Chapter 474


Seeing the loss of the troops in front, the soldiers of the third battalion rushed over from behind were furious. When did our independent brigade of the People's Liberation Army suffer such a big loss?Isn't this pulling the horse from the tiger's head? No, I fought the enemy. Under the order of the battalion commander Ma Changsheng, the machine gun platoon shot at the enemy with the Maxim heavy machine gun, trying to suppress the firepower of the [-]th Cavalry Brigade and cover it. The infantry charged. e^Look at winning words

Two troops that focus on firepower met together, heavy machine guns and heavy machine guns faced each other, and the number of machine guns was not much different. Who could win more depends on the fighting spirit of the soldiers on both sides. The Qingma Army is a team that dares to fight. A desperate army, and the troops of the People's Liberation Army even listed courage and the spirit of not fearing death as the first element to win a war. They are all troops that are proud of daring to fight. The battle became fierce. In the fierce confrontation, people on both sides were shot and fell down from time to time.

Ma Changsheng has a bad temper, but this guy is indeed a very experienced commander, and his mind gradually calmed down in the fierce battle. After a few long shots shot out, he handed over the heavy machine gun to the original shooter After taking a breath, he called the platoon leader of the artillery platoon over. Ma Changsheng pointed to the heavy machine gun position of the [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army in front and said, "Think of a way to knock it out, are you sure?"

The platoon leader of the small artillery platoon took a closer look, and then replied confidently: "The distance is more than 200 meters, no problem, battalion commander, you are optimistic."

Most of the fighters in the mortar platoon are veterans, and they are used to fighting poor battles. Because of the extreme shortage of ammunition, they have to calculate carefully every time they fight, down to how to hit a shell and where it hits. Well calculated, in this way, extremely precise artillery tactics have been developed, and every old gunner refers to the ruthless person who hit that.

In fact, this is the same principle as the soldiers of the old Eighth Route Army. With a limited number of bullets, if you don't knock down the enemy, you will be killed by the enemy.

The soldiers approached nervously to set up the artillery positions. More than [-] small-caliber mortars were set up within a few minutes. Small artillery has the advantage of small artillery. Regardless of the small caliber, it is very flexible and can always accompany the infantry. , is also the infantry's most important front-line support firepower.

The platoon leader of the artillery platoon is the most powerful old gunner of the third battalion. The old platoon leader just simply measured it with his thumb and fired it. After a shell was fired, he observed the point of impact and knew it well. , This is what veterans do.

I saw the old platoon leader shouting: "Target, the enemy's heavy machine gun position directly in front, the grenade is fired instantly, the first one is loaded, the angle of the shot is 13-00, two rounds are ready, ready to release."

The sound of "tom, tom, tom" mortar shots was not obvious on the battlefield full of gunfire, and more than forty shells flew precisely to the machine gun position of the [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army, with a twisting shot The shells smashed down from high to low, followed by bursts of explosions. Amid the sound of explosions, soldiers and parts of machine guns rose from the position.

After a few simultaneous shots, the firepower of the Qingma Army's heavy machine gun positions suddenly weakened. According to battalion commander Ma Changsheng's observation with a telescope, at least half of the heavy machine guns were blown up by the artillery platoon, even if there were trenches. , Mortar shells can be dropped directly into the trenches from the sky.

The enemy is not a fool either. After the heavy machine gun positions of the [-]th Brigade suffered the first mortar attack, they knew that the troops of the People's Liberation Army were thinking about them, so they were constantly shifting, trying to remove these heavy machine guns at once. It is not easy to kill all the machine guns, but at this time you can see the advantages of the artillery's flexibility. The blasting point of the artillery platoon's small mortar closely follows the enemy's machine gun positions moving around. Don't give the opponent much reaction time at all, so fight fast.

When the battle reached here, there was a small turning point. The enemy's machine gun position was effectively controlled by the artillery platoon of the third battalion. Sweeping wildly, under the heavy firepower like a storm, the hundreds of death squads who jumped out suffered all casualties, and once the enemy's death squads were exhausted, the tank battalion had a good chance to decide. Jiang Tiexiong and Li Yuming Where would such a good opportunity be missed, the commanding troops rushed forward, and the balance of victory in the battle gradually tilted towards the troops of the People's Liberation Army.

Ma Chengxian, the brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade, saw this scene, and his body was so angry that the general of the Qingma Army shouted with a big beard: "***, did my [-]th Brigade just lose like this?" Is it? No, transfer the reserve team to me and fight with the communist army."

Chief of Staff Ma Shangwu wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say a word, and asked the messengers behind him to call up the reserve team. Ma Shangwu meant to persuade the brigade commander Ma Chengxian. It is inappropriate to use the reserve team at an early hour. Once the reserve team is all up, what should we do if we encounter trouble?However, judging by the situation on the battlefield, I really couldn't stand it without the reserve team, so I went all out and did whatever I wanted.

But this Ma Shangwu deserves to be a guy who was a chief of staff. He really has a bit of strategy in his stomach and has a lot of twists and turns. This guy rolled his eyes and came up with an idea and said: "Brigade Commander, can you see if this works? Let's say hello to Ma Ying, the commander of the Eighth Cavalry Division, and ask the Eighth Cavalry Division to come up for reinforcements, they are only a few kilometers away from our [-]th Brigade, and they will arrive as soon as the horseshoes are happy."

Ma Chengxian thought for a while and said: "It's better not to use it for now, and we'll wait and see. We haven't finished our money yet, and there are still three regiments that haven't been used. We should be able to fight the Communist Army for a while. Let's see the situation."

Chief of Staff Ma Shangwu knew the meaning of brigade commander Ma Chengxian. Ma Chengxian, brigade commander of the [-]th Cavalry Brigade, and Ma Ying, commander of the Eighth Cavalry Division, had never dealt with each other very well. He was also a representative figure in both the main battle and the main retreat. He slapped the table and scolded people at the venue. At this time, asking him to beg Ma Ying really couldn't bear this embarrassment.

Ma Chengxian, the brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade, did indeed have money that he had not yet squandered. In addition to the regiment he had fought recklessly with the People's Liberation Army in the front, plus a regiment of the reserve team that was about to be transferred, he also had a regiment that was the last The third regiment with the most combat effectiveness has not been used. This third regiment is the most effective unit of the [-]th Brigade. The brigade commander Ma Chengxian was promoted all the way up from the head of this regiment, so this guy is very confident in his third cavalry regiment. I think that by taking advantage of Guguan's geographical advantages, I can completely compete with the People's Liberation Army.

Under the order of brigade commander Ma Chengxian, the reserve team of the [-]th Brigade moved forward from behind, but the enemy's movement was discovered by the observation post of the Artillery Battalion of the Independent Brigade. The position of the artillery observation post was chosen on the top with a very good view Or on the commanding heights, as soon as the Fourteenth Brigade made a move, Gao Xiang knew it immediately.

Gao Xiang picked up the phone and reported: "Brigade Commander, the enemy has a large group of people moving from the back mountain to the front. According to my estimation, the front may not be able to withstand it, so the reserve team has been called up. Our battalion requests the movement of the enemy. Troops strike."

Gao Xiang's information was too timely, and Li Yong immediately ordered: "Find a way to stop the enemy's reinforcements, destroy the enemy's vital forces, and start."

The Second Cavalry Regiment, the Reserve Cavalry Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army moved forward cautiously, looking around while moving. Logically speaking, the [-]th Brigade is a desperate force that dares to fight and fight. Few of the soldiers have any fear, but there is a bottom line for everything. They were killed by shells without even seeing the people of the PLA. One-third, this matter is unbearable to anyone. No matter how desperate the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade are, they are still human.

The 3000th Brigade is a large-scale force, and the 2000nd Cavalry Regiment is also a large regiment of nearly 2000 people. It lost nearly one-third of the artillery fire of the People’s Liberation Army. Now there are more than [-] people left. These [-] people received The brigade commander Ma Chengxian gave the order to move forward tremblingly, and the soldiers murmured as they walked: "What the hell, but don't let the communist army find out, or it will be too embarrassing."

Just as the soldiers were muttering and walking forward, they heard bursts of piercing screams coming from the sky, and the veterans of the Qingma Army understood it immediately, oh, the communist army went on again There was a fight, and the target was obvious, it was their Second Cavalry Regiment.

The anti-explosive bombs were mixed with anti-personnel shrapnel shells, and they exploded into a large area. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of rounds of large-caliber shells smashed towards them. Amid the deafening explosions, the unlucky Second Cavalry Regiment once again Covered by artillery fire from the Independent Brigade.

Weapons, ammunition, corpses, the way forward of the Second Cavalry Regiment was like a death march. The ground was covered with corpses blown up by shells. , the soldiers could no longer simply describe it as fear, they were almost terrified.

Run, if you don't shoot, there may not even be a whole body left. The Second Cavalry Regiment, which was frightened by the artillery fire, was in a panic, and the soldiers rushed to the hidden place they could find in the surroundings.

The head of the Second Cavalry Regiment was heartbroken when he saw this scene. If the troops were dispersed before reaching the reinforcement position, the brigade commander Ma Chengxian would have to eat himself. Thinking of this, this guy pulled his neck and shouted: " Brothers, hold on, this is the communist army blocking us with artillery fire. If you rush over, you will win. The brigade commander said that if anyone flees, he will kill his whole family after returning to Qinghai. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you must My wife and children think about it, I can't run anymore, rush, I must rush over."


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