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Chapter 476

Just when the troops of the Independent Brigade placed in the back mountain were anxious, they suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes trampling the ground from the front. The soldiers were shocked, knowing that this time it was really coming, five Battalion Commander Wang Huo shouted: "Everyone is here, ready to fight."

It didn't take long to see countless war horses rushing out from the corner of a mountain depression in front, and the knights on the horses grinned their teeth one by one, and galloped forward on the horses.

There were two or three thousand war horses, and they galloped together with astonishing momentum. The horses' hooves stomped the ground with a rumbling sound, and the flying dust was raised high and high. Those who were timid might be frightened by them, but, The Independent Brigade fought a lot with the cavalry of the Ma Family Army, and they won every time. This also made the soldiers completely ignore the enemy's arrogance. , One will make you die faster."

The distance is getting closer and closer, 500 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters, and at 200 meters, the commander Wang Huo still did not give the order to fire. The soldiers were a little surprised. It is not once or twice to fight the cavalry. Everyone knows It is necessary to fire in advance and try to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy when the horses are approaching. At that time, the commander Wang Huo still did not order the troops to shoot when the cavalry approached less than 200 meters. What is the reason?

There were quite a few soldiers who thought this way, and some of them asked: "Battle Commander, the enemy is coming up, why don't you open fire?"

Wang Huo: "Get closer and hit again, and give the enemy a hard blow."

Soldier: "Battalion Commander, didn't our Brigadier Commander say that you should attack cavalry from a distance, don't let the enemy get close, and beat them when you get in range."

Wang Huo snorted: "When did the brigade commander give this order? How many machine guns did our brigade have at that time? How many small cannons? Look at it now. With so many heavy weapons, do you still need to strike ahead? My order is to wait for the enemy to approach before attacking, and not to fire without an order."

The Fifth Battalion is in charge of frontal defense. Battalion Commander Wang Huo placed the heavy machine guns of the Fifth Battalion at the front in line with the principle of firepower configuration, with more than 20 Maxims placed in a row at intervals of ten meters. The bullet box had already been opened, the shooter held the handle tightly, and the assistant shooter was holding the ammunition chain. Everything was ready, and it was just waiting for the cavalry of the Ma family army to come up and eat peanuts.

The independent brigade has developed to the present, and its wings have grown and become stronger. As the earliest fighter in the brigade, Wang Huo fully understands the power in his hands. He, a fighter from the old Eighth Route, will never be inferior to the enemy because of the weapons in his hands. And be scruples about this and that, just like the brigade commander Li Yong said, facing the enemy is like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, and you must completely defeat the opponent.

Only fifty meters away, Wang Huo finally gave the order to fire. At the same time as the shell gun in his hand rang out, light and heavy machine guns, rifles, and submachine guns also yelled together. It was like a whirlwind suddenly blowing up on the flat ground, a steel whirlwind woven with bullets.

The galloping cavalry is like a fast-running beast being hit head-on with a stick, and this stick stupefied the third cavalry regiment, the most combative of the [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army. The windy heavy machine gun bullets punched countless holes in the front horses and soldiers, and the blood spattered from the bodies and horses was extremely bright in the sun.

The soldiers were smashed to pieces, as were the horses, and even the weapons carried by the soldiers of the third cavalry regiment were also smashed to pieces. Everything was wiped out under the terrifying firepower of the Fifth Battalion.

At the moment when the heavy machine gun fire was fired, the mortar platoon, which served as the support firepower of the frontline troops, also fired. The battalion commander Wang Huo gave them the order to cut off the advancing enemy cavalry in the middle, so that the enemy could not look at each other from head to tail. .

The distance of a few hundred meters is completely within the range of the mortar's firepower. This distance is also the time when the mortar is most likely to exert its power. The artillery platoon is aimed at the enemy's cavalry group and explodes violently. Small shells rain down from the sky. , and exploded under the horse's hoof.

The target is the enemy cavalry group directly in front, the shooting angle is 1300, the first charge, the grenade is fired instantly, four rounds are ready, ready to release.

The firing sound of tom tom was continuous, and the small-caliber mortar shells blasted a wall of fire among the galloping horses, and the inside and outside of the wall of fire could be the difference between life and death.

The storm-like attack lasted only five or six minutes. The unprepared 6rd regiment of the 700th Brigade cavalry fell at least [-] men, and the rest turned their horses and ran back.

Ma Chenglu, the head of the third regiment, was panting heavily. It was a hot day, but cold sweat rolled down his spine. This guy looked back and asked: "***, the Communist Army When a troop is placed here, isn't this intentional to kill our fourteenth brigade?"

One of his subordinates replied: "Regimental Commander, it is very likely that the ambush was set up when the signal flare was fired in the morning. The communist army's firepower is too strong. It is estimated that it will be enough to charge like us."

Ma Chenglu: "What do you think should be done?"

"Hurry up and tell the brigade commander, let the brigade commander call the Eighth Cavalry Division, and ask Master Ma Ying to send someone to rescue us. We can only rush out if we attack back and forth. Otherwise, let alone our third regiment, even the entire Fourteenth Brigade The confession is here."

Ma Chenglu's subordinate is indeed a bit smart, and it's not in vain that he keeps this guy by his side at all times. Judging from the firepower density of the Fifth Battalion, the PLA has a lot of heavy weapons, and it is very likely that they will not be able to break out of the encirclement of the PLA if they just stick to it. Only by letting the Eighth Cavalry Division come from behind the People's Liberation Army can they have a chance to break out.

A trusted officer scrambled back to the command position of the brigade commander Ma Chengxian, and stuttered to report: "Brigade-brigadier, big-big things are not good, our three regiments encountered an ambush by the communist army in the back mountain The army suffered heavy losses. Our regiment commander said that the only way to rush out is to let the commander of the Eighth Division, Ma Ying, attack the Communist army back and forth, otherwise it will be enough."

Ma Chengxian took a deep breath. Until now, he finally understood the intention of the People's Liberation Army on the other side. They didn't want to simply beat back the trump card of their Qingma Army, but wanted to eat them all at once, and wiped them all out. Well, Ma Chenglu, the head of the third regiment, is a guy who is very capable of fighting and is also his confidant. Even he said that it must be tough enough, and it must be tough enough.

Thinking of Ma Chengxian, the commander of the [-]th Brigade here, he no longer dared to be careless. He had long since lost his mood for a decisive battle with the People's Liberation Army in Guguan.

"Come here, inform Commander Ma Ying of the [-]th Cavalry Division, let them reinforce our troops, and then inform the eldest son, saying that our [-]th Brigade is surrounded by the superior communist army. It is extremely urgent to ask for reinforcements. If it is too late, our [-]th Brigade will come to you." It's over."

The matter is serious, and Ma Chengxian no longer has the arrogance of the past. While he couldn't wait to ask for help from the Eighth Cavalry Division, he also sent a telegram to the eldest son Ma Jiyuan. Putting pressure on, the Eighth Cavalry Division can't do without reinforcements.

At the headquarters of the Eighth Cavalry Division of the Qingma Army, an officer rushed in and reported to the division commander Ma Ying: "Report to the division commander, I have received two telegrams, one is from the [-]th Brigade, and the other is from the eldest son."

Ma Ying took the telegram and looked at it for a few moments, then he stayed on the table, and said to his subordinates, "It's Ma Chengxian's fault that he thought of sending a telegram to ask for help at such a short distance."

The officers of the Eighth Cavalry Division picked up the telegram and looked at each other, and one of them said: "Master, from the tone of the telegram, it can be seen that Ma Chengxian is in a hurry, how can we explain to the eldest son if our Eighth Division does not take action? "

Ma Ying: "No need to explain, pass on my order, order the [-]th Cavalry Regiment to attack the back mountain of Guguan, open a breakthrough, and take the [-]th Brigade out."

After receiving the second call for help from the elder sons Ma Jiyuan and Ma Chengxian, Ma Ying finally felt that the time had come. Only at this time can our Eighth Cavalry Division take action to see how powerful I am Ma Ying. Let's see if Ma Chengxian dares to be arrogant in front of me in the future, hmph.

Guguan Houshan, the independent brigade interspersed with the troops' positions, the third cavalry regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the Qingma Army did not blindly wait for rescue, but launched uninterrupted attacks, trying to break through the blockade of the People's Liberation Army. Skirmishing lines, expanding the distance between troops, launched wave after wave of charges against the positions of the People's Liberation Army.


After suffering a big loss, the cavalry of the Qingma Army also learned to be top-notch. Every time they attack, they charge with small groups of troops and disperse them in order to prevent them from being killed by the intensive firepower of the People's Liberation Army.

After repelling the enemy's cavalry attack five or six times in a row, the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion seemed to be very handy, and some soldiers said nonsense: "If we go on like this, what can we do to start this battle? Wait for our brigade to attack from the front. As soon as we come up, it's over, let's go down and catch the prisoners."

The reconnaissance battalion and the machine gun battalion couldn't sit still once the strange words of the soldiers of the fifth battalion came out. The interspersed troops consisted of three battalions. No matter what, the fifth battalion fought against the enemy for several rounds. Credit cannot escape, but what should we do?The machine gun battalion and the reconnaissance battalion have not fired a single shot so far. If this continues, it will be broken, and it will be too late when the meritorious service is awarded.

For this matter, Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, and Zhang Jinsong, the battalion commander of the Reconnaissance Battalion, both approached the commander Wang Huhu and said that they wanted to change positions with the Fifth Battalion. Come, let the comrades of the Fifth Battalion rest first.


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