't say words of gratitude, and I won't say words of hard work. It's useless to say those things. Everyone, take a good rest, eat a good meal and sleep well. The situation is very serious. You may go to the battlefield at any time. Do it Be mentally prepared."

Wang Chenghan, a tough man, took a step forward: "Chief, our [-]st Division is here to fight, to defend Xi'an, not to rest, please give orders."

Boss Peng laughed loudly: "You have momentum, you are all good soldiers, but now your task is to rest well and perform."

However, can the officers and soldiers of the 82st Division really rest for a few days as Boss Peng said?On the second day after the [-]st Division arrived in Xi'an, that is, June [-], [-], the [-]nd Army of the Kuomintang arrived near Xianyang under the leadership of Ma Jiyuan. s attack.

In order to deal with the Kuomintang's multi-pronged attack, several armies of Yiye's old army were sent out to circle the enemy. At present, the only troops that can be mobilized beside Mr. Peng and the head of Yiye's headquarters are the 61st Army who just arrived. [-] Division, a tired division.

That is to say, if you use it, you have to use it, and if you don’t use it, you have to use it. The head of the Yiye headquarters has no other choice. The cruel Boss Peng once again came to the [-]st Division to announce the order.

Boss Peng's actions showed that he, the commander of the field army, really didn't want to use the very tired [-]st Division, otherwise he would have to let the commander of the field army do it himself in order to announce an order.

"Comrades, after more than ten days of long-distance marching, everyone is very tired. You should have rested for at least ten days, but it can't work now. The enemy's forward troops have arrived near Xianyang, and we only have a small amount of law and order in Xianyang. Troops, if you want to defend Xi'an, you must defend Xianyang, so I order you to go all out to defend Xianyang, and you are not allowed to retreat a step until the reinforcements arrive, can you do it?"

Xianyang, this thousand-year-old city was once again shrouded in the flames of war. The [-]st Division, under the leadership of the division commander Wang Chenghan, set off after a brief supplement and rushed to Xianyang City at the fastest speed.

The situation facing the 82st Division is serious. The opponent they have to face is the 82nd Army of the Kuomintang Qingma Army, and this [-]nd Army is Ma Bufang's trump card. It is a strengthened force with four divisions. The total strength is several times theirs times.

In order to maximize the firepower of the defensive side, the [-]st Division, in addition to leaving defensive troops on the city wall of Xianyang, also used the fastest speed to seize several positions outside the city. It became a horseshoe defensive position.

Division commander Wang Chenghan’s battle mobilization is very simple: “Comrades, this is our 61st Division, our [-]st Army, and our [-]th Corps’ first entry into Shaanxi to fight. Looking at us, we are only allowed to fight well and not to destroy, let alone the enemy has four divisions, even if they have forty divisions, we must nail them here with four hundred divisions, and we are not allowed to retreat a single step without an order."

In fact, everyone knows what is going on without mobilization. The distance between Xianyang and Xi’an is only more than 20 kilometers. Such a distance is simply not a distance. And many heads of the Northwest Bureau of the Communist Party of China are in Xi'an, so Xianyang must stick to it. There is no choice, and the [-]st Division has no way out.

A small army suddenly slipped out of the team building the fortifications in full swing, and marched silently and quickly along the rough terrain, saying that they slipped out because the army was too small, as small as twelve people.

What is such a small army going out for?Of course, they didn't go out for a random stroll. This was an elite reconnaissance team from the [-]st Division, and they were also carrying out their old-fashioned reconnaissance missions.

Scouts, they are all sharp-headed and clever fighters, and they are also the fighters that the chiefs like, so the equipment is relatively good. Every soldier is carrying an American-style submachine gun, and the bullets are made casually. How many do you like? Take as much as you think you can recite.

The team was led by a young man in his twenties with high spirits. This young man was named Wang Qingshan. He was the reconnaissance staff officer of the 20st Division. He is a great old scout. Unlike other soldiers, Wang Qingshan also brought a submachine gun and a shoulder bag in addition to the submachine gun.

Carrying a pistol and a satchel means that he is an officer in the People's Liberation Army. The reconnaissance staff officers of the division are all cadres regardless of whether they have a leader. Wang Qingshan is the staff officer of the [-]st Division. It was a reconnaissance mission, and it wasn't the first time for these scouts to go back to do it. It was enough to have a squad leader leading the team. Why did the chief staff officer of the division headquarters come out? The soldiers who were with Wang Qingshan were also very puzzled.

Some soldiers asked: "Consultant Wang, if there is any important matter, I have to trouble you. Our squad does a lot of this kind of work, so what are you worried about?"

Wang Qingshan curled his lips noncommittally: "You boys don't understand the importance of our division's mission at all. The Ma's army is difficult to deal with, and the Qingma army is even more difficult to deal with. If we learn more about the situation, the troops will suffer less losses. My military service is longer than yours, and I have more experience than you, so I can be more at ease as the leader of the team, how many times have I told you this truth, why don't you understand it?"

The scouts laughed loudly: "Consultant Wang, even if you are right, tell us, do you think our company grows up or you, the staff officer? Everyone has said it, and the staff officer does not have a leader. , Farting is not loud, but our company commander is also called a company commander.”

The soldiers deliberately wanted to make it difficult for Wang Qingshan, because Wang Qingshan's tone just now was a bit loud, and he can be at ease with him as the leader of the team?You say this guy is awesome.

Wang Qingshan rolled his eyes: "Hey, you boys are stupid and you still don't admit it. Do you still need to ask such a simple question? Of course, I am a senior staff officer. Not only is my staff officer older than your company, even if I am Battalion Commander, I am not younger than them."


Soldier: "Consultant Wang, you're exaggerating, hahaha."

"Don't you guys believe it? The reason is very simple. Let me ask you guys, how many regiments does our division have?"

Soldier: "Is this question still valid? Three regiments."

Wang Qingshan: "Yes, how many reconnaissance companies does our division have?"

"One for each regiment, counting the reconnaissance company of our division headquarters, there are four companies in total."


Wang Qingshan: "The answer is very correct. Your company commander only manages one company, and the battalion commander can only manage three companies, but I, the reconnaissance staff officer, can manage four reconnaissance companies in the entire division. You said that I am the one who does not have a commander. The chief of staff, or your company commander and battalion commander?"

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