The beacon of youth

Chapter 439 The Surprising Little Brigadier

Chapter 439 The Surprising Little Brigadier

The senior leaders of the field army are coming to visit, especially the commanders of the corps and the various army commanders and political commissars who just came from North China. They really want to see the independent brigade that was named and praised by Mr. Peng. What does this unit in the Northwest Field Army look like, but it can be completely motorized.

The Independent Brigade was not prepared at all, no one told it, and they didn't know in advance. At that time, no one would do any prestige project.

After the defense of Xianyang, the [-]st Division was still responsible for the defense of Xianyang, and the entire independent brigade was pulled back from Xianyang to Xi'an to rest and recuperate. All kinds of post-war resettlement things made everyone busy. Ammunition, supplies and All kinds of supplies, weapons and equipment that need to be repaired, as well as the transfer and treatment of the wounded, etc. are too busy to be busy.

The chiefs who came to the meeting all had cars, and with the accompanying guards, it was a large-scale convoy as soon as they set off. In Xi’an at that time, it was difficult to see a convoy of this size, not to mention the people in the army. Even the local people could tell that the people in the car must be senior cadres of the People's Liberation Army, so despite the size of Xi'an, dozens of small jeeps quickly arrived near the base of the Independent Brigade.

By [-], jeeps were no longer a rare item in the troops of the People's Liberation Army. Most of the middle and senior commanders would get one for transportation. These jeeps were gifts from the big bosses of the United States to Chairman Jiang. It's useless, in the words of the soldiers, it is considered to be a contribution to the Chinese Communist Party if it is used by the People's Liberation Army. Chiang Kai-shek, the captain of the transportation team, is not called for nothing, but the posture of a dozen or twenty vehicles in a row Still rare.

The first car that took the lead was the car of Commander Wang of the First Corps. It was Commander Wang's idea to visit the Independent Brigade. The old head of the Independent Brigade also had some psychological reasons to show off, no? Do you say that our Northwest Field Army is poor? Today, let the comrades from North China see that our old Northwest Field Army also has a lot of troops. Hey, hey, hey, it’s still Wang Huzi’s team.

The soldiers of the brigade guard company standing guard in front of the gate all know Commander Wang. As a team directly under the old 2nd column, many soldiers are very familiar with Commander Wang. Today, they suddenly saw the old chief's car coming and stood at attention. salute.

Commander Wang shouted as he got out of the car: "Inform your brigade commander and political commissar that the new chiefs are going to visit your independent brigade. Let Li Yong and Wang Chengde get ready and make some small shows. Go quickly."

A soldier hurried back to inform the brigade commander and the political commissar that Li Yong and Wang Chengde were discussing matters at the brigade headquarters. When the soldier came in, he shouted: "Brigade commander, political commissar, there are a lot of chiefs at our door, and there are a group of guards behind us." They must be great chiefs, they said they were going to visit our brigade, and Commander Wang also arrived, and the commander asked us to prepare a few small programs."

A large group of commanders, army commanders, and political commissars have aura when they are together. The few soldiers standing guard in front of the brigade department are not soft-hearted. Their eyes are very poisonous. When they came in to report, they said that they must be some The great heads, Li Yong and Wang Chengde were stunned for a moment, they didn't know which play this was singing, why did they suddenly remember to visit the Independent Brigade?But since Commander Wang is here, let's hurry up and greet him.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde got up to greet the big chiefs who came over, no matter what the chiefs meant, they had to pick up what they should, and Li Jia, the company commander of the guard company, had to go out with them of course.

At this time, Commander Wang had already brought people in. The senior commanders of the People's Liberation Army from North China were shocked by the guard post in front of the gate before they entered the courtyard. Why?Because these soldiers on guard are all wearing steel helmets, leather shoes, submachine guns, neat military uniforms, and brazen chests, the military appearance of the troops is very different from other troops in the field army.

These chiefs thought, ****, if the clothes on their bodies were not the gray uniforms worn by our People's Liberation Army, I would have thought that the central army of the Kuomintang was standing guard, and the Northwest Field Army also had troops wearing steel helmets? ? ?

The industrial production capacity of old China was low, and the troops of the People’s Liberation Army did not have factories that produced steel helmets. Of course, the steel helmets were seized. Not to mention the commanders in the People's Liberation Army's own troops, when the old Eighth Route Army was fighting the little devils, the senior generals of the Japanese army also used the number of helmets to judge the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army troops.

(The North China Garrison Army of the Japanese Army once specifically studied the number of steel helmets in each unit of the Eighth Route Army to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army. The result of the investigation and research was that many soldiers in the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Division of the Eighth Route Army wore steel helmets, not only There are many steel helmets, and many soldiers wear Japanese military overcoats, step on Japanese leather shoes, and hold Japanese [-]-style rifles and crooked light machine guns. The results of the investigation made the senior generals of the Japanese army angry. How did the weapons of the imperial Japanese army become special equipment for the Eighth Route Army? Therefore, in many battles with the Eighth Route Army, Japanese tanks and There are several large characters written in white paint on the artillery, "Specially fight the [-]th Brigade". General Chen Geng, the brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade, didn't care about this. They are more than teachers)

Seeing Commander Wang Zhen walking at the forefront, Li Yong and Wang Chengde hurriedly ran a few steps, touched their heels, and saluted all the chiefs, but there were too many chiefs, so Commander Wang Zhen moved their hands together. Said: "You don't need to salute, it's over if you salute me, and you can just show the way."

Commander Wang's words drew laughter again. We all know that Commander Wang is very protective of the calf. Today, I have seen it again. Some chiefs said: "Hey, look, this guy Wang Huzi even let his The soldiers are reluctant to salute us, it's a bit too much, hahaha."

The eyes of Li Yong and Wang Chengde are a little straight, because there are too many chiefs here, and most of them know each other. From the chiefs they know, it can be seen that almost all the senior commanders of the old Northwest Field Army have arrived. Not counting Commander Wang Zhen, Commander Guo Peng and Political Commissar Wang Enmao of the Second Army, Commander Xu Guangda of the Second Army, He Bingyan, Commander of the First Army, Huang Xinting, Commander of the Third Army, Zhang Dazhi, Commander of the Fourth Army, and When entering Xi'an, Luo Yuanfa, the commander of the Sixth Army, was put together by the Independent Brigade. At the end, my God, there was a Mimi with a smile on his face and a pipe in his hand at the end of the whole visiting team. Chief, this, isn't this Boss He Longhe? Why is Boss He even here? ? ?

It's no wonder that Li Yong and Wang Chengde's eyes were straightened. These people were all people who stomped their feet and trembled in all directions. Li Yong seemed to see the stars shining on their shoulders a few years later.

The only ones who came to visit were the commanders and army commanders of the corps. Boss Peng and several heads of the field army did not come. Boss Peng and the other heads are very clear about the reason why the independent brigade can move quickly. There is no need to visit with everyone. Of course Don't use it to join in the fun.

Commander Wang Zhen looked at Li Yong and Wang Chengde, whose eyes were a little straight, and sighed: "Hey, let me introduce you to a few officials from the government university. I won't introduce the younger ones. I've told you all. I can’t remember, this is Zhou Shidi, the commander and political commissar of the [-]th Corps, this is Yang Dezhi, the commander of the [-]th Corps, and this is Li Zhimin, the political commissar of the [-]th Corps.”

Who are these people?Li Yong has never seen it but has heard of it. They are all famous generals. They are also well-known figures in the era when Li Yong knew about them. Li Yong and Wang Chengde saluted again. , Like thunder piercing ears, like thunder piercing ears."

The two commanders, Zhou Shidi and Yang Dezhi, looked at each other. Commander Zhou Shidi grinned: "Good boy, he is quite flattering. What does it mean to be famous for a long time? You have heard of us before? Are you just messing around?" Kissing?"

Li Yong was a little ashamed, and hurriedly took it over and said: "It's not that I'm flattering the chiefs, but I've really admired the name for a long time. Who doesn't know the chief of staff of the Iron Army back then."

Commander Zhou Shidi was stunned for a moment. When he joined the Northern Expedition in his early years, he was the chief of staff of the Ye Ting Independence Regiment. All the senior leaders in the army knew about this experience, but when did such a young man in his 20s know about it?It's a little strange.

Needless to say, Commander Zhou Shidi, even Commander Yang Dezhi next to him was taken aback, heh, this little brigade commander really knows a lot, Commander Yang Dezhi couldn't help asking: "It's not easy, even You know everything about Lao Zhou, but this is not considered flattering, how do you know about me as a commander?"

Commander Yang Dezhi was driven by curiosity to deliberately make it difficult for Li Yong. At that time, there were no well-developed news media and no Internet. Many things were passed down by word of mouth, and young people knew about it. Things are limited.

Li Yong smiled secretly, and said to himself, hey, if I don’t even know the name of Commander Yang Dezhi, I’m not a fool. I not only know you now, but also know what you will do in a few years, I just can’t say it, so in my heart Thinking about it, he said: "I've heard about the commander of the Red First Regiment on the Long March, the commander of the Eighteenth Warrior Anshunchang who forcibly crossed the Dadu River, and the powerful Commander Yang of the three armies."

kindness?This time Commander Zhou Shidi and Commander Yang Dezhi were completely surprised. The little brigade commander knew too much. What's going on? .

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