The beacon of youth

Chapter 472 The Tragic 4th Brigade

Chapter 472

The Sad Fourteenth Brigade

Just when Ma Chengxian, the brigade commander of the 2th Cavalry Brigade, was about to send people to search the suspicious area, he was suddenly bombarded by the PLA. The bullet hit the trees, set the tent on fire, even the stones were set ablaze, the position of the entire 3th Brigade of the Qingma Army was in a mess, the valley became a sea of ​​fire, and the soldiers ran around crying for their fathers and mothers. , Looking for a place where you can hide from the artillery fire.It only takes [-] seconds to memorize the book mi group in [-] days)[.]

The headquarters of the brigade commander Ma Chengxian was immediately covered by artillery fire, and a large group of staff officers and communications soldiers in the brigade headquarters were killed. There were pieces of meat everywhere, and even slender intestines hung from the trees. Some of the shattered viscera were still steaming. It can be seen from the density of the shells that the brigade headquarters of the [-]th Brigade was the key care object of the PLA artillery.

It's Ma Chengxian's fate, and he escaped the disaster when he went out to watch the signal flare with a few orderlies. This guy lay on the ground and shouted loudly: "Hide, hide, don't run away, put the horses on the ground!" Control it." But when the artillery fire was flying, no one could hear his shout.

Wang Huo and the soldiers of the Chuancha army lay on the mountain in the distance and looked at it. It was like watching fireworks in a festival. It felt unreal. The soldiers of the Ma family army in the binoculars were broken by the artillery fire. Tui, the scene is extremely miserable.

After World War II, according to statistics, the number of people killed and wounded by artillery fire accounted for more than half of the total casualties during the entire war. Artillery played a considerable role in the progress of wars or campaigns. With the saying of the so-called God of War, Li Yong, adhering to the views of later generations, tried his best to develop the artillery units of the People's Liberation Army when the Independent Brigade was just formed. Today, it has seen the effect again. The brave people's artillery has played their own prestige .

Zhang Jinsong and Wei Gang were lying together with Wang Huhu, and Zhang Jinsong said angrily, "I don't blame Gao Xiang, that brat, he really did a good job. Look at the cannon fire, it's fierce and accurate. It really has two brushes."

Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, took it over and said: "Old Gao is indeed promising. He led the troops well and fought well. When he was in Luoju Town a few days ago, the enemy's planes were all over his head. No, none of his soldiers panicked or frightened, and they continued to fire like nothing happened. At that time, I thought, the comrades in the artillery battalion gave their lives to our machine gun battalion. Even if we risk our lives, we must protect them and protect our cannons."

Wang Huo never put down his hand holding the binoculars. The oldest veteran in the independent brigade said calmly: "It's as simple as two brushes for Gao Xiang to start and stop. He can command the entire column when our field army is fighting treasures." Even our commander has praised him, so you and I should learn from him. We are all veterans, and we all know that artillery is a technical job. If you don't study hard, you can't do well. , Gao Xiang really put his heart into doing it well."

Wang Huo didn't talk much, and it was not easy for him to praise anyone, but today he praised Gao Xiang surprisingly, Zhang Jinsong, the battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion, murmured, "Hmph, Lao Gao, if he knows about Tiger, you can praise him so much. He, he can't jump three feet high."

At this time, Gao Xiang, the artillery battalion commander in the mouths of Wang Huo and Zhang Jinsong, was nervously directing the battle. Gao Xiang shouted from time to time in the walkie-talkie: "Quick she, intermittent she, explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, shrapnel bombs."

In the second half of 100, the Artillery Battalion of the Independent Brigade had grown to more than [-] artillery pieces through the efforts of all the cadres and soldiers of the brigade. An unimaginable progress, coupled with the extensive use of cars, has brought about an earth-shaking change in the number of ammunition carried by the independent brigade, and the soldiers of the artillery battalion will no longer worry about having no shells.

With cannons and shells, what else can our PLA artillery be afraid of?Red flags were waving on the artillery positions of the Independent Brigade, and the commanders kept shouting commands: "Target—the enemy exposes the infantry, kills the explosive bombs, fire six rounds quickly, prepare—release."

The artillery fire came one after another, hitting infantry, war horses, enemy artillery positions, and enemy brigade command posts. The artillery shells of the People's Liberation Army are as accurate as eyes.

The [-]th Brigade of the Majiajun in Qinghai was stunned. They didn't understand why the PLA's artillery fire was so accurate. Surrounded by several guards, Ma Chengxian, the brigade commander, came down to a relatively hidden fortification. Like a gambler, staring at the eyeballs that turned from yellow to red, he gasped and hummed: "His grandmother's, why is the communist army's artillery so accurate? Why is it so accurate? There must be some people who told me, fuck, or Lao Tzu My heart has softened, it would have been better to kill all these ordinary people who had been reddened."

The hysterical Ma Chengxian suddenly remembered, what, I also have artillery: "Quick, order the artillery battalion to fire immediately to suppress the artillery fire of the communist army, hurry up."

The [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army is equipped with an artillery battalion composed of mountain artillery and howitzers. There are more than [-] large and small artillery pieces. This scale is the only one in the cavalry system of the Qingma Army. , but he gave his order for quite a while without seeing any movement in the artillery battalion. After a short while, a soldier ran in and said, "Brigade Commander, our cannons were blown up by the communist army." , the battalion commander of the artillery battalion said that the first attack of the artillery fire of the communist army was aimed at their artillery positions, let alone the cannons now, there are not even a few people left, and the artillery battalion is over."

Ma Chengxian felt the blood rushing upwards, and his head was buzzing. An artillery battalion, it's over before firing a cannon?They were all bought by the old commander at a huge price. They must have been done by the common people, right? The common people who were turned red by the communist army are too hateful.

This guy really got it right, more than half of the credit for the artillery fire of the People's Liberation Army must be the credit of the fellow who led the soldiers. The artillery positions of the Fourth Brigade were covered by fire.

Artillery soldiers pay attention to strike first when they are fighting. They were scouted by the People's Liberation Army and were unprepared. How could they have the power to counterattack under several bombardments? However, the brigade commander of the Qingma Army didn't think about himself How can the discipline of the army be lax, but the common people should be blamed for reporting to the PLA. How can such an army be undefeated?

The Independent Brigade prepared with powerful artillery fire for half an hour, and more than 100 artillerymen fired countless salvos. Half an hour later, the firepower extended back. The brigade commander Li Yong knew that the time had come, and ordered the trumpet squad to blow the charge, and the attack began.

The moment the order was issued, the Tank Battalion, the Third Battalion, the Fourth Battalion, and the Supply Battalion were divided into two echelons, the front and the rear, and rushed forward, charging at full speed, and the roar of the tank engine shook the sky.

The [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army suffered heavy casualties under the attack of artillery fire. The corpses of soldiers and horses can be seen everywhere, but this is indeed a very fierce army. The desperation mentality, after the initial panic, gradually stabilized its position, and after the artillery fire of the People's Liberation Army extended, the soldiers who were not killed rolled out of their hiding places one after another, howling amidst the shouts of the officers counterattack.

Bullets rained down on the advancing tank battalion, hitting the armor of the tank with a bang, but how could the light weapons in the hands of the infantry cause damage to the tank? Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion, ordered the soldiers to use the tank to shoot The machine gun suppresses the enemy with firepower, and rushes forward at full speed.

At the end of the fuel, the tanks roared forward, and some people in the [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army were scared. No matter how brave the cavalry was, no matter how fierce the soldiers of the Ma's Army were, many of these bandit soldiers had never fought against tanks, and they were like steel monsters. The tank couldn't help shivering after being crushed by it, and some soldiers dropped their weapons and turned around and ran away.

The position of the [-]th Brigade was shaken immediately, but at this moment, Ma Chengxian, the brigade commander, appeared. With a submachine gun in his hand, this guy came to the frontmost forward position and intercepted the fleeing soldiers from behind. Ma Chengxian didn't even ask a word, and directly shot at a group of deserters. The sudden burst of shooting knocked down all the soldiers who ran down from the position.

Ma Chengxian, who appeared suddenly, started killing the deserters, and shouted while shooting: "I tell you, whoever tries to escape again will be punished. Not only the deserters will be shot, but your wives and children will also be shot. I will not spare them when I return to Qinghai. "

This move stunned the soldiers who had the mentality of fleeing, and the position of the [-]th Brigade stabilized again. Ma Chengxian still had a way of leading troops, and he also had a lot of experience in the battlefield. I understand that there is a lack of effective weapons against PLA tanks on the forward positions, and bullets from light and heavy machine guns are useless at all on the steel plates of tanks.

Just when Ma Chengxian was gnashing his teeth, the chief of staff on the side came up with an idea: "Brigadier, can you see if this works? Let the soldiers tie up a few grenades together and organize a death squad to go up and blow up tanks. When the tanks are blown up, it's much easier to deal with infantry."

The brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army is called Ma Shangwu, and he is also a well-known figure in the Ma family army. Because of his good brains and many ideas, he was specially sent by Ma Bufang to the somewhat reckless Ma Chengxian as the chief of staff. He is a scholar, although he has never seen how to blow up tanks, but this kid usually pays attention to collecting some useful information, and he has heard that the People's Liberation Army has used this method to kill many * * tanks.


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