Chapter 488 Occupying Lanzhou's Sweet Pastry——

Chapter 488

At the high-level military meeting of the Northwest Field Army, Boss Peng named and praised the independent brigade of the Second Army. This made the other armies and the commanders of the Corps present very envious. Everyone clamored for Commander Wang Zhen of the First Corps to introduce his experience , but Commander Wang said, if you want to know the experience, you people have to show a little sincerity. Each family has ten heavy machine guns and [-] rounds of ammunition. After I get the things, I will send them to the Second Army and the Independent Brigade. , and then introduce the experience to you.

The Second Army of the First Field is the second column of the Northwest Field Army, and it is the old unit of Commander Wang Zhen, so Commander Wang sometimes inadvertently thinks of benefiting his old subordinates. This habit is very common. The senior commanders in Yiye know it very well.

The weapons and equipment of the Northwest Field Army had been greatly improved in [-], and they were no longer joked as "three guns and eight roads" as before (after firing three guns, they had to charge to fight the enemy because they had no bullets. ), but no matter how it is improved, there is a big gap with other field armies. The role of heavy machine guns in the army is quite prominent. Let alone ten, even one is a very precious thing. If the soldiers capture it in battle Owning a heavy machine gun is a great achievement.

The head of the room was so angry that Commander Wang wanted to overturn his car, and dozens of people quit in a rage. What's the matter, only your soldiers with Wang beard are treasures?Our soldiers are not Chinese cabbage, so I have to give you ten heavy machine guns to introduce your experience. Wang Huzi is a bandit warlord. He always eats more and takes more. Is he more powerful than bandits?

Commander Wang didn't take the noisy meeting place seriously. Obviously, he was used to such scenes and didn't take them seriously. It seemed that the senior leaders of the field army were often annoyed by him.

The venue was very hot, but Mr. Peng, who presided over the meeting, didn't seem to be listening, and took his own small notebook to write a few sentences and draw a few marks from time to time.

Boss Peng remained silent. The other chiefs of the field army looked at each other. Political Commissar Xi Zhongxun, Zhang Zongxun, and Deputy Commander Liu Jingfan had no choice but to smooth things over. Deputy Commander Liu, who was familiar with the Independent Brigade, said, "Beard, You have a big appetite. It is a good thing to introduce experience, but the asking price is too high. We have so many people together today, and the opportunity is rare, so I have to say something anyway. As for the benefits——I will talk about it later, first On credit."

Seeing Deputy Commander Liu Jingfan of the Field Army speak, Commander Wang pretended to cough a few times and said: "Haha, since the chief has an order, then I, Wang Huzi, have no choice but to introduce my experience to you, but the chief also said, the benefits are not No, first on credit, you have to remember to find time to cash in."

Looking at the people in the room, Commander Wang continued: "Hey, I'm a bit reluctant to talk about introducing experience, because when the independent brigade was first established, it was mainly Deputy Commander Chen from the Second Army and Zhao from the Fourth Division. The division commander started it, and it is best to let them introduce their experience. The independent brigade was originally just a special agent company of the second regiment of the fourth brigade of our second column. When it was established, there were only a few dozen people. Experience is that if you want to have a good army, you must first find the military and political leaders of the army, and then talk about other things. After the army is established, let them develop by themselves. The superiors should not participate too much, only when necessary It is enough to give support and encouragement when the time comes, as long as you can win the battle, it is reasonable."

What Commander Wang said was indeed true. In order to make the independent brigade grow rapidly, he assumed a large part of the responsibility, leaving the benefits to the troops, and leaving the responsibilities and problems to himself. At the grassroots level, how many units can capture and not turn in prisoners like the Independent Brigade? Without the support of Commander Wang, the Independent Brigade would never have made it to where it is today. Without the support of Commander Wang, as the leader of the brigade, Li Yong did not dare to develop troops without scruples.

Most of the senior heads of the field who came to the meeting had visited the Independent Brigade, and they were deeply impressed by the brigade commander Li Yong and the political commissar Wang Chengde, especially the brigade commander Li Yong, who made people look at each other with admiration. Someone said at the time , Wang Beard has a good soldier.

Commander Wang's words made everyone nod frequently. The truth is true. As long as you can win the battle, it is the last word. Everything else is false. But it is not so easy to find a good commander for the army. This is what it means.

Commander Yang Dezhi of the [-]th Corps, who hadn't participated much in the discussion, couldn't help but said at this time: "Commander Wang Beard, I know you have a good soldier and have seen the military appearance of the Independent Brigade, but you can't always Holding it in your arms, we will report at the critical moment, and ask Boss Peng to let us use this independent brigade, and then you must not feel bad."

The joyful Commander Wang laughed loudly: "Commander Yang, the troops belong to our army and our party, not to Wang Huzi himself. As long as there is a need, we are always at our disposal, not to mention the Independent Brigade, even if it is my Wang Huzi himself. , as long as the superior thinks it is appropriate, you can take it at will, I have no complaints."

Commander Wang Zhen has a bad temper and is somewhat domineering in his behavior, but his loyalty to the People's Army can be learned from day to day.

At the end of the meeting, Boss Peng patted the table and said, "Okay, the meeting will end here. Everyone, make preparations as soon as you go back. As long as we can deal with the enemies in the Northwest one day earlier, Grandma, Commander-in-Chief Zhu and Vice-Chairman Zhou will be able to Focus more on the big things of how to build a new China."

Boss Peng's few words before the end pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The meeting was held by senior commanders of the field army. In the second half of [-], some major events such as the founding of the country and the establishment of the capital were imminent. I heard some news more or less, but it was the first time that Mr. Peng said it.

I joined the army when I was a teenager and fought non-stop for more than 20 years. I finally heard this exciting news. It is impossible not to be excited. The commanders who are usually very calm are also like children at this moment. Boss Peng waved his hand and said, "The news hasn't been officially released yet, so you just need to know, Wang Huzi, you slow down, where is your independent brigade, the headquarters may use it in the future." Come on, you must not let go."

At this moment, the independent brigade that Boss Peng and the leaders were talking about was attacking the Wushan area according to the order of Commander Wang of the First Corps.

Because of the independent brigade's strong penetration and maneuverability, Commander Wang ordered the independent brigade to open the way ahead as the sharp knife unit of the whole corps, clearing all obstacles for the large troops.

The iron stream was rolling, the smoke and dust covered the sun, and the powerful armored and mechanized troops started a long marching sequence and marched rapidly towards the Lanzhou area. With a high fighting spirit, the brigade commander Li Yong ordered the vanguard troops to speed up the march and wipe out all resistance when encountering resistance.

Under the leadership of battalion commander Jiang Tiexiong and instructor Li Yuming, the tank battalion of the leading unit of the independent brigade opened a distance from the main force of the brigade and marched forward rumblingly. The driver in the car kept urging the driver to speed up. Li Yuming was so beautiful in his heart that he almost hummed. Looking at this posture, this is called the main force. It is really incomparable with the spy company with only a few dozen people. Is it invincible, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger?

It's the hottest season of the year, and the tank of the Man of Steel is like a steamer. Coupled with the heat of the engine, the soldiers are all sweating. The water in their stomachs seems to turn into sweat immediately. Having never had a good time, the soldier in the same car with Li Yuming couldn't help asking: "Instructor, are you so happy?"

Li Yuming snorted a few times: "You boys lack strategic vision. Our brigade is not only the vanguard of our army but also the whole corps, and our tank battalion is the sharp knife unit of the whole brigade. This shows that our battalion is As the vanguard of the whole corps, we are leading the way. Think about it, our battalion is the vanguard of the whole corps. How can I be unhappy before such a great honor? Go forward, warriors, history will remember us.”

This kid Li Yuming served Li Yong as the company commander of the guard for a long time, and he also learned some dirty words, but these words were still very lethal to the simple-minded soldiers at that time. With the encouragement of the trainees, the stuffy tank seemed to be less uncomfortable.

Li Yong, the brigade commander, felt much better in his jeep than Li Yuming and the soldiers in the tank. The open jeep was cool and breezy, and there was a beautiful guard company commander Li Jia beside him. , It's really a bit like traveling in the mountains and rivers, but at this time, Li Yong's heart is similar to the scorching sun, filled with pieces of fiery heat.

In the entire Northwest War Zone, Hu Zongnan was watched by the Eighteenth Corps in the depths of the Qinling Mountains. The Ma Family Army from Ningxia ran back to Yinchuan, and the Ma Family Army from Qinghai ran to Lanzhou. The posture of running at any time, under this general trend, the independent brigade currently attacking the Wushan area has no opponent at all, and there is still a corps following behind, the independent brigade advancing like a hurricane is an invincible existence up.

No scruples, no opponents, this feeling put Lida Brigadier in a good mood, for this reason, Li Yong would occasionally ask Li Jia beside him to tease him.

Li Jia, who was sitting in the same car with Li Yong, couldn't tell what mood he was in. This bad guy likes to make fun of himself recently. It would be bad if Hu Xiaolian found out.


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