Chapter 470

only owe east wind

The independent brigade faced the [-]th Cavalry Brigade and the [-]th Cavalry Division of the Qinghai Majia Army in the Guguan area, with twice as many troops as itself. Then make a move, but make a decision to attack the enemy first, and bite hard. txt e-book download

But when the enemy launched the attack first, they didn't want to eat all the 2-odd enemies in one bite. Li Yong and Wang Chengde wanted to eat half of the 2-odd Majia army cavalry first. The target of the attack was locked on the [-]th Cavalry Brigade at the front.

The brigade commander Li Yong at the meeting was making combat deployments for commanders at all levels: "Everyone knows that the cavalry maneuvers very fast. I don't want the enemy to run away as soon as they hit, and to be ruthless when they hit. I want the enemy to feel It hurts, so, the political commissar and I decided to use a troop to penetrate in advance and put it behind the enemy's buttocks, so that he can't run even if he wants to run—Wang Huo."

Hearing the brigade commander call his name, the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu, the oldest soldier in the whole brigade, suddenly stood up and stood there silently like a javelin.

Li Yong nodded, very satisfied with Wang Huo's posture. A fighter is like a sharp sword out of its sheath. As long as the superior has an order, he can cut it out at any time. Wang Huo is such a fighter.

"The order is to use Wang Huo's Fifth Battalion, Wei Gang's Machine Gun Battalion, and Zhang Jinsong's Reconnaissance Battalion as the piercing troops, detour around the back mountain, and go behind the enemy's buttocks, and deploy them before dawn. The signal is six red flares , Wang Huo is the commander of the team."

The battalion commanders and instructors of the Fifth Battalion, the Machine Gun Battalion and the Reconnaissance Battalion stood straight in front of Li Yong and Wang Chengde. They were veterans from the beginning of the Independent Brigade. Everyone was very familiar with the brigade commander and political commissar. Yes, but fighting is not a child's play. On behalf of the soldiers of the three battalions, Wang Huo stepped forward and said: "The deployment will be in place before dawn, and the signal will be six red flares. Please rest assured, chief, and resolutely complete the task."

Li Yong nodded: "The mission of your troops to penetrate the cha is... First, to take advantage of the night and the mountain roads to covertly penetrate the cha, and try not to be discovered by the enemy before the battle starts. Second, after the battle starts, firmly nail the cha There, one person and one horse from the 3th Brigade will not be spared. 35686688∴[-] Third, prevent the enemy’s [-]th Cavalry Division from reinforcing the [-]th Brigade. Encountering enemies on both sides, the task is arduous, and we must be mentally prepared for tough and vicious battles. "

The [-]th Brigade that wants to eat the Qingma Army must do one key point, that is, they must block their way out. If they can't block their way out, it will be easy to fight a rout battle with little success. It is precisely because of this reason At that time, Li Yong and Wang Chengde made up their minds to use a troop to go in. They used the gap between the [-]th Cavalry Brigade and the junction of the [-]th Cavalry Division to send a troop to ambush there. The Fourth Brigade must also withstand the reinforcements from the Eighth Cavalry Division. This requires that the troops should not be too small, and the firepower must be strong. Otherwise, the piercing troops will not only fail to complete the task, but will also become trapped in dumplings wrapped by the enemy. , The three battalions are almost one-third of the strength and combat effectiveness of the independent brigade. In order to completely eliminate the ace [-]th brigade of the Qingma Army, Li Yong has indeed spent a lot of money.

"Order, use Li Jiangguo's first battalion and Ma Quanyou's second battalion to occupy the commanding heights on both sides of the Guguan pass. I don't ask you to annihilate the enemy. If you can hold the position after the battle starts, you will be considered as completing the task."

Guarding the commanding heights on both sides of the barrier is to prevent the enemy from escaping. Although the enemy is a cavalry unit, they can't help but use infantry tactics to break through when the dog jumps over the wall. With the combat effectiveness of the first and second battalions, Li Yong believes that as long as they occupy the advantage Due to the terrain, there is no way for the cavalry of the Majiajun to leave their horseback to pass in front of their positions.

"Use the tank battalion, the third battalion, the fourth battalion, the brigade directly under the battalion, and the combat troops of the supply battalion to attack from the front——He Cuihua."

Li Yong, the brigade commander, seldom directly named He Cuihua, the trainer of the supply battalion, during the meeting. He Cuihua didn't have the mentality to flirt with the brigade commander at this time, but shouted like Wang Huohu, " Arrive" to wait for assignments.

Li Yong: "How many fighters can your supply battalion pull out?"

He Cuihua was very excited, this time there should be a task for us: "Report to the brigade commander, at least more than 1000 people can be recruited, no less than other battalion personnel, as long as there is a task, we will definitely be able to complete it."

Li Yong: "The combat troops of the supply battalion are led by you. After the battle starts, you will rush up with the brigade directly under the brigade and tell the soldiers in your battalion that you always want to fight. This time the opportunity has come. You have to make meritorious deeds to see your own performance." .”

After the task was assigned, the first battalion commander Li Jiangguo, a clever soldier, suddenly thought of a question: "Brigade commander, political commissar, what should you do if you use all the combat troops? Who will guard the brigade headquarters?"

When Li Jiangguo asked such a question, everyone immediately remembered that the brigade commander used all the teams directly under the brigade headquarters, which meant that Xiaocheng's engineering company and Sanniu's repair company also had to rush up with the combat troops. Come on, there is only one guard communication company left in the brigade command post. With such a small number of troops, it is very dangerous to encounter emergencies.

Li Yong laughed: "It's nothing. As long as you fight well, the enemy will not care about me and the political commissar. There are two key points in this battle. One is whether our chasing troops can be in place in time, and whether we To be able to complete the task, the second is whether our frontal assault troops can repel the enemy. As long as these two points are achieved, the victory of the battle will be won. Therefore, the strength of the frontal assault troops and the piercing troops must be strong , I have to use all the strength of the whole body, and all the combat troops go up, besides, the political commissar and I are not muddled.

Li Yong finally ordered another person, who is it?Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the howitzer battalion, the howitzer battalion is the most important firepower of the independent brigade, how could Li Yong forget them.

Li Yong: "The meeting has been going on for quite a while, and the two of you haven't said anything. Tell me now, how is your preparation going? Is there any difficulty that I and the political commissar can help solve?"

This guy Gao Xiang replied with a grin: "Report to the brigade commander, it has been prepared a long time ago. Erzi Ning and the others have clearly marked the headquarters and artillery positions of the 10th brigade. As long as you give an order, our battalion will guarantee that it will be ready within [-] minutes." Knock out all the important parts of the enemy in time."

"Very good, it's best to kill the enemy's headquarters with the first strike, and our battle will be easier. Okay, let's hurry back and prepare, and the meeting will be over."

Before leaving, political commissar Wang Chengde told these commanders not to underestimate the enemy. The enemy our independent brigade will deal with is the elite troops of the Qinghai Majia Army, the famous [-]th Brigade of Iron Cavalry. This [-]th Brigade is different from other cavalry troops, except In addition to the three cavalry regiments, there is also a heavy weapons battalion and an artillery battalion. The firepower is much stronger than that of ordinary cavalry units, and they must be prepared for tough battles.

A brief pre-war meeting was completed in less than half an hour. More than 1 people from the Independent Brigade immediately got busy. The Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huhu, Zhang Jinsong, and Wei Gang led the team to set off in a hurry. Pay attention to concealment, and marching at night is the most suitable.

It was just after midnight, and there were still a few hours before dawn. It was not easy for thousands of people from the three battalions to walk tens of miles of mountain roads in these few hours. The soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion were better. Basically, they carried submachine guns, shell guns and a small number of light machine guns on their backs. Unlike the fifth battalion, light and heavy machine guns plus small cannons made the shoulders of the people feel numb. The shells alone were enough to resist, which was the most uncomfortable It wasn't the reconnaissance battalion and the fifth battalion, the soldiers of the machine gun battalion suffered even more. The main equipment of the machine gun battalion was high-shelf machine guns. These big guys were much heavier than ordinary machine guns. For dry food, each soldier's individual load exceeds [-] kilograms.

Fortunately, the independent brigade usually pays attention to physical training. Although walking on the mountain road with heavy loads is uncomfortable, it can be tolerated. Wei Gang yelled as he walked: "Come on, I'm used to taking a car at ordinary times, and even the mountains can't bear it at critical times." Can’t climb anymore? Let me tell you guys, our troops in the People’s Liberation Army are good at climbing mountains and running roads, not to mention cars, even if they have planes, they still need to train to climb mountains. Today is considered training.”

The soldiers answered him with a smile: "Hey, Battalion Commander, you said this is strange. I didn't think this big guy was heavy before, but now I feel that it is getting heavier and heavier."

Ning Erzi and one of his reconnaissance squads were walking in the front of the entire chasing troop. This was the third time they had climbed this so-called path that even sheep would struggle to walk on. In order to save time, the soldiers exhausted their physical strength. It's almost the same, sweat has already soaked the clothes, and at this time it is all supported by will.

Battalion commander Zhang Jinsong knew that Erzi Ning and his soldiers were very tired, so he sent some soldiers to snatch their weapons and carry them on his back. Zhang Jinsong told Erzi Ning that as long as you can bring the troops in smoothly, you will be considered a meritorious service.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion bear the lightest load, but they have to open the way in front of the entire piercing force, so it is not easy. The soldiers use dozens of machetes in rotation to clear the road in front of the platoon, doing their best Try to find a way to make the comrades in the back walk more comfortably, because they know that the comrades in the Fifth Battalion and the Machine Gun Battalion have to carry a lot of heavy machine guns and small artillery.

Time passed little by little with the efforts of the soldiers. The independent brigade owed everything to Dongfeng, and this Dongfeng was whether the cha-wearing troops headed by Wang Huo could arrive at the designated location on time. The brigade commander Li Yong told Wang Huo and Zhang Jinsong before leaving As well as Wei Gang and others, you are the main attacking action of the whole brigade, and the red flares you fired are the beginning of the general offensive.


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