The beacon of youth

Chapter 456 here we come

Chapter 456 Here We Are

In order to highlight the encirclement of the Northwest Field Army, under Hu Zongnan's order, several Kuomintang troops concentrated their heavy weapons on the front line of the breakout.

As a result, a large number of technical weapons, tanks and artillery were concentrated near the forward positions of the People's Liberation Army. Big, the situation is getting more and more critical.

Not only does the Tenth Division have no planes and tanks, it even has very few artillery pieces. The entire division only has one mountain artillery battalion equipped with twelve en field mountain artillery. Although this scale and number are already a great improvement compared to before , but compared with the artillery of the enemy's three regular armies, it is really too weak.

Seeing that their troops were bombed and the soldiers suffered huge casualties, the soldiers of the Shanpao Battalion were heartbroken. They hated the small number of their artillery, the small caliber of their artillery, and the slow speed of their artillery. I can't wait to turn myself into a cannonball and shoot it out.

In order to reduce the pressure on the front-line troops as much as possible, the soldiers of the Shanpao Battalion risked their lives to fight against the enemy. Even if there is only one en gun left, they must fight the enemy to the end.

Fighting, fighting, fighting, the soldiers of the Shanpao Battalion fought desperately against the enemy who was countless times stronger than them with fearless courage and tenacious fighting will.

Load, fire, load, fire, shoot out every shell, fight with enemy artillery, fight with enemy infantry, fight with enemy tanks, even if the shells fired by the enemy fall to your side, you will still fire. As long as there is still breath left, they will fight the enemy to the end, and the brave soldiers of the Shanpao Battalion have used all their strength.

The Twelve En Mountain Cannons, this is all the belongings of the Tenth Division artillery unit, and it is also the treasure that Commander Gao Jinchun and the soldiers have paid countless hard work and price for. Usually, Commander Gao and the soldiers praise these precious artillery and artillery In the palm of your hand, let them hide when the danger is too great, so as to avoid head-on confrontation with the enemy. Everyone knows that it is not easy for the People's Liberation Army troops from poor backgrounds to save some property, and they must save it when they can.

But today is different. The tenth division defending the position is already in danger. More than half of the troops have suffered casualties, and there are not many bullets left. Therefore, Commander Gao Jinchun is also cruel, ordering the Shanpao Battalion to deal with the enemy at all costs and use great strength. to suppress enemy tanks and artillery.

Up to now, the Shanpao Battalion can't remember how many qi se they shot. Anyway, the shells are getting fewer and fewer. Under the counterattack of the enemy artillery, there are fewer and fewer complete artillery pieces, and the casualties are also rapidly expanding.

The battalion commander of the artillery battalion is a commander from the old Red Army, and he is very prestigious in the entire [-]th Division. This is why Division Commander Gao chose him as the commander of the artillery battalion. This veteran commander knows the troops well. In the current situation, the artillery battalion has to fight not only the enemy's artillery, but also the enemy's planes. So far, only four artillery can fire normally.

There are only four cannons left. Before the battle is over, two-thirds of the property that the cadres and soldiers of the division have worked so hard to temporarily destroy. This old battalion commander is distressed, and he will cry Yes, but it doesn't matter if you feel bad, even if there is one cannon and one person left, you have to fight the enemy.

Just as the old battalion commander was leading the soldiers to fight the enemy desperately with the few remaining cannons, a soldier tugged at his sleeve and shouted: "Battalion commander, battalion commander, look, there is something wrong there. "

Isn't that right, just in the direction of the soldier's finger, there are a few figures running towards this direction while avoiding the guns with the help of terrain and features. The old battalion commander observed carefully with the telescope in his hand, and then said to the surrounding soldiers : "A few people came from behind the mountain. Judging from the clothes on their bodies and the direction they ran, they were our own comrades. However, everyone should not take it lightly and pay attention to vigilance."

After a short time, the soldiers in charge of security brought these people over. A man who seemed to be the leader first saluted the old battalion commander and said: "We are from the Artillery Battalion of the Second Independent Brigade of the Second Army. The order came to understand the situation with you."

When he heard that it was from the Independent Brigade of the Second Army, the old battalion commander slapped his head fiercely: "Oh, my God, I am looking forward to you, where is your army? It can't be just you guys arrive?"

The soldiers who came all laughed, and one of them took the lead and said: "Battlefield commander, why are there only a few of us? The brigade of our brigade has arrived, and the artillery positions have been set up in advance. I heard that the enemy's artillery is fighting very hard. It's fierce, so I want to understand the situation first, and then we can find a way to suppress the enemy's arrogance."

The old battalion commander thought to himself, hey, the tone is not small, to suppress the enemy's arrogance?How to press?The artillerymen of the Kuomintang are not all cowards: "It's easy to understand the situation, follow me, but you can't take it lightly. It's a good thing to suppress the enemy's artillery fire, but it's too difficult."

While the old battalion commander was speaking, several soldiers from the independent brigade who ran up followed the battalion commander and turned around the artillery position of the Tenth Division.

The scene in the eyes of the soldiers was very tragic. The position of the Shanpao Battalion was covered with craters from the enemy's shells, and the corpses of the sacrificed soldiers were placed not too far behind the position. Only a few en artillery pieces remained It was all scattered, and there were very few shells, and most of the soldiers who were still firing cannons were wounded.

The battalion commander said as he walked: "I have seen it all. Our Shanpao Battalion has a total of twelve en cannons, and now there are four en that can be fired. Two-thirds of the family property has been destroyed. The enemy has too many artillery pieces. Moreover, the caliber is also large, a few hundred rounds will be thrown in an emergency, our battalion risked its life to fight against the enemy, but the difference in strength is too great, our battalion not only failed to complete the task given by our teacher ja, but also paid a lot. I saw the sacrificed soldiers behind the position. Many of them were cultivated by us with great effort. "

The old battalion commander who introduced the situation was about to shed tears while talking, and the soldiers of the independent brigade clenched their teeth tightly. Although the casualties were soldiers from the brother army, it was no different from their own casualties. , This is where the PLA's troops are so powerful. The officers and soldiers are united and the troops are highly cohesive.

A soldier of the independent brigade said: "Battle commander, don't be sad, we will be able to handle it when we come, and the enemy will not be rampant for a long time, just tell us the position and coordinates of the enemy's artillery positions, and we will do the rest. Let's do it."

The soldier who spoke brought over an artillery observation post, but he was a cadre at the level of a squad and platoon in the Independent Brigade, but his tone of voice was a bit scary. You Shanpao Battalion just report to us all kinds of situations of the enemy, and don’t use anything else. Nevermind.

The old battalion commander was a little depressed, and also a little worried, hum, a little soldier, his tone is not small, but seeing the few en mountain cannons in his family, he has no thoughts to say anything, so he just made a few possessions , I don't have the confidence to fight with other independent brigades, so let them figure it out.

In the artillery battalion of the Independent Brigade, Battalion Commander Gao Xiang was commanding nervously, and the passwords were passed on one by one. Gao Xiang, who was sweating profusely, was about to drink when the phone rang, and the voice from the brigade commander Li Yong came from the microphone. Voice: "Gao Xiang, how is your camp preparation going?"

Gao Xiang glanced at his watch and replied: "Brigadier, in 15 minutes, all the preparations are completed, and the 94en artillery of the whole battalion is in the ready state, and you can fire with a single command."

"Very good, but you must grasp the timing. You are not allowed to fire without an order, and you must be prepared for air defense. I have placed Wei Gang's machine gun battalion around your artillery positions. The battle is under your command. Do you understand?"

A few minutes after Gao Xiang put down the phone, Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, sneaked into Gao Xiang's headquarters. When this guy came in, he shouted loudly: "Hey, Lao Gao, the brigade commander sent me here. Today, my old guard is under your command. The brigade commander said, let us form a joint command to deal with the enemy's artillery and aircraft in a unified way. Isn't that all right?"

Although Gao Xiang seemed heartless, in fact, this guy was a few commanders in the independent brigade who had a lot of thoughts. Of course he was very happy to see Wei Gang coming, but his brows were also frowned.

"Old Wei, we can't be careless in this battle. The situation is not very good. In broad daylight, the enemy's planes will definitely come to attack Lan, and our cannons will have to fight against the enemy's artillery. At the critical moment, we may not have time to cover up and deal with the sky. The enemy of the world only depends on you."

Don't look at Wei Gang and Gao Xiang's old Gao Laowei shouting, in fact, they are not very old. The age of 25 or [-] is just when they are young. There are many, giving the impression that it is as big as it is.

Wei Gang was one of the twenty or so veterans of the Independent Brigade in the early days. He had fought on the battlefield for many years, so he couldn't understand Gao Xiang's meaning: "Old Gao, don't worry, the brigade commander and political commissar ja The task of our battalion is to ensure that the artillery battalion is not disturbed by enemy planes. I am here to assure you that as long as there is a soldier in our machine gun battalion and a tin high-se machine gun that can fire, we can guarantee your howitzers The battalion will not be lost, and when I came, I had already set up the air defense position near your artillery position, you can tell the soldiers, the enemy in the sky will be dealt with by us, you can rest assured to fight the enemy."

Just when Gao Xiang and Wei Gang set up a temporary headquarters according to the order of the brigade commander Li Yong, another large-scale attack by the Kuomintang began. It's better to just light it up, maybe you can break out.

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