The beacon of youth

Chapter 431 The Special Task of Defending Xianyang

Chapter 431 The Special Task of Defending Xianyang

In Xi'an, at Yiye Headquarters, Boss Peng holding a microphone had a serious expression on his face: "Wang Chenghan, I know you have tough bones, and I know you [-]st Division are all good, but what I want is the real situation. Report your casualties to me and ask for detailed figures."

The slightly hoarse voice of Wang Chenghan, the commander of the 900st Division, came from the microphone in Boss Peng's hand: "Boss, since noon, we have repelled nine enemy group charges in a row, and the troops have lost more than [-] troops. There is only one Wujiabao position outside the city that is still in our hands, and the rest are all lost. I plan to send a small force to counterattack the enemy tonight and regain the position that was lost during the day. Please rest assured, our commander. We must be able to hold on to Xianyang City."

Boss Peng put down the phone and stood in front of the large-scale military map, frowning and motionless. The situation was grim. The battle had just lasted an afternoon, and the casualties of the 82st Division were unacceptably high. The enemy placed them in Xianyang In the direction is not only Ma Jiyuan's 8nd Army, but also Hu Zongnan's Central Army behind it. Apart from the enemies in other directions, there are more than [-] Huma allied forces in Xianyang alone, and the total strength is seven times that of our army's defensive troops. more.

A field army chief walked up to Boss Peng gently, and the two of them stood by the map together: "Boss, the [-]st Division fought terribly. I have read all their battle reports this afternoon. The positions outside Xianyang City are under our army It was only lost when all the soldiers were killed in battle. This horse support is not easy. Before the cavalry launched an attack, a large number of cattle were prepared, which made our army's firepower unable to be used effectively, but the enemy's cavalry could take advantage of the characteristics of speed. Approaching quickly, the enemy and our armies fought hand-to-hand in many positions, and from this point of view, the Ma family army has indeed brought out their advantages."

Boss Peng snorted: "Let them be rampant, I'll see how long they can be rampant."

The chief knew what Boss Peng meant. The two North China corps of our army were marching rapidly, and it would take a while to get there. By then, the total strength of the field would completely overwhelm the Kuomintang army in the northwest, but The real situation is also very serious. So far, there are very few troops left in our army capable of maneuvering in Xi'an.

"Boss, my thoughts are like this. The 82nd Army may not be able to win Xianyang. Regardless of the large number of Ma's troops, they don't have a good way to fight positional warfare. Attacking cities is different from cavalry fighting in the plains. I am worried. The most important thing is Hu Zongnan's Central Army behind them. Once they really unite, they will be in great trouble. For reinforcements, choose the nearest troops, and reinforce them as quickly as possible, only in this way can we ensure Xianyang's defense of Xi'an."

Boss Peng, who was in deep thought, said to himself: "Reinforcement? How to reinforce? All the troops in our hands have been scattered, and Xi'an only has a little security force. Putting this force on there will not be of much use. Which one should we use?" Troops for reinforcements?"

Boss Peng's question to himself made Liu Jingfan, the deputy commander of the field army, brighten up. What kind of troops will be used for reinforcements?Then there is no need to ask, of course, it must be the fast troops to reinforce, but how many fast troops can there be in the entire field army?

"Boss, it seems that I, a layman, have to give you an idea. Isn't it simple to use some troops for reinforcement? Go find Wang Huzi and transfer his independent brigade here?"

Boss Peng and the chief standing in front of the map looked at each other, and Boss Peng gave a rare smile: "Hey, I said, Lao Liu, you are thinking about Wang Huzi's independent brigade, and if you have something to do, you want them to go , However, it does make sense, it’s good to remind me, you guys help me to find out where this independent brigade is now, and whether there is still time for reinforcements.”

Ten minutes later, a confidential person came over: "Report to the chief, according to the telegrams from the headquarters of the First Corps and the Second Army, the main force of the Second Army is now more than 160 kilometers away from Xi'an, and the independent brigade is further away from the main force of the Second Army." There is a distance of more than 50 kilometers, and it is now marching."

Boss Peng thumped the table with his fist, as if he had made a great determination: "Send a report to Wang Huzi and order Guo Peng and Wang Enmao of the Second Army to carry out the tasks assigned by the Field Army before by the main force of the Second Army, so that the Independent Brigade will return immediately. Xi'an performs special missions."

Another head of the field army said: "Boss, can you see if this works? Since we have given orders to the First Corps and the Second Army, and the Independent Brigade also has a radio station, we'd better send a telegram directly to the Independent Brigade to report the mission situation." Explain it carefully to them, and let them be prepared."

Boss Peng: "Okay, I will do as you wish and record."

The order is that the First Corps and the Second Army Independent Brigade, Li Yong and Wang Chengde's troops, quickly reinforce the Xianyang garrison of our army and cooperate with the [-]st Division to ensure that the Xianyang defense line is safe. This order is urgent.

Peng Peng, First Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

At this time, the Independent Brigade was carrying out the orders issued by the headquarters of the field army with the Second Army, leading the Kuomintang troops around from other directions to circle around. Li Yong sat in the back seat of a jeep, carelessly dazed.

The speed of the jeep is not fast, at best it is more than [-] kilometers, and it is staggering forward. Brigadier Li's feet are habitually resting on the backrest in front of him. With his eyes closed, he does not know whether he is sleeping or thinking about something. .

Li Yong, the commander of the independent brigade, was not the only one who couldn't keep up his spirits. This kind of task of circling the enemy was really boring. The other troops marched on foot. Of course, it was hard work at the end of the day, but it was very difficult for the whole brigade. For the independent brigade that has been mechanized, such a task is not challenging at all, and the leaders of the army have not set any hard indicators for the independent brigade, so these big men of the independent brigade just sit in the car and walk around. Stop, stop, walk, anyway, there is no task in the army, the enemy can't catch up, it's useless to go so fast, just take the enemy for a walk.

Li Jia, the company commander of the guard company, sat in the same car with the brigade commander Li Yong according to the rules left by the boy Li Yuming in the past. I don’t know if it’s because the predecessor’s method is correct or Li Jia himself likes to do it. Anyway, Li Jia these days The time spent with Li Yong, the brigade commander, has increased significantly. Li Yong is also very proud to take a beautiful girl around to check the work, which is a bit like a post-generation official with a secret. Hey, it feels really good. Although Li The brigade commander didn't say anything, but the smile that often appeared on his face revealed everything without a doubt. In He Cuihua's words, it was a mimi smile.

Li Jia is very smart, and understands Li Yong's mood quite well, but what can he do if he knows it? If the brigade commander is happy, let him be happy. Is it my job as the company commander of the security company to wander around with the brigade commander? There is no other way, this is the explanation in Li Jia's heart.

Li Yong, who was in a daze, felt that the base of his ear was hot, not only hot, but also hot for bursts, what's going on?Someone is talking about this brigade commander?

Suddenly someone shook Brigadier Li Da's shoulder, and Li Jia's slightly anxious voice came from next to his ear: "Brigadier, don't sleep, telegram from the field army headquarters."

Li Yong sat up excitedly, a telegram from the field army headquarters?This is obviously strange. The higher-ups issued orders through the Corps and the Party Committee of the Second Army. Generally, they would not directly issue orders to the divisions and brigades below, unless the situation was already very urgent.

Li Yong, who received the telegram, looked back and forth for several minutes. Li Yong felt that everything was a bit different from the history he knew before. The Bayi Division was reinforced by the 61st Army that arrived later. How did it become the independent brigade to reinforce Xianyang now?Just because there was an extra unit in the history of the field army, things changed?

But no matter what, the telegram from the headquarters of the Field Army is already in his hand, and this matter cannot be faked: "Order the troops to stop advancing, notify the commanders of each battalion and company, and immediately go to the brigade headquarters for a meeting."

Following Li Yong's order, the 1000-strong Independent Brigade immediately stopped advancing. Political commissar Wang Chengde and chief of staff Fang Xin were the first to come. These two people were not far from Li Yong. According to Li Yong, The political commissar, the brigade commander, and the chief of staff must be separated, otherwise it will all be over if they encounter a landmine, so they arrived within a few minutes after the order was issued.

Li Yong handed the telegram to Wang Chengde casually: "Old Wang, do you think this is a bit strange?"

Wang Chengde: "It's nothing surprising. In our field army, our brigade is the only unit that can maneuver fast and can still fight positional warfare. If you don't give us an order, who will give the order? Let the cavalry division go? Leave it alone. The chief will not do that."

Ten minutes later, all the commanders above the independent brigade and company arrived, and dozens of people gathered in a large circle. The current independent brigade has already changed its shotguns, and with the addition of a new tank battalion, I can't help myself. I feel very awesome.

Jiang Tiexiong, the battalion commander of the tank battalion, participated in this kind of meeting for the first time. Looking at the commanders of the battalions and companies around him, he was quite emotional. Sun Quanhou, the oldest battalion leader of the supply battalion, is one year younger than himself, and others can't say anything. What else can he say about others? The instructor assigned to him in the brigade is only 21 or [-] years old. What kind of trainer can I be in the team, that is, the identity of a messenger, hey, I have become the big brother in the PLA army without fighting.

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