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Chapter 462

The Battle of Fumei became a one-sided trend after the battle. The main force of the Northwest Field Army was about to encircle the enemy, and the Independent Brigade took advantage of this excellent opportunity to rush forward (the last chapter of this chapter)

According to the pre-war plan of the Independent Brigade, the tank battalion and the first battalion were the first attack echelon, and other troops followed up. However, after the battle, the tank troops rushed faster and faster, allowing the soldiers of the first battalion to attack quickly. I can't keep up

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, had no choice but to find Jiang Tiexiong, the commander of the tank battalion, and asked them to slow down a bit so that the soldiers of the two battalions could rush up together.

Jiang Tiexiong refused to accept this, and replied with a big smile: "Lao Li, why not take it slow? The timing of infantry and tank cooperation is important. When attacking, in order to effectively deal with the enemy's individual anti-tank firepower, the troops' attack The speed can't be too fast, and you have to cooperate with your infantry. Now you look at it, the enemy is running so fast that he can't wait to have an extra leg, so what kind of combat power can he have? It doesn't matter if there is your battalion or not. You just follow behind and catch the prisoners. Hahaha"

The general environment of an army is contagious. From the surrender of the Second KMT Chariot Regiment to the time when Jiang Tiexiong completely lost the slippery habits of KMT officers, his way of speaking and doing things has merged with the troops of the People's Liberation Army. The way to deal with Li Jiangguo is no different from that of Lao Balu.

Li Jiangguo's face was full of depression, "Old Jiang is too cunning, he obviously wants to take the lead with the first battalion, but he quibbles that it is enough to let the first battalion wait to catch the prisoners, and they will deal with the enemies in front. This kid It's too bad, worse than the Kuomintang reactionaries, but I can't do anything about it. This guy is right, chasing these rout soldiers doesn't need the coordination of infantry and tanks at all, running fast is the last word

The mountains and fields are full of people, weapons are thrown everywhere, and the army is defeated like a mountain. The defeat of the Kuomintang tank troops is like the last straw that crushed the elephant.

The troops of the Independent Brigade kept rushing into the depths of the enemy, and the brigade commander Li Yong kept using the walkie-talkie to order the troops to do this and that.

The battle of the Independent Brigade seemed to be going smoothly, but in fact it did not cost less. Not only did it consume a lot of weapons and ammunition, but it also suffered a lot of casualties, especially Gao Xiang's heavy howitzer battalion, which suffered the biggest loss in the whole brigade. In a head-to-head artillery battle with the enemy, a unit lost more than a dozen cannons alone, which made Battalion Commander Gao Xiang so distressed that he would scold his mother

After listening to the report, Li Yong comforted him: "There is nothing to do about it. The artillery of the Kuomintang is not a cotton bag. Cannonballs can kill people. It is impossible to fight without any loss. It doesn't matter if the artillery is broken. As long as we are still alive , it's all there"

The three armies surrounded by the Kuomintang are the authentic Central Army, and the Central Army is easy to deal with. The soldiers all know that the Central Army is rich, and robbing them is the shortcut to getting rich. Just grab something, and whoever strikes first will make a contribution. The key supplies are tanks and artillery. If you catch one, you will be considered a great achievement.

The soldiers are familiar with this kind of work, and they chase after them with their feet wide open. The tanks and artillery have big targets. If you don’t believe it, you can’t get them back. After grabbing them, even Gao Xiang chased them up with his troops from his battalion. According to this guy Yes, their artillery battalion will make up for the losses no matter what they say, and they will not stop until they can't get the artillery

Chasing, chasing, chasing, chasing from the afternoon until dark, when the planting was later, the troops were still chasing, and they didn't know how far they ran. Later, the political commissar Wang Chengde reminded: "Dayong, it's almost the end, we can't chase anymore , If you keep chasing, the troops will be dispersed, and if the superior has a temporary order, you will be caught blind."

Li Yong nodded, thinking that Wang Chengde's reminder was right, and hurriedly ordered the troops to stop chasing, that's all, just accept it when it's done, fortunately, the independent brigade's communication system is relatively powerful, and the troops who received the order stopped in time

The commanders at all levels happily came back to report to Li Yong and Wang Chengde that that battalion had caught tanks, that battalion had caught heavy machine guns, and who else had captured how many prisoners. Everyone couldn’t keep their mouths shut from laughing. No matter what, the Independent Brigade this time rich again

The battalion commander of the artillery battalion, Gao Xiang, and his soldiers were the last ones to come back. This guy chased all the way to the field artillery positions set up by the Kuomintang, that is, the artillery positions where they had a life-and-death contest. Gao Xiang, who had made up his mind, did not believe in one Cannon can't get back

When he led people to the artillery position of the Kuomintang, the Kuomintang soldiers had long since disappeared, but luckily the cannons were still there. Gao Xiang counted them, and there were at least twenty or thirty of them that were not destroyed. Gao Xiang laughed completely when he saw this, as long as these cannons are brought back, it will not only make up for the loss of the artillery battalion, but also make up for it.

The other units of the Independent Brigade were scrambling to grab cannons, tanks, and heavy machine guns. At this time, Li Yong quietly stopped Sun Quanhou, the battalion commander of the supply battalion, and He Cuihua, the instructor. Li Yong told them that your battalion cannot be like others. Hu Gan, let other battalions and companies fish for those cannons and tanks. The main targets of your supply battalion are the enemy's medical and health care and various communication equipment, as well as a large number of shells, bullets, cars and fuel. Get it back, don't look at these things that are not very eye-catching, the independent brigade can't play without them

Lao Sun didn't say anything. He, the chief steward of the independent brigade, knew the importance of these materials, and He Cuihua was not very willing to carry out the order. The girl muttered as she walked, "It's enough to fight the battle if it's not fished out. Even the cannons and tanks are worthless." No looting, if things go on like this, there will be no future for our supply battalion.”

Lao Sun chuckled and didn't explain anything to He Cuihua, but he knew it in his heart, so Lao Sun thought, what do you girl know, you can win battles with just cannons and tanks? ?Without fuel and shells, these guys are still a bunch of waste iron, don't look at how beautiful they are in this battalion or that battalion, they would be stupid without our supply battalion

Fortunately, there are not a few people in the Independent Brigade who have ideas like Li Yong and Sun Quanhou, like the health captain Hu Xiaolian, who led the health team to save the wounded while not forgetting the enemy's medical equipment and medicines. The order was that the deputy captain Hu Xiaoling was responsible for treating the wounded, and she took some people to collect equipment and medicines

Hu Xiaolian also considered various reasons for doing this. The deputy captain Hu Xiaoling was a full-time nurse in the Kuomintang hospital. It would be more appropriate for her to lead a team to treat the wounded. old soldier

It wasn't until midnight that the Independent Brigade settled down, and the troops finally had a meal, and the gunfire on the battlefield gradually subsided. The entire Northwest Field Army was extremely busy, and all the troops were busy counting the seized and spoils of war. , There are too many good things in the Central Army of the Kuomintang.

On the early morning of July [-], [-], the sun lit up the ancient battlefield where the fierce battle had been fought for several days. The sound of guns and artillery had completely silenced. A big victory on the Northwest battlefield

In the Battle of Fumei, the Northwest Field Army wiped out the three main forces of the Kuomintang Central Army Hu Zongnan, 38, 65, and a total of more than 10 people. So far, Hu Zongnan, the former Northwest King, no longer has the strength and courage to challenge the People's Liberation Army. With less than [-] remnants retreating to the Qinling Mountains

Since Hu Zongnan's attack on Yan'an in April, July and March, the Northwest Field Army has been constantly fighting with the enemy. After more than two years of arduous fighting, it finally won the final and decisive victory. , suffered heavy losses, although this protégé of Generalissimo Chiang has been constantly replenishing the army with personnel and weapons, but in 30 it was no longer possible to restore the decline

The Battle of Fumei was a pivotal battle for a strategic turning point on the Northwest battlefield. The First Field Army of the People's Liberation Army changed from a relative advantage to an absolute advantage.

The total strength of the Kuomintang on the Northwest battlefield has dropped from about 35 before the battle to less than 30 combined with the combined forces of the two-horse allied forces and Hu Zongnan.

The total strength of Yiye has increased from 40 to about 45. Most of the increased personnel are captives and some local militias who joined the army. So far, the People's Liberation Army has grasped the absolute battle initiative on the Northwest battlefield.

The victory of the battle was the crystallization of the hard work of the cadres and soldiers of the Northwest Field Army. Boss Peng and the leaders of the field army skillfully took advantage of the various contradictions of the enemy and fought a beautiful battle of annihilation when the total strength of the army was roughly equal.

The enemy is 35, and our army is 40. How to fight the war of annihilation will test the wisdom of the leaders at all levels of the PLA. The key point of the battle is that our army used Yang Dezhi's 10 soldiers from the 20th Corps to contain the two horses of the Kuomintang The 30 people of the Allied Forces used the absolute main forces of the Wang Zhen Division of the First Corps, the Xu Guangda Division of the Second Corps, and the Zhou Shidi Division of the Eighteenth Corps.

The People's Liberation Army used 30 troops against Hu Zongnan's 15. In this case, Mr. Peng was not big enough to eat the enemy. Instead, he used 30 troops from three corps to encircle and wipe out 15 of the three armies out of Hu Zongnan's 6 people. People, that is to say, after Mr. Peng and the leaders of the field army continued to deal and mobilize, before the start of the Battle of Fumei, the ratio of our army and the enemy's strength was 30 to [-]. In other words, Mr. Peng once again created a battlefield miracle

The officers of the Kuomintang are not fools, and they also know the importance of concentrating their forces, but in the use of tactics such as concentrating their forces to fight an annihilation war, they are far behind Boss Peng, and the difference is not the same level. In Boss Peng's eyes, he is no less than a piece of trash, and he still quotes what Boss Peng once said, which is also his evaluation of Hu Zongnan: "Aspirational and talented, but an idiot."

Laoba reiterates that it is fiction, not history. Thank you friends who silently voted for it.

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