The beacon of youth

Chapter 44 The Charging Cavalry

The enemy's regiment leader thought about it and said: "This is a good way, but there is no need to change them all into infantry. I looked carefully during the second charge, and I have already rushed to a place more than 100 meters away from the Communist army. This time we use three soldiers. Hundreds of war horses lead the battle. After the horses clear the mines of the communist army, the rest of the cavalry will follow behind, and the infantry will follow behind the cavalry. As long as we rush to the communist army, we have the final say. Hundreds of communist troops were captured, and we also brought two heavy machine guns, and when we charged later, we placed one on each side to cover the troops' charge."

All the officers praised the head of the regiment in unison, and after the enemy's preparations were completed, three hundred horses rushed over, and the enemy's cavalry regiment seemed to be desperate. They all spared a knife.

The cavalry's feelings for horses are beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Sometimes the feelings for their own horses are the same as people's. This time, they released the horse and stabbed the horse's butt with a bayonet. This is also a struggle. I want to use 300 Many war horses wiped out the mines and then disrupted the positions of the Eighth Route Army.

Hundreds of horses that had been stabbed frantically rushed towards the position of the spy company, and the dust from the horses flew up high, rushing towards them like a puff of yellow smoke.

From the binoculars, Li Yong saw the empty saddles on the horses running over from a distance, and knew that the enemy wanted to use the horses to land mines. They killed all of them, but the speed of the horses was very fast. When there was no one on the horse, the speed was even faster. Before all the horses were killed, the horses had already slammed the landmines one after another.

Although the horses are big, it is not easy to knock down the running horses. Seeing that the rifles could not kill the horses, Li Yong asked the light machine guns to shoot them. The grenades planted by the spy company had almost been covered, and the place where the front horse fell was not far from the big ditch covered with a thin layer of soil. This shocked Li Yong into a cold sweat. The biggest secret is this big trench, if it is discovered, it will be broken.

Seeing this, the enemy's regiment leader laughed loudly and shouted: "Brothers, do you see that the Communist Army's mines are useless, and their machine guns don't have many bullets, follow me now."

After shouting, he brought the whole regiment of officers and soldiers to charge in a group. This guy is really a scumbag. He wanted to kill all the secret service companies at once and order the whole regiment to charge in a group. On the positions of the communist army, that is the world of cavalry.

Seven or eight hundred cavalry rushed towards the spy company's position screaming and wielding sabers, followed by hundreds of soldiers without horses who also rushed up behind the cavalry. Take down the spy company.

The heavy machine guns covering the charge also rang out, and dense bullets fired at the position of the special agent company, and the bullets hit the ground around the soldiers with puffing noises.

Li Yong saw the dense heavy machine gun bullets pouring towards the position. Under the suppression of the enemy's heavy machine guns, the shooting speed of the soldiers dropped significantly, and some soldiers were injured. He immediately ran along the traffic trench to the position of the artillery platoon, and shouted at Gao Xiang: "Gao Xiang, are you sure you can kill the enemy's heavy machine gun?"

Gao Xiang looked at the battle in front of him in the trench and said without turning his head: "The target is 400 meters ahead, the enemy's heavy machine gun position, two guns are responsible for one, and the test fires one."

Following Gao Xiang's command, two shots were fired, and the enemy's heavy machine gun paused to continue firing. Gao Xiang then shouted: "Correct the trajectory, three shots per shot, and fire quickly."

With the sound of the cannon ejecting, I saw the enemy's two heavy machine guns and the corpses of several soldiers flying high into the air, and the enemy's heavy machine guns lost their firepower immediately.

Li Yong ran to the second trench along the traffic trench, and came to Wei Gang. At this time, Wei Gang had thrown away the rifle in his hand, and was holding the handle of a Mark zinc heavy machine gun, his body gently swinging back and forth , Still yelling cursing and cursing.

Li Yong saw that the enemy's war horses had almost covered the landmines, and the rifle fire could not suppress the enemy's charge. The brigade of cavalry had rushed to a place more than 50 meters away from the trench, less than 150 meters away from the second trench, and less than 100 meters away from the first trench. The trench was less than [-] meters away, which is the most effective distance for light and heavy machine guns, and he shouted at Wei Gang: "Wei Gang, fire."

Following Li Yong's command, the heavy machine gun in Wei Gang's hand spewed out flames more than a foot long, and the fierce firepower of the four Maxims set up a fire net in front of the spy company's position. The forty light machine guns in the trench also roared, and the enemy's assault cavalry hit the hard rock like a black wave, and their heads were bleeding, their bodies were smashed to pieces, and their horses and men fell in pieces. .

The enemy's regiment leader was stunned by the instant firepower of the spy company, and finally knew why the brothers of the fourth regiment who were eliminated were so embarrassed. The firepower of the communist army was too fierce, but now even if they wanted to withdraw, they couldn't do so. The cavalry As long as you rush up, you can't turn back. Damn it, I'm fighting the communist army.

Thinking of this, he yelled from behind: "***, now whoever runs away and kills me, I will rush up, the guard company, if anyone runs away, I will kill him."

Anyone who has ridden a horse knows that the trenches in the plains are very difficult to find. This is why the cavalry must observe the terrain well. During the First World War, there was a famous Battle of Waterloo. The French genius commander took Po Lun, at the most critical moment of the battle, used the last elite force in his hands, and [-] cavalry guards made a final impact on the enemy.

These [-] cavalry guards were all trained by Napoleon himself. Not only are they extremely strong, but they are also loyal to Napoleon. Napoleon, who has used his mace, is also very confident in his [-] cavalry guards. , he didn't expect any force to stop his iron cavalry.

But it was precisely because Napoleon was too confident that he ignored the terrain survey of the battlefield. There was a naturally formed deep ditch in front of his cavalry charge. It was ruined, and Napoleon also lost the entire battle and his own life for this. He was caught by his opponent and exiled, and was later poisoned to death.

Now the enemy soldiers are rushing forward desperately while shooting under the supervision of the guard company, but it is too late when there is a big ditch in front of the spy company's position, and the horses can no longer stop. The horses fell into it and trampled on each other in the ditch, resulting in countless casualties. The place where people and horses were concentrated almost filled the ditch. The characteristic of the cavalry charge was that it was difficult to stop. What's more, there is a supervising team behind.

It wasn't until the enemy regiment commander had a big ditch that suddenly appeared that he fully understood Li Yong's combat intentions. No wonder these hundreds of communist troops dared to fight against me, a cavalry regiment. The key point is here, but it's too late to know now. There was no way for the troops to stop.

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