Chapter 443

Li Yong brought a large number of chiefs who are very interested in tanks to explain. However, the main aspects of Li Yong's explanation were not how the tank troops assaulted or how to cooperate with infantry and artillery. The chiefs are in charge, and Li Yong mainly analyzes these chiefs from the perspective of the logistics support of the troops.

Li Yong did this on purpose, because Li Yong knows very well that some of these senior commanders will go to the Korean battlefield to compete with the U.S. military in more than a year, and when we compete with the U.S. military, our biggest disadvantage is the logistical support of the Volunteers The system doesn't work, and what's more special is that there is a [-]th Army in the [-]th Corps under Commander Zhou Shidi.

The three main divisions of the [-]th Army are the [-]th Division, the [-]th Division, and the [-]th Division. Li Yong had secretly inquired about it a long time ago. .

The U.S. Army has a sad ridge on the Korean battlefield, and our army also has its own pain. The 61th Division of the Volunteer Army is the people's army who suffered eternal pain in the Korean War. (The 62th Corps transferred from North China has three armies, the [-]th Army, [-]st Army, and [-]nd Army)

The [-]th Division of the [-]th Army is a unit that our army lost as an organization on the Korean battlefield. It is also the largest division-organized unit that has been lost since the formation of the People's Liberation Army. There are many reasons for the failure of the unit. On the one hand, poor logistical support is a very serious reason.

In the later stage of the battle, the soldiers who were out of ammunition and food used bayonets and engineer shovels to fight the enemy tanks. How could there be few casualties?If the [-]th Division had sufficient supplies of ammunition and food, as well as a large number of anti-tank equipment, it might not have been able to break through the blockade of the US military. Li Yong didn't think he had the ability to save the situation, but he hoped he could do his best. OK

Today is an opportunity, a rare opportunity. The commanders of the first brigade are not too small, but they can’t participate in the decision-making of major campaigns. Li Yong wants to use this opportunity to tell the chiefs who came to visit a little bit about war and logistics. The problem, even if it can make the chiefs listen to it a little bit, it can be regarded as achieving the goal.

"Commanders, you see that our tank battalion is very beautiful. In fact, we also have difficulties. Every time our battalion is dispatched, it consumes a lot of fuel and ammunition. Professional maintenance and maintenance personnel, as well as the supply of suitable and replaceable spare parts, are indispensable for every condition. If there is one aspect that cannot be achieved, these seemingly beautiful tanks will become a pile of waste iron, not only It will not produce combat effectiveness, and it will also become a drag on the rapid mobility of the troops."

When Li Yong was talking about this, Commander Yang Dezhi interjected: "Comrade Li Yong is right. Our [-]th Corps also has captured tanks. These iron bumps are here to drink oil. When smoke comes out from the back of the buttocks, this The oil has to be poured in like cold water, and in order to feed these iron guys, I have prepared a lot of pots and pans, which is not easy."

Li Yongxin said that as long as he can get Commander Yang to say this, his painstaking efforts will not be in vain, because Commander Yang Dezhi, who just turned 38 in [-], will be the commander of the Volunteer Army Corps and a volunteer Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

When taking these chiefs to visit the tank battalion, Li Yong kept looking for someone with his eyes, who is it?Commander Xu Guangda of the Second Corps of the Northwest Field Army, who is Commander Xu Guangda?He graduated from the Artillery Department of Whampoa (the fourth period of **, and the sixth period of Dai Li's senior), and later went to the Soviet Union to fight in the tank mechanized corps. At that time, there were still many cadres and soldiers in the People's Liberation Army. Before he knew how to read, Commander Xu had a double education, not to mention in the People's Liberation Army, even in the Kuomintang and Japanese troops. He is a serious expert in armored soldiers.

Li Yong walked up to Commander Xu, and said solemnly: "Chief, is what I said all right? I'm an axe in front of you."

Commander Xu Guangda was taken aback for a moment, heh, didn't this little brigade commander speak very well, why did he suddenly come over to ask him for advice?

Commander Xu didn't say much all the time. Like Boss He, he just followed behind for a visit. There was a reason for him to do so, because most of the questions were asked by Zhou Shidi, commander of the [-]th Corps, and in front of Zhou Shidi , Commander Xu Guangda, who has a lot of experience, can only be regarded as a recruit.

After graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, Xu Guangda was ordered to participate in the Nanchang Uprising, but when he arrived in Nanchang, the uprising had failed. Later, Xu Guangda chased the team all the way and caught up with the 25th Division of the uprising army in Ningdu. He was appointed by the commander of the 25th Division. He was a platoon leader of the 75rd Battalion of the 25th Regiment, and the division commander who appointed Xu Guangda as a platoon leader of the Red [-]th Division was Zhou Shidi. That is to say, when Commander Xu Guangda was the platoon leader, Commander Zhou Shidi was the division commander. And he, the platoon leader, was appointed by Zhou Shidi, so of course Commander Xu's words were less in front of the old chief.

However, when Commander Xu saw that Li Yong came over to ask him, he smiled and said, "What? You know the details of Commander Zhou and Commander Yang, but you also know about me?"

Li Yongxin said, hey, I know your details better. The commander of the armored forces of the new China, the general with four gold stars, who doesn't know who is working for nothing, but these words can only be thought about, but he said: "I listen to the king. The commander mentioned you, you were an armored soldier."

Li Yong said this to dispel the doubts of some people. It is impossible for you, a small brigade commander, to know everything, and Commander Wang did mention Commander Xu Guangda in normal times. This gave Li Yong a reason, and everyone would think Oh, that's right, the Independent Brigade is Wang Huzi's precious unit, and it used to be a unit directly under the Second Column. This little brigade commander usually hangs around Commander Wang, so he knows more than others.

When Li Yong asked, everyone focused their attention on the two of them, so Commander Xu could only smile and said, "Your Independent Brigade is the host today, and I, as the guest, just want to say something briefly."

"As a new type of weapon, the tank began to appear on the battlefield at the end of the First World War. It has developed into an independent military branch in some military powers. Because of its high-speed movement ability, fierce firepower and strong armor defense It has become the ground combat force with the greatest mobility and the strongest assault force in modern warfare. The armored forces of our PLA are still very weak, but we will definitely become stronger in the future, for sure.”

When Commander Xu Guangda finally mentioned a certain point, his tone was decisive, and Li Yong secretly gave him a thumbs-up. As expected of a Confucian general who went to the Whampoa Military Academy and ate black bread in the Soviet Union, he understood the armored forces very well.

Commander Xu Guangda laughed: "Comrade Li Yong, that's all I have to say, it's up to you, the more the better."

Li Yong also went all out, and said: "The more technical weapons the army has, the greater the logistical support pressure it needs. If every detail cannot be done, people will die on the battlefield. The victory of a battle is the same as the battle The meticulous preparation work beforehand is inseparable, among which supply is the most critical place, the supplies that each soldier can carry are limited, for example, before each battle starts in our brigade, the dry rations and The ammunition is backed up for three days. After three days, it will be resupplied by the logistics team, and how much supplies the logistics team can bring is another big problem. Every battalion in our brigade has a logistics row, and the brigade has a The purpose of this is to fully guarantee the supply of the front-line combat troops after the battle starts. Our approach is that individual soldiers carry their own three-day backup, and the battalion's baggage platoon has a three-day backup, while the brigade The supply battalion in the village will carry a three-day backup. Therefore, our brigade’s continuous attack capability is nine days and nights. That is to say, after nine days of fighting, we have to withdraw regardless of whether we win or lose, otherwise we will run out of ammunition and food. Passively beaten."

Li Yong talked a lot today, and what he said was a bit off topic. Is it just a visit to show the chiefs? How come it seems to be teaching the chiefs, but Li Yong can't care about these anymore, so he can't seize this opportunity. It's easy, saying a few more words is good for the troops, and it's actually very targeted.

On the Korean battlefield, our volunteer soldiers also brought three days of food and ammunition for each battle, and the logistics department prepared a three-day backup. The returned materials can last for another day. That is to say, on the Korean battlefield, the continuous attack capability of the volunteers in each battle is only seven days at most. After seven days, there is no way to continue fighting. Later, this rule of our troops was No. Li Qiwei, the commander of the 18th Army, noticed that this American general called this law of the Volunteers the "Saturday Offensive".

This American general is very keenly aware of the shortcomings or weaknesses of the Volunteer Army, that is, the lack of logistical support for fighting modern warfare. The methods or countermeasures he adopted are very targeted. Li Qiwei asked the US ground troops to retreat only [-] kilometers a day. , because [-] kilometers is the physical limit of the Volunteer Army's ground troops to attack on foot, and they will not be able to rush up any more.

Therefore, under the command of Li Qiwei, the U.S. military retreated in a car every time it came into contact with our army. The retreat distance was [-] kilometers, and it was withdrawn for seven days. After seven days, the volunteers ran out of food and ammunition. At this time, organize again The troops counterattacked, and Li Qiwei called this tactic 'magnetic tactic' or 'elastic tactic'.

Finally, another chapter has been coded, but it will definitely be gone tomorrow. If everyone feels okay, please give some recommendation tickets, and finally discuss the issue of tanks with you.

In the Battle of Huaihai, the Kuomintang army invested in tank units including the first regiment of tanks, the second regiment of tanks, and the armored artillery regiment. There were a total of more than 250 tanks and armored vehicles. The models included American m3a3, m4, m5a1, and Soviet-style t26. , Japanese-style 95, the PLA captured a total of 215 tanks and armored vehicles throughout the Huaihai Campaign. Therefore, there are American-style m4 tanks on the Chinese battlefield, thank you everyone.

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