Chapter 459

The Kuomintang air commander who knew the artillery positions of the PLA did not let the large aircraft group launch an attack, but ordered a flying squad to make a tentative attack on the artillery positions of the PLA. |Super speed update text chapters|Rainbow Literature %ingee

Two fighter jets from a small group screamed strangely from the sky, and swooped down towards the artillery positions of the People's Liberation Army, getting lower and lower.

Gao Xiang and Wei Gang watched the situation nervously in the hidden department. Both of them were veterans and understood the current situation very well. The fighting was very fierce. If you want to hold the position, you must contain the enemy's artillery, and if you want to contain the Kuomintang's artillery, you must first withstand the enemy's bombing in the sky. The artillery unit is placed below. More than 1 artillery pieces are more than [-] people in the whole brigade. After more than two years of painstaking efforts, once a large area was bombed, the consequences would be unimaginable. Without the brigade commander and political commissar saying, Gao Xiang and Wei Gang would have to be hanged.

In order to provide cover for the artillery units, Wei Gang pulled all the anti-aircraft weapons away, and set up multiple concealed anti-aircraft machine gun positions near the artillery positions, with the intention of using these anti-aircraft machine guns to form an anti-aircraft firepower network.

The artillery positions are clear, and the anti-aircraft machine guns' cover positions are in the dark. Gao Xiang and Wei Gang want to deal with the enemy's planes with one light and one dark. The idea is good, but it's a pity that Wei Gang's machine gun battalion is still weak A little more, the anti-aircraft machine guns in the whole battalion are only more than 60 in total, which seems to be a lot, but for a large battalion-level force of more than 1000 people, it is too small, so few soldiers can only be equipped with infantry light weapons.

The soldiers clamored to equip more anti-aircraft machine guns. This big guy was enjoyable to use, but the reality was that not only the battalion commander Wei Gang had no choice but also the brigade commander Li Yong. Difficult to get, sometimes even more difficult to get than the howitzers of Gao Xiang's artillery battalion.

The scale of field army battles is getting bigger and bigger. Artillery is no longer a novelty. Some can be captured in every battle, but anti-aircraft machine guns have always been difficult to capture. Sometimes a big battle can't even be recovered. Soldiers see There is no way to stare blankly at other battalion companies looking for benefits everywhere.

The sources of weapons for the People's Liberation Army are very simple. They are basically snatched from other armies, or seized. They cannot be produced, and everything depends on seizures. However, the Kuomintang army in the northwest rarely has anti-aircraft machine guns. Weapons, this makes it difficult for the anti-aircraft machine gun battalion of the Independent Brigade to grow. There are more than 1000 people, but the weapons are really difficult to get.

The pilots of the two small planes and the boss are asking them to make a tentative attack. They are doing the job of beating dogs with meat buns. No one wants to do such a job. No way.

Gao Xiang in the command post looked at the dive plane and said to Wei Gang, "Old Wei, the enemy only got down two planes, and the others are still circling at high altitude. There is a problem here." "

Wei Gang hum, this is to test the attack, to find out our anti-aircraft firepower, pass my order, the anti-aircraft machine gun is not allowed to fire, and use light weapons to beat these two guys away from the sky. "

Hundreds of thousands of submachine guns, rifles, and light machine guns opened fire after the two planes entered the range, and the rain of bullets poured on the two planes in the sky like water. The two planes that were descending immediately Hit by dense bullets.

Hundreds of light weapons fired into the air at the same time, the firepower density was very high, and the fuselage of the dived aircraft did not hit a few rounds, but the sturdy Mustang fighter jet was not fatally injured, and the engine was still working normally. The two pilots were frightened. With a strange cry, he yanked the joystick in his arms, and the plane that was diving down suddenly raised its head again, climbing desperately, and it would be easy to escape the light weapons range of the communist infantry.

The pilot, whose head was full of white hairs, finally ran out of the range of the light weapons of the People's Liberation Army. The two guys reported in shock—reporting to the commander, there are a large number of infantry light weapons on the ground of the Communist Army shooting into the air, and the firepower is very dense. The density of firepower is very high. "

In fact, there is no need for the two of them to report. The commander of the sky has already seen the situation clearly. This guy thinks that the ground-to-air firepower of the communist army is very dense. Machine guns, with these junk equipment can stop our air force?

"Order, the first group covers, the second group and the third group enter the attack route, I want to see how calm the communist army can block our air force's attack with these rotten weapons?"

The Kuomintang air commander who thought he had figured out the PLA's anti-air firepower made up his mind and ordered the troops to attack with all their strength. Except for a few planes still wandering at high altitude, the large fleet attacked the PLA's artillery positions under his leadership. .

The plane in the sky circled a big circle, then lowered its altitude, and howled like a hungry wolf, and jumped down. The altitude became lower and lower, 3000 meters, 2000 meters, 1000 meters, and the plane that dived down was only a few hundred meters away. high.

The battalion commander of the artillery battalion, Gao Xiang, was sweating from his head and his heart was pounding. His troops were fighting fiercely with the enemy, and the plane from the sky rushed down hungry again. It was a lie to not be in a hurry, as the brigade commander said , The cannons of their battalion are the treasure of the whole brigade. If it is blown up, the brigade commander will have to screw his head off.The enemy's plane has reached the top of the head and is about to lay eggs. "

Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, stared at the plane in the sky without blinking. Gao Xiang's shout seemed to be unheard, and the altitude of the plane dropped rapidly. Yes, Wei just let out a loud roar and fired, fired. "

The anti-aircraft machine gun position of the machine gun battalion is near the artillery battalion. Seeing the enemy's planes rushing towards the artillery position, the soldiers almost jumped out of the position in a hurry, and their clothes were soaked before they started sweating. , Oh, the battalion commander didn't order to fire, and the artillery would be over if it was later. "

At this moment, the voice of the battalion commander Wei Gang ordering to fire was heard suddenly, and the soldiers tore off the camouflage of the anti-aircraft machine guns at once, and hit the diving plane head-on.

Only at a height of a few hundred meters, it was the time when the anti-aircraft machine guns were at their most powerful. Those who operated the anti-aircraft machine guns were all veteran shooters and veterans from the independent brigade who had no fear of death at all.

The soldiers fired fiercely at the planes in the sky, gritted their teeth and fired, the thumping sound of anti-aircraft machine gun firing resounded throughout the position, the ammunition belt in the deputy shooter's hand rushed out like running water, and the shells collapsed. yes.

It is not easy to dare to shoot head-on at a dive-down plane, and it takes a lot of risk. The machine guns of the plane will also fire when they dive, so the casualties of these fighters are very high.

But in the troops of the People's Liberation Army, none of the soldiers think about this. If you want to fight, you will sacrifice. However, "Only by sacrificing so much ambition and daring to change the sun and the moon into a new sky" soldiers are not afraid of death. It's all worth the beating.

The firepower of more than sixty anti-aircraft machine guns filled the entire low altitude. The large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns fired concentrated fire, and the bullets drilled into the aircraft in groups.

The Kuomintang commander who led the team felt that the landline vibrated violently. After a closer look, several black holes were punched in the left wing. There was chaos on the radio station. The anti-aircraft machine gun fire net, we were ambushed, and my plane was injured. "

The commander suddenly understood, no wonder the artillery of the local communist army was so calm, it turned out that they were already prepared to pull up, pull up, pull up the plane. "

I want to pull up and run away, but it is not so easy. It is necessary to return to the middle and high altitudes after the dived plane. This short period is the best time for the Independent Brigade Anti-aircraft Machine Gun Battalion to achieve results. Chances of the enemy running away easily?The answer is also very simple, impossible.

At this time, Wei Gang had already run out of the hiding place. This guy pushed away a shooter, and took a machine gun and fired fiercely into the air.

The fierce air strike only lasted for tens of seconds before the effect was seen. Some of the planes in the sky trembled, some seemed to swing, and thick black smoke came out from behind the tails of some. Opportunities that are difficult to seize, we must take advantage of this opportunity to be beaten. In the end, no matter whether it is an anti-aircraft machine gun or not, as long as it is a weapon, we will fire fiercely into the sky.

After much desperation, he finally managed to pull himself up, and he ran out of the range of the communist army's ground weapons. Looking back, the air commander of the Kuomintang's head became bigger and bigger, and several planes were already risking Black smoke, the big head rushed down and plunged down, and then hit the mountain bag with a bang and exploded.

The exploding plane terrified the Kuomintang pilots in the sky, as if they were the ones who fell, the voice of the officer rang again on the radio, formed a formation, and checked the losses. "

The People's Liberation Army troops on the ground cheered, Gao Xiang counted one by one, and then he patted Wei Gang and Lao Wei beside him fiercely. "

Wei Gang was so busy that he didn't even have Gao Xiang. This guy threw away the machine gun in his hand and ran to other machine gun positions and shouted to stop shooting. Stop shooting, everyone ran to the clouds and gave a shit , did you hear that kid? "

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

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