The beacon of youth

Chapter 453 Luo Bureau Town

Chapter 453 Luo Bureau Town

A few tanks went all the way in, artillery fire and machine gun sweeps, plus direct crushing with crawlers, it was like a mirror without anyone. Officers at all levels in the Kuomintang headquarters fled in all directions. This guy Li Yuming Without any stinginess, he yelled through the car intercom: "Target, the enemy has exposed the infantry, shrapnel." The soldiers also responded with shouts: "Grenade is ready."

Shrapnel is a kind of high-explosive ammunition designed to kill personnel. It is extremely lethal to personnel. Li Yuming has been with the brigade commander Li Yong for a long time, and he has no good impression of the Kuomintang officers. There were many cases of killing prisoners. Of course, most of them were diehards and officers of the Kuomintang. It was the same at this time. The officers in the command headquarters did not have the mentality of capturing prisoners at all. Under his order, machine guns swept , The tank guns fired grenades non-stop. Under the explosion of the shells, the stumps flew away, and the houses collapsed. In the end, the tanks roared and rushed into the collapsed and shattered fortifications.

Up to now, the Kuomintang joint headquarters has been completely reimbursed. The m4 tank platoon led by the instructor of the tank battalion, Li Yuming, who was the first to rush up did not catch a single prisoner. When Chief Li Yong and the brigade arrived, the battle was almost over.

Li Yong ordered the troops to set up their guards, and then asked the guards to search carefully to see if there were any living people in the smoky headquarters that Li Yuming and others had done. As for why the tank troops didn't even have a single prisoner He, the brigade commander, didn't even ask the questions he caught, and he didn't even bother to ask them. If there is anything to say, he was either beaten to death or buried alive, it doesn't make any difference.

Later, Li Jia, the company commander of the guard, led the soldiers to find a half-dead man. This guy said that he was the staff officer of the division headquarters, and he was with the division commander all the time. Not long ago, the artillery shells of the People's Liberation Army blew up the hidden department. It was blown out by the explosion's gas wave, and at least a small life was recovered. He didn't know what happened to the two teachers. He probably didn't escape, and they were either killed by the bomb or suffocated to death.

Brigadier Li Yong laughed loudly, and said to Jiang Tiexiong and Li Yuming: "The tank battalion did a good job, it's your first achievement, but don't be proud. After the battle, you must sum up experience and lessons to ensure that the next battle will reduce casualties .”

Wang Chengde, the political commissar, didn't say anything. His mentality as a political commissar was the same as that of Mingjing. Li Yuming's fighting style was the same as that of the brigade commander.first text}

On the ruins of the completely destroyed Kuomintang joint command headquarters, brigade commander Li Yong asked Li Jia to inform the Second Army headquarters: "Our department, the independent brigade has broken through the enemy's line of defense and successfully destroyed the 24th and 53rd divisions of the Kuomintang. The joint headquarters of the enemy killed the commanders of the enemy's 24th and 53rd divisions, and the various captures and prisoners are being further counted. Please ask our department for the next step."

It was already getting dark, and Li Yong and Wang Chengde told the soldiers to hurry up and have dinner after cleaning the battlefield. Although the tasks assigned by the army were basically completed, who knows if there are any temporary orders. Anything can happen, so it's safest to put the food in your stomach first.

The logistic support of the independent brigade is no problem. Lao Sun and He Cuihua have done all kinds of work well. The staple food is porridge and steamed buns. The mentality is particularly bright, and the boys in the tank battalion feel that they are great, and their eyes are almost raised to the sky.

Li Jiangguo, commander of the first battalion, Ma Changsheng, commander of the third battalion, Wei Gang, battalion commander of the machine gun battalion, and others who usually yelled everywhere after the battle, were helpless. Well, Li Yuming and Jiang Tiexiong did a really good job.

The heads of the Second Army who received the report from the Independent Brigade were overjoyed. Commander Guo Peng pointed to the attack line on the map and said: "It was also an assault from the middle. The other divisions fought all afternoon without much progress. Send the Independent Brigade up to We broke through in two hours and killed the enemy's headquarters, what's going on, did the enemy turn into a paper lake when they saw the Independent Brigade?"

Political commissar Wang Enmao took it over and said: "It's not that the enemy is too weak, but that the independent brigade is too strong. First, we prepared four times with heavy artillery. Four times, the artillery shells plowed the positions of the Kuomintang defenders like a plow, and then used tanks Armored troops conduct assaults and attack like bison, who can stand such a style of play? It's amazing."

Deputy Army Commander Chen was very satisfied with the achievements of the Independent Brigade: "Two leaders, don't patronize praise, they are still asking for instructions on the next task."

Commander Guo Peng: "There is no task, tell them that they have done a good job, and the military party committee will ask the corps and the wild division to give them credit and rest where they are."

After the Independent Brigade broke through the middle, the troops held by the two wings of the Second Army also took the opportunity to launch a powerful offensive operation. After the enemy lost confidence, they also succeeded in breaking through in one fell swoop. So far, the tactical actions of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army have fully achieved their expected goals. Commander Guo and several other leaders of the Second Army are organizing troops to search for the defeated Luan soldiers of the 24th and 53rd Divisions of the Kuomintang in order to expand the results of the battle.

Driven by the successful breakthrough of the Second Army, the remaining two armies of the First Corps (He Bingyan of the First Army and Peng Shaohui of the Seventh Army) also successfully broke through the defense system of the Kuomintang defenders in the area they were responsible for, and are developing in depth.

More than two days after the start of the Battle of Fumei, the First Field Army has gradually gained a dominant position on the battlefield, and the various troops in the area to attack are following the requirements of Boss Peng and the Field Army Party Committee. The victory of the battle was a partial exchange for an overall victory, while the Kuomintang was in disarray, the command system collapsed, and the morale of the officers and soldiers was low.

Seeing that it was impossible to save the crisis, Hu Zongnan, who had no other choice, finally gave the order to break out after much deliberation, and no longer confronted the People's Liberation Army.

In fact, Hu Zongnan still has another way, which is to ask for help from the two-horse coalition forces still in the Guanzhong area. The coalition forces of Ma Bufang and Ma Hongkui can sincerely go to rescue Hu Zongnan, spare no expense and fight head-on with the People's Liberation Army. It is still unknown how far the battle of Fumei can be fought.

But if it's just an if, Hu Zongnan's central army and Erma's local army have long been in harmony, and they are expected to rescue Hu Zongnan? ?Don't even think about it, and you can't count on it at all.

Logically speaking, as senior generals in the Kuomintang army, Hu Zongnan, Ma Bufang, and Ma Hongkui are all smart people, and they should also be able to imagine that if the People's Liberation Army concentrates on cleaning up Hu Zongnan's Central Army, who will be the next to attack is a very simple reason. , but in fact, the 20 or so two-horse coalition army just didn't move. They watched the People's Liberation Army surround Hu Zongnan's three armies, and then swallowed them all but did nothing.

Hu Zongnan's troops wanted to break through, how could they break through?Yiye had considered this problem long ago, and had already made precautionary preparations. Hu Zongnan ordered the three armies surrounded by the People's Liberation Army to break through the encirclement with all their strength, and the two armies outside the encirclement to concentrate their forces to return to aid, using the method of flanking front and back. Break the encirclement tactics of the Northwest Field Army.

When the battle reached this level, a key node was created. This node was the position guarded by the Tenth Division of the Fourth Army of the Second Corps of the People's Liberation Army.

The position guarded by the Tenth Division is called Luoju Town. This small place became the focus of contention between the enemy and our armies in July of [-]. The three Kuomintang armies must pass through here if they want to stand out, and vice versa. Similarly, if the People's Liberation Army wants to wipe out the three surrounded Kuomintang armies, it must hold this place.

Hu Zongnan's order to the three armies was that they would be victorious if they rushed out of Luoju Town, while Commander Xu Guangda of the Second Corps of the People's Liberation Army gave the order to the Tenth Division of the Fourth Army to stick to Luoju Town and not retreat a single step without an order.

At dawn on the [-]th, a battle between the enemy and us for the town of Luoju suddenly broke out. The troops in the south of the Kuomintang Hu Zong were completely cornered. The group charged, regardless of casualties, regardless of life and death, surging upward like sea water, thousands of troops and crowds of people.

Hu Zongnan also spent the last of his money and ordered all the air forces he still had in his hands to dispatch to bombard the PLA positions defending Luoju Town.

For a while, the sound of knives and guns, shouts, and the roar of aircraft rang together. Facing the crazy attack of the enemy, the [-]th Division of the People's Liberation Army guarding Luoju Town stood firm.

The Tenth Division is a heroic unit. This unit, like other veteran troops of the People's Liberation Army, has fought countless tough and vicious battles since it became an army.

The attack at dawn allowed the enemy's planes to give full play to their advantages. Under Hu Zongnan's strict order, the buzzing P51 Mustang fighter jets dived to attack the ground. The large-caliber machine guns on the plane first swept and then dropped bombs. Bombs blew deep pits in the positions of the People's Liberation Army, and the air waves from the low-altitude flight of the planes would blow off the hats of the soldiers.

Infantry, tanks, artillery, and aircraft, the Kuomintang Hu Zongnan used all available weapons, and steel and flames poured on the tenth division's position.

Under the leadership of the division commander Gao Jinchun, the tenth division fought on its own, and the squad fought on its own, using the weapons in its hands to launch a counterattack against the enemy several times its size. Machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, bayonets, and grenades beat the enemy time and time again. Going down, the corpses of soldiers of the Kuomintang assault troops were spread layer after layer in front of the Tenth Division's position.

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