Chapter 486 The Contradictions in the Battle of Lanzhou——

Ma Bufang, a warlord entrenched in Qinghai and Gansu, formulated a "Lanzhou Joint Defense Operation Plan" when the People's Liberation Army was suppressing the border. He wanted to unite all the military forces of the Northwest Kuomintang to encircle and wipe out the advancing Northwest Field Army under the city of Lanzhou.

Ma Bufang is quite courageous and has a big appetite. In the second half of [-]th, he still wanted to wipe out the People's Liberation Army troops in the Northwest. I have to say, this guy has always been so arrogant, but things can be as he imagined Did it develop as it did?Can Hu Zongnan, Ma Hongkui, and the troops of the Northwest Executive Office wholeheartedly serve Ma Bufang?is it possible?

Ma Bufang is very arrogant, but he is not confused. After drafting the "Lanzhou joint defense plan", he immediately sent power to the Guangzhou government of the Kuomintang, asking the central government to come forward and order Hu Zongnan and Ma Hongkui to fight together. To move you, let the national government officials who can command and move you speak. Hu Zongnan and Ma Hongkui are also senior generals of the Kuomintang anyway, and they will not take no action at critical moments.

Things really went beyond Huma Bufang's expectations. At this moment, Hu Zongnan had no desire to assist the Qingma Army at all. The People's Liberation Army has not achieved any coordination in operations, what's the matter?Now that you, Ma Bufang, are in trouble, you think of us?Fuck you, what joint defense plan, shit.

A few months ago, when the Ma's army attacked Xianyang, the Central Army following behind Ma's army watched as if they were watching a big show. Under Xianyang City, soldiers and generals were lost.

Conversely, during the Battle of Fumei when the Northwest Field Army encircled and wiped out Hu Zongnan, the Allied Forces of the Two Horses did not provide support to the Central Army in trouble, so that the main force of Hu Zongnan's Central Army was eaten by the People's Liberation Army.

The contradiction between the Kuomintang's central army and local troops did not form in a day or two, but gradually accumulated. It was not a day's cold to freeze three feet-it was too difficult to resolve in a short time. Once Lanzhou City was attacked How could Hu Zongnan, who was far away in the Qinling Mountains, save the nearby fire with distant water? What's more, Hu Zongnan's wish for the Northwest Field Army to go west-he can use this opportunity to take a breath, gather the remnants and guard the Qinling Mountains, so that he can go west when the situation is unfavorable. Retreat, what does the distant city of Lanzhou have to do with me, Hu Zongnan?In addition, the Eighteenth Corps of the People's Liberation Army was eyeing him. Even if Hu Zongnan wanted to rescue him, he was afraid of whether his troops would be able to come back once they left the Qinling Mountains. That's nothing.

Another military alliance of Ma Bufang is the Ma Hongkui Group in Ningxia. The grievances between Ma Bufang in Qinghai and Ma Hongkui in Ningxia should be mentioned above. The Northwest Military and Political Executive Office in Lanzhou, Gansu was originally intended to limit the development of the two horses, but later, due to the retreat of the Kuomintang army on the frontal battlefield, the old chief of the office, General Zhang Zhizhong, voted for the Communist Party again, so this executive office to check and balance the two horses It's just in name.

Both Ma Bufang and Ma Hongkui, who saw the opportunity, coveted the position of the military and political chief of the Northwest. After some twists and turns, they were still succeeded by Ma Bufang from Qinghai. The reason is also very simple-Qingma is stronger than Ningma.

The brooding Ma Hongkui decided to settle for the next best thing. Since he can't become the military and political chief of the Northwest, it should be no problem to become the political chairman of Gansu Province! !Who ever thought that Ma Bufang didn't even want to give him the position of the second child in Gansu-he even secretly sent a telegram to Yan Xishan, the executive director of Guangzhou, without telling Ma Hongkui, saying: "The political chairman of Gansu Province was originally planned to be the deputy chief of the office. Ma Hongkui took the position, because Ma Hongkui's deputy chief insisted on not accepting the post, so can he be concurrently held by a lowly position."

A telegram from Ma Bufang sold Ma Hongkui. Not only did Ma Bufang become the military and political chief of the Northwest, but he also imagined that he would also serve as the political chairman of Gansu Province. But Ma Hongkui is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I don’t know how he knew the telegram Ma Bufang sent to Yan Xishan. For this reason, Ma Hongkui and Ma Bufang, who were burning with anger, fell out completely. Later, because of Ma Bufang’s "Pingliang Battle Plan," Ma Hongkui He didn't trust Ma Bufang even more. The plan was obviously to push the Ningma Army to the front to fight the People's Liberation Army, and the Qingma Army to take advantage of it in the back.

Based on the above reasons, Ma Hongkui of Ningxia believes that the "Lanzhou Joint Defense Operation Plan" is only for Ma Bufang to make a wedding dress for his Ningxia Majia Army, and he has never done anything that is not beneficial Don't do it.

In Lanzhou and the Hexi Corridor area, in addition to the Qingma Army and the Ningma Army, the Kuomintang’s military establishment also includes troops from the Northwest Military and Political Executive Office, including the 91st Army, 1, 120th Army and other factions of the Kuomintang Central Army. The troops rise from the order of battle.In other words, it belongs to the Northwest Military and Political Chief Office and should be under the command of Ma Bufang, but in the hearts of the officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang Central Army, their Central Army troops have nothing to do with Ma Bufang, and no one is willing to admit that they are Ma Bufang's subordinates. If they still have a commander If not, it can only be Liu Ren, the former deputy director of the Commissioner's Office.

Just as the soldiers of the Northwest Field Army approached the city of Lanzhou, Liu Ren, the deputy director of the Commissioner's Office, and the officers of the Central Army reached a secret agreement. The content of the agreement was: Lanzhou City cannot be defended. He guarded it well, and it has nothing to do with our Central Army, and it has nothing to do with a dime.

When the Kuomintang was over, the real thinking of these Central Army officers was: Nanjing and Shanghai, where the Kuomintang is heavily stationed, can't hold it. Can Lanzhou be held?After occupying Lanzhou, the People's Liberation Army will surely go south to occupy Sichuan and conquer the fertile and vast southwest region, but will not go deep into the desolate Hexi Corridor, let alone advance into the Xinjiang region where the Gobi is thousands of miles away.

If this is the case, after the People's Liberation Army occupies the state, the war in the northwest region will come to an end. As long as you hide in the depths of the Hexi Corridor, you will still have a chance to turn around. It is possible to wait until the outbreak of the third world war and get assistance from American friends President Jiang can counterattack the mainland, and the principal's students can feel proud again. Besides, Ma Bufang has always looked down on the Central Army. What good will the growing power of the Qingma Army in the Northwest do for the Central Army? ?It's better to completely eradicate this local warlord with the power of **.

In the northwest region, if Ma Bufang, Ma Hongkui, and Hu Zongnan, the senior officers of the Kuomintang, and Liu Ren, the deputy director of the Commissioner's Office, can really form a military group similar to the Northwest Field Army, the war will not be known when. At least the time to liberate the Northwest should be postponed, but there was no room for compromise among these senior Kuomintang officers. Hu Zongnan, Ma Hongkui, and Liu Ren, the deputy director of the Chief Executive's Office, were all watching the jokes of the Qingma Army from a distance.

Ma Bufang's Green Horse Army can be said to be guarding Lanzhou alone, expecting help from others? ?It's too difficult, and it's impossible.

Within the Qingma Army, the opinions were not completely unified. The commander of the 82nd Army, Ma Jiyuan and other young officers believed that the Qingma Army mainly consisted of cavalry, and cavalry were not good at defending the city and fighting defensively. It is better to pull the troops to the Dingxi and Hexi Corridors, use the vast strategic space to detour, and fight a long-lasting guerrilla war with the People's Liberation Army. With the fierceness of the Qingma Army and the speed of the cavalry, it is still possible to win.

The other faction is the eclectic faction represented by the chief of staff of the 82nd Army, Ma Bufang’s brother-in-law Ma Wending and others. These people believe that Lanzhou City can be defended or not. The reason why the People's Liberation Army did not defend was that the city of Lanzhou was backed by the Yellow River, and it was a battle against water. Once the main city was lost, the troops in the city would have nowhere to escape. At that time, the Qingma Army would have no choice but to die. Therefore, he suggested using A small number of troops defended the key points outside Lanzhou City, using blocking and counterattacks to consume the strength of the People's Liberation Army. The main force of the Qingma Army withdrew from the city and deployed defenses on the north bank of the Yellow River. Afterwards, the Qingma army will transfer all the food, ammunition and various materials, including the food and materials from the common people's homes, to take them all away, and then abandon Lanzhou City. After passing the Japanese, it is not bad for us to use it to deal with the People's Liberation Army now. Even if Peng Dehuai can take Lanzhou, the food problem of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people and troops will put them in trouble, not to mention that the Yellow River is a natural line of defense. The Qingma army can deploy heavy troops on one side of the river, and the PLA has no ships and no bridges. It is by no means easy to break through the Ma's army's defense line.

In the end, Ma Wending also suggested that as long as the Qingma Army can hold the defense line of the Yellow River, they will be able to receive a steady stream of food and ammunition in the vast areas of Qinghai. Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists will not be able to rule the Yangtze River, and the Qingma Army and the People's Liberation Army will be able to rule the Yellow River. very likely to be.

Ma Wending is Ma Bufang's brother-in-law. This guy really has a lot of strategy in his stomach. He is worthy of being an officer who was a chief of staff. But at this time, Ma Bufang can't listen to anyone's suggestions. He ignores the suggestions of Ma Jiyuan, Ma Wending and others, and makes up his mind. Determined to defend Lanzhou to the death, fight to the death with the People's Liberation Army.

As for the delicate relationship between Hu Zongnan and Ma Bufang, Ma Hongkui, Ma Hongbin and Liu Ren, etc., Mr. Peng and the senior leaders of the Northwest Field Army can basically guess about the same, so they decided to solve the Northwest issue with both military and administrative means. policy. t

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